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Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Ride to Hell: Retribution in Video Games

Feb 27, 2020  
Ride to Hell: Retribution
Ride to Hell: Retribution
The idea & character designs (0 more)
Absolutely everything else (0 more)
Ride to Hell..and stay there!
Ride to hell retribution was obviously designed to cash in on the success of popular tv show Sons of Anarchy, which it fails to and if you haven't had the unfortunate time wasting so called have no idea how lucky you are.

announced in 2008 and cancelled later the same year was just the beginning.

Ride to Hell has been donned one of the worst video games ever, broken and repetitive gameplay, terrible controls, outdated graphics, poor voice acting, poor A.I, the most awkward sex scenes, seriously offensive portrayal of women, almost constant bugs and glitches, and dropped original plan for it to be an open world.

 Vietnam veteran Jake Conway returns home to his family of bikers, uncle Mack and brother Mikey. Mikey has grown distant from his brother and uncle, but is infatuated with his college friend and tutor, Ellie, who likes bands.
Mikey leaves angered when Mack refuses to allow him to go to a concert with Ellie.

Mack sends Jake after him
after consoling, they go to a diner.
Outside they're confronted by The Devil's Hand bike gang.
Jake intervenes as Devil's Hand member notices Mikey's jacket causing a chase.
The Devil's Hand hold the brothers at gunpoint over their fathers rival gang jacket. Mikey spills
Meathook (yep...bad guy name) slits Mikey's throat, and as Jake mourns (cheesey scream) his brother he is shot and left for dead.

From this point, many broken levels follow, getting to the end of a level doesn't mean you finished it...usually means you failed because this game sucks.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
1974 | Horror
What Noise Does A Chainsaw Make?
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre- a classic horror film. Directed by a horror icon and legend- Tobe Hopper.

The Plot- When Sally (Marilyn Burns) hears that her grandfather's grave may have been vandalized, she and her paraplegic brother, Franklin (Paul A. Partain), set out with their friends to investigate. After a detour to their family's old farmhouse, they discover a group of crazed, murderous outcasts living next door. As the group is attacked one by one by the chainsaw-wielding Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen), who wears a mask of human skin, the survivors must do everything they can to escape.

The film was marketed as being based on true events to attract a wider audience and to act as a subtle commentary on the era's political climate; although the character of Leatherface and minor story details were inspired by the crimes of murderer Ed Gein, its plot is largely fictional.

Hooper limited the quantity of onscreen gore in hopes of securing a PG rating, but the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) rated it R. The film faced similar difficulties internationally.

It has since gained a reputation as one of the best and most influential horror films. It is credited with originating several elements common in the slasher genre, including the use of power tools as murder weapons, the characterization of the killer as a large, hulking, faceless figure, and the killing of victims. It led to a franchise that continued the story of Leatherface and his family through sequels, prequels, a remake, comic books and video games.

I highly reccordmend this movie.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
1989 | Action, Adventure
The Chemisty Between the Main Actors. (1 more)
Sean Connery
Wish It was the last one (0 more)
The Holy Grail: Like Father, Like Son
The Last Crusade- Personally for me, its the best one. The best plot, the best action, the best suspense, the best thrills, the best stunts and more.

The plot: The intrepid explorer Indiana Jones sets out to rescue his father, a medievalist who has vanished while searching for the Holy Grail. Following clues in the old man's notebook, Indy arrives in Venice, where he enlists the help of a beautiful academic, but they are not the only ones who are on the trail, and some sinister old enemies soon come out of the woodwork.

I love the chemisty between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery, its perfect. You laugh, smile and cry. Sean Connery was the perfect choice for Indiana's dad.

No toys were made to promote the film; Indiana Jones "never happened on the toy level", said Larry Carlat, senior editor of the journal Children's Business. Rather, Lucasfilm promoted Indiana as a lifestyle symbol, selling tie-in fedoras, shirts, jackets and watches.

 Two video games based on the film were released by LucasArts in 1989: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game. A third game was produced by Taito and released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Ryder Windham wrote another novelization, released in April 2008 by Scholastic, to coincide with the release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Hasbro released toys based on The Last Crusade in July 2008.

Its a excellent, phenomenal and fantasic trilogy. Yes i said trilogy.
Street Fighter (1994)
Street Fighter (1994)
1994 | Action
5.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Basic Action Nonsense


Story: Street Fighter starts as the evil tyrant Bison (Julia) has been controlling the country of Shadaloo, Col William Guile (Van Damme) is leading the assault to bring him down after his latest demand is 20 Billion Dollars, to save the hostages he has taken. Chun-Li (Wen) has been reporting the story only for herself to have a personal investment in taking him down too.

Colonel Guile recruits Ken (Chapa) and Ryu (Mann) to go undercover to locate the secret base, before it is too late giving Guile a chance to go face to face with Bison in an ultimate fight between the two men.


Thoughts on Street Fighter


Characters – Colonel Guile is part of the Allied Nations a soldier that is trying a bring an end to the evil tyrant Bison, he is an expert in martial arts and will put himself in the line of fire in an attempt to stop this man. Bison is the dictator tyrant holding the country hostage, he is willing to offer anybody a chance to fight for their freedom, but his skills are beyond anything any normal person can handle, he is almost waiting for Guile to arrive for a worthy opponent. Chun-Li is a journalist with her own reasons for hunting down Bison, she is able to handle herself in a fight and willing to take just as many chances as Guile in finding the truth. Ken is involved in his own dealings with one of Bison’s supplies, he is used to get close to Bison to help locate the base of operations, while being one of the best fighters in the world.

Performances – Jean-Claude Van Damme is nowhere near his best in this role, he might handle the fighting, but everything else just looks out of place. Raul Julia is easily the best thing in this film, he is so wildly over the top you just want to see where he takes this character next. Ming-Na Wen does bring her character to life which is entertaining, though she seems to vanish for parts of the second half. We do get plenty of different characters from the history of the games, the performances are mixed as they look to bring these generic figures to life.

Story – The story follows the Allied Nations trying to bring down a tyrant trying to take over a country with his ludicrous demands, we see the favourite fighters from the game come into battle on both sides as they look to bring the end to the war for the country. This was one of the first attempts to bring a video game to life, we do get the characters, though as I am not a fan of the game, I can’t tell you how accurate the characters are. This isn’t a difficult story to follow, though it does feel like it wants to put all the favourite characters in scenes even if they aren’t always written strongly. This is however a good alcohol story because you can make a drinking game out of it.

Action/Comedy – The action in the film is countless numbers of fights, each fighter does have their own style, only for the scenes not being shot in the strongest style. This film does have comedy, though I am not sure if it is meant to be a comedy or not.

Settings – The film uses the typical locations with the secret base for the villain being a major part of the settings, it is filled with the gadgets you would expect to see from a video game style location.

Special Effects – The effects are low budget without being anything that will be remembered for being strong.

Scene of the Movie – The final showdown.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too many characters not getting enough time to shine.

Final Thoughts –This is the typical video game movie that just didn’t work, we have too many iconic characters that don’t get their time to shine which would only disappoint the fans of the game.


Overall: Disappointing video game movie.
Rampage (2018)
Rampage (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
I have long written about the troubled history of bringing video game movies to the screen. For every success such as “Resident Evil” there are failures such as “Super Mario Bros”, “Wing Commander”, “DOOM”, and countless others. In recent years studios have taken more control of films based on their titles and we have seen some better success at least from a financial point. I was on set and very briefly in “Postal” and “Far Cry” and between scenes it was explained to me that with many video game films, you can use names and a basic premise from the game, but visuals, scenarios and such are usually forbidden as they cannot follow past stories or impede on any possible new projects. What is left is usually something with the name of the game and a very loose association.

“Tomb Raider” and “Assassin’s Creed” recently had a solid box office and while “Warcraft” fizzled domestically it did well overseas but not enough to trigger a sequel but showed an upward trend of star power and bigger budgets for game related films.

All of which brings us to “Rampage”; which is based on a classic arcade game which spawned version on multiple gaming platforms and sequels over the years.

The movie stars Dwayne Johnson as Davis Okoye; a former military operative who joined an anti-poaching task force and now resides in San Diego caring for Primates. His associates note that he has a better relationship with the animals in his care than he does the people around him and Davis is more than fine with this.

His favorite animal is an Albino Gorilla named George and Davis has even managed to teach him and other members of the group to speak to him via sign language.

All seems well until debris from a satellite crashes into George’s enclosure one night as well as various locales around the country.

George begins to grow at an alarming rate and shows increased aggression which is troubling to Davis and draws the attention of a genetics company who are involved in a rogue genetics experiment and a disgraced scientist named Dr. Kate Caldwell (Naomie Harris) who strive to help George and get control of the situation. Naturally the people behind the experiment are not going to let this happen and involve Government Agent Russell (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), to transport them all to a secure locale.

Naturally things do not go as planned and with multiple creatures now on the loose and heading to Chicago, and the military powerless to stop the carnage, it is up to Davis to save George and save the day.

The film uses some lavish visuals to depict the creatures and the action scenes are very entertaining. For a game with a very basic premise, it was nice to see the attempt made to flesh out the backstory and characters and not make the film just an extended FX reel.

There are some scenes and lines that would not be appropriate for younger viewers as a couple at our screener seemed to have some issues with the intensity at times. That being said, “Rampage” delivers an over the top, campy, and fully entertaining mix of video games and classic monster movies. The strong cast and great effects make for an enjoyable action film as long as you accept things with a wink and a smile. I hope this is a success as I would love to see a future film in the series and Johnson, Morgan, and Harris were a very winning combination.
Unfriended (2014)
Unfriended (2014)
2014 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
In the modern age of electronic media, cyber stalking and cyber bullying have driven several young people to take drastic actions including suicide. Bullying has always been an issue in schools but with the ability for tormentors to cyber stalk individuals as well as encourage others to take part in the harassment, it can be hard to find any escape from the relentless attacks. In new film “Unfriended”, the audience learns through video clip that a young student named Laura committed suicide in an attempt to escape a never-ending wave of torment after an unflattering video of her was posted online. One year later the group of friends gather online as is their custom to discuss their lives as well as note the anniversary of Laura’s passing. As the group gathers on Skype may notice a mysterious and unknown person has joined their conference. Despite their attempts they’re unable to get rid of this unknown and so far silent intruder, but one of the girls named Claire starts to receive Facebook messages from Laura’s personal account. Unable to block, ignore, or remove this unwanted individual despite their best efforts, as the group soon find the tables have turned when they’re told that if they should leave the chat dire consequences will follow. At first dismissed as a very tasteless practical joke, when tragedy does strike it begins to give a new level of credence to the significant threat that their unknown chat partner provides.

When the unknown guest reveals that she is indeed Laura and begins to force the remaining students to play a series of games which in turn bring their darkest and deepest secrets to light as well as turning them against one another, the despair and eventually body count begins to rise. While there are moments you can ask questions such as where are the adults in the film which are never really addressed aside from a few police officers, the film does keep you interested even though it is presented entirely through a computer screen with each individual appearing as their own individual windows with other social media applications and computer screens coming and going as the plot dictates.

The film is neither as scary nor violent as one may indicate although it is definitely an R-rated film due to language and subject matter. Much of the graphic nature is shown through quick cutting and low-quality WebCam video that cuts out frequently or lags. The main strength of the film is that it takes an interesting concept to the approach of a killer looking for revenge. The fact that the characters remain in the same room in which they began and never once have any direct contact with each other is an interesting microcosm of how many young people today socialize more through electronics than they do in a face-to-face setting. However is anybody who grew up in the 70s and 80s will tell you, teens tying up phone lines for hours was a common occurrence in many homes throughout the world.

With the cast comprised mostly of unknowns, the film does the best with its premise but never fully develops the scares and suspense that one would expect from such an intriguing premise.

In the end the film can be a difficult watch but at least provides some entertainment for fans provided you can sit through the unusual visual presentation of the film and show patience with some of the leaps of faith that the audience is asked to undergo.
Assassin's Creed: Forsaken
Assassin's Creed: Forsaken
Oliver Bowden | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of a Templar rather than the Assassin (3 more)
Set out like a journal, makes it intriguing
Good descriptive action
An insight to the history of the character
Some chapters are slow (1 more)
The journal format limits the experience to the view of only one character
Insight to a character we barely see

The 5th book in the Oliver Bowden collection of Assassin's Creed novels, follows the life of Haytham Kenway, son of Pirate / Assassin, Edward Kenway and father of the Native American Assassin Connor Kenway, who you play as in the video game Assassin's Creed 3.

Haytham is a British Templar who is sent to America during the French and Indian and American Revolutionary Wars, to learn more about, and find an ancient cave that would help the Templar Order discover more about the first civilization, also known as 'Those who came before'. After centuries of the two factions, Assassins and Templar, fighting a never ending war in secret, over advanced technology known as the Pieces of Eden, created by the first civilization.

Though it is interesting to learn more about Haytham, since we only get to play a small part of his story in the video game, my only issue, though minor it may be, with the book is that the journal format limits our experience of the story to the view point of one man, and there are so many interesting characters within the plot that are sure to have their own interesting stories to be told, but sadly we are limited to one man's thoughts and opinions, and learn very little about other characters, besides their outspoken interactions with Haytham.

However this book is exciting and really does open up a whole new story within the franchise that we do not get to see. The descriptive writing ensures that the world that is described to us, is enough to clearly imagine, as the writer imagines it, in our minds, but enough for us to also have our own image of the areas, the surroundings and the sights, sounds and smells of such a place that our protagonist visits.

If you're a fan of the franchise then I highly recommend any of these novels to you, because they open up so much more to the characters and the stories that we do not get within the games. This is what makes the books such an exciting read, because we get to delve deep inside the minds of the characters, from start to finish.
Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King
Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alfred is a mostly ordinary boy, going to school, playing video games, and reading books about medieval history. His mother is a bit eccentric but all in all, he is living the regular life of an 11-year-old. That is until a mysterious man shows up one night and Alfred suddenly finds himself in a fantastical, medieval kingdom. What is even more strange, Alfred soon discovers he has families ties to this strange land and is the only heir left to the kingdom’s throne. Thrust in the middle of a country cursed by a witch, a dark lord, terrible creatures, and famine, Alfred has his work cut out for him. But thanks to the help of a few new friends, his medieval video game, and book knowledge, he is up for the challenge.

Alfred is a determined, hopeful, excited kid living out a child’s fantasy. He manages to stay strong through horrible circumstances and uses his knowledge of the period along with that of his own time to try and make things better for his people. The mashing together of periods offers plenty of hilarious moments as Alfred tries to explain things like TV and pro-wrestlers. His knowledge of things like agriculture and battle defenses quickly become lifesavers for the peasants who have accepted the return of the king.

This fantastical adventure is a beautiful story that balances the dark, harsh realities of 6997428survival against both enemies and natural, the struggle of the weight thrust upon Alfred’s shoulders, while also remaining lighthearted, funny, and fun. The story unfolds like a puzzle before the reader, much like it does for Alfred, as you discover more about his family, magic, and the politics of this magical world. Author Ron Smorynski has done an incredible job of creating an extraordinary world and characters that you can become invested it. The story captures the pure adventure and action so longed for in fantasy adventures while also tackling growing up, history, and family struggles. To me, it brings to mind such classics as Narnia and The Castle in the Attic.

The book is an excellent beginning. While the story itself is well rounded in itself, the real magic is in the story that it has left to tell. Throughout the book, we get the beginnings of magical rules, political struggle, villains powers, and the complicated history of Alfred’s family and those that knew them. The book leaves you with as many secrets as it answers and simply begs for a sequel. I am excited to see more from this author and continue my journey with Alfred and his friends, hopefully soon!
Dead Rising: Endgame  (2016)
Dead Rising: Endgame (2016)
2016 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There are a plethora of really shitty movies based on Games being released each year. None of them holding a candle to the source material it is based on. However each and every time I get suckered in because I want to be impressed by these attempts, as a movie fan and a gamer I need to be impressed. Lets be honest the premise of the Dead Rising games is just about absurd enough to work as a movie and with this being the second outing well have they learnt.

Based on the worldwide smash-hit video game series, Dead Rising: Endgame is the sequel to Dead Rising: Watchtower. Directed by Pat Williams (Continuum), written by Michael Ferris (Terminator Salvation) and Tim Carter (Mortal Kombat: Legacy) and starring Jesse Metcalfe, Marie Avgeropoulos and Dennis Haysbert.

Journalist Chase Carter Heads back into a quarantine zone to find the truth as to what happened to his partner. He and a small group of Journalists want to expose the creators of the outbreak. What he is going to find is a huge cover up that is going to threaten everything. General Lyons (Dennis Haysbert, President Palmer in 24 “Yaaaay”), is a Military officer who will never let anyone get in his way. Racing against the clock, Chase and crew must slice, hack and use any weapon at there disposal to find there way through the zombie hordes and out of the quarantine zone.

I really couldn’t figure out where I stood with this movie at first. I felt like I maybe should of been on the side of thinking it was hot trash. However the Dialogue all though Cheesy at times suits the world its in. The acting although not exactly Andrew Lincoln levels is pretty damn good for this type of flick. Budget and effects wise I had no complaints you could see they hadn’t cheaped out on the practical or the FX on the Zombies they were genuinely scary and brought a certain amount of originality.

I would recommend you see this movie. Go into expecting a fun action packed romp of a movie. Brad Pitts World War Z this movie is not, Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead Remake this movie also is not, but the best thing is that it knows its not those movies, it knows its a Dead Rising tie-in and it brings all of that together in this glorious fun time at the movies. Who knew Jesse Metcalfe was a total Bad Ass????
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Social Networking
8.9 (123 Ratings)
App Rating
Looks good, easy to use, rate/review almost anything, nice pro/con section to reviews, if something hasn't been reviewed, add it and be the first to review it and recommend to others, giveaways... (0 more)
Back button, little to no reviews on certain things, giveaways bit infrequent and daily missions random instead of similar interests (0 more)
Smashbomb Review
Smashbomb is a pretty cool social media app for entertainment recommendations. What do I mean? Well, you can rate and review all kinds of things like movies, tv shows, books and more; as well as discover things through recommendations too. You can also recommend stuff to your friends and follow each other to see what stuff they've recently reviewed. Find out what they love or what they hate, or what they really felt about a certain movie/tv show, etc.. You can even join "Orbs" which are groups where you can talk with other members about different topics related to recommendations. You earn points for adding reviews and rating things and even earn different badges for contributing that show off your status in the community. There's even a system of points called Kudos points that you earn for adding reviews and ratings and the more you earn the more you can give to friends and followers. These points are used to enter giveaways where you can win all kinds of prizes from Funko Pops, DVDs, table top games and even video games.

So in conclusion, I think this app is pretty awesome. I've been using it now for a couple of weeks and have really been enjoying it. It's pretty fun adding reviews for movies and shows I've seen, earning points towards winning awards and also giving points to other people writing reviews helping them get more points to win stuff too. And the best is just finding something cool that you haven't heard about before like a movie or tv show you were thinking about watching but weren't sure about. Because there's nothing that sucks like staring at the menu screen at Netflix/Hulu/Prime etc... and not knowing what to watch and just staring at that screen for 15 mins. Especially with things like fake reviews and trolls out there and paid reviews that hype up a movie that you wind up spending good money on seeing in theaters only to feel like you were robbed. It's a cool place to get some good opinions and if you get your friends to join or add in the fun then you will be able to see and share your reviews, ratings with each other and actually know who they're coming from.