Ruskin's Artists: Studies in the Victorian Visual Economy
This was first published in 2000: A study of John Ruskin's engagement with art and architecture as a...

True Ladies and Proper Gentlemen: Victorian Etiquette for Modern-Day Mothers and Fathers, Husbands and Wives, Boys and Girls, Teachers and Students, and More
Regardless of time period, some things hold true: kindness is timeless. Invasion of privacy;...

The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture 1830-1980
A vital counter-interpretation of madness in women, showing how it is often a consequence of, rather...
Gender studies Hysteria Victorian studies English Literature Madness Feminisim

Victorian Photography, Literature and the Invention of Modern Memory: Already the Past
Invented during a period of anxiety about the ability of human memory to cope with the demands of...

Reaping Something New: African American Transformations of Victorian Literature
Tackling fraught but fascinating issues of cultural borrowing and appropriation, this groundbreaking...

Law, Crime and Deviance Since 1700: Micro-Studies in the History of Crime
Law, Crime and Deviance since 1700 explores the potential for the 'micro-study' approach to the...

Shakespeare's Women and the Fin de Siecle
Shakespeare's Women and the Fin de Siecle illuminates the most iconoclastic performances of...
Marriage and the Nineteenth-Century British Women's Novel
Carolyn Lambert, Marion Shaw and Frances Twinn
This interdisciplinary volume explores the fictional portrayal of marriage by women novelists...

Canadian Girl in South Africa: A Teacher's Experiences in the South African War, 1899-1902
Maud E. Graham, Michael Dawson, Catherine Gidney and Susanne M. Klausen
As the South African War reached its grueling end in 1902, colonial interests at the highest levels...

Childhood and Cinema
Since its inception the world of cinema has embraced the image of the child and both extended and...