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Dune: The Graphic Novel, part 1
Dune: The Graphic Novel, part 1
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, Dune

My only frame of reference is the 2021 movie.

Oh, I knew the basics prior to that: Spice, the giant worms, space politics, but beyond that ... ?

Released in the wake of that movie, this is - apparently (or so the authors say) - a straight visual retelling (as much as is possible) of Frank Herbert 1965 epic, rather than putting their own stamp on it.

Never having read that original, I'm in no position to say whether it is or not.

What I will say, however (if it is) then so is the 2021 movie, although there are distinct visual differences between the two mediums.

This also ends in a different place, slightly earlier than the movie, with Paul and Jessica alone in the desert and before their run-in with the Fremen.

So, yes, engaging if dragging slightly in parts and well set-up for the release of Part 2 in Autumn 2022 ...

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Anna O in Books

May 13, 2024  
Anna O
Anna O
Matthew Blake | 2024 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I do like a book with an unreliable narrator, and Anna O has them in spades! You won’t know who to trust - even the people you’re supposed to be able to rely on will prove thoroughly untrustworthy. And everyone in this novel has a secret or two that they don’t want anyone to know about.

The Anna O in question, is a woman who committed murder and then immediately fell asleep. Four years later, the Home Office want Dr. Benedict Prince, a specialist in sleep disorders, to wake her up. He’s reluctant to be involved with the case because of his own secrets, and as the story continues his fears are proven correct.

This is an exciting read believe it or not, even though one of the main characters is asleep!
The short chapters means the story races along, and I was repeatedly left on a cliffhanger.
What a ride this story was!!
Wake of Vultures
Wake of Vultures
Lila Bowen | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wake of Vultures was an exciting, fast paced, interesting read. It was fun and different for me. It wasn’t phenomenal. I would probably read the next one in the series, but I wouldn’t spend money on it.

The biggest problem I had with the story was I felt that it tried to deal with too many things at once. Racism, sexism, sexual identity, slavery, nudity, and religion are all important and heavy topics. All of them together in one YA urban fantasy novel? It’s a bit excessive. Even though I of all people understand that sometimes when a story comes to you, as an author, you can’t change your character! That’s just who they are! And don’t get me wrong, the story was great and I enjoyed listening to it, and I was totally caught up in it. But there were times when I would listen and something would come up and I’d be like “this is too much. this is ridiculous.” It felt like overkill.

That aside, I enjoyed the book and look forward to the sequel.
Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
1961 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Technically highly proficient adaptation of the Capote novella, as kooky free spirit/irritating self-absorbed freeloader Holly Golightly (Hepburn) wins the heart of George Peppard's young novelist. Probably looked old-fashioned even in 1961; absurdly romanticised depiction of New York (even the drug barons are charming old gentlemen) is effectively done and rather compelling.

Perhaps the problem is that the presentation of the emotional havoc Holly leaves in her wake is a bit too effective: I couldn't help feeling sorry for Doc (Buddy Ebsen), and wasn't inclined to let Hepburn's charm and good looks sway me (having met people like Holly Golightly for real may have prejudiced me a bit). I must be in the minority - for most people, the film clearly manages the trick of having its cake and eating it, by presenting Hepburn's character as trouble but making the audience fall in love with her anyway. Speaking of minorities, the grotesque racial caricature of Mickey Rooney's character is appalling - but hey, the theme song is nice.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Kaiju fights (0 more)
Murky lighting (0 more)
Oh no there goes Boston?
Four years ago, Godzilla awoke and destroyed San Francisco. A small boy was trampled. While the mother worked on a way to communicate with monsters, the father ran away and went into wildlife photography. Now, working for Monarch, the monster hunting secret organization, mom is captured and her Orca device is being used to wake up all the monsters (I refuse to call them Titans). Plot twist: mom wants the monsters to destroy everything so the Earth can rebuild itself. Yes, another ecoterrorist plot. There is also some lesson about symbiosis and invasive species but that is for ecology class. Anyway, a few times, Godzilla shows up just in time to save the puny humans who have tried for 65 years to kill him. Why are all these doctors and professors so dumb in these Godzilla movies? Everything they do leads to another problem like they never consider the consequences of their action if it alleviates the present predicament.
The Stolen Chapters (Story Thieves, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Owen and Kiel wake up, they are in the library with no memory of how they got there or even what happened in the last couple of weeks. Then someone in a mask shows up to announce that their friend Bethany is in danger, and if they don’t rescue her in the next couple of hours, they will never see her again. Then he sets the library on fire and calls the police on them. Can Owen and Kiel find Bethany, figure out who the villain is, and stop him?

This is the second in a series, and you don’t want to start here if you haven’t read the first. However, once you’ve read the first, you’ll absolutely love this book. There are lots of laughs and fun and surprises along the way, including a fantastic cameo by a character I grew up with. The book gets very meta, but just go with it because it is a ton of fun.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla 2000 (1999) in Movies

Mar 17, 2018 (Updated May 30, 2019)  
Godzilla 2000 (1999)
Godzilla 2000 (1999)
1999 | International, Sci-Fi
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not quite the two-thousandth Godzilla movie, though it might feel that way to non-fans of this kind of thing. Aliens who've spent sixty million years asleep at the bottom of the sea wake up and try to steal Godzilla's DNA; things do not go according to plan, with bad results for everyone (except perhaps Godzilla himself).

The first Japanese movie to follow the reviled American Godzilla reboots the series again; you would have thought this was a splendid opportunity for Toho to show just how this sort of thing should be done. Alas no: there are some good bits here, and baddie monster Orga is quite impressive (though not in the film for long enough), but the film has the usual problem of not seeming to be that interested in Godzilla himself - it's not clear whether Godzilla is meant to be anti-hero or antagonist, either. Some duff CGI on display, too. Rather than being a showcase for the series, this is a dull and derivative movie that's not especially interesting to look at.
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
1987 | Horror
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
John Carpenter is rightly considered a master of his craft, especially in the horror genre, and Prince of Darkness is yet another prime example of why.

The overall tone of PoD is one of constant dread, thanks in no small part to Carpenters' fantastic score work (probably my favourite film music of his), and also his directing style. It's a portfolio of wonderful shots, plenty of them are creepy as hell, and there's an air of mystery to compliment it all. The narrative is never clear cut, even by then end. The viewer has a solid idea of what if happening, but it's not a handled in a hand holding way, and leaves a load of questions in its wake, well still being satisfying in its conclusion.

It has a decent cast headed by Halloween alumni Donald Pleasence, and features the talents of Lisa Blout and era fixture Victor Wong, and an engaging screenplay. The dialogue is plentiful here, but none of it comes across like dead weight, and the finished product is a competent and unsettling religious horror.
Isn&#039;t It Romantic (2019)
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
A romcom that isn't a romcom
Contains spoilers, click to show
Natalie is an architect at a business where nobody respects her, and is looked down on except for a male colleague who unbeknown to her has a big crush on her. One day Natalie is mugged and hits her head causing her to wake up in an alternate universe. In this universe every male is being nice to her which makes her feel uncomfortable, however she thinks the way to get back to reality is to make a guy fall in love with her. This movie is definitely a big middle finger to romcom, it has every cliche you can think of from a spontaneous singing and dancing scene to kissing a gorgeous bloke (and boy is he gorgeous) in the rain to which as a romcom hater, Natalie comments on every time. Just like I am pretty, the movie has a strong message to women to love yourself for who you are. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and would definitely watch it again.

Mark Halpern (153 KP) rated The Hangover (2009) in Movies

Jan 19, 2018 (Updated Jan 19, 2018)  
The Hangover (2009)
The Hangover (2009)
2009 | Comedy
Wolf Pack
Four guys embark to Las Vegas for their friends bachelor party. The four friends could not be better opposites of each other. Doug the groom is the normal one, Alan the brother in-law is kind of mentally unbalanced, Phil who is a good friend is the wild one and Stu the other friend is the safe and cautious one. Well one thing leads to another and we see them wake up all deranged and Doug is missing. They have to retrace their steps in trying to find them which leads them into crazy findings such as a baby, a stolen police car, a tiger, "iron" Mike Tyson, A kidnapped Chinese man and a marriage. Do they find Doug or don't they.

For what it was it was the the hardest I have laughed in a theater ever at that time. I don't think there was a moment where my gut did not hurt. If you watch make sure you watch the credits how ever we do see one of the cast getting a hummer which i could have done with out.