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Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
A "Game" Cast makes this fun film as good as the last one
Did you enjoy the previous JUMANJI film where Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan were video game avatars of 4 teens sucked into a video game? It was alot of fun, an unexpected big hit and, inevitably, spun a sequel.

Well...if you liked the last one, then you'll like this one, for JUMANJI: THE NEXT LEVEL pretty much delivers the same type of fun film, but avoids the cliches and lack of energy that a "quickie" sequel inevitably delivers.

Credit for this should go to returning Director Jake Kasdan and a "game" cast that are ALL back from the previous film. While the plot is fairly similar (4 teens are sucked into a real-life video game where they can be trapped forever if they cannot "win" the game), the twist of adding 2 old folks (played in the real world by Danny Glover and Danny DeVito) almost derails the fun, but this winning cast and passably exciting action sequences steers this film into an enjoyable entertainment activity.

I am a big Kevin Hart fan - and he does a great job of channeling Danny Glover in his character. He really brought the charm - and the funny - from the get go. He is ably assisted by Karen Gillan, who doesn't really have anything new to do, but brings the same "kick-butt action with a wink in the eye" characterization and energy as the first film. The surprise for me was Jack Black who I thought was very, very funny and energized. If anything, I thought his characterization was BETTER than the previous film. Only "The Rock" fails to equal his previous efforts - and he is just fine (he is "The Rock" after all). When you are talking about a team of actors playing against each other in an action/comedy and "The Rock" is the weak link, then you are in good shape.

A fine addition to the proceedings is the always watchable Awkwafina as another character in the game while Nick Jonas returns as the avatar Alex and Rory McCann (the Hound in GAME OF THRONES) is very fun as the "big bad" in this film.

The action scenes are fun, the characters are enjoyable to spend 2 hours with and the puzzle that they are trying to solve is clever (enough) that you will be able to pass a few enjoyable hours with your family this Holiday season.

Letter Grade: B+

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Up (2009)
Up (2009)
2009 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Animation, part of the plot (0 more)
Not Doug, that’s for sure. He’s a good boy. But suspension of disbelief had to be higher than a kite (0 more)
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O.M.G. The beginning of this film will make you cry. The whole film runs a little long, there are too many dog gags and my patience with the small mailman was paper thin. Definitely worth watching for the beginning and the end though. The animation was spectacular. The video game for this is impossible, at least for me. Not my favorite Disney film but, heh heh, it’s up there.
Mad Max (1979)
Mad Max (1979)
1979 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Mel Gibson (0 more)
I like the mad Max movies alot especially the first two movies Mel Gibson is amazing as max the role that made him a star hard to believe this film is 40 years old and it's a still a good movie hard to believe there's been 4 movies and a video game which I started playing on the playstation 4 the second is my favourite get to that one next
We're all going to the world's fair (2021)
2021 | Drama, Horror
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
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We're all going to the world's fair is an interesting film. The story focuses on Cassey, a girl who decides to take the 'World fair' change, an online/live action horror game. Before taking the challenge the player is warned that game will change them. The player then says "I want to go to the world fair" 3 times, pricks their finger to draw blood then watch a short video. They then film how they are changed.
'World's fair' is mostly shot as YouTube videos and Snapchats, most of which are from Cassey's perspective, other 'World's fair' players or the other main character, JBL.
With only two major characters the film is a slow burn, following the effect the game has on Cassey and the help that JBL tries to give her.
The film ends in a certain ambiguity, both with just how serious Cassey is taking the game and with what JBL's intentions really are and I do think that the film may have been better without the final scene as (I feel) it takes away a bit of the final mystery.
'We're all going to the world's fair' is more creepy than scary and doesn't really have any gore or jump scares relying on a more creeping, psychological form of horror as we watch Cassey's deterioration.
'We're all going to the world's fair' is an interesting film that plays on the the phenomenon of creepy pasta and role-play but doesn't offer anything for gore, slasher, body horror fans.
Hitman (2007)
Hitman (2007)
2007 | Action, Mystery
6.5 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I actually like this movie.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Even though hitman is a movie based off of a video game. I liked this movie. I thought timothy olyphant was a great choice for hitman.

The plot: Raised from childhood by the mysterious Diana organisation, Agent 47 is the perfect killer, but when he is dispatched to kill the Russian president, 47 discovers that his employers have betrayed him. Taking prostitute and possible witness Nika with him, the enigmatic assassin flees from both Interpol and the Russian secret service as he fights to uncover the root of the conspiracy.

To me hitman is a good movie, even though its a movie based off of a video game.

Its still a good movie unlike the 2015 film.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Welcome back to Jumanji
How dare they make a sequel/remake/reboot of Jumanji? I mean that film was a classic. Admittedly a very average classic that doesn’t really live up to your childhood memory of it, but still. And, yeah, Zathura was a kind of remake given it was adapted from a book by the same writer and explored the same themes, but nobody watched that, so how dare they do a new Jumanji film? I mean it’s only 22 years since the original came out!

Do you find yourself agreeing with any of that little rant? If you do, then I have a few things to say. First, accept that for thousands of years similar tales have been retold to new generations to keep the spirit of a story alive. Second, why not actually wait to see what the new film has to offer before casting judgement as Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle actually serves well as a sequel to the first film, whilst doing something new with the idea.

Starting in the mid-90s, and the board game is unearthed on a beach. Given to a teenage kid by his father, the kid isn’t impressed as ‘nobody plays board games these days’, and he gets back to playing on his console. Overnight, reacting to the changes in gaming culture the box works some magic, and the next day the game has morphed to a video game format, to entice a new generation. Jump forward to present day and a group of unlikely teenagers are cast together in detention when they happen upon the abandoned game console. Taking a break from their junk-room sorting, they fire up the game and find themselves pulled into the game -world, each taking on the avatar of the character template they chose on load up. Presented with a quest in true video-game fashion, they set off to find a way to escape, whilst learning something about themselves in the process.

By transitioning to a video-game setting, the story allows for a great deal of fun to be had poking at the contrivances and conventions of the format, especially for games of the era in which the game was inspired. The characters all have strengths and weaknesses, the spawning of lives by dropping from the sky is so reminiscent of many a side-scrolling platform shooter of yesteryear. Even the behaviour of the NPC – I mean support cast – is perfectly drawn upon the mannerisms that game characters act, being there to spout random exposition to move you on your quest. As for the quests – yep, they are pointlessly complicated, filled with traps and red herrings.

But such pokes at video game culture would be wasted if the casting was wrong, but in the four main stars they have cast the perfect personae for each archetype. The heroic, strong and smouldering hero, who is being played by a soft heated geek – The Rock of course. You want a ‘Lara Croft’ style action heroine, albeit played by a socially awkward teen girl – enter Karen Gillan. Weak sidekick who is only there to carry equipment, but being played by a high school jock who thinks he can do anything – Kevin Hart is your man. Round that off with a studious professor type, being played by a female – that kind of comic role works well for Jack Black. Each of the stars cast has a lot of fun playing with there archetypes, and the film does them all justice to allow them to each have their moments to shine. Gillan, in particular, does a great job at looking entirely awkward yet confident at the same time, and her nerdy seduction scene showcases a comic timing ability equal to her action talents showcased in the GotG films.

The action is thrilling, the humour well placed, and the direction solid enough to bring this video game movie to life. In fact, this is one of the best video game movies to date, even though it isn’t even adapted from a real video game. A few nods to the original Jumanji are present, but without awkwardly placed. The end result is a fun family adventure with some great action set pieces and a wry humour, much like the original was. Don’t let nostalgia for the original put you off exploring the world of Jumanji once more.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
I was pleasantly surprised at how good this movie became. Based on the trailer that was released with much fanfare and lackluster reception, I didn't have high expectations.

Jim Carrey is brilliant in his role as Dr. Robotnik. The other acting in the film is plenty good enough to ensure that Carrey didn't have to carry everything on his back. The story was actually surprisingly solid given the video game nature. Although Sonic did come equipped with quite a backstory to lend to film adaptation.

I saw this film in the theatre, and then I saw it again more than once after it was released digitally, with my children. Would recommend you definitely give it a go if you are on the fence,