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Dean (6927 KP) rated Top Boy - Season 3 in TV

Dec 8, 2019 (Updated Dec 8, 2019)  
Top Boy - Season 3
Top Boy - Season 3
2019 |
Great story (1 more)
Good range of characters
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I remember the first 2 short series when they were on Channel 4, both good but they were only 4 episodes long and the second one seemed to end abruptly. They are available on Netflix with the Netflix original new series which is 10 episodes long.
It's definitely worth watching the first 2 series as many of the main characters are the same and the story does carry on from then. Although it's been 6 years since the last series.
This is a good crime drama showing how rival drug gangs from different estates are trying to out do each other. It does feel quite realistic as we see the events unfold from many different characters viewpoints. Family, friends, rivals, gang members as they all get tied up with the events that unfold. It definitely feels like a much better all round story than the first 2 series. It's quite violent in parts as you would expect. Definitely worth putting towards the Top of your list to check out. If you like films like @Kidulthood (2006) you will like this.
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Horror
8.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans coexist in (relatively) bloodless harmony. Then comes Bishop, a master vampire who threatens to abolish all order, revive the forces of the evil undead, and let chaos rule. But Bishop isn’t the only threat.
Violent black clouds promise a storm of devastating proportions. As student Claire Danvers and her friends prepare to defend Morganville against the elements - both natural and unnatural- the unexpected happens; Morganville’s vampires start to vanish one by one. Discovering why leads Claire to one last choice: swear allegiance to Bishop... or die.

As the fifth book in the Morganville series by Rachel Caine, the main characters and their relationships are well and truly established. True to form Lord of Misrule is well written, the storyline flows from point to point and continues to surprise and encourage you to want more. I always find these books to be an easy and enjoyable read, not too taxing or time consuming, but still give the reader what they need. I did find there were perhaps too many things going on in this chapter of the series, but perhaps all will be revealed in book 6.
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Garish and frantic comic book movie basically does your head in for nearly two hours. Never mind doing a Batman movie without Batman, now they've done a Joker movie without the Joker: annoying homicidal pole-dancer Harley Quinn breaks up with he of the green hair and gets mixed up in a hunt for a diamond-shaped McGuffin involving various other obscure and mostly female Batman characters. Full of movement and some not bad action choreography, but the plot is a disjointed mess and it's hard to escape the impression that the producers are treating you like an idiot.

Robbie's performance is basically just irritating; not sure whether this is entirely intentional or not. Ewan McGregor is definitely just bad, but the script is to blame anyway: when the writers appear to believe it's cool and funny to break someone's legs on a whim, it's hard to take them seriously when they try to take the high ground on any moral issue, as they also do. Amoral, superficial, and sadistically violent in places; generally quite dim-witted and depressing. Undoes all the good work of recent movies in detoxifying the DC brand: come back Zach Snyder, all is forgiven.
Illusionary (Minefield Enforcers #1)
Illusionary (Minefield Enforcers #1)
LeAnn Mason | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As one of the few Enhanced humans whose gifts encompass the mental and physical spectrums, Nathalee lives a life separate from others. Even amongst those who the world segregates as potential weapons, Nat is shunned for her telepathic abilities; until she finds her opportunity to make a difference in their tiny world as an enforcer.

Part of a new experimental team, Nathalee must wade through muddied mental waters if they hope to put a stop to the illusions which are coming to violent, life-ruining ends. The suspect pool is large and powerful, but the repercussions of failure put everyone she knows and loves at risk.

With so many possibilities of both suspects and victims, Nat will test the limits of her ability -and her sanity- in order to track the illusionist and stop their tyranny.

Good storyline, decent characters but something was missing for me. I got a little bored towards the end I expected a much bigger baddie and ending. Not sure half the stuff between Nat and Holden were Really needed. I will continue to book 2 as I did like the idea of it.

AT (1676 KP) rated Angel Catbird, Volume 1 in Books

Feb 12, 2020 (Updated Feb 12, 2020)  
Angel Catbird, Volume 1
Angel Catbird, Volume 1
Margaret Atwood, Johnnie Christmas | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had no idea what to expect when I started to read Angel Catbird. Before running across this graphic novel, I wasn't aware that Margaret Atwood had written a graphic novel. (I just ran across another one that I'll also have to check out.) Of course, I am familiar with Margaret Atwood's novels being about various, interesting things. A source of vivid imagination. So when I read Angel Catbird, I wasn't surprised by the imagination. However, it's also definitely not her best work by a long shot. Angel Catbird is full, and I mean, **FULL** of cat puns. Some were okay, some were too much, and some were downright terrible. There were also cat facts added at the bottom of some pages, in reference to actions that had taken place on that page. I think those were unnecessary. It was silly, but also violent in some parts. Overall, the story was okay. It passes. It does the job. This is exactly what you'd expect to read if a crazy cat lady decided to try her hand at writing an action-type graphic novel. Not terrible, but not phenomenal. Get ready for some cat puns.