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On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel
On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel
Nancy Holder | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Favorite TV show (1 more)
Great side story
A lot of typos (0 more)
Nancy Holder is known in the literary world for her novel adaptations of TV shows, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Smallville, which has made her the go-to author for popular teen shows. With her ability to mesh together a story with what is going on within the TV show, I'm not surprised that she was picked to adapt MTV's 'Teen Wolf' into a novel. Having only read this book by her, On Fire: a Teen Wolf Novel, is definitely a successful must-read for fans of the show.

Do you need to have watched the show to understand what is going on in the novel? Yes, because the book does backtrack, but unless you've watched at least season one, you will have no idea what is going on. But if you have watched the first season, On Fire will fill in the small gaps that was left out of the TV show's story without losing the characteristics of our favorite cast members.

This is a 'young adult' book, so you can expect the usual tropes like teen drama and romance - - - if you can get past that, the story can be enjoyable. The main characters are different enough to keep interest going, there are werewolves, and some men with guns. But I do have to say that I felt Allison's character was flat and boring in 'On Fire.'

The story gets underway when the main character, Scott, finds out that his girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend, Jackson, has gone missing. Scott and his girlfriend, Allison, decide to go look for him at the last place his phone's GPS blinked at, but Scott is using this just as an excuse to hang out with his girlfriend because Jackson is a sworn enemy of his. As I have said, if you haven't at least watched season one of MTV's Teen Wolf, you'll be pretty lost in the beginning of the story because there are no introductions to these characters, since it seems Holder was writing this specifically for fans of the TV show (I am a huge fan of the series, and highly recommend it to people who love mythical creatures, such as werewolves and banshees).

On the other side of the story, viewers of the show get to see Derek Hale and Kate Argent's backstory, which Derek is a werewolf and Kate is a werewolf hunter, the two had a quick romance, but it turned out to be a lie on Kate's side. This side of the story will make fans of the show happy because the series only gave hints towards the fake romance between the two characters, while Holder shows us exactly what happened. From Derek meeting Kate when he is only 17-years-old, and she older, to her burning the Hale household to the ground with most of Derek's family inside of it--- because she hunts werewolves, of course.

Meanwhile, both Derek and Scott have been having nightmares about an Alpha wolf, that seems to either want both of them dead or to join his pack. Worse of all, Scott and Derek both end up at the forest preserve that the dreams took place in, which both feel another wolf presence while being there. Since they both sense this, they start to wonder if Jackson's disappearance is a trap set by the Alpha.

During all of this, Jackson's girlfriend, Lydia, and his best friend Danny, are also searching for Jackson or any clue as to why he suddenly disappeared, which this has nothing to do with what actually happens to Jackson in the TV series. I think the best parts of this book are the scenes without Scott and Allison, who spend the majority of the time trying to make-out while doing a half-ass job searching for the lost friend. As I said before, if you can get past the teen romance, the story is actually really good. Especially my favorite character, Stiles, who had the best description in the entire book: "Life in his[Stiles] head was accompanied by the soundtrack of a small, eternal, dull ache, but word was that would go away after a few decades."

If you have watched the show, you'll be glad to know that this book isn't just an adaptation of season two--- this one has a different story in it that wasn't in the show. Without giving too much away, we get a different glimpse of Jackson's personality and problems he has dealt with much of his life. The book isn't a necessary read for fans, but it gives us a little bit more of the Teen Wolf world to read about, such as introductions of new characters (like a high school girl named Cassie), who never made it to the TV series. While reading this book, it can tempt readers to go back or even start watching the MTV series. I warn you, though, once you start watching, you won't be able to stop. Binge fest anyone?

There were a few inconsistencies, and a whole lot of typos--- whoever the editor was, was apparently not paying attention, but the story is good and the characters are unique. I recommend this to people who have watched the series, and to those who love mythical creatures. But I do wholeheartedly recommend you watch season one before attempting to read this novel, otherwise, you will be lost!

For more paranormal and fantasy book reviews, check out my blog at
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
Imogen Hermes Gowar | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stunning prose (2 more)
Enjoyable plot
Interesting characters
It ended. (0 more)
This is the best book I've read in months, it immediately made my list of favorites on Goodreads and I'm sure that I'm starting to annoy people with my raving about this book.

Visually the book is a stunner and one you can definitely judge by its cover. It's rare to find a historical fantasy where the fantasy aspect takes more of a backseat. I love both genres but this was a perfect balance between the two. The Regency London setting rather than Medieval or Victorian was really refreshing as was the use of mermaids rather than vampires/werewolves/zombies/magic. I've read a few reviews where people complain that the mermaids are prolific enough considering the title but I think this is only the case if you enter it anticipating the focus to be mermaids. It's definitely a consistent theme from start to finish but it doesn't take center stage until the very end. If you go in expecting mermaids galore, you might be a little disappointed.

A lot of historical fiction written after the time it portrays attempts to emulate the formal language of the time and usually with cringe-worthy results. This book is an exception. The prose is lightly reminiscent of a Jane Austen novel and beautifully descriptive but not overly so. The plot isn't one you can guess from the first page and while you can make educated guesses, the journey there is full of delightful twists and turns.

Really though I cannot say enough about this book. The only word that seems to come close is 'sumptuous'. It's the sort of book you can easily reread because the enjoyment doesn't hinge on shocking plot twists or mystery and suspense. It was a sheer joy to read and I dreaded the ending from the very first chapter. I almost never reread books but this is one I actually look forward to rereading.
Bought: A Ripples in the Status Quo Story
R. Phoenix | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bought (The Fate Of The Fallen Series Book 1) by R. Phoenix is a short, 68 page dark paranormal fiction. In this dystopian world where supernaturals are at the top of the food chain and humans are second class citizens at best, the status quo is not to be messed with. There are those supes though who help the band of human Rebellion gain their rights back. Or at least try to survive another day while living in poverty.

Jace, A werewolf, takes the fall for his pack leader’s attempts to help the Rebellion. His thoughts were that he would end up being executed in a gladiator type fight to the death with his own death being expected. Instead, he was put in chains geared to restrain even the most powerful werewolves and sold on the slave market.
Enter Elias Ivers. A witch from a powerful family. Jace gets bought by Elias and subjected to the witch’s depraved games. Jace tries desperately to withhold out and handle anything his new master can dish out. That is until he realizes his own pride has no place in his life and succumbs to the life he now lives as a witch’s pet.

Classified as a dark paranormal fiction, Bought is a book that I quickly and eagerly picked up to read. Even more so because it was written by R. Phoenix. Having already read Spoiled by her and her co-author Morgan Noel, I was glad to have been given the opportunity to read Bought. I found myself wanting to beat Ivers upside the head while protecting Jace. My only problem is that I wanted more. I wasn’t ready for this story to be over as soon as it was. I guess that really isn’t much of a problem though given it drew me in so thoroughly that I was lost until I finished it.

A must read for everyone who loves dark paranormal and puppy play
<i>This eBook was provided by one of the authors in exchange for an honest review

Chronology </i>is a large anthology of stories published at the beginning of 2015 by Curiosity Quills Press. Twenty-Four of Curiosity Quill’s greatest authors feature in this lengthy book providing stacks of entertainment for a wide audience. The stories vary in length and genre, however the most common themes are steampunk and the paranormal.

Males and females alike can enjoy the stories featured in <i>Chronology</i>, although not all the tales will appeal to personal tastes. Although the majority contains scientific or supernatural elements, there are other themes combined with them, for example romance and history. On the other hand you can be sure to expect werewolves, mermaids, demons, ghosts and the undead.

It is difficult to review the whole book in general, as there were some stories I liked and others that did not hold my attention. This, I expect, will be the case for many, if not all, readers. One story, or novella – it was rather lengthy – that I particularly enjoyed was <i>Wind-Up Hearts</i> by Stan Swanson. Containing numerous themes – steampunk, romance, history and contemporary/future setting – I was captivated by the two key characters and their predicament. Due to having mechanical hearts, Henry and Emily have lived for well over 100 years, watched the world change around them, yet stayed friends regardless. Yet Henry yearns for something more.

The good thing about an anthology of different authors’ works is that, while you cannot love everything, you are bound to find something you enjoy. It is great for busy people or those that cannot commit to a lengthy novel; one can dip in and out, picking and choosing which story to read. Although the authors may not be widely known, it is worth giving the anthology a chance. You may find a new author whose writing is perfect for you.
Ghost Moon (The Wolfborne Saga #4)
Ghost Moon (The Wolfborne Saga #4)
Cheree Alsop | 2019 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghost Moon is the fourth book in The Wolfborne Saga and we continue with Zev's story. Isley doesn't feature in this one so I'm guessing she isn't 'the one' for Zev (for now, at least). Instead, we have Zev and the usual crew trying to clear up after the earthquake and also find reason to keep going. Virgo is especially hard hit after the events at the end of the prior book.

Now, I know I said I thought Dark Coven was the best so far, and it was... until this one. This one has just ticked all of my boxes, making me devour the whole book in one sitting.

There are many emotions in this book, some good, and some bad. I certainly feel for Zev, and for Ceren, but in different ways. I thought my heart would break with Virgo but then he had to act like a tool at the end. I know I will still like him for it in the next book, but I struggled to understand just HOW he could do that to Zev. Zev isn't Virgo's pet, to do as he wishes, and Zev's agreement was never sought. I found this to be very disappointing and so am hopeful Virgo will redeem himself soon.

As for the rest of it, you still have an amazing supporting cast, and now the werewolves aren't as many, you can see the different temperaments coming through. The pacing remains smooth and the story keeps you turning the pages.

This is definitely my favourite of the series so far but I also highly recommend reading them in order as it just won't make any sense if you don't.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Playing with Fire (Magical Romantic Comedies #1)
Playing with Fire (Magical Romantic Comedies #1)
R.J. Blain | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

This one starts with Bailey working at the coffee shop where she makes drinks for its regular but unusual breed of customers from humans to pixies to werewolves, adding a pinch of dust to each drink to give them a high. Her nemesis, Chief Quinn, comes in and she makes him a drink before he heads out, taking her boss with him, leaving Bailey to work an 18 hour shift alone. Jealously flares within Bailey as she's had a thing for Quinn since he asked her to find proof of his wife's cheating. When Bailey is asked by Quinn's former brother-in-law to help her find someone, she's reluctant but agrees, and is handed a phone. Only the phone isn't all that it seems setting in motion a series of events that throws her into Quinn's life more than either bargained for.

I enjoyed the first 40% of this more than the latter 60%. The beginning was fun and quirky. I loved the sort of love/hate thing she had going on with Quinn. I enjoyed the banter between her and some of the other cops and it was just up my street. It just seemed their will they/won't they get together thing was concluded too early in the book and I was wondering what the rest of the book would be about. It lost some of its appeal for me after the weird Gorgon vomit scene. And then I just struggled to connect with it again. I soldiered on, determined to finish it.

I also found Quinn's family very complicated. He has almost every type of creature in his family tree from angels to incubus to gorgon but he is very much human and I couldn't keep track of who was who half of the time.

I liked it enough that I'd buy more of this series.
Contains spoilers, click to show
!! Spoilers !!! !! Spoilers !!!

82 of 230
Shadow Witch ( Witches of Hollow Cove book 1)
Kim Richardson

Are you ready for your next magical adventure?

Okay, so I’m in trouble. Big trouble. I’m broke. Worse, my boyfriend of five years just dumped me.

What do I do? I move in with my three eccentric aunts in their family home, Davenport House. Sounds exciting, only this massive farmhouse likes to eat men. If I were a regular human, I would have run out screaming like a banshee. As a witch—I do absolutely nothing. Hey, maybe they deserved it?

I’m back in Hollow Cove, the flamboyant paranormal community, where nymphs, werewolves, trolls, shifters, witches, and other paranormals live comfortable lives away from prying human eyes. As I settle into my new life, I decide to accept my aunts’ proposal and join the family business—the business of protecting our town and killing anything that would want to harm it.

But I’ve been away from the paranormal world for quite some time, and my magical abilities are a little bit rusty. Heck, they’re practically invisible.

Things soon spiral down the crapper when people in our community start dropping like flies. And when demons start showing up in Hollow Cove, it’s up to me to take care of them. Permanently.

Finally!!! A Gorilla shifter! One more to knock of my list of shifters wanted. This was a fun light read! I really enjoyed it after having a few heavy books. I thought the characters were fun and easy to get along with, even the ones you weren’t supposed to like so much. Ronin was my favourite and had me laughing out loud my favourite line “Well, scratch my balls and call me Beryl,” exclaimed Ronin. “The chief’s freakin’ King Kong!”
This had me laugh so much. Like I said a fun easy light read that’s actually written quite well.
Moon Fever (Includes: Primes, #6.5)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was one of those "I finished the last thing I was reading and I'm bored, what's already loaded on the iTouch?" reads. It was on there because the anthology includes [a:Lori Handeland|17060|Lori Handeland|]'s "Cobwebs Over the Moon" (Nightcreatures, #10) and I read all of that series a while back. I didn't care to read the rest of the anthology at the time, but I hadn't gotten around to deleting the book. Ah, happy digital packrat am I!

If I've read anything by [a:Susan Sizemore|88608|Susan Sizemore|] other than "Tempting Fate" (Primes #6.5), it was eminently forgettable. I'm absolutely sure that I haven't read anything else in her <a href="">Primes</a>; series, because I probably would have thrown said material firmly into the nearest hard surface (or whatever the equivalent is with bytes) because of the insanely annoying number of times Sizemore feels it necessary to remind us that her vampires are Primes! Alpha Primes! They are! Really! And that means they fight a lot! Especially over women! Otherwise, it's a Mary Jane story set in New Orleans. I have a strong feeling that most of the Primes series is Mary Jane-ish, but I may at some point be trapped and forced with the prospect of staring at the inside of my eyeballs or reading more of Sizemore's stuff. I'm not sure which would be worse right now. I'll get back to you on that.

"The Darkness Within" by [a:Maggie Shayne|17064|Maggie Shayne|] feels terribly familiar, although I'm sure I haven't read it before. I have, however, read other Shayne novellas in other anthologies, and this story follows a familiar pattern. Sexy gal who doesn't think she's attractive has had a run of hard luck and may lose the house she has bought relatively recently and loves. Said house has a spooky past that she didn't know about when she bought it. Stalwart too-sexy-for-her man gets involved somehow, preferably in a way that allows her to question his motives. They are inexplicably drawn to each other and screw like bunnies (or near as makes no difference), then blame their lapse in judgement on whatever weirdness is going on in the house. (Yep, that's what they all say - and no safer sex anywhere! Does paranormal activity preclude discussion of sexual history and prevent STD transmission?)

"Cobwebs Over the Moon" by [a:Lori Handeland|17060|Lori Handeland|] (<a href="">Nightcreatures</a>;, #10) isn't the most logical entry in that series. Neither is it the most illogical - but by the tenth entry, the series' mythology has gotten a bit ridiculous, so I don't know why I even bother bringing up something as irrelevant as logic. Silly me! In every book, we're introduced to a woman who is in some way tangled up with werewolves, then to a man who is tangled up with her and/or the creatures and, of course, whose loyalties are uncertain. There is always an element of danger to add spice to the romance that has to grow between the two. The formula never changes at all. There are always evil werewolves, but sometimes there are also good ones. If you like predictability in your paranormal romance, <a href="">Nightcreatures</a>; is a great series for you.

I suppose [a:Caridad Piñeiro|2944621|Caridad Piñeiro|]'s "Crazy for the Cat" isn't technically any better or worse than any of the other three stories. There's more variety in the shapeshifting and the main setting is the Amazon jungle. I couldn't get past the bigotry and colonialism, though. Dark is bad, light is good, of course! Those poor benighted natives couldn't possibly handle a few rogues without that white woman, could they? Spare me.
Sweetwater (The Kihn #1)
Sweetwater (The Kihn #1)
Rivi Jacks | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
Verified purchase December 2013

Now, I will be honest here, right up front, I only bought this book, because the author was giving away two additional books (from other authors) and it was a good deal.

Sofie returns to her childhood home, after the death of her parents. Parents who made it clear she was never wanted. Things are afoot in Sweetwater, and no one is quite sure what.

Lucas and his Hunters arrive to explain what is going on and how they are going to deal with it.

IT are the Kihn. while it isn't explained fully WHAT they are, they do get up to no good, what with a Gateway opening soon, near to Sweetwater. Sofie has knowledge of the Kihn, she has been seeing them in her dreams for years.

Enter a HUGE cast of supporting actors, witches, Wiccan, werewolves, guardian angels that only the Wiccan can see, various aunts, uncles, cousins and friends!!

The tale took a while to get going, Lucas and Sofie don't meet till almost half way through, and the blur comes with and explicit warning, which again, doesn't arrive til past half way, BUT its a good tale. Lots of interaction between all the characters, with more and MORE added along the way (this huge cast was one of the reasons it got 4 stars instead of 5, the other, the long warm up) Its a different tale and I enjoyed it. There is another planned and it will be purchased when its released, as this one ends on a bit of a cliff hanger!

I particularly liked the way Jacks throws things at you, just like that, "its the only way I know to keep them away, you know" made me go OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what are "they"??? and how little hints get dropped along they way as to WHAT the supernatural people are. While its fairly obvious (after a time) what Lucas is, Sofie clicks in the last 3 lines of the book!

A different read, a good read, and I would recommend it!

And! It's present tense!

4 solid stars
Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)
Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)
Rachel Hawkins | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first thing that I found curious was that the author does not begin with when Sophie first discovers who she is, but instead begins with what incident propels her to switch to the paranormal-reject-filled boarding school, Hecate Hall - also affectionately known as "Hex Hall." The incident shows the softer side of Sophie, so it is easy to predict the choices she makes throughout the rest of the book.
Hecate Hall is similar to any other high school, just with a paranormal twist. The werewolves can still talk and walk upright, so they are not considered true shapeshifters. The fairies don't have to hide their wings, can turn into balls of light for travel, communicate through mirrors, as well as many other traditions of legend - but all seem to be pretentious snobs. The witches are divided into dark and light, and Sophie is unknowingly cast as a dark witch, though she can't guess how, which puts her in the line of fire from the other three dark witches on campus, who swing from classic "mean girls" to her best friends unpredictably. Plus, what school would be complete without the resident "hottie", whom Sophie can't help but fall for, especially since fate keeps putting the two of them together. And finally, two vampires also reside at school - though they are not considered equals - Sophie's roommate, Jenna, as well as a teacher condemned into hiding, none other than Lord Byron, the poet. While Lord Byron's role turned out to be a major disappointment, Jenna seemed to be the one with all of the secrets, even as she is repeatedly blamed for the new deaths cropping up.
Sophie is easy to like, with a fantastic sense of humor and strong moral sense. The flip-flopping emotions of the cast of characters matched the average teenager well, and made for many entertaining situations. The many surprises that saturated the plot made the book engaging, and I look forward to reading about what Sophie does with her new-found information about herself in the next book, Demonglass.