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The Lords of the North ( The Last Kingdom 3)
By Bernard Cornwell

The year is 878 and the Vikings have been thrown out of Wessex. Uhtred, fresh from fighting for Alfred in the battle to free Wessex, travels north to seek revenge for his father's death, killed in a bloody raid by Uhtred's old enemy, renegade Danish lord, Kjartan. While Kjartan lurks in his formidable stronghold of Dunholm, the north is overrun by chaos, rebellion and fear. Together with a small band of warriors, Uhtred plans his attack on his enemy, revenge fuelling his anger, resolute on bloody retribution. But, he finds himself betrayed and ends up on a desperate slave voyage to Iceland. Rescued by a remarkable alliance of old friends and enemies, he and his allies, together with Alfred the Great, are free to fight once more in a battle for power, glory and honour.

Another really good book in this series I think this is my favourite so far. Uthred is a sold as a slave and we follow his journey. So glad there is a directory at the start of the book these places get a little confusing.
Boy, was that violent - if this was a movie, it would probably be given an '18' (or 'R'estricted, for those Americans out there) rating, not just for the blood, guts and gore, but also for the - occassional - nudity, and the not-so-occassional language.

Actually a collection of 5 different short stories, I can't say how true to history these are as I'm not a Norse scholar. I also found the vernacular a bit off-putting (were swear-words the same in the early Medieval Period as they are now? Really??), with the art-style (and plot) in some of the stories were better than in others. Talking of stories, this contains the following:

[b]Lindisfarne[/b]: depicting an early Viking raid on the monastery of the same name
[b]The Shield Maidens[/b]: in which three Viking women hold off hordes of the Saxons
[b]Sven the Returned[/b]: in which Sven returns to his homeland to claim his inheritance, having previously run away and joined the Byzantine Varangian Guard
[b]Thor's daughter[/b]: in which a clan leader is murdered and his land sold to a rival leader but his 14 year old daughter takes up his mantle and leads an army against the encroaching Vikings
[b]The Cross & The Hammer[/b]: Set in Ireland, this is more-or-less a murder mystery in which the central character is trying to track down the person(s) responsible for a spate of killings.
You Die When You Die
You Die When You Die
Angus Watson | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic witty pre-historic Viking / Native American fantasy
This is the alternative-reality story of the Hardworkers, a small clan of Viking descendants in pre-Columbian North America. A mentally-damaged young boy in the clan has a premonition that the village will be attacked and they should head west. When the village is indeed attacked by natives (who themselves had a premonition of these Vikings ending the world), the clan quickly up-sticks and head off.
There follows a brilliant, exciting, funny story of this small clan with mixed abilities (some well trained warriors, some powerful yet cowardly warlocks, some useless wastes of space) travelling across North America, hunted by the magically-enhanced warriors sent to end them, and meeting numerous clans and tribes along the way.
The wonderful merging of plausible pre-history America and a more familiar fantasy setting (prophecies, evil empires, warriors) results in this superb story. The dialogue is witty and funny, the world is familiar yet strange enough to make you think, and the action sequences are fantastically narrated, often from different viewpoints.
The characters are all very well crafted and unique, and their interactions and conflicts really spur this story on.
I would urge anyone keen on fantasy to read this book. While the cover, and title, may suggest it is a brutal slobberknocker of a book, it is actually very clever, funny and thrilling.
I cannot wait to jump in to the next book in this trilogy. Wootah!!!
Son of Anger (The Ormstunga Saga #1)
Son of Anger (The Ormstunga Saga #1)
Donovan Cook | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bloody and violent in places, with the Gods at work.
SON OF ANGER is the first book in The Ormstunga Saga and we start off with Ulf training with his uncle. His life quickly changes when a stranger appears and destroys everything he touches, including Ulf and his family.

I love reading stories of the Vikings, simply because their faith and relationship with the Gods seem so realistic. They don't hold them on high (as such) but rather, deal with them in an everyday manner, knowing themselves to be pawns in the game the Gods play. Signs of the Gods are all around them, giving them the feeling of being blessed or ignored. Ulf has sworn a vow of vengeance to Odin and sees the signs of that wherever he turns.

This is a bloody and violent story in parts - as you would expect. But you also get a book of camaraderie, of brotherhood, of the Gods. The time flew by as I read this, with never a dull moment. The ending was all I could wish for and left me with a longing for book two.

A brilliant start to a new series that I can't wait to read. Absolutely recommended.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Ian McCulloch recommended Raw Power by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Raw Power by The Stooges
Raw Power by The Stooges
1973 | Punk, Rock
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Raw Power for me is the greatest rock & roll record of all time. I wish Bruce Dickinson [executive producer of controversial 1997 remix attempt] had never got his paws on it. I loved the original mixes, because that’s how it should sound – the guitars are miles too loud for a normal record you’d think, but just the way the guitars come in it’s perfect. I was watching this thing on telly about Vikings disembowelling people and it’s almost like that. The guitars have angles. People go on about Exile On Main Street, which is a blues record with no tunes, but Raw Power is unbelievable. I bought it just for the cover and the titles on it. ‘Search and Destroy’, ‘Gimme Danger’ - it was right up my strasse. I was 13 or 14. I loved Iggy when I was younger, still do. I can do without all the more Motörhead stuff – he’s lost some of the finesse now. But what a song ‘Gimme Danger’ is – none of the songs hang about. Every second is important. His voice influenced the way I sang a lot. Whenever we played America Iggy would turn up, and we got on fairly good speaking terms. We were playing in New York. It was like a football changing room backstage. I was having a slash – probably in the shower, and I heard someone. I walked out – obviously not with my knob out – and it was Iggy with a tight leather jacket and blue suede shoes. He looked fantastic, and I said, ""what are you doing here?” And he said, “I always come and see your shows.”"

The Wolf in the Whale
The Wolf in the Whale
Jordanna Max Brodsky | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I inhaled The Wolf in the Whale by Jordanna Max Brodsky, I read it in only two sittings!

Omat lives in 1000AD, a young Inuit Shaman, and neither male nor female (actually, she took on her fathers soul at birth and is raised as a boy - a hunter and a shaman). There is loads of detail about how life was lived by the Inuit at the beginning of the last century(and I loved this detail), and I learnt so much about their spiritual lives, their Gods and the expectations of men and women. When Omat menstruates for the first time, it heralds the end of her life as a man and a shaman. She is married off to another Inuit who is passing through and promises to help her tribe. The thing is, he has two other wives, and he’s just not a nice person. When a group of Vikings wipe out the group of Inuit that she has married in to, Omat survives and realises that they have captured her cousin. She vows to find and free him. On her journey, she rescues three wolfdogs and saves the life of a Viking who reluctantly joins her on her quest.

I was so immersed in this wonderful story. I loved the style it was written in, I loved Omat’s voice. The magic and beliefs were fascinating, and my heart was in my mouth during the hunting scenes (men catching and killing huge Caribou and whales using flint weapons!). And the ending was just right.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this wonderful book to read and review honestly.

Bethr1986 (305 KP) rated Ascent (House of Normandy #1) in Books

May 11, 2023 (Updated May 11, 2023)  
Ascent (House of Normandy #1)
Ascent (House of Normandy #1)
Cathie Dunn | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Poppa is in church for service when her village is attacked by the Vikings, she refuses to take things lying down. She stands up for her people and tries to save the men that are being taken as slaves. One thing she is absolutely sure of is she will have nothing to do with these Norse heathens no matter what her father the Count of Bayeux insists, she would rather die! Who would or could ever find themselves loving a savage like them?

This is the story of Poppa and although it is fictional it seems to have a lot of depth to what has been written. There are little bits of history weaved within Poppa's tale and it makes it all the more interesting to read. I have enjoyed reading about the life of a count's daughter and how she deals with raids and her friends being taken as well as the life she knew and how she is able to deal with the hardships and tasks that are sent her way. When I first started reading I thought Poppa was a brat and could see us clashing, as I read further into the book I had more compassion for her and she ended up being my favourite. I could see myself reading other books like this by the same author as she has a flare for pulling you into the story and involving you.

Completely recommended

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Rob P (30 KP) rated Norse Mythology in Books

Apr 22, 2019 (Updated Apr 23, 2019)  
Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology
Neil Gaiman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
very accessible (3 more)
reads like an anthology
simplified for story format
great starting point
no information related to the Norse religion as it was practiced. (1 more)
presumes the knowledge of certain intricacies on behalf of the reader
Norse My"Thor"logy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ah what an enjoyable read.

I love mythology, and this book is a great starting point if you wish to know about the more "Hollywood" stars of Norse myth (Odin, Thor, Loki, the dwarves and frost giants, Hel (or Hela, as marvel would have it) Frey and Freya and Mimir and Heimdall and a host of others whose names you may have heard).

One of the acclaims on the front of the book sums this up quite well. "Gaiman takes on the role of the fireside Bard" - it's an easy metaphor to use, as this really is a collection of stories simplified to tales of adventure and deceit.

The vikings (or Scandinavians in general) were clearly looking to explain certain phenomena using these characters (much like Greek and Roman mythology) and I love reading about that. Trying to put myself in the position of an awed villager hearing thunder and the seeing the flash of lighting, reasoning that it must be the indomitable Thor, wielding the mighty Mjollnir, ending the life of a wicked Frost Giant with a gigantic blow. Or feeling an earthquake, and believing it must be Loki, trapped in his mountain prison, the burn of the snake's venom corroding his face as his screams of agony set the very mountains to trembling. Waiting for Ragnarok to break his bonds and have his revenge on the gods. Wonderful stuff.

If you have any interest in mythology and (like me) you don't want to dive into more reference or poetry-based offerings right away, this is a great place to start.

I guarantee that once you do, you may very well want to carry on into the more heavy hitting titles out there pertaining to Norse myth.

Definitely recommended.

How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
Visually stunning and exhilarating, great to be back in the world of Berk (0 more)
Kinda not as epic feeling in scope, in comparison to the previous 2 films, something felt missing just a bit. (0 more)
Flying On Fumes: Bittersweet End to Dragons - 7/10
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is the final installment in the trilogy of films based on the books by Cressidia Cowell. It was written and directed by Dean Deblois, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal. With a returning cast starring Jay Burachel, America Ferrera, Cate Blanchett, and Craig Ferguson.

One year after (How To Train Your Dragon 2) Hiccup (Jay Burachel) and friends defended Berk from the threat of Drago Bludvist; the group is still rescuing dragons and relocating them back to their village. Now however the villagers are dealing with a problem of overcrowding and overpopulation of dragons. Hiccup begins the process of finding a new home for everyone to relocate to, the fabled "Hidden World" of the dragons. The conflict of the film enters when the Vikings whose dragons Hiccup has been freeing, seek the help of Grimmel the Grisly (F. Murray Abraham), a dragon hunter responsible for the eradication and near extermination of all Night Furies. And also Toothless being enamoured with the discovery of a female White Fury dragon.

This movie was really good and while watching I had fun seeing the whole group dynamic and how everyone interacted with each other. It felt awesome seeing them again and how they all grew up a little over the last year. When comparing this movie to the others in the series, it felt like it fell short especially for being the last movie in the trilogy. I guess it was hard to surpass how great the last film was. While visually stunning and exhilarating at times it failed to be as great as it could have and felt like something was missing in this conclusion to an epic series. The atmosphere of the movie felt like it never quite matched the tone that they were trying to set with the seriousness of the plot. It's like only the main character felt the weight of the world on his shoulders but it is a kids movie after all. Like I said certainly enjoyable, I give it a 7/10.
Beautiful wreck
Beautiful wreck
Larissa Brown | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful wreck. A beautiful book!
Step right up ladies and gents for the next time travelling extravaganza! Move over Jamie fraser Heirik's the new guy in town! With outlander on the continuous rise to the top it gives other time travel romances a good run for their money and rightly so who doesnt love jamie fraser and his swoon worthy quotes and fiery lingering gaze. He had me wanting to marry a fictional character from the get go!

 Beautiful wreck by the not so well known author larissa brown deserves alot more attention and credit than it has been given. The story is about a woman named ginn who ends up travelling to tenth century iceland I've copied the description off the back of the book to give you a better taste of what the book is about;
 In a bleak future built on virtual reality, Ginn is a romantic who yearns for something real. She designs environments for people who play at being Vikings. But when her project goes awry, she's stranded in the actual 10th century, on a storybook farm in Viking Iceland. Heirik is the young leader of his family, honored by the men and women who live on his land. But he is feared and isolated because of a terrible curse. Ginn and Heirik are two people who never thought they would find a home in someone else's heart. When forces rise against them to keep them apart, Ginn is called on to decide-- will she give up the brutal and beautiful reality of the past? Or will she have the courage to traverse time and become more of a Viking than she ever imagined?

Doesn't it sound awesome!? ?

Don't worry I'm not going to spoil the story but I will say that this book in my view is a high contender for the top spot in the time travel/ romance genre. it is so beautifully written and detailed that it feels like your actually there going through the trials and celebrations right along with ginn. It could also have something to do with my overactive imagination but I think it's the former in this case ? I will admit the ending seemed a little rushed, it could've had a bit more detailed but that is just my opinion. With the second book 'so wild a dream' following on in the series I'm not sure how it can get much better than beautiful wreck.

Overall an excellent and enjoyable read, this book will definitely be on my re-read list in the near future.