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    Swamp Water (37 KP)

    Gaming YouTuber, film fanatic, board game fan

    I have a small YouTube channel dedicated to video games. I look at games both retro, and new. I do...

    Last Active: Feb 24, 2023
DOA: Dead or Alive (2007)
DOA: Dead or Alive (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good video game adaption
Probably the best game to film adaptation so far. Really keeps the feel of the game with flashy graphic scenes just like playing the game. The charaters are true to the game and the fights very impressive. Complete with the sexy female charaters and it couldn't be any more like the game.
Hardcore Henry (2016)
Hardcore Henry (2016)
2016 | Action
idea (0 more)
movie itself (0 more)
Deffinitly a first showing the movie like a first shooter in a video game but MEH
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Romance
Firstly, this soundtrack was amazing. I loved Edgar Wright's directing style, and I loved all the video game imagery.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 19, 2018

I remember listening to the soundtrack for weeks on end after this came out!


Erika (17789 KP) Jan 20, 2018

Beck was the one who wrote the songs for his band, which I love.

The Fifth Element (1997)
The Fifth Element (1997)
1997 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Loved it! It also reminded me there's a video game with the flying cars, that I have forgotten about. (0 more)

Apple (0 KP) rated Gloomhaven in Tabletop Games

Dec 21, 2018  
2017 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
So much content (0 more)
Pretty expensive (0 more)
It's like an old video game that comes with the dlcs that you unlock.