(0 KP)
Stay at Home Mom
Stay at Home Mom of 2 young boys. I enjoy reading when I can find time and as long as technology...

Boom – Big Red Barrel
Big Red Barrel Boom combines cutting edge humor and uninformed video games commentary into a...

The D6 Generation - Dice Are Our Vice
Topical, controversial, and (hopefully) entertaining conversation about miniature war games, board...

Sarah (7799 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Feedback
Aug 13, 2018

The Unintentional Wish (42 KP) created a post in Wishing Well
Dec 26, 2019

LGBTQ+ Media
18 members Orb Watch
A place to discuss LGBTQ+ representation in movies, books, and video games! (Or whatever else...

Dakota Morrill
(17 KP)
Actor trivia winner, Indie-movie buff
My favorite movies are Hugo, Lady Bird, We’re The Miller’s, Tron: Legacy, How I Live Now, and...
Last Active: Aug 14, 2018
Sarah (7799 KP) Sep 5, 2018
Bird (1704 KP) Sep 5, 2018