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Do you like slowly wandering around the woods with no particular aim than to take in the surrounding beauty, breathe in the fresh air and be present and at one with nature? Then this book Shinrin-yoku: The Japanese Way of Forest Bathing for Health and Relaxation by Yoshifumi Miyazaki, should definitely be on your bookshelf! Honestly, if you’d asked me if there was such as thing a couple of weeks ago, I would have laughed at you and told you, you were just lazy. But it really is a thing.

Shinrin Yoku or ‘forest bathing’ was developed in Japan in the 1980s and brings together ancient ways and wisdom with cutting edge environmental health science. Believe it not, (oh, you must!) there are now forest bathing stations and walkways scattered throughout Japan, but you don’t have to all the way over there (although I would love to) to experience this simple, calming practice. No! With this book you can learn the art, strap on your walking shoes and get on out there and start your own Shinrin Yoku pathway.

Although, reading the book, it’s got a certain appeal and much more “hippyish” in China, including an itinerary of forest therapy (and tree-hugging), soba-noodle making, pottery workshops and stargazing – and that’s just day one! Can also include mediation, yoga, aromatherapy and forest concerts.

Involving all the senses, and taking all the greenery around you (and green is a very relaxing colour) you will find Shinrin Yoku benefits you in ways you didn’t know were possible. Numerous tests and studies have been made for this book. One example I’d like to share was how subjects were monitored (and properly measured) after just 15 mins walking in the morning, and 15 mins sitting and viewing the greenery in the afternoon. This short break in everyday life – reduced stress, blood pressure, pulse rate and cortisol, and increased a whole range of feelings from comfort and calmness with a decrease in anxiety.

Another great example showed the effects of just staring at a Bonsai tree for 60 seconds. Well, I tell you, I’m getting everyone I know who needs de-stressing a Bonsai tree for Christmas! It will be the best bloody present they could ask for – even if they do look at me as if I’m going mad when I ask them to just do one thing for me. Sit and stare at it for 60 seconds every day…

Now. Are there any Bonsai specialists in the UK? I want one or two.

Jonathan Higgs recommended Electro-Shock Blues by Eels in Music (curated)

Electro-Shock Blues by Eels
Electro-Shock Blues by Eels
1998 | Indie, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard 'Novocaine For The Soul' on the radio and bought the album the very next day. And with their second record, I got it expecting more of the same. This was pre-internet, so there wasn't a lot of information about it, but it would appear that he lost his sister and mum, and so he wrote this record about being in hospital and watching people die. It was extremely sad, and for a teenager it was like, ""Holy shit! What is this?!"" Kids are always intrigued by sob stories of one kind or another - Nirvana being a perfect example - but this guy had clearly been through a lot. He writes very short and simple yet very affecting songs, not produced in a twee way, but very cold and using lots of samples. They didn't really sound like a band at all. Again, they were a three-piece, and a very simple band. He had a really cool voice and a story to tell, and that again really made me think about the fact that the band doesn't have to be that thing which I always thought they were: that you played your drums and you play your bass, when actually it can be anything you want. That really influenced the way I write music. I used a lot more technology after I got into that album. I started to integrate my live sounds - my guitar for example - with my laptop, and I started using a lot more sampling, thinking I want to be a lot more like Eels. I think an element of his very black humour has crept into my music. You always get the sense that he is talking about something very grave, but he does so in a slightly distracting way. Take 'Susan's House': it's got this ridiculous, quite clearly silly motif, which sounds like Neighbours - he knows it does! He's talking about his problems at Susan's house as he's walking past all these awful things in the street, like a kid who has been shot and a pregnant teenager, but it's couched in this happy, jaunty, slightly sarcastic world, and that is precisely where I'm at in my own music. Like the song 'Get To Heaven' is all about the same thing, walking past horrors but with a smile on your face, whistling a jaunty tune. I think a lot of influence came from Mr Everett, because of his outlook on life, where you can be in a very dark position but music doesn't have to abide by those rules, it can subvert it."

At The Devil's Door (2014)
At The Devil's Door (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery
3.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – This was a hard film to figure out who the main character was until the end, so I will talk about the three biggest characters in no particular order. Hannah is the first one we meet, she is a runaway that finds herself in the middle of a demon worshiping cult, walking the halls of a house up for sale, she has a secret waiting to reveal. Leigh is the real-estate agent that is trying toe sale the house only to learn that there is a force in the house trying to control certain movements. Vera is the younger sister of Leigh, an artists that becomes the target of the presence that is haunting the land.

Performances – While I don’t think the actors do a bad job in anyway in this film, the scorecard is being harsh on them, most of this complaint that the characters don’t become the main until late in the film which doesn’t give us enough time to get behind the actors. The three actresses do well with what they have without having that one moment that makes them stand out.

Story – The story follows a potential demon being born into the world, I think, it would be fair to say this movie does put forward all the generic ideas that something is off with each scene, but as I was saying with the characters, we follow ones events only for the to mean nothing and these scenes go on for a healthy 20 odd minutes before we move onto the next character’s story, which only leaves us confused and feeling withdrawn from where the story is going.

Horror – The horror is the normal, people walking around the empty houses following or running from noises, the only scene that stands out is involving the hospital.

Settings – The film keeps us in a few houses that always seem to be empty, nothing is overly interesting with the locations being used.

Special Effects – The effects are the strongest part of the film, it does have a couple of stand out moments which will make you look away but also make you want to watch.

Scene of the Movie – Hospital time.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not knowing the main character early on.

Final Thoughts – This is a messy confusing movie that does try to break the mould because of the source material of demon trying to be born, we skip over the been there scene that parts but it takes too long to get there.


Overall: Not good enough horror movie.
The Mist (2007)
The Mist (2007)
2007 | Horror
The creatures (2 more)
The feud
The ending
When walking into The Mist, I was hopeful and skeptical at the same time.

I knew director Frank Darabont could product a great film as he did with The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. Even being comfortable with Stephen King material was a plus. However, I just thought another lame creature feature with no real development or point and just a lot of senseless gore.

I could not have been more wrong.

The visual effects, creatures and scares in this film are definitely A+ for sure, but what makes the film work without a doubt is the fantastic screenplay.

When people start dying, it doesn't really matter unless you care about them first as people and get invested in their circumstance and fate. Once the townspeople are trapped by the mist in the grocery store, some of their true personalities start to emerge as the tension builds.

Much has been written about the ending whether plausible, not necessary, too much of a coincidence or just right. In the day of carbon copy, nonoriginal storytelling, I would definitely reward a film that takes risks vs. one that doesn't.

The risks in this film pay off big time.

Halo: Hunters in the Dark
Halo: Hunters in the Dark
Peter David | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very Enjoyable
Having a massive video gaming background, I'm finding it strange that I never really bothered with Halo. I'm beginning to wonder why that is... It's an interesting world to say the least. My Dad let me borrow this novel after he read it because he knows I love my sci-fi. If I'm honest I was a little skeptical about it, having never actually played Halo I was worried it wouldn't make much sense, but it was quite good, it wasn't bogged down with too much information, yet still explained things so that someone who hasn't ever played Halo could still enjoy the novel. I liked the characters and all their differences from each other. Some interactions between characters were particularly amusing at times. If I had one negative thing to say about this one was the ending was a tad predictable. I knew how it was going to go from around the end of chapter ten. Other than that it was an interesting read with a few gripping moments that had me walking around with my nose in the book :) You like sci-fi and aliens? Pick this one up, it's not overly taxing to weave your way through the Halo world, and it's enjoyable too.
Chasing the Dime
Chasing the Dime
Michael Connelly | 2002 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I woke up, and rubbed my eyes. I pushed myself up. my shoulders hurt. Probably from all the hard work I did yesterday, sitting in front of a computer and debating about a review I wrote. I rolled my neck. Slowly I pushed myself up, swung my legs over the side of my bed, and stood up. I was cold. I decided it was a good idea to grab a bath-robe or something.

Pointless jabber. That’s what that feels like. Tons of stupid little details that I don’t really need to know and really don’t care about.

The whole book so far has read like the above paragraph. I don’t want to know the details behind setting up your voicemail. I felt like this whole section so far could have been done in one or two chapters rather than te several that I’ve listened to so far. It was boring, slow, and redundant. I’ll always give a book a chance, but I don’thave time to waste on walking into the office, signing into the log, and noticing all the little details about old coffee cups and ugly posters on the wall, and the memories associated with them.

Which is really too bad, because there’s a great story in there. But the execution was poor.