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Wages of Sin ( Cin Craven book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
46 of 230
Wages of Sin (Cin Craven Book 1)
Jenna MacLaine

Dulcinea Macgregor Craven is the only child of a wealthy English viscount. She is also a natural witch, one of a long line of Macgregor witches on her mother's side. When her parents are killed in a carriage accident, Dulcie doesn't think her life can get much worse. Then an old childhood friend returns to the country a little bit differently than he left and vows that nothing will stop him from possessing her and her magic.

In a desperate attempt to save her life, Dulcie summons a trio of vampires called The Righteous to her aid. With the help of The Righteous and four human friends, Dulcie attempts to thwart her enemy's plans to capture her and use her magic for his own evil purposes.

Even as she falls in love for the first time, Dulcie realizes that she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save the world.

I absolutely loved this book historical fiction meets urban fantasy just couldn’t put it down. Dulci is brilliant and I love the Righteous especially Justine. Not what I was expecting at all. As Dulcie becomes CIN she develops more and into a much stronger character and female lead! I’m hoping to learn more on the werewolf “woof” in the next book.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Wolfsong in Books

Aug 26, 2023  
TJ Klune | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this was an interesting one. I went in with a “well, I like werewolf stories, so let’s give this a go”, and finished thinking “ok, you should all probably go and read this now!”

It’s about found family, loyalty, love, grief and healing.

Oxnard (Ox) narrates the story about how he meets a young boy who has moved into the house at the bottom of his remote country lane. They form a close friendship very quickly, and the boy (Joe) gives Ox a small stone Wolf as a gift. The true nature of the gift isn’t clear for a few years, and in that time Ox learns just who and what the Bennett family are. He goes from believing he’s stupid and worthless, to being an important, integral member of the Bennett pack - a family of werewolves.

Something terrible happens, and the family fragments in two: whilst one half (including Joe) go off on an arduous adventure, Ox remains behind to protect who is left along with the Bennett territory.

This does get pretty graphically violent, I’ll warn you now, but it’s in context - and these are wolves!

I was utterly beguiled by this story - and I’m glad that I have the next in the series to head to already! I’d like to know how Ox and Joe are getting on as newly mated wolves - and who we’ll learn more about in the next book, Ravensong (I have my suspicions!).
My Soul Immortal (Fated Eternals #1)
My Soul Immortal (Fated Eternals #1)
Jen Printy | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't you just love it when you get a book that is completely different from anything you have read before? I know I do, which is why I thoroughly enjoyed this story by Jen Printy. She has set up a world completely different from anything I have read before, with not a vampire or werewolf in sight. Instead, it is a whole new world, most of which you learn from Jack's point of view. This, as well, makes a nice change, to read it mainly from the male's perspective.

The writing and editing were fantastic and I didn't spot any errors in here at all. There is a lot that goes on, from how we first meet Jack, to his moving to Portland, to meeting Leah and so on. That being said, I did feel that certain parts of the book could have done with being tightened up somehow. It just felt a bit 'slow' in places, which is not a bad thing!

For a fresh and new story with excellent world-building and characters, then I can definitely recommend this book. I am looking forward to reading more in this series, as I certainly want to know how the new trainee copes!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 16, 2016
Moonlight (Dark Guardian, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I still don't really know how I feel about this one. While it wasn't terrible like i was expecting it to be, it wasn't anything special either. It seemed like just another typical young adult werewolf novel.

What I did enjoy about this novel was the style. I actually enjoyed Hawthorne's style compared to many young adult writers. Her dialogues were realistic even if her character were so stereotypical for a young adult novel.

What really irritated was having to continuously read about Kayla's parents dying. I understand that it was a huge part of the plot, but it only needs to brought up so many times when it isn't moving the plot forward. It comes to a point when you need to stop kicking the dead horse.

Another point that irritated me was how out of no where, suddenly Kayla and Lucas were so in love with each other. I can understand that Kayla was attracted to him, but to bring in the whole one true love thing was a bit much. I actually liked the concept that the Shifters found their mates young in life. I felt that it may give some young readers delusions about relationships.

I also felt like Hawthorne rushed so many things, such as Kayla becoming a Dark Guardian. I felt like Hawthorne could have fleshed the end out much more. Despite this, I still want to read the second one just to see what happens with the rest of the pack.
Chosen (Werewolf Academy #7)
Chosen (Werewolf Academy #7)
Cheree Alsop | 2015 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you ready for this? Chosen is the last book in the Werewolf Academy series and I can guarantee you will have your heart ripped to shreds.

One thing Ms. Alsop is not afraid of is killing off favourite characters. This has happened before and it hurts every time, you know?! Things are coming to a head and Drogan now has his Demons who seem to be more than a match for Alex.

Do people get hurt in this finale? Yes, they do. Do people die? Oh my god, yes. Will it rip your heart out? Absolutely. Will you enjoy every moment? But, of course!!! I'm going to try to be as vague as possible here but when *** happened, I wondered when *** would, and when it did, I wasn't that surprised. Heartbroken but not surprised.

This book has everything you could ask for. Emotions of every type, heartbreak, sorrow, death, hope, joy, birth, and most of all, a HEA. This is an amazing series that will take you from the first word of book one to the last word of book seven without any problem; each book leaving you wanting more.

I can't believe I've reached the end of both this series and Silver. I love Cheree Alsop's werewolves and I hope to read more about them in the future. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Freak Show ( Harem of Freaks book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
17 of 230
Freak Show ( Harem of Freaks book 1)
By Crystal Ash

Who knew cages and freaks would set me free?

Growing up in trailer trash hell, the carnival was my only happy memory as a child. I held onto the magic of that memory until I could finally escape. And like Alice down the rabbit hole, I entered a world beyond my wildest dreams. A world with a shiny, colorful exterior, but filled with rot and corruption underneath.

But no matter what these people put me through, I can’t go back to my life before.

The man with the biggest secret is the only one I can trust. He’s dangerous, but he’s safety to me. He’s broken, but he put me back together. I’ll keep his secret. My heart hopes he’ll keep me. But in a hall of mirrors, how do you know what’s real or an illusion?

Every grueling night onstage is building up to a final show: The Wolf Man. Is he real or a hoax? Why do I feel such a pull to find out his truth?

Care to join me on this wild ride? Step right up.

I love this author she always manages to make me smile while reading. This was set in a carnival environment which I also love reading it had an unlikely hero that came through despite his disability a plucky heroine and some werewolf action what’s not to love? Definitely recommend it took me an hour to fly through as I couldn’t put it down.
Wolf Hunter (Arctic Brotherhood #5)
Wolf Hunter (Arctic Brotherhood #5)
Jane Godman | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wolf Hunter (Arctic Brotherhood #5) by Jane Godman
Wolf Hunter is the fifth book in the Arctic Brotherhood series, and we finally have Sebastian and Cindy's story. The hints were there for these two, but we have had to wait until now to read all about them. Cindy has no idea how to tell the people that she regards as family that she was Hendrick's best friend, not lover. They all assume she has taken his bite, become his mate, and is now a werewolf. Even Sebastian, although the thought of that gives him feelings that he is not prepared to deal with. Too soon though, he realises he doesn't have a choice, when a story he is chasing ties up with the Brotherhood once more. Past links come to life, showing the Brotherhood that there has been more to this than meets the eye.

This story is very nicely written, and flows smoothly from one scene to the next. The ties that bind this book to the previous ones are all obvious, once you find them out! The characters all remain as brilliant as ever, completely different to each other, and yet wholly complementary. I can't wait to read the next book as this one has done a grand job of building up to the climax. With steamy scenes as a bonus, this is a wonderful story that will keep you turning the pages. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Deadly Desire (Riley Jensen #7)
Deadly Desire (Riley Jensen #7)
Keri Arthur | 2011 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Seduction that kills. Pleasure to die for. She just can’t resist…

Guardian Riley Jenson always seems to face the worst villains. And this time’s no different. For it’s no ordinary sorceress who can raise the dead to do her killing. But that’s exactly what Riley expects to find at the end of a trail of female corpses used—and discarded—in a bizarre ritual of evil. With pressure mounting to catch one fiend, another series of brutal slayings shocks the vampire world of her lover, Quinn. So the last thing Riley needs is the heat of the upcoming full moon bringing her werewolf hormones to a boil—or the reappearance of a sexy bounty hunter, the rogue wolf Kye Murphy.

Riley has threatened Murphy with arrest if he doesn’t back off the investigation, but it’s Riley who feels handcuffed by Kye’s lupine charm. Torn between her vamp and wolf natures, between her love for Quinn and her hots for Kye, Riley knows she’s courting danger and indulging the deadliest desires. For her hunt through the supernatural underworld will bring her face-to-face with what lurks in a darkness where even monsters fear to tread.

Keri Arthur is such a brilliant writer and this is one of my favourite series I just love Riley Jensen. This book did not disappoint it was full of suspense , action and sex!! I love the characters in this series and the way the books just flow. So Riley finally finds her soul mate in this one and I totally agree Kye is not suitable but I'm looking forward to seeing it all unravel! Poor Quinn 😢
Kane (Coven's End, #1)
Kane (Coven's End, #1)
Lia Davis | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up as a freebie a few weeks ago now as a book for my PR/UF A-Z Challenge on Goodreads after struggling to find books with certain letters (I'm still struggling to find J, N, Q, X, Y and Z. Any suggestions much appreciated).

So this one starts with a group of merc's taking down a houseful of wolf shifters and then going to take down a houseful of vampires at the orders of a mystery someone. Then we meet Kane who's in a meeting with the Blood - the ruling council - and his mum, Lilith, as they try and get him to pick a mate so he can take the vampire throne. He doesn't want to mate with just anyone, especially when he's already found his true mate, werewolf princess, Jillian. He goes to investigate the site of the murders and bumps into Jillian, who finds out he is her fated mate and the fun begins.

I wasn't sure with how short this was that the story would progress enough for me but I was pleasantly surprised. We learn quite a lot about the werewolves and the vampires and I grew to like the main four characters though we only see things from Kane and Jillian's POV.

It is a serial with each book named after a different person in their harem and the story continuing throughout so be warned - we don't find out who was behind the killings in this one. I have to admit I am intrigued to find out what happens next with these four and to see who was behind the killings.
Midlife Bounty Hunter (Forty Proof, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've read a few books in the past by this author and enjoyed them, so I'm hoping this one plays out the same way.

It starts with Breena heading to a graveyard where she's supposed to be attending an interview but things take a decidedly paranormal turn when she meets a skeleton and is chased by a werewolf up a steep come-out-of-nowhere mountain where she finds out she's passed the interview and is now working for a group who do bounty work for the supernatural community.

I did enjoy this but I wasn't fully invested in it. The most exciting thing for me was Crash...and Breena trying to get her house back, but mainly Crash. There was just something about him that drew my attention and intrigued me. Him, I would like to see more of. The rest of the gang...meh. They didn't grow on me that much and I didn't feel like I grew to know them that well.

I feel I should mention Robert and Feish, too. They were the closest people - loosely used term - to Breena in this and they were pretty likeable in this one. I'm sure she'll grow closer to them over the course of the series and they'll turn into valuable allies.

One thing I wasn't a fan of: the continuous referral of her ex husband as "Himself" rather annoying after a while. Why not just "Him" or his name or even "ex"? He does sound like a piece of work, though, and I feel like seeing him get his comeuppance is going to be good.