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Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs #12) in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs #12)
Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs #12)
Jacqueline Winspear | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a journey this book takes you on. This book takes you back to WW2 a bit and Nazi time. What will happen to Maisie Dobbs? The story gets even better as you read.

Why is everything a secret? They need to get a British man home from Munch. Will that happen? Maisie got to go to Germany as a family member of the man who being held by Hitler.

Maisie needs to be careful and Also protected. Will she return back home safe or will she be caught?

Jacqueline Winspear has become one of my favorite authors with the first book that I got to review. I will be looking for more of her books. I love to finish off the rest of the books in this series. She captured my attention the min you start reading. It takes a bit before getting to the story of a book. She gives a little background about Maisie Dobbs from the earlier book and continues on in this book.

Charley (64 KP) rated The Book Thief in Books

Feb 16, 2019  
The Book Thief
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (129 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shows you an alternative view of the second world war. (0 more)
The writer gives away spoilers throughout the book. You know how it ends before it does. (0 more)
Powerful and moving.
I was unable to put this book down from the start.
The book Thief is set in a WW2 Germany and follows the life of Leisel Merminger and her struggles in a Nazi Germany.
Before I go into more detail of the storyline I want to first mention how moving it is to see the second world war from a different perspective. I knew that the German people didn't have it easy during the war as well as the allies but it isn't often spoken about. The pressure that the German people were under to conform to the Nazi regime was imense and this book shows this perfectly. It outlines the day to day struggles of a regular family.
This book is a brilliant read and I feel the best part about it is that it is narrated by Death. This gives a little bit of humour to an otherwise quite intense and dark read.
I feel everyone should give this brilliant book a go.
The Nightingale
The Nightingale
Kristin Hannah | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (61 Ratings)
Book Rating
I honestly thought this was going to be a run of the mill WW2 story, but I was so wrong! These two sisters, one young, vivacious and spirited, the other older, settled and inclined to play it safe are so different, yet where it really counts each are as brave as the other.
Isabelle, the younger, is wild and impetuous. When Nazis invade their home town, she immediately wants to fight, regardless of the consequences. Taking an active part in the resistance she belies her years.
Older sister Vianne is more conservative. Married since she was 16, living in the family home that has been theirs for generations she is settled, keeps her head down and doesnt want to draw attention to herself.
Appearances can be deceptive. Even with Nazi officers billeted at her home, she proves that a mother is willing to do anything to protect her children, especially with her husband interned in a POW camp.
The stories these women have to tell are extraordinary, each of the finding in themselves a bravery they didn't know they had until they had to find it. Beautifully written, heart breaking. Extraordinary.
Call of Duty: WWII - The War Machine
The second of four DLC packs for Call of Duty: WW2 has arrived for PC and Xbox One users and War Machine offers plenty of good things for fans of the series. The pack had been previously released for the PS4 and after 30 days becomes available to the other systems. The DLC set contains three new maps for multiplayer and a new War Map as well as a new chapter for the Zombie Mode saga.

The maps are available for various gameplay modes and I tried them in Hardpoint, Kill Confirmed, and Team Deathmatch modes and found I really enjoyed them.



The first map I played was a highly-detailed recreation of the famous beach and seaport. Playing in Hardpoint mode, the battle featured plenty of objects to take cover behind as well as buildings with multiple levels which Snipers used to pick off anyone who came their way. I found the open area of the beach required some skillful navigation but the Ferry Terminal and abundant cover soon became my best friend during protracted battles.


Believe it or not this is the first time a Call of Duty map has been set in this fabled locale and it is a very beautiful map complete with monuments, temples, and battle debris. The shadows in buildings give enemies a great place to hide and strike from as do the tight tunnels. I played Team Deathmatch in this mode and found myself in a constant state of run and gun as stopping to admire the scenic beauty is not advised.


A rocket launch facility provides plenty of cover for those who want to stay moving but also abundant tunnels and a launch tower where sharpshooters can ply their craft. Playing Kill Confirmed was a fast and exciting experience as stopping to collect tags was highly dangerous thanks to the vast field of view from the launch tower and the abundant places for enemies to emerge from.

For The War mode of the game, the new map is called Operation Husky and it details aspects of the Allied invasion of Sicily where Allied units must locate and retrieve three key pieces of information. The Axis players must of course stop them and Trip Wires and other traps go hand in hand with the firepower one would expect.

If you are lucky enough to complete this phase, then the obtained data must be transmitted to the bomber which if successful, puts players in the cockpit of a fighter plane.

I found the plane very hard to control as it did not respond the way that I had expected it to from past flight simulators, but the action was intense and I at least was able to get a few enemy planes in my sites and unleash some damage along the way.

Of course no set would be complete without a Zombie mode, and The Shadowed Throne brings the heroes to a desolate Berlin where they must battle the unending hordes of undead in a series of locale. From a movie theater, museum, above ground and below, the enemies are fast, deadly, and just keep coming at you. Naturally you can get new weapons, abilities, and tools to help stay alive but I can tell you even after a 1hr and 25 minute match with some very skilled players, you never have enough firepower to truly be safe.

The War Machine takes the best elements of Call of Duty: WW2 and gives fans plenty to enjoy. With two more DLC packs to come and the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII on October 12th, there are plenty of things coming to the series in the next few months.
Windtalkers (2002)
Windtalkers (2002)
2002 | Drama
Not the film it was pitched as
I bought this when it first came out on video (yes, that long ago) excepecting a good action film centered around an interesting historical fact. If that is what you are hoping for, don't bother.

The trailers and the blurb made a great deal about the American use of the Navajo language as an unbreakable 'code' during WW2,and gave the impression that this was the central theme of the film. It is not. In fact that aspect of the story is almost completely incidental. Instead the film focuses on the character of Joe Enders (Nicholas Cage), in a thin and worn out story of the 'Only-Man-To-Survive-Out-Of-his-Unit-and-Now-he's-racked-with-Guilt' genre.

Trouble is, it's not even a good example of it's kind, and rapidly degenerates into the worst kind of John Wayne-esq war film, where one good/troubled/hard-arse American Marine manages to defeat the entire force of the Japanese/Germans/whoever.

It's a real shame, because the opportunity was there to do something really interesting and informative but - it seems - once again Hollywood has been blinded by the myopic belief that Testosterone, lots of big bangs and screaming characters makes for better entertainment.
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The story and how Kong looks. (0 more)
Finally Kong is Alive
Contains spoilers, click to show
Let me begin by saying that I love Kong, Godzilla and the for me to hate this movie it would have to be really bad. As it stands I love this movie. It's not only a break from the traditional tragic Kong ending but it's part of the monsterverse with Kong and Godzilla heading for a battle. This movie had great character support. Everyone played their parts well. You would eventually hate Jackson's character and Hiddleston and Larson's characters. As well as the other supporting cast. Kong looked amazing and it showed his level of devastation on an intelligent level. When he wiped out all of the choppers that invaded the island, it left the group in a hopeless situation. Kong was The least of their worries as The island had many more monstrous threats that killed more of the explorerers. The group would come across a WW2 vet named Marlow (John C Riley). With a lot of smarts and ingenuity, the survivors along with Kong battling the dangerous Skull Crawlers, they make it off the island. The ending however would Conrad (Hiddleston) and Weaver (Larson) "prisoners" in a room only to learn their are more creatures like Kong in the world.....I recommend watching this movie
Those Who Are Loved
Those Who Are Loved
Victoria Hislop | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An emotional look at modern Greek history.
This book is about the lives of the Koralis family, and particularly Themis, from 1930 to 2016. We follow them through some of the most disruptive times in Greek history - I hadn’t actually realised how deeply traumatic recent Greek history was.

Themis is a partisan fighter during WW2, trying to get the Germans out of Greece, and then fighting the right-wing government who had supported the invading Germans. She ends up a prisoner and endures terrible living conditions and violence at the hands of her prison guards. She returns home, marries and has a family, but her past is always with her. Greece doesn’t allow her to forget, as it continues to be led by a military government under martial law.

I loved following Themis and her siblings lives in the earlier chapters of the book, the history I’d never known about before (that Victoria Hislop describes so well), and her children and their lives in the latter half of the book.
Themis is a quietly formidable woman, who always stands by her beliefs and her family, and there are some really very emotional parts to this book.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this wonderful book - I’ll definitely be buying some copies as birthday presents this year, that’s for sure.
Hearts of Stone
Hearts of Stone
Simon Scarrow | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not quite what the blurb makes out
Whilst I do associate Simon Scarrow with the genre of historical fiction, these tend to be set further back in history: mainly around the time of the Roman Empire; there or thereabouts.

Until recently, I've tended to avoid his few works that are more contemporary in nature, only recently (towards the end of last year) reading Blackout as I felt they were 'too close' (if that makes sense) for comfort for me in that there are still people alive who lived through the setting.

I must admit, I did quite enjoy Blackout so thought I would also give this a go, due to the roughly the same (WW2) setting.

This novel flits back and forth between then and 'now' (of 2013), as the descendants of the main 1940s settings character start to discover more about their ancestors - in particular, as history teacher Anna uncovers the story of her maternal grandmother Eleni, who participated in the Greek resistance on the island of Lefkas during 1943.

The whole had-a-German-friend in 1939 thing almost seems incidental to the story (he's not), until roughly about the final third.

And yes, I did pick up on the arguments in favour of teaching history (a subject I did, mostly, enjoy in school) passages.
Call Of Duty: United Front
The third of four DLC packs for Call of Duty: WW2 has arrived for PC and Xbox One. United Front brings three new multiplay maps, a new War map, and a brand new chapter in the Zombie saga for players to enjoy.
The content first released on the PS4 which gives that platform a 30 day advanced released window over the other platforms.

The three maps are as follows…

Market Garden

Set during Operation Market Garden in The Netherlands, players must fight in and around Allied Headquarters which leads to several close-quarter battles. The kitchen is a very dangerous area and there are multiple places for enemies to hide in the shadows and strike.
If you like a run and gun style of play, this is the map for you.


The snow-covered map is set in the factory district and provides raised areas, long range attacks, tunnels, and solid action. The detail level is good and using train cars to hide behind before launching an attack makes the map a great mix of gameplay styles.

Monte Cassino

This map set in Italy has players battle in a village and has some great tactical variation. From courtyards to rooftops, players can alternate between run and gun and distanced attacks. There is some great fun in shooting enemies from the roof and then jumping down to finish them off point blank.

Operation Supercharge

Set in Tunisia during the second battle of El Alamein players must build and defend bridges as they look to assault and defend a key train bridge. Anyone who has played the War mode knows what to expect as teamwork is the key for this mode and different play styles are well-supported.
The final part of the pack is the new Zombie chapter and it is very difficult even for experienced players.

The Tortured Path

Players make a last-ditch stand to fight the evil hordes but the ideal village where the game takes place offers few places to hide and narrow passages which makes players develop hit and run tactics as standing your ground does not work well.
I have played all of the Zombie modes to date and this one is very challenging. I have asked other players if I am wrong about this and they have all agreed that the map offers a very high challenge as not only are the enemies tougher and abundant; the weapons do not seem to do as must damage.
United Front is a nice selection of content which will increase the options for fans of Call of Duty: WW2. However some fans may find it is a mix of good but not great content that does not change greatly from what is already offered. The new maps are fun but they do not have a unique or quirky quality to them like some maps have.
Had I realized when I picked it up that this was the 4th book in a series, I would have looked for the first book to start at the beginning. I didn’t feel like I was missing anything starting at this point in the story, however. The relationships between characters were either evident or explained well enough that you can easily read or listen to this book without having read the previous books, and not feel lost.

A lot of Swedish crime fiction has a particular melancholy feel to it, and The Hidden Child is no exception. The author did injected occasional brief moments of humor into the story that helped lighten the mood, however, and they kept it from feeling too dark.

The story is told in both in the present, and through flashbacks, in the time around WW2. It follows the police investigation into the murder of a local historian, as well as the family drama unfolding as Erica Faulk digs into her mother’s past. The two series of events turn out to be more intertwined than anyone could have imagined, and even though I could see where it was going, the story didn’t give everything away at once and I didn’t really know what had happened until the end.

If you are a fan of police procedural and / or historical mysteries, give this one a try!