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Pet Sematary (2019)
Pet Sematary (2019)
2019 | Horror
Twists on the original keep viewers guessing (1 more)
Visually better
Characters are skeletal with little development (1 more)
Filmmakers add so much it changes the concept of the story
Good if you don't know the source material or the original film.
The keys to a good remake are to not forget the original or the source material, update the story, and hold true to the values of the predecessors. While this remake captures the basic outline of King's novel and the original movie, it also makes several changes. Firstly, it adds several twists to the original plot line, which are excusable to keep viewers guessing and to separate the movie from the original. What frustrates, however, is that the filmmakers added so much. These additions skewed the very deep and visceral meanings and themes of King's book and the original movie. Rather than being a horror-filled contemplation on the complexity of loss and grief, it settled on jump scares, gore, and the creepiness of violent kids and animals. The characters are skeletal at best with no real depth or development in the film. In 2019, when you try to remake things, they have to be great. While this was a decent film if you ignore the book and the previous film, this effort fell far short of anything near great.

Jerry Cantrell recommended Paranoid by Black Sabbath in Music (curated)

Paranoid by Black Sabbath
Paranoid by Black Sabbath
1970 | Metal, Rock
9.0 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The other record I got into listening to at my friend's house. A lot of the records on the list were discovered around a two to three year window, at a time when I was really turned on to music. I was actively hungry, and reaching out, digesting what bands people turned me on to. I think the first Black Sabbath album I heard was actually Vol. 4. I always discover things way late, after the fact. But that's fine, I guess I like the fact of being kinda late to the party. But when it got to me, it really stuck. It's another record that I find very close to perfect. There's a heaviness and a darkness to Sabbath which I often cite as a direct influence to our sound. You can trace the bloodline, and I think you could say that of a lot of Seattle bands. Sabbath are also a very visual band, but in a different way, a lot more visceral. I've read interviews where Ozzy was saying they were trying to make horror film soundtracks, and that makes sense to me. Cause the themes were always pretty dark and pretty bleak, and they pulled their punches thematically and lyrically. Tony Iommi is also one of my favourite guitarists and very influential to me."

Spontaneous (2020)
Spontaneous (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm not someone who typically ventures into Romance territory (although I will quietly admit to quite liking The Notebook...) but the promise of people exploding at random intervals drew me in... I have simple needs.
Turns out that Spontaneous is a wonderfully heartfelt (and gory) tale of two college kids who fall in love.
The two leads played by Katherine Langford and Charlie Plummer are some of the most likable characters I've seen in ages. Their chemistry is top tier, and their relationship feels real and relatable and is the glue that holds the whole narrative together.
The gory side of things is quite something. It's nicely spaced out so it doesn't steal the spotlight, but Jesus Christ it's anxiety inducing. I was just on edge for the whole runtime wondering when someone else would violently explode. Would it be mid sentence? Would it be one of the characters I liked? "No one has blown up in a while, and I'm so nervous" is a thought that kept popping (pun fully intended) into my head. Somehow, it's a cute enough love story that is just tense as fuck. Hats off to everyone involved!

Watching Spontaneous is a ride. It's uplifting, suitably visceral, wonderfully acted, and feels meaningful.... definitely nearly(...) cried on more than one occasion. It's all backed by a great soundtrack, and has some lovely cinematography and inspired style choices. Absolutely recommend this one, for romance and horror fans alike.
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
1988 | Horror
Slightly discombobulating horror sequel. Following the events of the first movie Kirsty Cotton unsurprisingly ends up in a loony bin run by brain surgeon and keen puzzle-box fan Dr Channard (Kenneth Cranham tries mightily to bring a touch of Peter Cushing-style class to an underwritten part). As Channard is a lunatic, he resurrects Kirsty's evil stepmother, and because he is clearly either very forgetful or slow off the mark, together they give a puzzle box (which he already had) to a traumatised patient who's good at puzzles (who he likewise already had about the place) and together they begin to explore the realm of the box.

Meanwhile... oh, does it really matter? As you can perhaps begin to discern, the plot of Hellraiser II Makes No Sense Whatsoever (the Cotton house appears to have teleported from London to New York City in the gap between films, and this is only a minor issue), and there is something baffling and miraculous about the fact the film is as coherent and watchable as it is. Then again, it's not actually about logic, plot, or the motivation of the characters, just a succession of grisly, visceral, nightmarish, surreal images. In this respect at least the film is an astonishing success. Doesn't stop the story from being nonsense, though. Manages to be a very bad movie but also a terrific one, frequently at exactly the same time. Like I say, discombobulating.
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
6.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short fiction is hit or miss for me. I think it's actually a harder genre to write than long, sprawling novels. You have to be concise and hard-hitting, and Machado certainly achieves that in her collection here. Her stories are lush with description, beautifully vague and precise at the same time. These stories hit me on a visceral level. And they really span run the gamut: from a retelling of an urban legend ("The Husband Stitch," which plays off of the story about the little girl with a green ribbon around her neck--you know the one), to the centerpiece of the collection, an offbeat, surreal "parody" of Law & Order: SVU entitled "Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order: SVU"). Each one had me stopping after I finished, rereading certain passages, and pouring over the text again. I never do that! I'm a speed reader! But these stories demand that you take your time.

At its heart, Her Body and Other Parties is about women--especially queer women. Machado brings something of herself into each of these stories, or so she has said. The storytellers are often unreliable, but never in a degrading or dismissive way. We see stories overlapped with stories, creating intricate layers of narrative. This is not a book for a casual experience. It demands your attention, and it's good enough to deserve it. A masterful blending of prose, horror, comedy, and magic realism, Her Body and Other Parties will be read in universities for years to come. Mark my words!


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    Some places are far darker than deep space. Places where the shadows smile. Where men go mad and...

Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
An absolute screamer of a sequel
Aliens may very well be the best sequel of all time, if not it's certainly up there!
The original Alien is about as perfect as sci-fi horror can get, so it was a smart move on James Cameron's part to not recycle that again, and take Alien in a different direction.
The slow burning, claustrophobic high tension of the original is replaced here with all out war.
The simple idea of multiple Xenomorphs is effective and terrifying, and packs the runtime of Aliens with top tier action.

Sigourney Weaver returns as Ellen Ripley, and whilst she was a tough yet vulnerable survivor first time around, here we get to see her vulnerability crumble away. By the time the final act kicks in and Ripley is decked out in a mech...she just a badass from here on out.
She's is joined by a group of gun toting, 80s as fuck mercenaries, including the likes of Michael Biehn (fresh from the recently released, first Terminator movie), Bill Paxton, Al Matthews, Jenette Goldstein, and of course Lance Henriksen as Android, Bishop. It's a fantastic cast, who all end up mattering one way or another, even the ones who don't last very long.

The Xenomorphs themselves look as horrifying as ever, still practically achieved, and have an urgent sense of visceral danger whenever they're on screen.
Aliens is also the debut if the Alien Queen, a classic staple of the series since.

No matter how much time goes by, Aliens never fails to be entertaining, and still looks great. It's James Cameron at the top of his game.
The Dead Zone (1983)
The Dead Zone (1983)
1983 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
A Chilling and Thoughtful Thriller
David Cronenberg’s The Dead Zone (1983) is a film that quietly lingers with you long after the credits roll. Adapted from Stephen King’s novel, it’s a rare blend of psychological horror, heartfelt drama, and supernatural thriller that doesn’t rely on cheap scares to grip its audience. Instead, it uses its haunting premise, a strong central performance by Christopher Walken, and Cronenberg’s understated direction to craft a deeply unsettling exploration of fate, morality, and the burden of knowing the future.

The story follows Johnny Smith (Walken), an ordinary schoolteacher whose life is upended when a car accident leaves him in a coma for five years. When he awakens, he discovers he has gained the ability to see people’s pasts and futures through physical contact—a gift that feels more like a curse. What begins as an attempt to understand and use this newfound power for good spirals into a dark moral dilemma when Johnny foresees a catastrophic future involving a rising politician, Greg Stillson (Martin Sheen).

Christopher Walken is the emotional core of the film, delivering one of his most human and vulnerable performances. He masterfully conveys Johnny’s pain, loneliness, and reluctant heroism, making his character deeply sympathetic. Walken’s portrayal grounds the supernatural elements of the story, ensuring they never feel far-fetched. Martin Sheen is equally compelling as the menacing and unhinged Stillson, a character whose ambition and ruthlessness are frighteningly plausible.

Cronenberg, known for his visceral body horror, takes a restrained approach here, focusing on mood and atmosphere over gore. This subtlety works to the film’s advantage, allowing the tension to simmer until its gripping climax. The muted color palette and moody score by Michael Kamen add to the sense of dread, perfectly capturing the eerie small-town setting.

However, The Dead Zone isn’t without its flaws. The pacing occasionally drags, and some of the supporting characters feel underdeveloped. Additionally, the episodic structure—though true to the novel—can make the narrative feel uneven.

Despite these minor issues, The Dead Zone is an intelligent and emotionally resonant thriller that explores heavy themes with nuance. It may not be as flashy as other Stephen King adaptations, but its quiet power and moral complexity make it a standout. A solid 8/10.
    Walking Dead: The Game

    Walking Dead: The Game

    Games and Entertainment

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