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Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Brawl In Cell Block 99 (2017) in Movies
Apr 1, 2019
Is this really Vince Vaughan?!
I'm reviewing this as S. Craig Zahler's newest film is out soon and I'm very much looking forward to it so I thought I'd review one of his previous films. Where as I really enjoyed his debut 'Bone Tomahawk' it's this film that is undoubtedly one of the best films of the last 10 years. Theres so much that blows me away in this film. The characters are portrayed so well that you are glued to the screen for each word of dialogue. The fight scenes, whilst being some of the most realistic I've ever scene, are also the most gory and visceral I've scene in a long time. The star of the show is Vince Vaughan in one of the most surprising & unexpected performances ever. Gone is his typicsl comedy and wise cracking and he is terrifying but you're also sympathetic to his situation. Just a brilliant piece of acting in a truly brilliant film by one of the best film makers around at the moment. I cannot wait for 'dragged across concrete'.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Freaky (2021) in Movies
Jul 2, 2021
Vincent vaughn (2 more)
Kathryn Newton
Finally seen I've been wanting to see the movie since I first watched the trailer last September for movie that's part mean girls part freaky Friday with a dash of 80s slasher movies this movie has it all u haven't seen it all till u see Vince Vaughan channeling his inner teenage girl persona had me in stitches and Kathryn Newton as millie and the butcher is a star in the making. There are some good kills in this movie with plenty of gore. Overall worth the long wait to see the movie