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Aftershock (Blood Never Lies #2)
Aftershock (Blood Never Lies #2)
Dianna Hardy | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another great book from Dianna Hardy!!
The Eye of The Storm series and The Witching Pen series are both connected in this novel - you don’t have to have read them though, in order to understand what’s going on in this series. I’d recommend them anyway, just because they’re really good!!
Claire and Pete take Jasmine to the US to avoid the dangers of those who would do her harm in the U.K. To all intents and purposes, Claire and Pete ARE Jasmine’s parents, even though she is actually the daughter of Claire’s best friend, Beth, and her lover, Amil, a Trident (think: evil, genetically engineered werewolf on bad drugs - although he wasn’t really evil). They want to protect her, but it becomes increasingly difficult. Her true self, even though she’s only six years old, is beginning to be revealed due to a Supermoon. And it’s not what you think!
I love this series - I love all of Dianna Hardy’s writing. Not only is it well written, the relationships feel ‘real’, and there’s loads of real emotion and excitement (lots of ‘heart in mouth’ moments!). I do love a bit of paranormal/ urban fantasy, and this ticks all the boxes.
I can’t wait to see where this story goes in the next book!
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
1972 | Comedy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"As I was a young film fan growing up in a VCR-less household in rural England, my access to international cinema was limited to whatever was playing on the (then) four channels of network television. Which basically meant that Sergio Leone’s Dollars trilogy and Jacques Tati were some of the only European films I saw until I was in my late teens. During a brief art college stint, my eyes were opened as I was exposed to surrealism. First Luis Buñuel’s Un chien Andalou and L’age d’or, but then later, my favorite film of his, the 1972 masterpiece The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. Dipping into the history of cinema is an exciting yet overwhelming task for some. When appreciating older works, I like to contextualize by tracing back to them from their influences. So if the work of Buñuel ever seems daunting, know this: he directly influenced Monty Python, and John Landis was inspired by this movie for a classic shock sequence in An American Werewolf in London. I know that has now inspired some of you to watch the film immediately. Buñuel has a fiendishly prankish sense of humor to go along with his endless smarts. If you have never watched a film of his, this is a good place to start."

Dog Soldiers (2002)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror
8.2 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dog Soldiers might be showing its age by now, but damn it's still a ride.

The cast absolutely make it - I've never been one of those "wheeey lads, football" kind of guys, but the group of soldiers that the film follows have great chemistry, and just feel real. I always enjoy Sean Pertwee, and here is no different. I would argue that it's one of his best performances to date, from the fantastic monologue about his mate in Iraq near the start, to his increasingly mad and out of it schtick near the films climax.
Its an incredibly well paced movie as well. It doesn't take long for shit to hit the fan, and the rest of the narrative feels frantic, despite being set in one building for the most part.
There's a good amount of gore, and Neil Marshall is never afraid to show us his werewolves, and they look great! Its all practically done as well, giving us the cherry on top.

Dog Soldiers and The Descent are the two films that truly cemented Neil Marshall as a director to watch. Its nearly 20 years later and it's still a great watch and in my opinion, is one of the better werewolf films out there!
117 of 230
Keeper ( Matefinder: Next Generation book 1)
By Leia Stone

What would you do if you found out your mate was dying?
Anya has inherited her mother's gift. Born in a set of twins, she is the next Matefinder and her brother, Jaxon, is her sworn protector. But it looks like finding mates for the werewolf kind isn’t what Spirit has in plan for her. And when she starts dreaming about a human guy in trouble, her whole life changes. With the clock ticking on both of their lives, will Anya be able to do what needs to be done to survive?
*Author note: This is stand alone series that follows the daughter of Kai and Aurora from the Matefinder series twenty years in the future. It is not necessary to read the Matefinder series first.

I loved the Matefinder set and I loved this book! We are now following the next generation. I loved the switch in this it brought something different to the story. It had me glued from start to finish. Loved catching up with the characters from the Matefinder series too. Can’t wait to see where it goes.
117 of 235
Dark Highland Fire ( The MacInnes werewolves 2)
By Kendra Leigh Castle

Gabriel MacInnes has led a charmed life. A Highland werewolf of Alpha lineage, he'd always thought that, as the second son, he would never have to worry much about responsibility. But with his Pack now squarely in the sights of an ancient and rediscovered enemy, everything has begun to change.

Exiled from the Drakkyn realm, on the run from the dragon prince who claims her as his own, the last thing Rowan an Morgaine wants is to deal with a bunch of overbearing shifters in the middle of nowhere. But when her hiding place on Earth is discovered, and with blood the only thing that can restore her waning power, the fiery demigoddess has little choice but to accept Gabriel as a protector ...

As the Earthly and Drakkyn realms converge, Gabriel and Rowan must decide how much they're willing to sacrifice for fate...and for one another.

I have to admit this was pretty below average for what I was expecting I enjoyed book one but this one kinda bored me I found my self rushing through hoping it would capture me but it didn’t. It was ok.
Midnight Hunt (Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles #3)
Midnight Hunt (Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles #3)
Arial Burnz | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We have moved forward 80 years with book 3, and Broderick is still mourning the loss of his Davina to consumption. He suddenly feels the urge to leave Scotland and ends up in Germany where, after a few stops, he starts to dream again. This shocks him as the only time he has dreamed was when he was with Davina. The prophetess turns up and tells him snippets which are enough to entice him in Monika's direction. Monika is the reincarnation of Davina, but without the abuse that Davina went through. She is a Fire Witch, her grandmother is an Air Witch, and her father has been turned into a werewolf! Not only that but Angus is around and causing trouble again.

Exceedingly well-written, with Monika/Davina being a completely new, sassy character, whilst still retaining the charms of Davina. It's no wonder Broderick couldn't resist. This is a wonderful continuation of the series and I can't wait to see where else we shall go. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 24, 2016
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Dianna Hardy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Blood Shadow</a> - ★★★

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<b><i>Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies #1) is a companion novel for An Eye of The Storm Series.</i></b>

Blood Shadow can be read without reading the previous books. At the beginning, the author has included a recap of everything you need to know about the main character, before you start reading this book.

Blood Shadow was an interesting read, that is for certain. At the beginning I felt a bit lost in time and it took me  awhile to understand what is going on, despite the recap that was provided by the author.

<i>A woman wakes up in a hospital and can't remember anything. Some anonymous person saved her life and gives her the name Jennifer, alongside with a whole new life.

She knows her real name is Selena. She also knows she was a werewolf but is not anymore. It seems she is human now, because her wounds are not healing as they usually would. Selena/Jennifer also remembers all the sexual abuse she went through before. Being tortured and raped and even persuaded to kill her brother. It feels like that was a lifetime ago.

And now, five years after her new life begun, she lives quietly and has a normal job and a boyfriend. The only thing that reminds her of her werewolf days are the sweaty nightmares. And now Jennifer has received a new note - on of those that her anonymous friend leaves for her now and then, advising her when she is in danger. But this time, the note says something different: a Supermoon is coming, and with that, a total lunar eclipse.</i>

This is the moment when things start to get confusing for me. There is an anonymous person, he sends her notes that have saved her life, he is always watching her, and now they need to meet, because she is in big danger and he has a secret to tell her. But he also doesn't want to reveal his true identity yet.

<b><i>[SPOILER ALERT]</i></b>

Long story short, he is one of the people that were there during her sexual abuse period. And he didn't do anything to help save her. Also, it turns out that she is also a mermaid, which is why she is able to do some things, but also doesn't have full powers.

And things keep being more and more confusing. From a werewolf story, we jump onto mermaids. The title also made me think that vampires bight be involved, which isn't the case. And we also might see dragons in the next book. I am not against having all these fantasy creatures into one place, but I felt that it needed to be explained better.

I felt for the girl - it must be extremely hard to live with such past and then to also have to constantly be hiding and never be truly happy. She tried to live a normal life as well, but just ended up hurting the people around her.

I am not sure that I connected enough with this book. The ending wasn't a conclusive one - it seemed as if it only was an opening for yet another book of the many. It didn't feel like any of the characters grew or learned from their past actions, which was slightly disappointing.

<b>It is a nice chill book to read in your spare time, if you like these types of books. But it is nothing out of the ordinary. I don't believe I will remember how it ended or what it was about in a few months.</b>

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Avoiding Alpha
Avoiding Alpha
Aileen Erin | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
So Tessa is now a Werewolf, Human and Bruja (Witch in Spanish) She has accepted the fact she is one and can't do anything about it. She has also accepted that Dastien is her mate. But what she hasn't accepted is that she is going to have to change into a wolf... And that scares her.

With the Vampires gone, and her and Dastien enjoying life as mates. Things couldn't be better (other than the changing into a Werewolf part) However there is a Tribunal approaching because of the whole Dastien biting her thing... (Because wolves aren't allowed to bite human and Dastien broke that rule. They have to have tribubal. Although he bit her due to her being his mate, it still has to happen) She is terrified of what might happen to them both.

Then Meredith her best friend and room neighbor. Was cursed a few years ago so her wolf can't come out and she is never about to change into one again. This curse is now breaking. With Meredith finding her mate in Donovan, who is one of the seven (one of the high Werewolves, who are in charge of all Were.) She freaks and her wolf tries to break out and this gets her really ill. So ill she could die.

Tessa tries to find away to help her by breaking the curse and freeing her wolf. She tries magic and asks for her cousins help. But unfortunately there is no way to break another Witches curse. So Tessa suggests trying to keep the curse to save her life and then working on away to stop this curse later. Once Meredith is better.

We then find out who cursed her and why, Tessa then tries to talk to this Witch and get her to break that curse. But this Witch the leader of the Coven hates all Werewolves and will only break this curse (put the curse back on her and stop the wolf coming back) if she can do the same to Tessa and she joins the Coven she is destined to lead. But Tessa won't join.

Tessa tries to break the curse again and tries to keep Meridith's wolf at bay. But is unsuccessful in doing so. She goes back to the Coven ready to make a deal, but in going there she learns how to break the curse completely. But in order to break this curse she needs to accept she is going to have to change to become a wolf. Which she finally does.

With the Tribunal approaching Tessa has so many emotions. She needs to relax and save Meredith and become one with who she is.


Love, Christina ?
How To Flirt with a Naked Werewolf was a cute fun quick read. I was sucked into the story right away by the fun witty voice of the interior monologue, relaxed writing style, and likeable characters (oh ok and drool-worthy male protagonist). I don't often find such a fun writing style or voice from romance novels, but Molly Harper has surprised me. She used creative descriptions, character, and personality in her writing.

(minor spoiler alert, this paragraph only!) The plot itself was a little "twilight-esque" with the whole "we can't be together so I'm going to leave and be emo" thing, the "I'm too dangerous for you" thing, and the constant nausea and realizing she's pregnant thing. But I liked Mo a lot better than Bella (who, can I just say, deserved an emo masochist) so I'm not too bothered by it. Plus, these 370 pages had just as much plot—and maybe more—than the entire twilight saga combined. Then again that's not hard to do.

I really enjoyed this book and would pick up the next ones in the series if I had money and a job. Alas, I have $0.70 in my checking account and no income. I'll have to pick it up over the summer when I get my job back…

Content: some sex, mild language. Ages 18+
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Patricia Briggs | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was by far my favorite book in the Mercy Thompson series. I loved the in-depth introduction into the Fae culture without losing the werewolf focus of the series. I did not like so much the complete lack of anything vampire, but I suppose one can't have it all.
The scene in which Mercy is made to drink from the Fairy cup and the aftermath was incredible, powerful writing and not likely something I will forget anytime soon. I don't recall if I have ever read a rape scene from a perspective such as Mercy's, and it really opened my eyes to such a nightmarish experience.
I also found the dynamic between Ben and Mercy afterwards to be both moving and fascinating, since I got to see beneath Ben's shell to who he really is and what makes him tick. Even though I disliked Ben intensely at the start of the series, he is growing to become one of my favorite characters.
I was a bit disappointed with the ending, as the whole book was building up to her joining with Adam, and then when the book finally gets to the point, I don't get so much as a single kiss. Boo. Hopefully in the next book, Bone Crossed, a little more romance takes centerstage.