Sir Walter Scott: A Life in Story
Walter Scott was obsessed with the traditional tales of Border lands and the exploits of his...

Sir Walter Scott: His Life and Work
In the bicentenary year of the publication of Sir Walter Scott's first novel Waverley, this is a...

Reinventing Liberty: Nation, Commerce and the Historical Novel from Walpole to Scott
The British historical novel has often been defined in the terms set by Walter Scott's fiction, as a...
James Fenimore Cooper the Novelist
Originally published in 1967. In this critical survey of the fiction of James Fenimore Cooper,...

Flora Mcivor: A Jacobite Novel
Two extraordinary women come back to full-bodied life. Flora McIvor has been rescued from the pages...

Gulliver's Travels: Based on the 1726 Text : Contexts, Criticism
Jonathan Swift and Albert J. Rivero
It is accompanied by detailed explanatory annotations. "Contexts" collects materials that influenced...

Arcadian Nights
The vibrant retelling of the central Greek myths by acclaimed novelist John Spurling, author of The...