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Becoming Alpha
Becoming Alpha
Aileen Erin | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Tessa McCaide has a unique gift of seeing visions. She is able to touch someone and see something from their past. Only she doesn't care too much about her "gift" she sees it as a burden.

Living in LA with her mum, dad and brother Axel, she is called 'Freaky Tessa' by everyone except her family.

One day her father gets a new job in Texas and they decide to move for Tessa so she can be happier and be nearer to her mum's family. Tessa's mum's side of the family believe they are all witches. (Which they are, but Tessa doesn't really believe it at the moment, even though having her gifts aren't normal... So why can't they be witches. Her gift must mean something right?)

Tessa and her brother Axel want to find out why they are moving and what their dads new job is. She touches some paperwork of her father's to find out some more about where they are going and this new job of his. Once she touches the papers she sees what she normally sees 'a vision' only this time it's not the past. It's the present and the two people she can see, can sense her. Which has never happened before. Tessa doesn't tell her brother what she saw...

A few days later they move to Texas and there she starts her new school. On moving in day her dad's new boss Micheal Dawson arrives to give them the keys and warns them about Wolves in the area and to stay clear of them and they will do the same. He brings along a guy called Dastien from the school that they work at; where Tessa's new dad's job is. To help them move in. But Tessa and Dastien share some sort of connection. It turns out that they both remember eachother from the vision.

Tessa begins her first day at her new school and starts to make friends. (though she doesn't really like the people there) The same day she gets invited to a party. A few days before the party her and her brother head to the mall where she meets Dastien again and they again share that connection. They both flirt a little and you see there is a attraction. But why?

A fight soon breaks out and there is a clear divide between her new school and the school where Dastien works. They all hate eachother. This is also something that happens at the party that Tessa's invited too. When she's there her and Dastien share a kiss. Which leads to him biting and scratching her...

A few days later she's become a werewolf, because of Dastien which is illegal in their world. And her whole life has been turned upside down. She now has to live and go to the school where Micheal Dawson works and live her life as a Werewolf.

But not everything is a smooth as that. Fighting Vampires for one and having the local coven around and hating her for being biten. Things are about to turn bad for Tessa and her new life.

This book is great story, with werewolves and actually scary vampires. It has it cheesy moments and the young, young adult writing with the romance can be very 'lovely, lovely' which I guess can seem too young for me. But it's a series I've read before that I needed to continue and finish so I am I doing that now. So baring that in mind, it is a great book and series.


Love, Christina ?
The Wolfman (2010)
The Wolfman (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery
During the golden age of cinematic horror, Lon Chaney terrified audiences with his portrayal of the Wolfman which launched the character as a cultural mainstay.

Over the years there have been countless updates to the tale which ranged from Michael Landon in “I Was a Teenage Werewolf, to the more contemporary “An American Werewolf in London” and “Dog Soldiers”.
With remakes being all the rage in Hollywood, Universal has returned to the original source material to offer an updated version of the original classic.

Set in England near the start of the twentieth century, the film stars Benicio Del Toro as an actor named Lawrence who is summoned home when his brother goes missing. Upon returning to the lavish familial estate, he is greeted by his estranged father, (Sir Anthony Hopkins), who informs him that his brother mutilated body was discovered earlier.
Dismayed by the condition of his brother’s remains, Lawrence decides to stay and get to the bottom of the mystery. When a clue provided by his brother’s fiancé leads him to a Gypsy encampment, Lawrence learns of a curse, but before he can obtain the information he desires, the camp is attacked by a mysterious creature that leaves a horrific path of carnage in its wake and leaves Lawrence badly wounded from a bite.

Lawrence makes an amazing recovery from his wounds and in doing so raises the suspicions of the locals who now see Lawrence as cursed and a threat to their society.

Lawrence has also raised the suspicions of Scotland Yard Inspector, (Hugo Weaving) who is convinced that Lawrence may be a key player in the local horror, as he was confined to an asylum in his childhood following the death of his mother.

At first Lawrence is outraged at the accusations, but when he transforms into a deadly creature and embarks on a deadly killing spree during a full moon, he soon learns a dangerous secret that places not only his life in danger, but endangers all those around him.

In a desperate race against time, Lawrence attempts to get to the root of his troubles and set things right before the next full moon, when his animal side will take over once again.

The film is a stylish update of the original and the cast is strong. Sadly they are given little to do with the by the numbers plot, and spend much of the time looking like they are simply going through the motions which makes it difficult for the audience to develop a deep sympathy or attachment to the characters.

Oscar winner Rick Baker has done some amazing makeup work and the effects of the film are solid. It was reported that the film was delayed so Universal could punch the film up by adding some new fx and sequences.

The final result is a mixed bag as while the film is a nice update on the original, audiences have seen more so many variations of the story over the years it is hard to be surprised by anything in the picture. Despite the best efforts of the creative talent, there is little tension or drama in the film and by the time the finale plays out, many may think they have seen it all before.

Universal has released the 1941 original Lon Cheney version of the film on DVD and for those who like film history; they may gain a new insight into the film by watching the original version prior.

In the end, “The Wolfman” works as a matinee or a DVD rental, but I would not suggest it as a full priced theatrical experience for anyone other than those looking for a piece of nostalgia.
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Dianna Hardy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The start of an exciting new series!!
This is the beginning of a new series from Dianna Hardy, which has it's roots in The Eye of The Storm series. You don't need to have read the series to read this book though, although you will be able to understand why the main character, Jennifer Warren, acts in the way that she does.
Five years after Jennifer has put her werewolf past behind her, she is settled in to a new life with a job, house and a boyfriend. She receives anonymous notes from time to time that warn her of things that will happen and people that she should steer clear of. There is a Supermoon coming, and she has been warned that something big is going to happen. Her past seems to be catching up with her.
Jennifer is a much more likeable character in this book than she was in the EOTS series. She is vulnerable, shy and genuinely seems to care about her boyfriend. Her flashbacks and dreams are disturbing for her (and may be disturbing for the reader to, to be honest), and we see just how devastating an effect her past has had on her.
I liked the way that certain myths were incorporated in to the story (I can't say which, it'll give the game away!!) and the backstories of other characters were very interesting.
All in all, this was a gripping story, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I had to go to work, I would have finished it in one sitting.
This is a good book for those who enjoy Urban Fantasy with a bit of romance (not as much in this story as in her previous series, though). I'm looking forward to any more that the author writes in this series - there were a few loose ends that are crying out to be followed up!
Many thanks to the author for early access to her book to review (and an honest review as well!!)
Rating: 3.75

Lord Benjamin, the youngest of the Westfeld brothers, is a broken werewolf. He can no longer change in the light of the full moon. Horrified at himself, he seeks out a healer—a witch, although he isn't sure he believes in them—and comes across the beautiful Elspeth Campbell. But in order to let Elspeth heal him, he has to tell her everything. And spilling his guts to a beautiful Scottish girl isn't the easiest thing in the world.

Elspeth isn't quite sure what to think of Lord Benjamin… especially when her sister witch, a seer, claims that he will take her away from them forever. She vows not to leave them, but when she meets him… she begins to have second thoughts. Falling in love with him hadn't been part of the plan.

Tall, Dark, and Wolfish was really cute. I adored Elspeth: she was a fun, stubborn, slightly sarcastic character who was strong in herself. And Benjamin… poor broken Benjamin who lost his wolf-ness. I loved their interactions and I loved their dialogue. I especially liked the interactions between Ben and Will, his brother. They're just… great.

The writing was satisfactory… but the accents were great. Elspeth and her witch sisters spoke in their Scottish accents, and it was written with the accent. Although it was a little hard to read at first, you can catch onto the sound of their voices quickly, and it adds to the character.

I was pleased at the plot: at first I was wondering how Dare would stretch the limited romantic plot into a full length novel, but there were a lot of aspects and sub-plots that were woven in, making it an exciting fun story.

Although, all things considered, it was just a tad sappy. But not enough to make me put it down. I think I read it through from beginning to end in about four hours.

Content/recommendation: some language, some sex. Ages 18+

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Moon Called in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Moon Called
Moon Called
Patricia Briggs | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you, Patricia Briggs for proving to me that there is still some amazing urban fantasy/paranormal fiction out there. I am so used to reading paranormal romance that I was actually pleasantly surprised that I became so completely wrapped up in the plotline that I didn’t even notice the lack of sex scenes and romance.

There are so many things to love about this novel. From the fantastic world the Briggs creates to the even more interesting characters that fill the pages. Briggs took the time to explain the world just enough for us to understand the races and world without making us bored from over description. There were some things that I felt Briggs could have left out bit what’s a little background info?

I also enjoyed that Briggs’ female protagonist, Mercy, was not the stereotypical lead. She was smart enough to take care of herself and keep herself out of trouble, or call people who could. In no way was she kind of woman who, while enjoying her independence, thought she was a superwoman who could take on anything and everything by herself and come out on top. I loved her sarcasm without the bitchiness and her wit without the “know it all” attitude.

It wasn’t just Mercy that made the storyline interesting, it was all the characters. I found myself interested in all the characters from different races that befriended or aided her, not to mention the entire werewolf pack.

I do have one complaint about this the novel, but it has more to do with Briggs than the story. While the storyline was intriguing and kept me turning the pages, Briggs writing style irked me. At times, it felt dry and I was just reading words. Briggs also liked to throw in random words that I had never heard of in my life. I am a fairly intelligent girl and I know me some vocabulary, but I had no idea where Briggs pulled these words from. At least they were easy to figure out from context clues.

Sensitivemuse (246 KP) rated Hemlock in Books

Mar 19, 2018  
Kathleen Peacock | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great plot, great action
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Possible spoilers, you’ve been warned***

The book starts off well and has a good pace and momentum throughout the book. The setting is also well done and small with a handful of characters so it’s simple and makes the reading enjoyable. I particularly liked the dream sequences Mac has with Amy. They can be cliche but it helps move the plot along and adds to the mood.

The werewolf aspect is interesting in the book. The notion of them having a ‘rehabilitation’ camp has a dystopia feel and there’s also Mac trying to solve Amy’s murder. So there’s different characteristics of the book to please YA readers which makes the experience reading this fun and enjoyable.

Of course you need a bit of romance in the story as well right? I’m all for Kyle and Mac being together. I found the love triangle aspect here irritating and forced on. Jason did not have sort of chemistry at all with Mac. It felt forced, awkward, and just didn’t sit well with me (your boyfriend likes your best friend...just. No.) The love triangle just made things so cliche and sappy. The story didn’t need this. It was fine with just Kyle and Mac!

The mystery aspect was good throughout the novel. The crumb trail to figuring out who was behind the attacks wasn’t that obvious until the late third of the book and although it was already known who it was, the action sequence and climax of the story was pretty exciting and a lot of things are revealed. The revelations weren’t the type to blind side you, it fits well into the story and puts the pieces together. Which is fine. I think the action scenes are enough to keep readers interested.

I was happy with the way the book ended and I’ll be picking up the second one. Recommended for YA lovers who just want a good light read with some good action and a readable enjoyable plot.
Bought: A Ripples in the Status Quo Story
R. Phoenix | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bought (The Fate Of The Fallen Series Book 1) by R. Phoenix is a short, 68 page dark paranormal fiction. In this dystopian world where supernaturals are at the top of the food chain and humans are second class citizens at best, the status quo is not to be messed with. There are those supes though who help the band of human Rebellion gain their rights back. Or at least try to survive another day while living in poverty.

Jace, A werewolf, takes the fall for his pack leader’s attempts to help the Rebellion. His thoughts were that he would end up being executed in a gladiator type fight to the death with his own death being expected. Instead, he was put in chains geared to restrain even the most powerful werewolves and sold on the slave market.
Enter Elias Ivers. A witch from a powerful family. Jace gets bought by Elias and subjected to the witch’s depraved games. Jace tries desperately to withhold out and handle anything his new master can dish out. That is until he realizes his own pride has no place in his life and succumbs to the life he now lives as a witch’s pet.

Classified as a dark paranormal fiction, Bought is a book that I quickly and eagerly picked up to read. Even more so because it was written by R. Phoenix. Having already read Spoiled by her and her co-author Morgan Noel, I was glad to have been given the opportunity to read Bought. I found myself wanting to beat Ivers upside the head while protecting Jace. My only problem is that I wanted more. I wasn’t ready for this story to be over as soon as it was. I guess that really isn’t much of a problem though given it drew me in so thoroughly that I was lost until I finished it.

A must read for everyone who loves dark paranormal and puppy play
Midnight In Berlin
Midnight In Berlin
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Covered in feathers, Leon hitchhikes back to his hostel. But Christoph mistakes Leon for a rogue werewolf, and bites him, making Leon like Christoph. Waking up in a house full of others, Leon is more worried about Christoph than his own fate. After Leon frees Christoph, and the truth about their history becomes clear, Leon and Christoph want to leave the pack. But not everyone will let them.

I'm rally not sure how I feel about this book! I did not love it, at all but I didn't hate it either. This is going to be one of those short reviews, and I apologise for that!

It's almost clean, which surprised me, don't know WHY it surprised me, but it did. Also surprised by the fact that I rather liked that it was!

It is, however, quite violent in places. Graphically so, and I did find it a bit too much for me. Someone else might not find it as bad, but me? I didn't like that.

It's told entirely from Leon's point of view and of course I wanted to hear from Christoph. He makes some spur of the moment, life changing decisions here and I needed to know what was going through his mind at those key points in the story.

What Leon does say, is in the first person, past tense, His voice is well written, and well delivered and he gets all the important emotions across in all the right places. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I jst don't know if this book was for me, that's all! And Lord knows, I say it often enough, but it pains me when I can't word why I do or do not love a book.

So I'll leave it at that.

3 solid stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Instinct (Werewolf Academy #3)
Instinct (Werewolf Academy #3)
Cheree Alsop | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Instinct is the third book in the series, and this should definitely be read in order. In fact, to get the best from this series, I would highly recommend you read the Silver series but then that is a favourite of mine so I may be slightly biased!

Alex is still targeted although now it's by the General as the Packs have Drogan. He is going out more with Jaze and the others which seems to help the broken pieces inside of him. If he can help others, he feels useful. It is on one such mission that he is buried alive for a while; trapped in the dark with a young werewolf who is in danger of dying. Alex keeps her alive until they are rescued. It is during this time that he realises Kalia is not The One for him but she is still a very good friend. Now he just has to find a way to let her know without hurting her too much.

I've been wondering when this would happen as it was obvious from his confusion, even before Siale came along, that Kalia wasn't for him. Cassie has found happiness with Tennison so she is able to understand and try to help. I love the lessons from the Professors but I love it even more when Alex goes along on their missions. Only now, it's not just Alex but some of the others too, which makes it even better.

I am loving the overall story arc that I am following and the individual stories within each book. There are new characters to meet, new situations, and new lessons for Alex. One thing I would say, is to make sure you have the next book ready before you finish reading as you will absolutely NEED to continue with the story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Riven (Reflections, #8) in Books

Apr 4, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Riven (Reflections, #8)
Riven (Reflections, #8)
Dean Murray | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I started this series and thought that it would be nothing new apart from a slight twist on the tale as in it was two wolf packs with a girl in the middle, rather than a vampire and a werewolf. However, there is so much more than this. Each story takes you further and further in and, trust me, when I say that that is a very good thing.

In this story, Adri is once again at Alec's side but things are in no way easy. Everyone has their own problems and trying to integrate other people into one pack is always going to be troublesome but Alec has his own way of sorting out the pack hierarchy. We meet characters from the other books that we know and love and watch them struggle with their own issues. We meet new characters and see how they interact with everyone. We say goodbye to characters old and new as the story climaxes. This series is so much more than a love triangle, although love does play a big part in the story. Alec is only half the man (wolf?!) without Adri. All of the characters continue to grow and change and you are left wanting more, with stories that still need telling.

Dean Murray is a wonderful author and I am looking forward to more from him in this series however, there are other books by him that I have on my t-b-r list which I am positive will not disappoint.

Reflections is definitely a wonderful series that just gets better with every book. I have no hesitation in recommending it to all Young Adult or Paranormal fans.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 9, 2016