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Death be Shifted (Terra Vane #6)
Death be Shifted (Terra Vane #6)
Katie Carys | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
110 of 250
Death be Shifted ( Terra Vane book 6)
By Katie Carys

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Previously published under the author name of Katie Epstein...

My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. I have visions, and so far they’ve helped us track down almost half of the Portiside Prison escapees. After admitting my feelings to my partner, things are better than ever, but at the same time I've just found out that I might not be completely... human. I suppose you’ve got to take the good with the bad, and as for the ugly – I just promised a friend I’d travel to the Shifter Lands to track a predator, one that is hunting and killing the natives, his kin.

But proud, stubborn and highly secretive, wolf shifters are not known for their hospitality. Getting into their lands will be a struggle, getting answers will be a challenge, and getting assistance will be almost impossible. But I know how important family is, and I gave my word. Whatever is attacking the wolf shifters of Caladonia Moor, it’s dangerous, and I have a feeling we’re going to have one hell of a fight on our hands.

I just love reading this series! Each one it just gets better. Full of action, it has these amazing friendships building as well as a beautiful well written relationship that doesn’t over cloud everything else. Kinda getting pissed of with Cole’s attitude and that of his family there is definitely something going on there that I’m sure Terra will uncover!
Well recommended to anyone that want an addictive series that’s well written!
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I find it funny that with all of the vampire books I have read over the years, I still have not tired of the theme. In this third book in the Night Huntress series, Jeaniene Frost continues to make life interesting for Cat and Bones and friends by adding a little magic to the mix, specifically from the legendary Cleopatra's daughter-turned-vampire, Patra, who also happens to be Bones's grandsire-turned-partner, Mancheres's wife. Life as a vampire only becomes more convoluted for Cat as Bones gains a few new abilities, and Cat learns why vamps are not allowed to practice magic. When they learn that Patra has sent "the grave" after Bones, I had visions of horror movies dancing in my head - and I was not that far off in my guesses. Since I am not a fan of this particular fad in fantasy fiction, I was glad that Frost depicted these paranormal creatures so horrifically.
One of the elements that I also like about this series is the humor - which Frost delivers in the form of Cat's mother, who embraces the circumstances of Cat and friends' protection with surprising relish. Without spoiling this juicy tidbit, I will say I laughed out loud when I read about the change in Cat's mother.
On the flip side, when anguish hits Cat hard, I felt her pain more than I expected to, even though I harbored doubts about what had really occurred. The emotion that Frost conveys in this section of the plot feels as real as if I felt the same loss as Cat.
There are many other interesting tidbits in the book, such as what almost occurs with Tate - and the result, Juan's decision, as well as the truce that develops between Annette and Cat. This is why I love series - side characters get more plot time, subplots can continue to mature, and I don't have to leave the imagined world behind just because I closed the book! I can't wait for the next book, Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress, Book 4).
Barking Mad at Murder
Barking Mad at Murder
Jacqueline Vick | 2014 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Something Different, but Fun
Frankie Chandler makes her living as a pet psychic in a small town in Arizona. There’s just one problem – she’s a fake. She really uses cues from her knowledge of human and animal behavior and fakes her visions to help pet owners with their pets’ behavior. So, you can imagine how surprised Frankie is when a dog named Sandy actually gets through and gives her a vision of a murder. She’s willing to write off the entire thing as a bad dream until a body matching the victim in the vision turns up in the desert. Can Frankie figure out what really happened? Does Sandy know more than Frankie got in the first vision?

This is definitely a step away from my normal cozy choices, but I picked it up after chatting with the author for most of the day at an event. I’m glad I took a chance on it. With Frankie just developing her powers, this book had some fun exploring that and what it meant for her. The mystery was good. There were occasional pacing issues, but for the most part it kept me engaged until the wonderful climax. A solid sub-plot helped keep me interested as well. A couple of the supporting characters have room to grow as the series develops, but for the most part the cast is solid, and I certainly hope to see more of many of them in later books. The book kept me grinning as I read as Frankie gets into some pretty fun situations over the course of the story. This is a solid series debut anyone looking for a light, fun read will enjoy.
Alex (Alex #1)
Alex (Alex #1)
Dianne Hartsock | 2024 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ALEX is the first book in the same-titled series and we stay with him as we learn about how his life was, how it is now, and what he is going through.

Alex is a complex character - at times appearing like a small boy - which is no real surprise considering what he has been through. Jane is seven years older than him and has been by his side since he first came to her house, rescued by her dad. He is also a divisive character - some people like him, but a lot don't. Creg, Brad, and Dr Bennett, to name some. Alex also has friends in Angie, Justin, Becca, and Ben, the local police chief. It's a good job too, as he gets into situations that look bad for him.

If anything could go wrong for Alex, it did. He is kidnapped multiple times, gets attacked, tortured (again), assaulted, knifed, and shot at! I would be a nervous wreck. There was so much going on in this story, I sometimes forgot what the main storyline actually was, especially with so many characters, including some who just appear and seem to have no real purpose to the story.

On the whole, this was a gripping book with brilliant (albeit horrible) descriptions, but I was left wanting more that I hope will be covered in future books in the series - more about Alex, his past, and how he deals with his visions and migraines in the future.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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Feb 22, 2024