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Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)
Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)
Beth Revis | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
The opening of this novel was a bit too nauseating for my tastes, with the details of how the people aboard the spaceship Godspeed are cryogenically frozen turning my stomach, but it certainly served to make the book more realistic. I had wrongly assumed that Beth Revis would open the novel with Amy already frozen, or just waking up, but this approach has me evaluating my own life and what it would take to volunteer for such a mission. Waking up 300 years in the future, leaving behind everything you have ever known, without even the option to return to it -- such an existence feels very lonely to me. Already I have a certain respect for Amy's choice.
The perspective of the male main character, Elder, alternating with Amy's thoughts and dreams in her frozen state were interesting. I kind of expected Amy to finally wake up mad as a hatter from her conscious entrapment. Eldest likely would have just dumped her into space if that had happened.
The encased world that had been created inside the spaceship Godspeed was both mind-boggling in its vastness and claustrophobic in its simplicity. Many things are seen as commonplace, such as genetic manipulation and mass control through brain-washing and the widespread use of drugs. Many things are backwards from what I know in today's reality, such as Eldest's support of Hitlerian tactics, and the idea that those of creative and genius-level intellect are "crazy", while the mind-numbed masses are "normal." The language has also evolved into a kind of slurred and shortened English that Amy struggles to understand, as well as the addition of new slang terms.
Amy has quite an uphill battle in enacting change on this ship for the better, especially with her red hair, green eyes, and pale skin. I certainly would not want to be in her shoes, but I admire her resolve and determination despite how alone and trapped she feels. Elder is ignorant and immature at the beginning of the novel, but Amy's presence wakes him up to the reality of his world and his responsibility towards it.
The book does not have a real "ending" so much as a place to pause -- until the next book comes out. There were a ton of questions I had at the end that I hope are resolved in the next book, such as Doc's lack of an apprentice. On to A Million Suns!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Masquerade in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this novel by the end of it. The beginning is a bit slow and dry, as Moser sets up the background information and almost struggles to get the reader to "side" with the main character Charlotte Gleason by using her maid's voice to excuse Charlotte's "spoiled rich girl" behavior. I really have a hard time buying the lines that Charlotte really is a good person even though she chooses to be naive about the world she lives in because she feels helpless to enact change. But what happens to her family to force her to travel to America is just the thing to wake her up to the real world and her own responsibilities in it.
I feel much more sympathetic to Dora Conners' plight, as she has little to no say in her life and what Charlotte forces on her, even if it does seem to benefit Dora in theory. To be forced into a position in which she has to lie about who she is and where she is from by her "boss" is atrocious, no matter how much a "friendship" has been built between them. In addition, the endgame is that she is expected to give of her own body to a man in marriage who does not even know who she really is - it's completely shameful.
The parallel way that the story is told once the girls get to America is quite interesting, especially how their paths intersect in seemingly coincidental ways, such as the sweat shop where Charlotte works temporarily manufacturing the clothes that Dora orders from the Tremaine's department store. The more that Charlotte suffers and the guiltier she feels for the lies she has told and has also forced on Dora makes me like her more for the maturation in character she experiences.
In contrast, I have a hard time blaming Dora for the choices she has to make while living in the Tremaine household given her circumstances. She was made to come to this place and perform to certain expectations, and she has no backup plan should she decide to do otherwise. The guilt she feels despite her lack of personal choice in the matter only make her more likeable to the reader. Given where she is from and what is being handed to her, there are not many who would fault her for going along with the "masquerade."
In the end, the goal of both girls is true love over financial stability, and since I am a romantic at heart, I can't help but approve of the ending.

Becs (244 KP) rated Angel Land in Books

Jun 6, 2019  
Angel Land
Angel Land
PS Scott | 2019 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting yet lacking
My rating: ☆☆☆.5

I was sent a final copy of Angel Land by PS Scott to read and review for my honest opinion. Thank you to Indiegram Book Tours and PS Scott for sending me a final copy.

Angel Land follows a thirteen year old boy named Gabriel Perez and his journey to try to become a ruling archangel. He is wingless and that adds to multiple of difficult bumps throughout the story. When it comes to take the GTEE, Gabriel ends up failing. But what he doesn’t expect in to get chosen to enter the Z Guild. But he soon gets attacked and put in protective custody in the Holy Guild. This all leads to Gabriel making a few friends, going on a few adventures, finding out the truth, and having to choose sides.

“There are some moments you spend all your life dreaming of so much that they become a quasi-reality. You see them when you wake up, you see them when you go to sleep, you see them when you close your eyes, and you see them when you open your eyes. You begin living in the dream, seeing the same vision for years, desperately hoping it’ll come true but never expecting it to. When dreams meet reality the collision is so powerful there are no words to describe it.”

Reasons why I rated it 3.5 stars:
1. The plot:
I felt the plot was lacking a bit and did discover a few plot holes. Really took away from the story as I was confused in a few parts.

2. My enjoyment:
I really enjoyed reading Angel Land. But I probably won’t reread as it’s not typically something that I would read.

3. Character and story development:
There was not really as much development that I felt was needed. The character development was yet wasn’t there and the story had some development, but lacked a bit in parts.

4. Grammar and spelling:
There were quite a bit of spelling and grammatical errors that it took away from the story. My brain was automatically correcting parts and other parts of the story I had to reread more than once so I could understand what was going on.

5. The overall story:
I enjoyed Angel Land but because it lacked in parts, it slithered closer and closer to the unenjoyable state. The story was there, it just needed a bit more added to it to make it one hundred percent.

“Fear is the most debilitating thing in the world, but if you can face your greatest fear, you become invincible.”
Wonder (2017)
Wonder (2017)
2017 | Drama
acting (2 more)
underlying message
Cute messages tugging at your heart strings
Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, Wonder, directed by Stephen Chbosky, is a wonderfully endearing and uplifting story about a boy, Auggie Pullman (Jacob Tremblay), who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome and has had several surgeries leaving him with facial deformities.

The movie starts as he is entering into fifth-grade, and actually going to school for the first time as he has previously been home schooled by his mother (Julia Roberts). He is understandably scared about not making friends, or being ridiculed by his classmates, but with the help of his Mum and Dad (Owen Wilson) he braves going to school and meets new people.

There are many moments of sadness, as you would expect, but there are also moments of great joy. I found myself crying from start to finish, riding on a rollercoaster of emotions.

There are a few mini storylines about other characters that get given the spotlight at different times as well, which is a nice change to when some films focus on just the one person, because we get to see other characters backgrounds, and why they act how they do.

The casting is brilliant, Tremblay plays Auggie excellently, bringing both emotion and sass to the character. He has been in a fair few things before, such as Before I Wake, but this role will definitely boost him into the spotlight.

Roberts and Wilson as the parents is also an excellent choice, Roberts gives an emotive performance, and it’s great to see Wilson in a serious role, whilst still bringing some light comic relief.

The cast has a lot of young actors, but there isn’t one that stands out as being stiff or unnatural, they are all brilliant and help to bring the feel of the movie together. The relationships between all the characters is brought to life really well by the actors.

The writing is brilliant, although it is based on a book so the story is there already, but the screenwriters, Chbosky, Steve Conrad and Jack Thorne, put it together for the screen really well.

There are some stand out quotes, that also come from the book, that make you stop and think, and the teacher, Mr Browne (Daveed Diggs), teaches the class about precepts such as ‘When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind’.

Overall, it’s a well-rounded family movie, that may change your outlook on some things in life. With such great casting, writing and direction, I’d be very surprised if it didn’t do well during awards season.
To Touch You (Mates #4)
To Touch You (Mates #4)
Cardeno C | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a fitting end
I purchased both the ebook, AND audio copy of this book (November 2017)

This is book 4 in The Mates Series, and the last one. You don't need to have read the other three, but there is some overlap with books one, Wake Me Up Inside and book 3, In Your Eyes, so there may be spoilers, sorta, kinda.

Yoram Smith is 7 years old when he first meets Salvatore Rossi, and he knows nothing but the pull of his scent. Sal is, in Yoram's eyes, his friend. It takes a turning of Sal to vampire and over 20 years before Sal finally admits that Yoram is his mate.

I LOVED this final installment in the Mates series! I really did. But I can't split the narration from the book, so the lines might be a bit blurred on this one.

I read this book, in December 2017, and I was going through a rough patch, so didn't actually write a review for it, then the audio came through the blog for review, and I had credits available, so I grabbed it. SO glad I did!

I loved Charlie David's narration, his voices especially. Yoram is 7 when we first meet him, and I was curious how David would change his voice as he grew. Nailed that one, I tell ya! At7, at 14 and as a full groan Yoram, his voice is the same but different, if that makes any sense? I could tell it was Yoram at every step of the way.

And trust me, it's a very long way these two took to finally get together! Sal doesn't fully understand the workings of being a vampire, he finds no joy in feeding and certainly not socialising with them, but he HAS to feed. Until the blood turns up on his doorstep, and THAT blood is different. Takes him a while to figure out where it's coming from!

I loved that Zev and Jonah ( book 1) and Samuel and Korban (book 3) play a part here, but I especially loved that Ethan and Miguel are a HUGE part of this book. When I read this, I could hear the voices of these guys but they weren't right, not at all. So it was great to be able to catch up with them here.

I loved that, once Sal finally dug his head out the sand and returned to Yoram, he was all in, totally and utterly.

Like I said, I can't really split the narration from the book, so

5 stars all round!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Bird Box
Bird Box
Josh Malerman | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here!

<b><i>The sky is falling, the sky is dying, the sky is dead.</b></i>

One day you wake up and read a horrifying news story, there are people who are seeing things that make them go insane. So insane that they are driven to kill themselves. Soon, the entire world is infected with this <i>thing</i> and your only hope of survival is this: <b>do not open your eyes.</b>

This book was skin crawling-ly creepy! The plot is so unique and it really chills you to the bone at times. I liked how, as a reader, you were left just as blind as Malorie was, with Malerman giving you the opportunity to believe if there was something evil lurking, or not. This novel plays into one of my deepest fears. Being blind. Thinking about going blind has always scared me, but especially the thought of having to become blind involuntarily. Not being able to use your sight when you have the ability to do so would be excruciating and terrifying.

Malorie was such a refreshing, interesting and bold character. I loved her from page one and I never stopped loving her throughout. Her being a paranoid, helpless mother really brought out the scariness of the entire apocalyptic situation so well that you just know this book would have been nowhere near as good if Malerman has chosen to lead with another character, such as Tom, or Shannon.

Throughout, this book had me on the edge of my seat with fear and trepidation. One scene that really got to me in this novel was the scene in the bar. Malorie not being able to open her eyes to see what Victor was fussing about or having the ability to know if there was danger in the room with her really gave me goosebumps.

My only qualm with this novel was one aspect of the main plot line that I felt was left at a bit of a loose end. I guess, in some ways, it was good that it was left unspoken. We only have our thoughts about it to simmer in, to make our decisions as we did with so much of this book. But on the other hand, I would have liked an outcome of why and where.

This is by far one of the scariest novels I’ve read in a long time and I want more of Malerman’s writing, right now!

Louise (64 KP) rated The Raven Boys in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is quite a big deal in the book community at the moment, it appears everyone is reading it and loving it!.... apart from ME! So I don't hate this book and I don't love it..... it was just MEH! Here's why:

Blue was annoying, she has been told by her mother, aunts and other psychics that her first true love will die when she kisses him, to me the idea of this was like ummmm the mum is just saying this so she doesn't kiss any boys at all.

Throughout the whole book she is sort of starting a relationship with Adam the less privileged of the Raven boys although she has seen Gansey's future which is bleak you can tell she doesn't know who decide to fall in love with and it's just annoying, because she know's they will die if she does, it just gets a bit tedious.

Adam is the less privileged of the Raven boys, he is a local boy studying hard and paying his own way through private school and has a pretty rough time with an abusive father (I am starting to see a trend *rolls eyes*). He appears very genuine, not wanting hand outs and to make something of himself.

Ronan is a boy who has some issues, his father was killed on the doorstep of their house. Since then he is a very angry young man, who wants to vent his anger on his brother and not complete his studies, Ronan definitely grew on me by the end of it and has a softer side to him.

Gansey is the leader of the gang, with money, sophistication and an insatiable desire to find they Ley lines and wake the Raven king. He appears to act much older than his years, but a very mysterious character I don't know why but I can't explain him, his moods seem to change all the time.

The book was very slow to start with it was only the last third that it started getting interesting for me, the twist in the book did have my jaw on the floor......WTF!! that was the best bit.

There are fantasy elements to the book but not heavy. The world building in the book was well done and the character development was very strong. Stiefvater did a good job and her writing is very easy to read.

Do I continue with the series? Does it get better? Please tell me I am not the only one that had these thoughts.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Oh Dear Silvia in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Oh Dear Silvia
Oh Dear Silvia
Dawn French | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Oh Dear Silvia</i> is a contemporary, somewhat humorous, novel by British comedian, Dawn French. Set in England it focuses on a sixty-year-old woman, Silvia Shute, who has fallen from a balcony, sustaining a serious head injury that has left her in a coma.

Knowing this you cannot help wondering how you do write a book where the main character is unconscious and how would this affect the narrative? This is how. Although Silvia is indeed the main character, the tale is actually told through observing family members and friends when they visit her in hospital. The entire book plays out in Silvia’s hospital room, Suite 5, but each character brings something else to story through their thoughts, feelings and actions.

Ed, Silvia’s ex husband, provides details of what has happened since their divorce. Jo, her older sister, reminisces about their childhood whist trying and failing to use a number of New Age ideas to wake Silvia up. There is Cat, her best friend, through who we discover what actually happened to Silvia, whilst, Tia, her cleaner is bringing in her favourite foods and updating her on the various goings on in the celebrity world. Cassie, her daughter however, portrays Silvia in a different light that makes us question what kind of person Silvia really was. And finally there is Winnie, a nurse at the hospital. Winnie’s accounts provide the reader with an extra storyline that is nothing to do with Silvia and her accident.

The story being told in this way gives the reader a chance to learn about who Silvia was which causes us to think different things about her which we would not have had the opportunity to feel had Silvia been able to tell the story herself. Firstly we feel worry for her, but then we begin to hate her particularly with the help of Cassie as well as Ed, who admits that had Silvia been conscious he would not have been visiting. Finally we get to a stage of understanding. Understanding who Silvia was, understanding why she did what she did, understanding what has happened to her.

The book takes on many themes: drama, mystery… and humour. Well, it is meant to be humour. I can understand the funny parts but personally it was not my type of humour. Too much swearing in my opinion. But then if you enjoy that type of thing, <i>Oh Dear Silvia</i> has the potential to be a really funny book.
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011)
2011 | Animation, Comedy, Family
5.5 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Alvin and the Chipmunks are back in an all new adventure along with Dave and the Chipettes. Directed by Mike Mitchell, this is the third installment in the new Chipmunk franchise. The voices of the Chipmunks and Chipettes include none other than Justin Long (Alvin), Matthew Gray Gubler (Simon), Jesse McCartney (Theodore), Amy Poehler (Eleanor), Anna Faris (Jeanette), Christina Applegate (Brittany), Alan Tudyk (Simone), David Cross (Ian ) and of course we can’t forget Jason Lee (Dave) . This installment, like the other two, are jam-packed with great actors and comedians who together have made an entertaining film not only for children but for adults as well.

The Chipmunks and the Chipettes are on their way to performing at the International Music Awards and are taking a small vacation before their big show to relax. At least that is what the plan was, until good ol’ Alvin, who always has to be the risk taker, changes the plans. Because of his crazy antics he ends up causing himself, his brothers, the Chipettes, Dave and the ships pelican mascot to go over board and get subsequently marooned on a deserted island. Dave and the pelican mascot end up on a different part of the island than the Chipmunks and Chipettes and both groups think they are doomed and will never be found. As luck would have it, they meet Zoe (Jenne Slate). Zoe has been on the island for quite a few years after being marooned herself and has made it her home. When the island is in trouble when a sleeping volcano begins to wake up; it is up to everybody to get over their inhibitions and help each other get to safety. Along the way everybody learns some life lessons but will Dave ever get to see the Chipmunks again and make it to the music awards?

The plot of this film is very simple and a bit short, but you have to remember that it is geared mainly to children. I still enjoy the Chipmunks and it is such a treat after having grown up watching the cartoons and seeing what modern filmmaking offers a new generation of kids. Most adults may not like the new songs and may find it annoying. I on the other hand love it, with some of the songs being performed better by chipmunks than the actual artists. This movie is recommended for families and the young at heart for a great afternoon movie. Although the first two movies in the franchise are my favorite, this installment is entertaining and will for sure put a smile on your face.
Twelve (The MORE Trilogy, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well honestly, IÕm running out of positive things to say about these books without repeating myself multiple times. This is, without a doubt, one of the best series I have ever had the privilege of reading.

As with the other books, the transition is seamless from one book too the next. The skill of Ms Franklin in telling her tale is absolutely sublime and makes reading an absolute pleasure.

This, the third installment of the series, has phenomenal pace and passion throughout. It just oozes from the page in giant wonderfulness. The twists and turns from the very start of this story leave you with incredible whiplash as you try to figure out whoÕs who, whoÕs good and whoÕs playing a double role. IÕve rarely encountered a book which has you experiencing so many different emotions all at once, and itÕs just excellent.

Be warned if you do read this, the last 20% is literally impossible to put down. Even though I was falling asleep and utterly exhausted, I honestly could not stop reading. I actually slapped myself to stay awake and pinched my cheeks to make myself wake up. IÕm one of these grumpy guts if I donÕt get sleep, so itÕs very rare anything keeps me awake, but by jove this book did it (last one that managed that was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).

The revelations in this story came thick and fast, especially the final one (no spoilers here, but be prepared to pick your jaw up off the floor!) and I honestly did not want the story to end. In another first for a long while, I had an immense feeling of emptiness when I finished the book, and even now, several weeks after having finished it find myself missing Caleb and Ava. I need a spin offÉ.. please? ;)

Simply put, this was absolutely stupendous writing from the very start of the series and Franklin definitely does her plot and characters justice with this final installment. I honestly cannot recommend this book highly enough, and the series as a whole are firmly wedged on my favourites list, even ousting other popular ones such as Potter and True Blood to the top spot. And yes, itÕs 5 stars, but in all honesty, IÕd gladly give as many as I could because quite frankly, this book deserves every star in the sky! Well done Ms Franklin, this is phenomenal writing and I doff my cap to your amazing skills!

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*