I look forward to this series because they are always fun, and this book is no exception. As Georgie is heading out to her ultimate destination, we get updates on everyone in her life. This may slow things down for those new to the series, but fans will absolutely love it. Once we reach Italy, things pick up and get very interesting quickly. I love how the global politics of the day was woven into this book while still giving us an entertaining mystery and keeping the tone light as always.
NOTE: I received a copy of this book.
Read my full review at <a href="http://carstairsconsiders.blogspot.com/2017/08/book-review-on-her-majestys-frightfully.html">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Merissa (12374 KP) rated The Mark of a Druid in Books
Dec 17, 2018
There is so much detail in this book and it has such a build up to the big finale, with new characters even appearing right at the end, that that is why I felt it was rushed. This book is definitely better second time around as you don't feel so overloaded with characters and you are able to enjoy it more. It is a fantastic story, rich in detail and imagery. Excellent book that gets better every time you read it. Definitely a keeper.
27th April 2013
I recently "bought" this ebook (totally free!!!!) and thoroughly enjoyed it ... until the ending. It can be a bit complicated trying to read it with 2 girls vying for your attention as it flips from ancient Wales to modern day LA but the characters intermingle throughout both eras. The only trouble I had with it was the ending - it just seemed a bit rushed to me. Perhaps I'll have to read it again and see if it makes a difference. Apart from that - excellent book.
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