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The Indian Runner (1991)
The Indian Runner (1991)
1991 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Brothers, family, blood, loyalty, and the thin line between civilization and human nature. Viggo Mortenson."

A History of Violence (2005)
A History of Violence (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama, Mystery
A little disjointed in places, however this is one of Cronenbergs better pieces of work.
Viggo Mortenson is great as the man with a past trying to play it straight and live a normal life.
Its compelling viewing as his family buckles under pressure applied to them from Tom's former associates as they try to force him to relive his past life. Solid viewing.

David McK (3207 KP) rated Daylight (1996) in Movies

Apr 11, 2021 (Updated Apr 11, 2021)  
Daylight (1996)
Daylight (1996)
1996 | Action, Drama
1996 disaster movie with Sylvester Stallone (and an early role for Viggo Mortenson) as a disgraced Fire and Rescue chief, who has to help a disparate group of survivors escape from a collapsed tunnel 100 feet below the Hudson river following explosions which have sealed off said tunnel.

As such, this ticks all the boxes of the genre: race against time? Check. Trapped family group? Check. Feisty female companion? Check. Helpful red-out-by-family-group description of tunnel in early portions of movie? Check. Tragic past for hero? Check. Convicts who 'turn good' and help out? Check.

It even has a Chekhov's Gun, people!

(for those uninitiated: Chekov's Gun is a dramatic principle that states every element in a story must be necessary e.g. if a 'gun' is introduced in Act 1 it must go off in Act 3)
Green Book (2018)
Green Book (2018)
2018 | Drama
One of the best of 2018
When the dust is settled on 2018, you can be rest assured that GREEN BOOK will be listed as one of my top films of the year.

Yes, it's that good.

"Based on a true story", GREEN BOOK stars Viggo Mortenson (Aragon in the LOTR films) as "Tony Lip" a bouncer at the Copacabana in the early 1960's who is tapped by African American concert pianist Dr. Don Shirley (Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali) to be his driver/escort/security on a tour of a very prejudicial Southern part of the United States in the early 1960's. Both Tony and Dr. Don look down their noses at the other one, but during the course of this film, the two develop mutual respect and a friendship that lasted until the both passed away in 2013.

That is, in essence, the entire plot of this film. But it is not the destination, but rather, the journey that is the core of this film - and what a journey it is.

We, the audience, probably spend 70% of the film in a car with the 2 stars of this film, so they better be interesting to look at and listen to (for nothing much else happens) and both characters - and both actors- are up to the task.

Ali won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his brief turn in Barry Jenkins MOONLIGHT - and he is even better here as Dr. Don Shirley, an elitist virtuoso piano player, with strong pride and hidden secrets of his own. Ali brings a humanity and vulnerability to this character that acts as a softening of the hard shell of this character that allows us, the audience, a glimpse into this character's heart. This person could easily have been a one-note caricature, but in Ali's hands, it is much, much more.

The biggest surprise to me is two-time Oscar Nominee Mortenson as "Tony Lip". While the character starts as a typical early 1960's Italian-mob type, Mortenson brings humor, humanity and (yes) heart to a matter-of-fact character and continues to evolve the rough edges of Tony as Tony, himself, develops throughout the course of the film. I have always "liked but not loved" Mortenson, but, I LOVE HIM in this film and will be rooting for him come Oscars time.

The other big surprise of this film is the strong, subtle and human way that Director Peter Farrelly brings events to the screen. Prior to this, Farrelly (along with his brother Bobby) Directed such over-the-top comedies as THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY and KINGPIN, so I was a bit concerned that the Direction would be over-the-top. wasn't...and I wouldn't be surprised if Farelly's name is called when Oscar nominations are announced.

I was charmed and moved by these characters - and this story - and was glad to spend 2 hours with them.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)