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Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
1969 | Blues, Pop, Psychedelic, Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There’s just so much on this: It’s a double album and by the time you finish it—if you can finish it—you can’t remember what you heard at the beginning. I liked that,” he said of Beefheart. “It was anti-music in the most interesting and insane way, like kids learning to play violin—which I was going through at the time. So all the bum notes I was being told off for by the teachers were finally being released by well-known artists. “That was my confirmation. From then on, there was room for everything"


Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Say My Name in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Say My Name
Say My Name
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Drawing on her impressive intellectual prowess, Allegra Huston introduces us to a spectacular cast, all each with their part to play.
This story goes beyond the love and friendship surface and digs deep into the sensual world of danger and excitement from which the main character, middle-aged Eve Armanton, blossoms. But this is no normal voyage of self-discovery, but an empowering awakening brought on by a much younger musician Micajah, and a mysterious, battered old violin. Through these Eve has a startling realisation that her life will never be the same again – with or without a man in her life.
The author has a very distinct writing style with a kind of musical rhythm of her own! What I thought was just going to be a basic love story with a happy ending, turned into an exciting, page-turning thrill.
Eve is buried under the difficulties of her married life and the longing to find who she really is. But how far is she prepared to go to discover her own true power?
I liked the connection (which I think was intentional) between the the shattered violin and Eve’s life. Both had seen better days. Both were lost and now found. But what is to become of them?
A stirring account of a broken wife slowly coming to terms with the reality of what is her life, one powerfully sensual beat at a time.
Queen of the Damned (2002)
Queen of the Damned (2002)
2002 | Horror
6.7 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
sound track (5 more)
Old style vampire
pretty good picture quality
good back story
ended too soon (0 more)
i seen this 30 times when it came out and i was only 7
i will forever love Queen of the damned, is it bad i know every word? hell to the no its not!
" we are your main desire" --- oh god are you ever, since seeing this movie my fascination with vampires was born. You could say i'm a little obsessed with them.. but in all truth, i'm more than obsessed with them, when all the girls wanted to be something special when they were older i told everyone i wanted to be a vampire, running around with my fake paper teeth, my long cape, screaming when the light hit my skin and running after people to suck their blood. Yeah i was a weird child.
This movie in my opinion is a master piece to anne rice work. If you havent seen it i would suggest that you do
Many people hate this movie, but for me it's a walk down memory lane, every year on my birthday i play this movie and recite it word for word, singing the songs, and dancing to the music. this movie is a big thing for me, it started my love for the violin. When lestat plays with the gypsy. I ran to my mother and told her i wanted a violin. I used to lay in bed and imagine him playing for me.

photo creds to google