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I Let You Go
I Let You Go
Clare Mackintosh | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
One rainy evening, an accident occurs on a quiet neighborhood street. Walking home from school with his mother, young Jacob is hit by a car, and killed. Even worse, the car quickly backs up and drives away, leaving Jacob's mother shattered and Detective Inspector Ray Stevens and his team, particularly eager young DC Kate, to seek out answers.

With her world ruined by the accident, Jenna Gray seeks refuge by the coast. She finds a small cottage, gets a dog, and tries to escape the nightmares of the accident that haunt both her dreams and waking hours. Meanwhile, Ray and Kate are forced to close Jacob's case, no closer to the suspect than when they started. But the two remain undaunted, working on the case in their off hours, and an anniversary plea one year after the accident turns up some potential leads. What exactly happened that rainy night? Will justice ever come for Jacob--and peace for Jenna?

This was an excellent thriller-- a real surprise, honestly. The beginning of the novel started out slow, and was so horrendously sad, what with Jacob's accident and his mother's terrible grief. It was one of several book's I'd read lately involving the death of a child, and I was so saddened that I almost set it aside. I'm glad I didn't though, because while the book is gut-wrenchingly sad, it's excellent, tense, and suspenseful. Divided into several parts, things pick up immensely at the end of the first part, when Mackintosh throws in an excellent plot twist (I shan't say anymore so as not to ruin it).

Mackintosh is excellent at conveying Jenna's anguish and the sadness that the accident causes. We also have a side-plot of Ray and his feelings toward his subordinate, Kate. Ray's home life is unbalanced: he's dealing with issues with his son, Tom, and his wife. These are a bit distracting at times, but serve to humanize him as well. The police subplot (watching them try to piece things together) is interesting, also. In fact, the book alternates in perspectives: we hear from Ray, Jenna, and one more character. In part 2, we go back in time for some of the characters, but remain in the present with Ray and Kate as they (much like us, the readers) try to solve this crime. It's an interesting technique and works surprisingly well. Jenna is a complicated character, but a well-drawn one.

Overall, I quite enjoyed this book. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that there is definitely a trigger for domestic abuse/violence, so please be forewarned for that. There's a character in the novel who reminds me of the husband in that creepy Julia Roberts' film "Sleeping with the Enemy" (I'm totally dating myself here). As such I was up late reading one night, completely creeped out. However, that's the sign of an excellent thriller in my opinion. I raced through the last 2/3 of the book and really wasn't disappointed. There are several more twists, but they actually are pretty believable, not outlandish like in many thrillers. Definitely recommend this one (with the abuse caveat thrown in). A unique psychological thriller that's worth your time, for sure.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley - thank you! The U.S. edition is available everywhere on 5/3/16. You can find a review of this book and many more at my <a href="">blog</a>;.
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not what you'll expect it to be...
Eleanor lives by her routines. Every weekday morning she gets up at the same time, starts work at the same time, buys a newspaper at the same place which she always reads all of and completes the crossword in. She leaves work at 5.30 every day, travels home the same way and listens to The Archers as she makes pasta and pesto with salad (which requires one pan and one plate). She goes to bed at the same time, 10pm, every evening. Wednesday, ‘Mummy’ always phones and talks to her for 10 minutes.
On Friday nights after work, she buys pizza and two bottles of vodka, that she will drink over the course of the weekend, on her own. She spends all week on her own. Eleanor has no friends, she believes that she doesn’t need any either.
Then Eleanor sees him: the man who she becomes obsessed with, the man who Mummy never believes she will be able to attract, and Eleanor decides to reinvent herself so that he will become interested in her.
Some of these reinvention ‘adventures’ are hilarious, and include things that all women do: self-grooming, in particular. The waxing incident had me in stitches!
At work, things change when she meets Ray from IT when he comes to mend her computer. He’s affable, gentle and intrigues by Eleanor. She however is not at all interested, and her sights are set elsewhere. After work one day, Ray and Eleanor are walking home when they come upon an elderly man, Sammy, who has collapsed in the street. They help him, call an ambulance, and so a friendship is begun. Eleanor’s life is opened up, whether she wants it to or not.
Eleanor tells her own story, and we go along for the ride as she shares her story and learns how to actually live. Secrets she has even kept from herself for years, are revealed.
There are many funny parts to this story, and they are painfully funny. Eleanor’s lack of social skills is evident. I didn’t feel that fun was being poked at Eleanor, but we are encouraged to laugh at the situation and therefore learn about how difficult Eleanor’s life is. There are parts of the story where laughter is very far from the mind. I found parts to be very emotional and so, so sad.
I honestly didn’t want to leave Eleanor Oliphant’s world. The story really doesn’t end at the end of the book, and we are left with the impression that Eleanor’s story will continue in her ‘book universe’. Ultimately, this book is an interesting commentary of modern life and our biggest problem - loneliness. We are the generation of social media, internet and gadgets, and we have left behind our human kindness. We are a social animal that no longer seems to be social. All so wrapped up in our own little worlds, that we don’t realise we’re missing that connection with real human beings, and don’t see when there are others around us who are lonely and need the contact of others.
This is such an enjoyable, funny, heartwarming and heart wrenching and above all, hopeful book. I would heartily recommend it, particularly to those who enjoyed “A Man Called Ove’, ‘The Rosie Project’ and more recently ‘The Cactus’. It’s never overly sentimental, but it IS full of heart.
Conjure (The Hoodoo Apprentice, #1)
Lea Nolan | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(Review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

First off, I must say, what a fantastic read!! I absolutely loved this book. It was such a refreshing read!

Emma and her twin brother Jack along with their friend Cooper think they are in for a lazy summer. They couldn't be more wrong!! First, there's a mysterious note that they find buried beneath the sand. Then there's the treasure box they find. However, when Jack tries opening the treasure box, he contracts "The Creep." A curse that makes all your skin slowly fall off until just bone is left. After all that, a mysterious girl called Maggie shows up, and takes them to "a grannie", Miss Delia, who is a hoodoo practitioner. Maggie says Miss Delia can help Emma find a cure for Jack. However, there's also a curse that will steal Cooper's soul on his sixteenth birthday. Will Emma break both curses before time runs out?

I loved every character in Conjure! I loved the lengths Emma was willing to go to to save her brother. I loved how sweet and helpful Cooper came across as. Jack brought the humour into the book. I stayed suspicious of Maggie throughout the book. I couldn't tell if she was bad or good. (I won't say more as I don't want to spoil the book). My most favourite character was Miss Delia though. She came across as a warm, grandmotherly type character. I wanted to actually know her. She was amazing!

I loved the setting which takes place on a beach and near a beach. It definitely fit in with the story perfectly. The world building was equally great! I felt like I was actually there with all the characters.

I felt that the title definitely suits the book as Emma must conjure up spells in order to try to save Jack's and Cooper's life as well as conjuring up other spells to do other things in the mean time.

The cover is gorgeous, but I don't really feel like it suits the book. I take it the girl on the front is supposed to be Emma, but I don't understand why she's walking in what looks to be a forest. Yes, there is a forest by Miss Delia's house, but no one ever goes into it.

The pacing was spot on for this book! I found myself losing all sense of time whilst reading this amazing book. It reads brilliantly, and it will keep you enthralled throughout.

The dialogue was easy to understand for the most part. However, the author uses the medical names for bones which I felt was a bit too much as this is a book for young adults. I'm 28, and I don't know what most of the bones in my body are called!! I tried to use context clues to help me with this. Other than that, the dialogue was well suited to the book.

I felt so enchanted whilst reading this book. It felt as if I was transported to be apart of the actual story. It was just that amazing!

I'd definitely recommend this book for ages 12 and older...teens and adults included!
One of us is Lying
One of us is Lying
Karen M. McManus | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (41 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Inspired by <i>The Breakfast Club</i>, Karen M. McManus has set the stakes high with her debut novel <i>One of Us is Lying</i>. Taking typical young adult themes and adding a mix of mystery has resulted in a gripping book that intrigues as well as entertains the reader.

Five high school students find themselves in afterschool detention, but only four of them leave alive. Simon Kelleher suffers a fatal allergic reaction after drinking from a cup laced with peanut oil. It is clear that someone intentionally caused Simon’s death, but who, and why? The remaining four students are the immediate suspects, but they all claim to have nothing to do with it.

The main characters are all walking teen movie stereotypes. Bronwyn is a typical geek, getting high marks in all her exams. Cooper, the jock, is destined to become an exceptional baseball player. “Princess” Addy is perfect and popular, looking down on anyone who does not fit in with her social group. And then there is Nate, the drug dealer who is currently on probation for his reckless and capricious behaviour. Naturally, it is Nate that is the most suspect, but as certain secrets come to light, the others begin to look just as guilty.

Simon was known for his gossip app that revealed shaming secrets of students at Bayview High. As the police investigation begins, it is discovered that the four suspects were due to have their failings exposed in the next app update, thus giving them each a motive. However, the four are adamant that they were not involved and are desperate to clear their name. So, simultaneously with the police inquiry, the Bayview Four dedicate their time to unearthing the real culprit.

As the four unlikely friends become closer, romance blossoms and personalities alter, leaving no one unchanged. Gone are the original stereotypes. Despite upsetting circumstances, Bronwyn, Cooper, Addy and Nate are given the chance to discover who they truly are, and not just what society labels them. Putting aside the potential ruination of their futures, Simon’s death has serendipitous results for the suspects, or rather, the victims.

Nothing is given away during the narrative until the closing paragraphs, leaving readers guessing all the way through. Admittedly, I did entertain the thought of true culprit toward the beginning of the story, but McManus throws in so many red herrings and possible motives that the main suspect is constantly changing.

Dealing with themes of drugs, alcoholism, suicide and homosexuality,<i> One of Us is Lying</i> covers far more than a general murder mystery story. Some authors forget about the characters’ lives, only focusing on the plot at hand, however, McManus was far more detailed in the backgrounds of the four students, making it possible to understand and sympathise with each character.

<i>One of Us is Lying</i> shows how unfair the justice system can be, and although the saying is “innocent until proven guilty”, it is not often easy when every little move is judged and analysed by the police.

With a satisfying ending, Karen M. McManus’ introduction to the literary world is a significant taste of potential works to come. With a deep insight into young adult minds, McManus successfully connects with the reader, drawing them into a world that is hard to shake off. <i>One of Us is Lying</i> is definitely a book to look out for.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post in Pets!

Dec 4, 2018 (Updated Dec 4, 2018)  
Kira: sweet, sassy, and in between. I adopted her in March 2008. While my boyfriend was making a purchase at PetSmart near closing time. I wandered into the adoption area to check out the kitties. One of ours passed away 6 months before and we were heartbroken, as was that kitty's best friend and we'd been looking for a friend for her. As I walked past the cages of kittens, I stopped to open their cages to pet and talk to each one but didn't feel a connection to any of them. Then I got to the last cage. I saw a lovely tabby and unclasped the cage. She pushed the cage open with her head and immediately climbed into my arms, burying her head on my shoulder and purring loudly in my ear. My heart melted and I knew she was the one. She was 3 -1/2 years old and had lived in foster care for 3 years, spending every weekend in a cage at PetSmart. Due to the fear, loneliness, and anxiety, she experienced anorexia and had to be force-fed during the week, so she was overweight and had fatty liver disease. I wanted to take her home with me that second by the adoption agent was gone for the day so I had to wait until the next weekend to adopt her. I cried all week imagining her loneliness and stressful living condition. When I went back to adopt her, I took her on a shopping spree so she could pick out her favorite bed, toys, foods, and treats, then brought her home.

A few years after I adopted her, she had a stroke due to a cerebral hemorrhage. I heard her cry out and immediately ran to her. Her eyes could not focus and we're rolling around in her head. I scooped her up in my arms and drove her to the vet, calling them, them my boyfriend to let them know what was going on and that we were on our way there. Along with the brain bleed, she has vestibular syndrome, which makes her world look a little askew so she has a permanent head tilt, which makes her look adorable and gives her a cute walk. She had undiagnosed high blood pressure, which led to the stroke, so she takes medication to treat it. She had difficulty walking and jumping so I did physical therapy at home with her to make it easier for her. I put a wedge-shape physical therapy pillow on the floor at the foot of the bed that she could use it as a ramp so she could get on the bed whenever she wanted to snuggle.

Kira is incredibly sweet and is an absolute darling. She loves to lie in my lap and can be rather insistent about it. She's also demanding when she wants to be fed her canned food at night. There is always 3 types of Iam's dry food available for her but she loves her Fancy Feast at night. Between her fatty liver disease and vestibular disease, she develops nausea if her tummy is empty so the vet recommends keeping her well-fed. Kira approves of that advice.
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Statham vs Massive Prehistoric Shark
Before I start my review, I think I should add a quick disclaimer. I knew fine well that I wasn’t walking into a Oscar-worthy, perfect film as soon as I booked my ticket for The Meg. With the exception of Jaws, how many shark films have actually been award worthy? We’ve seen a huge boom in shark popularity ranging from plausible to the downright stupid (yes Sharknado, I’m looking at you and your buddies). But despite my already low expectations, I still have a fair amount of criticism for what I saw.

My biggest problem from the get-go is that we get no explanation for why the megalodon, a shark that’s been extinct for 2 million years has suddenly came back to gobble people up. How did it survive? Why is it there? Even the most low budget, downright awful creature features try to offer some silly scientific explanation for why the antagonist exists at all. It’s dumb, but hey, at least they tried. The Meg makes no effort to try and explain anything which was frustrating to me. The most we got was “Oh hey, there’s this really big creature that we thought was extinct but it’s actually living down in the Marianas trench – surprise!”. This might be a sufficient explanation for some, but not for me.

Having said that, was it an entertaining film? Sure. I did really enjoy the visuals especially and thought they did an excellent job with the CGI and actually bringing this creature and the underwater facility to life. Cinematically it’s a stunning film to look at, and despite all this implausibility, it still transports you to this huge, unknown, underwater world for the duration. I’ve seen some terrible CGI in my time, but thankfully The Meg doesn’t fall into this category. These visuals make up for the cringe-worthy script and lines that were supposed to be serious and instead made me burst out laughing. But let’s be honest, I’d be disappointed if the script wasn’t this god-awful. You walk into a film like this expecting to face palm a couple of times, don’t you?

I would’ve liked a bit more brutality as the Meg is supposed to be a terrifying, monster shark that’s approximately 60 feet in length. (The Great White shark can grow up to 20 feet for comparison). Despite it’s 12 rating I’m sure more blood and violence would’ve been acceptable as Jaws managed to get away with it back in 1975. Who could forget that scene where an unfortunate fellow slides down into the shark’s mouth? Brutal. Whilst I appreciate this isn’t necessarily a horror film, it actually needed more violence and less filler scenes in my opinion. It’s not often that I ask for more violence,` especially in an action film, yet here we are.

To conclude, The Meg is a fun way to spend your evening, but it ultimately felt like a high budget B-Movie. The actors tried their best with the script they had, but even people like Jason Statham and Ruby Rose couldn’t make it better. (what was up with Statham’s accent, by the way?!). If you’re wanting a silly shark film with more substance, I’d recommend Deep Blue Sea instead
While this is most definitely one of the darkest books I’ve read, I am in awe of the author’s magnificent way of transmitting Julia’s emotions to the reader.

**If you have not read the first two books, please be aware of spoilers**

Julia Elliston is about to face her Goliath and her entire world is crumbling in front of her eyes. Her dream of living happily ever after with Edward is snatched away almost the moment it begins. Julia and Edward are forced to return to Lord Pierson as news of the scandalous vicar has reached the village where Edward served. But before they can even begin to settle into their new life, Macy has returned to “collect his wife”. Using his notorious skills of manipulation, Macy has set in motion the charges that will destroy the entire Pierson family, and return Julia to his safe keeping. Lord Dalry brings forth his old school friend Mr. Whitney to fight her case. We meet another friend in this book, Jameson, the fetching butler. Edward offers Jameson a job after his father decides to replace him. Jameson adds some much needed humor to this story. As she prepares for her court date, Julia comes to hate herself for the mistakes that she has made. But with Isaac’s help, in the most touching and tragic way possible, she comes to see herself as God sees her and loves her. She becomes a new person walking in the love and acceptance of the Father. A place that I hope we can all achieve. As tensions grow and truths are revealed, everyone has very severe choices that must be made. How will Lord Pierson protect his daughter? Will Edward be charged with crimes he didn’t commit? Is there anyway Isaac can free Julia from this monster? Has Macy paid off everyone so he will walk free and claim his wife? But most importantly, will Julia’s faith stand firm throughout the trials and the hardships?

I have had completely mixed emotions about the entire story in general. I have come to realize, however, that it is because I prefer a more lighthearted book. The conclusion of the Price of Privilege Trilogy went above and beyond my expectations. It was also hard for me to relate with Julia in a lot of ways. Her decisions and reactions in specific situations are the complete opposite of how I would think to react (Although I don’t have a blood thirsty husband, who could at any moment snatch me away). I also remain uncomfortable with the portrayal of some of the romantic scenes. They are brief and few, but I feel as if they were a little too provocative without being graphic. That being said, as our story concluded, I was moved to tears. The emotions I was reading were very easy to grasp onto. The series as a whole is very dark and depressing, too much for my own emotional health to handle in 2 ½ weeks. (I need about a week just to process everything now.) I wasn’t sure about the books at first, but I am glad I stuck with it. My congratulations to Jessica Dotta on her first series, I look forward to reading any future works!

I received a free copy of Price of Privilege (Price of Privilege Trilogy Book 3) from Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. in exchange for my honest review.
Always Be My Maybe (2019)
Always Be My Maybe (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Verdict: Rom Com 101

Story: Always Be My Maybe starts when we get to meet two friends Sasha and Marcus who have grown up as best friends into their high school era where they almost become a couple, only their friendship falls apart. 15 years later Sasha (Wong) has become a major celebrity chef, heading back home for the latest restaurant opening. Marcus (Park) has followed his father Harry (Saito) into the family business, getting high on the side.
When the two reunite they see the changes they have both been through and start looking at what could once have been between the two despite having their own relationships on the side.

Thoughts on Always Be My Maybe

Characters – Sasha was once Marcus best friend before becoming one of the biggest celebrity chefs in America, she has restaurants across America and now looks to return home for the latest one. She starts to see her relationship crumble and with her old best friend walking back into her life, she is left to wonder what if. Marcus was Sasha best friend too, he never made too much of his life, working with his father, getting high and being part of his small band, never leave San Francisco. With Sasha back in his life, he must decide if it is finally time to take a chance on life. Harry is Marcus father that has always let him do his own thing, they both lost his wife and mother to Marcus. Veronica is Sasha best friend who is always there for business and personal issues, she knows about the previous friendship.
Performances – Randall Park and Ali Wong are both fine in the leading roles, they do struggle with balancing the ideas of their stand-up routines, with realistic conversations, which shows through the film. The supporting performers do get the better laughs, with more realistic nature to everything happening.
Story – The story follows two childhood friends that almost became more that have gone onto live very different lives until they get a chance to meet up again 15-years-later to put forward the question once more about what could have been. We do have deeper side to the story, which explores the ideas of not taking chances in life, when you meet somebody who will go everywhere. The idea that the two get a second chance does make most of the story feel like a straight to TV level of storytelling and while it doesn’t completely fall into relying on stand-up jokes, we do get more than we need to. The story does have a proper heart which is the important factor needed, only it just doesn’t do much more outside of this.
Comedy/Romance – The comedy is mostly miss until Keanu Reeves arrives on the scene, where he will give laughs through the scenes with ease, while the romance elements are everything we have seen before.
Settings – The film is mostly set in San Francisco which is always a nice backdrop, it does show the different lifestyles the two are living with where they feel more comfortable.

Scene of the Movie – Double date.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – It offers nothing new to the rom com.
Final Thoughts – This is a by the book rom com that does get saved by an outrageous cameo, which is the clear highlight of the film.

Overall: Simple and Fun.
What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Deep Space Nine (2018)
What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Deep Space Nine (2018)
2018 | Documentary
Where would we be without DS9?
Maybe the best Trek of all time?

Sisko, Odo, Kira, O'Brien, Dax, Quark, Bashir and the rest of the massive cast brought Star Trek to life as never before in this vastly different "station"ary style of Trek.

At the time, syndication was where it was at for reruns and additional revenue for a TV program. DS9 bucked the trend of wrapping up everything within one episode and began a TV serial which pretty much ran almost the entire run, much to the dismay of studio executives. Nowadays, shows like The Walking Dead, Lost, or Game of Thrones do this every week, but in the mid 90s this was not common.

Sandwiched in between The Next Generation and Voyager, DS9 did not get a lot of respect during its initial run at all. Also at that time, Trek TNG movies were in full swing so the show had to compete with that as well. Television stations would often preempt the show, skip a week or run the show in the early morning hours which made it even harder for its audience to keep track of the action.

DS9 certainly got a 2nd life with the current popularity of "binge watching" on your favorite streaming service. Having the ability to watch multi-part episodes or entire seasons within a few weeks brought back to life the en genius writing, acting and production quality of the series.

For this documentary, former showrunner Ira Steven Behr took several years worth of cast, crew and fan interviews, clips, behind the scenes footage and compiled a wonderful interesting film for any Trek fan. Many cast members major and minor as well as producers, writers and tech workers told tales of working on the show and how they very much enjoyed their time.

Throughout the many iterations of Trek, original creator Gene Roddenberry felt the show should entertain as well as provide social commentary on the issues of the time and DS9 was no exception. Throughout the show's 7 year run they dealt with issues such as racism, homelessness, same sex relationships and even genetic engineering.

One of the most fun subplots of the film was gathering the show's original writers in a room to formulate the first episode for the fictitious "Season 8" which will never actually happen (although I wish it would). The ideas, plot points and arcs they went through and came up with were extremely interesting, keep with the high level of writing the show originally produced, but also through us a few curveballs with some fun surprises.

Through the cast interviews we got to hear how the crew got along, some of their favorite and least favorite episodes and even the friendships they have maintained with one another.

The DVD set I received also had included a vast assortment of additional footage featuring even more nuggets and stories of what made the show great.

Overall, this film was one of the best documentaries I have ever seen about one of my favorite television programs in my lifetime. I might have to start binge watching the show again very soon.

Did I mention my name appears in the end credits?!? 😊


Chad Miller (121 KP) Jul 23, 2019

I am dying to see this!!!!


Eleanor (1463 KP) Jul 24, 2019

One of the few TV series that starts off poor but then gets better to keep going from strength to strength. Will have to give this a watch.


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Doctor Sleep (2019) in Movies

Nov 5, 2019 (Updated Nov 24, 2019)  
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Doctor Sleep certainly has some big footprints to follow. Nearly 40 years after the release of the hugely beloved The Shining, Director Mike Flanagan has the rather complicated task of adapting Stephen King's follow up sequel novel, whilst also attempting to deliver a solid follow up to Stanley Kubrick's original film. And he pulls it off pretty damn well.

The narrative follows a now adult Danny Torrance (Ewan McGregor), as he struggles with alcoholism. As he begins to put his life back together, he is thrown into a friendship with Abra Stone (Kyliegh Curran), a young girl who has similar powers to Danny, and who is being pursued by a cult who feed on the life force of those who possess 'The Shining'.

This new story is a really tight and fantastic thriller story in its own right. Flanagan takes a leaf from Kubrick's book and provides us with and unsettling atmosphere, complete with a Shining-esque creepy string music score, instead of relying on jump scares and other horror tropes.
It's effective, and engaging. A big part of this is down to the cast. Danny and Abra are both very likable protagonists.
The cult is lead by Rose the Hat, played by Rebecca Ferguson, who is both charming and sinister, and a big highlight of Doctor Sleep. Her and her followers fight for survival shows they will not even stop short of child sacrifice to get what they need, and it makes for a band of genuinely scary villains

The scenery is beautiful throughout, the the effects work on some of the more trippy scenes are decent, and the film toes the line in regards to relying on The Shining nostalgia too much, that is until the final act.


The last 30 minutes are undeniably fun, and a genuinely great climax, to a genuinely great film, but it does just about go overboard with it's 'look at this, remember this?' style of nostalgia. The sad thing is, it probably amounts to about 10 seconds of screentime that slightly sours the experience.
When Danny is at the bar, it's clear that he is talking to Jack before we even see the side of his face. His side profile is fine - absolutely no need to show his full face. Similarly a bit later, a recreated shot of Jack Torrance walking up the stairs towards his wife, didn't need to be there, nor did the shot of Rose the Hat seeing blood pouring from the elevator doors.
The film stops just short of having Ewan McGregor axe his way through a door panel thankfully, and it's only a small criticism of an otherwise nicely executed sequence.
Elsewhere tells a different story - The opening scene of The Shining is recreated, complete with the same iconic score, as overhead shots show us Danny driving up the mountain, towards the Overlook Hotel. It gave me goosebumps and the
scenes near the start of the film which follow directly on from The Shining are great, especially Carl Lumbly, who plays a spot on Mr. Hallorann.


All in all though, I thoroughly enjoyed Doctor Sleep. The Shining is not an easy shadow to step out from, but Mike Flanagan has created something here which stands on its own two feet.
It's dark, it's fun, it's unnerving, everything you could want from a horror in this day and age, and I genuinely can't wait to watch it again soon.