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Mary Gordon recommended Pale Horse, Pale Rider in Books (curated)

Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Katherine Anne Porter | 2014 | Essays
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Porter accomplishes an extraordinary amount in a few pages. She addresses the horrors of war from a woman’s perspective; she touches on the difficult a terrain a working woman must navigate in a man’s world; she creates a desirable male, describing his physical allure from a female point of view: quite rare in most fiction. But most astonishing, in chronicling Miranda’s near death experience and her reluctant return to life, she describes the indescribable and deals with the most profound human issues: life, death, identity, in shatteringly beautiful prose."

The End of Men
The End of Men
Christina Sweeney-Baird | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh. My. Goodness. This book is totally my cup of tea (unlike in this book, it has both tea and milk in it). I’ve always been drawn to science fiction, dystopian and apocalyptic styles of novels ever since I read Stephen Kings The Stand as a teenager. The End of Men drew me in and had me checking the news outlets, just to check that Covid-19 hadn’t taken a turn for the even worse - and I’m not joking here. I did question whether reading a book about a global pandemic during a global pandemic was a good idea, and then I told myself to shut up, sit back and just enjoy it (much the same as when I read Last One at The Party by Bethany Clift!). And I really did!

This is told from multiple perspectives. There are mostly recurring characters, such as Dr Maclean, some scientists, the anthropologist, intelligence and government types, interspersed with ‘ordinary’ people who were also affected and lost friends and family. We see perspectives from all over the world. The voices of these people all seem so real: their pain, confusion and determination coming through in their own voices, as their stories are all told in journal form.

The End of Men had pretty much the same effect on me as World War Z: I was checking the news and the windows (just in case), completely preoccupied with the book whilst I was reading it, and I predictably experienced a stonking book-hangover when it ended.
This is science fiction for people who wouldn’t normally pick up science fiction (a bit like a gateway drug!). It reads like contemporary fiction - the here and now.

This novel had me on the edge of my seat and in tears - and a bit angry at times, truth be told. This doesn’t feel like you’re reading science-fiction, it has a tinge of the non-fiction about it. Perhaps that’s because of the times we’re living in...
Would I recommend it? You’d better believe I would!

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Rainbow in Books

Aug 1, 2021  
The Rainbow
The Rainbow
Carly Schabowski | 2021 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a read that was ... so good!

I am not normally a fan of historical fiction but the cover and then the blurb had me interested and I am so pleased I didn't let this pass me by. Although this is a work of fiction, it is inspired by a true story but it feels like a "real" story and I was totally and utterly absorbed and invested in the lives of all the characters.

The story starts off in the present when Isla finds a photograph of her grandad in a German uniform, this raised questions and caused confusion as the story always told was how her grandad fought against the German's in World War II. Unable to find answers from her grandad, who has dementia, she begins a quest to uncover the truth and so begins this brilliantly written story of war, adversity, strength, courage, love, loss and friendship.

I am unable to give this book the review it deserves, I can't find the right words to put across how much I enjoyed it for which I apologise but a massive thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Atomic Love in Books

Mar 10, 2022  
Atomic Love
Atomic Love
Jennie Fields | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting to enjoy Atomic Love as much as I did. This book does tick a lot of my boxes though: historical fiction, a bit of espionage, a real sense and feeling of the time and place, and a little bit of romance.

I haven’t read much historical fiction set in America in the 1950’s, so it was interesting to see that the women who had worked in important roles during the war, had been moved out to be replaced by the men returning from war - just the same as pretty much everywhere else.

Rosalind’s reasons for not working in Atomic Research are a little different. Her ex-lover, Weaver, had her removed after he wrote a report damning her ability and suitability. So, Rosalind finds herself working on a jewellery counter, doubting her abilities as a scientist. She’s lonely, struggling to make ends meet when two men suddenly turn up in her life: Thomas Weaver (her ex), and an FBI agent called Charlie Szydlo.

Charlie, an ex-Japanese prisoner of war, believes Weaver is spying for the Russians and feeding them important information in their own Atomic research. Charlie asks Rosalind to help him find out for sure if that’s what he’s doing. So against her better judgement, she does.

There’s a lot of tension running through this, both the dangerous and romantic kinds. It’s a great book that would have slipped under my radar if not for The Pigeonhole!
The Book Thief
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (129 Ratings)
Book Rating
unique (1 more)
Slow (0 more)
Not your typical war story
The characters in this book are rich, interesting, and wily. I say wily because at points in the book you hate them, but then they change, and you grow to love them. This story really makes you think about people differently. It's written with great subtlety and almost lyrically - very beautiful, poetic and quotable in places.
If you want a fast read, this book is not for you. If you only like happy endings this book is not for you. If you don't like experimental fiction, this book is not for you.
Twilight Struggle
Twilight Struggle
2005 | Modern Warfare, Political, Wargame
The Struggle Is Real
Generally when someone in the board game community talks about a “thematic” game, there is a particular archetype they’re referring to–the science fiction or fantasy themed game with minis, elaborate artwork, and the promise of action, narrative, and adventure. Twilight Struggle does not look this kind of game. It’s set in the Cold War, has a functional but not flashy art design, and provides cardboard chits instead of plastic miniatures. However, Twilight Struggle is perhaps the most thematic game ever made.

Critic: Marc Davis
Read the full review here:
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Heather Morris | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics, Religion
8.7 (74 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short chapters (0 more)
The reasoning behind it being an issue in the first place. (0 more)
Absolutely heart-wrenching yet beautiful at the same time
I picked this up last summer when it was first released, as I am a sucker for war fiction, particularly anything to do with WW2 and the Holocaust.

I really liked that the author took the time to get to know Lale, his history and then write about it with such care. The characters were captivating, and you really did feel almost every emotion going when reading.

Read in under 24 hours, an impressive feat for me!
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
Jamie Ford | 2009
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off the title of this book is entirely fitting!! The end was a bittersweet pill to swallow... it was the perfect ending to the story and yet so frustrating to have it end so abruptly!!
The story itself took me awhile to really get in to, but it is a fascinating story. One that is not touched on much in any WWII fiction.... that of the Japanese internment camps in the US. It focuses on 2 elementary students who are supposedly on opposite sides of the war in the pacific despite being classmates & born in America.
It had all the components of hope and heartbreak, putting you in the story & making you feel like you were there. I just didn't like how slow moving the plot was but what redeemed it was the colorful characters & the fact that it was well written. Being realistic fiction it is hard to make it too fast paced & believable at the same time.
A Flight of Arrows (The Hundred Years War #1)
A Flight of Arrows (The Hundred Years War #1)
AJ MacKenzie | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As an actual archer (in my case, Olympic Recurve style although I have also shot Longbow) who enjoys reading historical fiction, I thought this would be right up my street.

Especially when it was on Amazon as #1 in archery.

Unfortunately, I found it rather sluggish in parts, with it never really gripping my attention the same way as a historical novel by Bernard Cornwell or Simon Scarrow or Angus Donald does.

This is set during the early stages of the 100 Years War (which lasted for 116 years), and is really a detective/spy story (rather than concentrating on the lives of the archers) as the herald Simon Merrivale investigates the assassination of an English knight , leading up to and including the Battle of Crecy.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed the history, and learning a bit more about the times and the background to the war; I just wish it had gripped me more somewhat.

Maybe the sequels will follow through on that ... ?
War Stories: New Military Science Fiction
Jaym Gates | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a military fiction fan and a sci fi fan this was the best of both worlds in one. I loved how most of the stories were from either a LBGT perspective or a female one. Also the various views of war from authors(and in a lot of cases) soldiers from not only different branches but different countries. There were one or two stories that were very difficult to read because their wordiness caused them to be pretentious and drag on(one in particular). Over all though I would recommend this book and would like to see some authors turn the short stories into full length books.