Hiding in Plain Sight: The Pursuit of War Criminals from Nuremberg to the War on Terror
Eric Stover, Victor A. Peskin and Alexa Koenig
Hiding in Plain Sight tells the story of the global effort to apprehend the world's most wanted...
Los Zetas Inc: Criminal Corporations, Energy, and Civil War in Mexico
The rapid growth of organized crime in Mexico and the government's response to it have driven an...

Justice in Conflict: The Effects of the International Criminal Court's Interventions on Ending Wars and Building Peace
What happens when the international community simultaneously pursues peace and justice in response...
Fighting and Victimhood in International Criminal Law
The differences between civilians and combatants manifest themselves in many ways, one of the most...

Emperor (2013)
Movie Watch
Following the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II, Gen. Bonner Fellers (Matthew Fox) must...