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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997) in Movies

Nov 15, 2020 (Updated Nov 15, 2020)  
Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)
Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)
1997 | Horror, Sci-Fi
I found the first three Leprechaun films to be consistently average, but Leprechaun 4: In Space puts a brutal end to that middle of the road streak and aims straight for the gutter.

Once again, we have a sequel that has absolutely no relation to any of the previous films, is full of unlikable dicks, and has Warwick Davis doing his best to polish a turd, except this time around, there's not a whole lot he can do.
Moving the setting to space is certainly a novelty idea, and a clear indication that this film is not to be taken seriously, but the grandiose idea of spaceships require a half decent budget. The sets look cheap as hell, and the exterior CGI shots of the ship are beneath original PlayStation cutscene levels.

The characters are a bunch of misogynistic, unfunny tossers that aren't relatable in any shape or form. This movie goes in hard with the comedy angle, and granted, a few lines actually got me, but it's mostly misfire after misfire. Leprechaun himself is still just about tolerable, but honestly, even Warwick Davis looks done with this shit by now.

There is still some fun to be had with Leprechaun 4, but it's mostly a boring and lazy sequel. If you've seen the first three and are satisfied with the amount of limerick riddled material consumed, then you could probably give this one a skip and just enjoy your day instead.

David McK (3207 KP) rated Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019) in Movies

Jan 14, 2020 (Updated Apr 7, 2024)  
Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019)
Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Family
Effectively a (roughly) 1.5 hour extended edition of one of the skits from the TV show, this - I feel - suffers a bit from the absence of the core cast from that series, although it does try to make up for it with a virtual plethora of famous faces from British TV: off the top of my head including Alexander Armstrong (from Pointless), Warwick Davis, Derek Jacob, Nick Frost and Lee Mack.

This is set in and around the time of Boudiccea's rebellion against Rome, and is clearly aimed (not surprisingly!) at the younger audience, leaving aside the more gory aspects of the time and introducing (just like the TV show) several song and dance numbers throughout its running - a running time that could have been cut, somewhat, if it wasn't so enamoured of toilet humour!
Leprechaun (1993)
Leprechaun (1993)
1993 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
The original Leprechaun is so so silly. It's low budget, it's brimming with unfunny jokes, it's not scary in the slightest, but dammit it's hard to hate on it too much.

The characters in Leprechaun are mostly typical easy-to-dislike personality voids (apart from my boy Ozzie), but some of the casting is notable. Of course, a pre-Friends Jennifer Aniston takes the lead and is likable enough, but the main star is obviously Warwick Davis. This being the early nineties, the horror genre was firmly set on its villains being the star, following the success of 80s icons such as Freddy Krueger, and the titular creature takes up most of the spotlight.
The Leprechaun himself is so-so. He's more of a little shit than a full blown monster, and the majority of his one liners aren't particularly funny, but Davis is clearly giving his all in this role, and is no doubt the sole reason why this movie spawned an entire franchise, even if Lep is ultimately a poor man's Chucky.

As far as cheesy horror films go, you could do a lot worse than Leprechaun (it's many sequels for example). It's cheap and trashy, but it's still pretty entertaining.
Leprechaun 2 (1994)
Leprechaun 2 (1994)
1994 | Comedy, Horror
Right, so Leprechaun 2 is basically just a whole set of questions... Is it a sequel? I honestly don't know. It doesn't explain how Lep himself is back after the ending of the first movie, and zero characters return (other than the titular bastard of course)
Is his weakness four leaf clovers as established in the previous film? Nah, it's iron now apparently. Is he still 600 years old as claimed in the first film? Sit down, he's 2000 years old now.
What I'm saying is, Leprechaun 2 just flat out does what the fuck it wants, continuaty be damned, which is kind of annoying, but then again, I hardly care.

It feels like a more ambitious project though, expanding on the origins of the Leprechaun lore, and it feels like it has a bigger budget (honestly not sure if that's true or not). Warwick Davis is once again doing what he does, which is no bad thing, but all of the other characters are just kind of there, although I appreciate the cameos from Clint Howard, Kimmy Robertson, and Michael McDonald.

Leprechaun 2 is alright I guess. It's still run-of-the-mill slasher trash, but I actually had more fun with it than the first one, and am just trying to enjoy the little quality that is there whilst it lasts...

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Tenable in Apps

Sep 11, 2018  
9.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Better than expected
I won an iOS App Store voucher in a Smashbomb giveaway and this is one of the apps I’ve purchased with it. I also purchased the extra film & tv question pack.

As I’ve said before, I’m a sucker for quizzes and trivia. I do enjoy watching the Tenable tv show, although not as much as other quiz shows mainly because of the horrendously cringey scripted jokes that Warwick Davis comes out with. However fortunately you can skip these whilst playing on the app. I was concerned about how the app would work, as the show is reliant on contestants knowledge on a subject, whereas the app has to offer multiple choice. I had thought the use of multiple choice would make the game ridiculously easy, but believe me it doesn’t. All of the choices given are sensible viable options, and unless you know a subject 100%, there is a lot of margin for error. Which is good, as it makes me more difficult. I’ve often played this and can’t believe that the options I’ve chosen aren’t in the top 10. The only way this makes it easier for you is when you know absolutely nothing about a subject, as you’ve at least got a chance of picking a few right options just from pure chance.

This is quite a fun and addictive game, and much better than watching the show.