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Ghosts of Painting Past
Ghosts of Painting Past
Sybil Johnson | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Uncovering the Past at Christmas
The house across the street from Rory is being torn down, so she is trying to drown out the sound of construction vehicles with Christmas carols when the sound suddenly stops. The crew has found bones buried under a building in the backyard. It isn’t long before the police have been able to identify the bones, but their identity puts Rory’s father in the role of suspect. Rory tries to help out with a variety of holiday events planned in the community, including finishing up her own ornaments to sell at the craft fair despite what is happening in town, but when a new body turns up, the stakes are raised. Can she figure out what happened in the past and how that is impacting the present?

Mysteries that involve the past can be great when there is a compelling reason for the characters to care about it today. That’s definitely the case here. Rory has a couple of reasons to make sure this case is wrapped up in time for Christmas, and she gets plenty of clues and red herrings to keep her guessing. The pace is fast, and the climax answers all our questions. The series’ tone is a bit darker overall, and that’s the case here again as well, but we do have some Christmas fun to help lighten the mood. I really enjoyed the fact that this book is set in Southern California, so, while we get plenty of holiday spirit, we do it without snow. I could relate. The main characters continue to grow, and the new characters are just as strong. With Christmas fast approaching, now is the perfect time to pick up this book.
Never Saw You Coming
Never Saw You Coming
Hayley Doyle | 2020 | Contemporary
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
slow beginning (0 more)
So Zara, who's a bit of a go getter, flies halfway across the world from Dubai to London (and then buys a third/fourth hand car so she can drive to Liverpool!) all so she can meet the guy she's been chatting with for months believing he could be "the one". But things don't turn out so well.
Then there's Jim, he's working a dead end job and can't seem to catch a break. Until he wins a car via a radio station giveaway and it changes his life.

The first half of this book was probably only 2 stars for me. It was rather slow and a bit of an info dump of flashbacks and now as we got to know our characters and figure out where their heads were at. I kept putting it down and doing other things because it just wasn't grabbing my attention that much.
The second half got a little more exciting as Jim and Zara travelled the country together, getting to know each other as they spent hours in vehicles. I was willing them on, both to get where they were going and at one point - to possibly get together. It was still a little slow going, though.

I did like Jim's cast of friends. They were resourceful and quite a good laugh.

I like how this is set in the UK. Most of the books I usually read tend to be set in the USA so this was a nice change. The way it was written was exactly how some of us talk here. It was a nice change.

I do like a good bit of chick-lit but I prefer them more along the lines of Paige Toon and Jo Watson where the characters are more obviously into each other and the romance blossoms quickly but this is still a good read if you really like the genre.
Till Death (2021)
Till Death (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Till Death is a pretty middle-of-the-road thriller that somehow manages to both benefit and suffer from its no-nonsense approach to, well everything really. On the one hand, it's premise is an enticing one - after finding out about her affair, Emma's (Megan Fox) husband leads her out to a remote cabin under the false pretense of an anniversary getaway, handcuffs the two of them together by the wrists, and proceeds to shoot himself, leaving her attached to his dead body and fighting for her life when two hitmen come by to finish the job. This setup leads to a decent amount of tension, it's snowy setting exacerbating her survival conditions.
There aren't really any twists or turns to be had, and everything plays out fairly predictably, and quite honestly, it wouldn't work as well without the cast attached to it. Megan Fox has proved with vehicles such as Jennifer's Body that she is more than capable to lead a horror flick with style, and Till Death cements that fact. Her character is pretty badass, and Fox gives us a protagonist that's worth rooting for. On the flip side, the two hitmen-brother actors are great as well. Callan Mulvey in particular cuts an imposing figure as the movies main villain.
The narrative flirts with deeper context here and there but sadly never pulls the trigger. Mulvey's character is a person from Emma's past, having mugged her some years ago. The plot clearly spells out that there was motive behind this, but never explores this aspect, leaving a frustrating and unexplained story thread. The relationship between the brothers is interesting also, and at one point threatens to present a dilemma in who to side with, but again, it never actually goes there, and as such, reeks of a wasted opportunity for a far more interesting story than the one presented.

For what it is though, Till Death is a competent and entertaining enough thriller/horror to add to a spooky season watchlist
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
I have only ever read one other adult book ( I don't count Coraline) by Gaiman, which was vastly different from this book in both style and mood - Stardust. A friend recommended I read this book many years ago since I like mythology. I found this book really had not much to do with mythology in the classic sense. Instead the characters that were pulled from mythology, such as Odin, Anansi, Horus, Bast, and Ganesha, among others, behaved like has-been D-list celebrities that struggle to survive in a country that is repeatedly described as "...a bad land for gods." The powers they rarely put on display were minimal and amounted to the same kind of "magic" as a skilled pick-pocket, con-artist, or amateur magician. The few times any real power is observed is once during the sexual scene of a re-invented Queen of Sheba (I'll spare you the R-rated details) and when the gods travel "behind the scenes," a state of existence that only the gods can enter.
While the names of classical mythology fit into the category of the Old Gods, there are New Gods that have taken root in America, born from cultural obsessions that have evolved and devolved over the years, such as railroads - a man dressed as a railroad conductor, television - a voice talking through Lucille Ball on a rerun of I Love Lucy, vehicles - stocky men that seemed to resemble vehicles themselves, and internet - a short, nerdy, nervous kid, among other American fixations and stereotypes.
In addition, one of the scenic devices used throughout the plot is what Gaiman's characters describe as places of power - side-of-the-road dives that road-trippers visit for no apparent reason, such as a place boasting the largest doll collection in America or the biggest wheel of cheese. And no, Disneyworld is not one of them.
One of the things I found interesting about this Gaiman-born world is that the Old Gods only exist in the New World when regular people travel from other countries and bring their memories and practices with them, even when they don't intend to stay themselves. The gods are "born" from these average people, and even though they can be killed by others, they don't die otherwise, but instead alternately starve or thrive based on the behavior of the people who live and die in the New World. They all have counterpart manifestations of themselves in the countries they are pulled from, but one's existence does not affect the other - though they do seem to be aware of each other.
All of this is merely the background of the main plot, which centers around the activities and travels of a seemingly mortal man with a single name, Shadow. I never did "get" the one-name thing, but whatever. Through Shadow's narration, the reader learns of an impending storm - a battle between the Old Gods and New Gods, the former fighting for survival and the latter fighting for dominance. Shadow works for a mysterious "Mr. Wednesday" and is randomly haunted by his dead wife, Laura, but otherwise seems to have little drive of his own for most of the book. In fitting irony, he has his own brand of "magic" - an obsession for coin tricks to pass the time from his days spent in prison - which I could never really follow the descriptions of.
To be completely honest, I truly did enjoy this book, though I am struggling to say exactly why. Perhaps I was fascinated by the "shadowy" way that Gaiman told the story, or how he developed this over-the-hill world of gods and goddesses that better resembled America's middle and poor classes' struggles for survival, money, and influence. Some of the personal touches that Shadow's character added to the plot made him at times surprisingly endearing. In addition, the way that Shadow seemed to address the reader at the very end of the book was so satisfying that I laughed out loud and had to read it again several times. Something about that just brought the book to life for me and help me to fully appreciate the versatile style of Gaiman. This is one of those books you don't have to fully understand to fully appreciate.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
2020 | Fighting, Shooter
Treyarch returns to Call of Duty with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and updates the franchise while staying true to what has made it such a massive success.
Unlike Black Ops IIII, Cold War features a campaign and it is one that offers players side missions, alternate in-mission objectives, dialogue options, and differing endings.
Set in the 80s but jumping in time to Vietnam and other timeline events; the player is cast as an operative named Bell. Players have the option to customize their character in terms of name, gender, backstory and such but it does not play much into the game as “Bell” is what players are known by.

From Eastern Europe, to Vietnam, Cuba, and other locales, the game includes 80s technology and music as players must stop a Soviet General named Perseus from unleashing a Nuclear onslaught.

As fans of the series can guess; players will undertake various missions using combat, stealth, infiltration, elimination, recovery, and more to save the day. There are all sorts of weapons for players to select from ranging from Western to Eastern and allows players to experience a variety of options from sniping, run and gun, and even a Bow.
Vehicles also play a part of the game but they are more heavily featured in the multiplayer portion of the game.

The game does offer variations on the ending based on a player’s choice of completing side missions and choices they make along the way and the game also offers players the chance to grab enemies and use them as a shield in taking on enemy fire. This is one option I would love to see appear in multiplay.

The graphics are solid and some of the landscapes from jungle to frozen tundra really stand out as I was playing on an EVGA 2700 GTX card. The game was also considerably more stable than Modern Warfare was at launch as I did not encounter any issues with my gameplay.

At first I thought the campaign was short but I later realized I had become so engrossed in it that I mistakenly thought so. The levels do offer some real treats which I would love to discuss but do not want to spoil.

Multiplay is the bread and butter of the series as it is what drives the popularity of the series along as players will spend countless hours leveling up, customizing, and playing the various maps and modes as new content arrives until the release of the next game in the series.

Some have complained that the maps are a bit sparse and uninspired but I have enjoyed my time in the multiplayer and enjoy the fact that I can now select only the modes I wish to play for Quickplay to avoid being placed in a mode I do not wish to play.

The Co-Op Mode I enjoyed so much in Modern Warfare is gone this time around in favor of a Zombie mode and while it does not shake things up much from the prior Zombie offerings; it does offer plenty of entertainment and I look forward to seeing more content in the future.

There is an Assault mode where players can use vehicles ranging from Tanks, Snowmobiles, Jet Skis, Gun Boats and more which adds to the fun as ramming your ride into a landing area which an explosive attached is great fun.

The only issue I had with the game was with Warzone as attempting to launch it took me to desktop and out of the game so hopefully this will be smoothed out soon as new updates are already out for the game and next week will see the return of the popular Nuketown map which now is updated to 1984.

In the end Black Ops Cold War does not reinvent the franchise but rather gives players more of what they have come to expect with a few new wrinkles to the mix.

4 stars out of 5
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Add this book to the short list of must-reads for every True Geek, right alongside [b:Snow Crash|830|Snow Crash|Neal Stephenson||493634]. It's a gleeful homage to geekdom and pop culture.

Wade explains to the reader that he was born after humanity wore the world out and escaped to OASIS, a massive simulation that has replaced the internet and all other forms of entertainment. Nobody seems to spend time in reality any more, because it sucks. There are multiple wars going on over the few energy sources that are left. Poverty, hunger, and homelessness are rampant everywhere.

Most people who are fortunate enough to live indoors at all are like Wade, who lives with his aunt and her latest boyfriend in a three-bedroom doublewide trailer shared with 17 people. The trailer is at least near the top of a stack, which is just what it sounds like: a stack of trailers 10 or so high, so many across and wide, so that 500 or more trailers are held together with rusted scaffolding, chains, and whatever other reinforcements people have added over the years. Stack collapses are common.

Wade spends most of his time in his hideout, the back of an old van that's parked in a junkyard and crammed in a stack of vehicles. That's where he keeps his computer and other equipment, so he can attend school (in OASIS, of course) and spend time research The Contest, which is the center of his life.

The creater of OASIS, James Halliday, created The Contest in his will. Whoever wins it will inherit Halliday's vast fortune and control of OASIS. At the opening of the novel, it has been five years since Halliday died and contestants are ridiculed in everyday society as obsessive losers.

Wade's quest through The Contest and his fight to simply survive is far more interesting than I thought it would be. I'll also admit to being entertained by the 80s trivia that pops up throughout the book (integral to The Contest). I'm biased, as I was a teen during those years.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book. It's one of the very few that I'll be saving to re-read in the future.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled in Video Games

Jul 9, 2019  
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
2019 | Racing
Rev Your Engines
Rev up your engines as your favorite gaming Marsupial is back with Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled. The game is a remastered version of a prior release and like the amazing N Sane Trilogy; gives a new life to the game by taking advantage of the better graphics and framerates offered by the new systems.

Playing in a campaign or online mode, players can pick which character they wish to use and unlike the previous release; are not locked into completing a series with that character as they can change up as they wish.

Players must win a track in order to move on to the next track which is accessed by driving a portal located on an island which also serves as a practice area and a way to access Boss Races and other areas when key objectives have been reached.

The tracks are very detailed and great fun. From an intense sewer track to some exotic locales and temples; there are plenty of locales for everyone to enjoy.

If you have played a racing game before you will soon get the hang of the controls and mechanics of the game. Of course there are plenty of traps and obstacles for players to deal with and there are power ups with weapons and other enhancements to give player an edge which will be needed as the competition is intense; even on the lower difficulty settings.
There are also crates of fruit which can be collected and will allow players to customize their vehicles beyond cosmetic changes which will be needed as player’s progress.
The multiplayer aspects of the game were great as it was very easy to connect and play and aside from some loading screen waits, the game moves fast and looks and sounds amazing.

If you are a fan of Crash Bandicoot and love a good racing game then this is simply a must own as it is not only fun to play; but is one of the most entertaining and enjoyable games in
the genre.
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Over the top hyperbole is nothing new for the “Fast and the Furious:” franchises as ever since the series shifted gears from Street Racing to action series with the fourth film; the stunts keep getting larger and more outrageous with each offering.

With the 9th film in the series currently filming; the first Spin-Off film “Hobbs and Shaw” has arrived and combines Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson), with his rival Shaw (Jason Statham) as they are reluctantly forced to work with one another to stop a deadly viral agent from being unleashed on the world.

The fact that an enhanced individual with a score to settle named Brixton (Idris Elba) is intent on stopping them no matter what leads is pretty much all the plot viewers are going to get as it provides the reason for the cast to race and punch through London and other locales along the way.

The film has some glaring plot holes which are so large you could drive any of the tricked out vehicles the film features through and one in particular seems to over complicate the narrative when it is clear that a certain character that has been monitoring them all along knows the truth and can easily clear things up.

The two stars work well with one another but are not really given much to do other than glare and chest thump with each other early on but as the film goes on they are allowed to display a bit more comedy which does help the film along with a two-hour run time.
The film does have tons of over the top stunts many of which strain plausibility even by action film standards but you know what you are getting into when you sign on and if you are coming to a Fast and Furious film expecting realism than you obviously have not seen any of the prior films in the series.

That being said the finale is absurd and clearly pandering to Dwayne Johnson but it was nice to see some new wrinkles to his character and some diversity to the series added in.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Emma in Books

May 28, 2017  
Alexander McCall Smith | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The original is better
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Six bestselling authors have taken on the task of writing modern retellings of the complete works of Jane Austen. Alexander McCall Smith has successfully taken on the challenge of bringing Emma into the 21st century. Although the settings and characters remain the same the contemporary clothing, vehicles and ideas are something that the reader can relate to.

As fans of Jane Austen will already know, Emma is about rich, single Emma Woodhouse who, despite the disapproval of her good friend George Knightley, enjoys interfering in the lives of others, particularly where romance is concerned. Her meddling backfires when her plan to match her friend Harriet Smith with the boring Philip Elton has disastrous consequences.

Alexander McCall Smith’s version of Emma has more focus on the life of Mr. Woodhouse, Emma’s father, than the original did. He gives an account of Henry Woodhouse’s history and over emphasizes his anxieties about health and safety. Mr. Woodhouse’s concerns are constantly cropping up throughout the novel adding a little humour to the story.

One concern about this modern adaptation is that the writing style was overly formal. If it were not for the references to the current clothing fashions, motorcars and women attending university, the book could have been set during Jane Austen’s lifetime. Take, for example, the character Anne Taylor. Mr. Woodhouse hires Miss Taylor as a governess for his motherless daughters. Miss Taylor’s approach to the girls and her prim and proper use of language made her seem antiquated. She would not have looked out of place amongst other well-known governesses or nannies such as Mary Poppins or Nurse Matilda.

Occasionally it felt that Alexander McCall Smith was mocking the modern world, for example the activities of the younger generation or the way people speak. Whilst this may appeal to older readers who may disapprove of the recent developments and changes in the Western world; it alienates the teenagers and young adults who have grown up with modern technology.

There is no doubt that Alexander McCall Smith has done an excellent job at retelling such a famous novel, however to be a complete modern retelling I think everything needs to be brought into the 21st century. This would include all the characters and the style of language it is written in.
The latest DLC for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands has released and Fallen Ghosts gives a challenging and satisfying conclusion to the saga. The manufacturers have promised more content in the form of game modes and enhancements, so if this is it, then it ends on a high note.

Unlike the previous Narco Road DLC, Fallen Ghosts is a sequel to the main story of the game and does require players to create a new character in which to play. It is a shame that you cannot port over the character you used for the game but it is a minor annoyance as I was soon able to have my character ready to go.

The story follows the Ghosts as they are shot down in the jungle and surrounded by a new squad of elite exterminators called” Los Extranjeros” (The Foreigners). Their mission is to take down any American agents in the country and backed by Unidad, they have state of the art vehicles, weapons, and equipment which include cloaking and heavily armored suits.

Gameplay is the same as before as teams of up to four must complete missions, side quests, and other objectives as they gain intel, attack, extract, interrogate, and survive a relentless assault as they are the hunted this time around and have very few safe areas.

The game does feature new map areas and players will again have cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, planes, and helicopters to travel the detailed landscape complete with day and night cycles and weather patterns.

The challenge is greater than ever as seasoned gamers who joined me in the missions commented how much harder some missions were compared to the last game, especially the final assault. Completion of the game gave me a real sense of accomplishment and closure to the story as if this is indeed the end, and then this chapter ends on a high note indeed.

The graphics and sound of the game are solid and match the prior releases so players who played and enjoyed the previous segments will enjoy this.

Fallen Ghosts is available as part of the Season Pass or stand alone and does require the full version of the game to play.