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Soulless (Parasol Protectorate #1)
Soulless (Parasol Protectorate #1)
Gail Carriger | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent narration (on audible) (2 more)
Very funny
Brilliant characters
The series is only 5 books long... I wanted more! (0 more)
Steampunk vamp & werewolf fun
Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series is absolutely brilliant, and this is the first in the series, following the soulless protagonist Alexia Tarrabotti on her adventures with vampires and werewolves in Victorian Britain, with twists and turns aplenty.

I listened to this via Audible, and really enjoyed it... So I'd urge anyone to pick up these books (either physical, or audiobook), as it's extremely enjoyable.

The style of writing is excellent, and Carriger has a wicked sense of humour.

I now need to start the Finishing School series!
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1)
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1)
Maggie Stiefvater | 2010 | Young Adult (YA)
7.1 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this book as a recommendation from a friend. Even though I knew lots of other book bloggers love this series, all I kept thinking was "not another werewolf book." I am very glad that I read this anyways. It is very different from what I expected, and most of the book was unpredictable.
The idea of werewolves brings to mind extra strength, no weakness, and no fear, but these werewolves are more victims of a progressive disease with lives that are dictated by changes in the weather. Even in wolf form, they behave as a normal wolf would with no extras to benefit themselves.
Grace is quite an anomaly in the book, and she spends half the book in denial of the obvious. What bothered me about her character was that even though she is "book-smart," she never thinks to question what she is and how she became this way. Outside forces had to propel her out her denial. I really like Sam's character, especially because he tries so hard to hang on to his humanity, not just presently, but ever since he was bitten. The memories he shares of being home-schooled by the other werewolves shows me that even then he understood the importance of this. I grew to really like Isabel's character, too. Even though she has attitude to spare, she still has a heart and wants to do what is right. She actually reminds me a bit of the character of Cordelia from BTVS.
I was a little disappointed about what happened to Jack, but he wasn't exactly the most likable character. I was also a little confused about Olivia, as she seemed to lack uniformity in her character - at one point she seemed to not care too much about the wolves, and then I get the idea that she is supposed to be obsessed with them.
The ending came as a complete shock to me, as I really thought something else would happen right up until the very end. So now I have tons of questions, and I can not wait to get my hands on the next book, Linger (Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book 2).
Kiss of Steel
Kiss of Steel
Bec McMaster | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well paced plot and action (3 more)
Great dialogue
Fleshed out characters
Amazing world-building
Victorian Steampunk with vampires, mechs, and werewolves. AND AWESOME.
Holy crap. I have only read the first two of this series – I have three more to read. (My Lady Quicksilver, Forged By Desire, and Of Silk and Steam, with a second series in the same universe called The Blue Blood Conspiracy.) (Edit: I have now read three and four, and they are also excellent!)


Victorian Steampunk in London with vampires, mechs, and werewolves (sort of) with romance, a political conspiracy plot, and plenty of action? YES PLEASE. These books are excellently written, with a hefty plot that moves at a perfect pace. Both romances have been very believable and intertwined seamlessly with the larger world’s plot. Each book is a hefty length, enough to really get absorbed in and flesh out everything that needs to be covered, without dragging on and getting old. The characters are fascinating – even the side characters are interesting enough that I really hope future books focus on them.

I don’t have a single bad thing to say about this series, and I can’t wait to read the next books. I am forcing myself to take a break from the series, even though I have the next two books, because I have library books that are due sooner that I need to read!

See all my reviews at
OMG!!! Colin and friends are back once again to entertain and captivate and I must say that though I loved the first book in this series I Loved, loved, loved this one. Full of werewolves, vampires, witches and an adorable; well, I think it's adorable, fire imp. This author immediately pulls you in and entangles you in the story line with his witty reportoire and characters that you'll quickly fall in love with. This is a book you'll want to read over and over again!!
A MUST read!!

(I requested a copy for review purposes and made no guarantee of a favorable review. The opinions expressed herein are unbiased and my ow.)

Frecklesxoxo (6 KP) rated Weregirl in Books

Feb 27, 2019  
C.D. Bell | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an Arc Copy for an open and honest review.
I loved this book, I am a huge supernatural fan.... My favourite type.....werewolves and this did not disappoint. It kept me intrigued, it kept me in suspense and wanting more!
I love Nate and the kids of Tether and the unique situation they are in and also I love how Nessa evolves and matures right before your eyes.
Also the way the Wolf family was written really made you think you were they, playing with pups and singing with them and gives you a little sneak peak into the wolves pack dynamics.
Just could not get enough of this book and really hope there is a sequel :)
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely love this series, and this one might be my favorite so far. Each one builds on the story, and the more crazy stuff Mick and Finley get into, the more interesting their lives (and everyone's around them) become. This time, there are werewolves to contend with, and it takes the whole group to protect the town. We meet a ton of new characters, hang out with some regulars, and (finally!) learn more about Uncle George than I ever could've dreamed up on my own.

Can't wait to see what the boys have to go up against next!

5 stars
This was a very quick, easy-to-read story that crossed over a lot of different genres. Not to be taken seriously as the author has mentioned, it's still enjoyabale. I feel like Jade Cooper has a lot of potential with her storytelling; however, there were a lot of grammar errors in the copy I was given. I also saw elements of fanfiction (which isn't surprising given that it features werewolves and vampires with some erotica mixed in.) I would recommend this to mature adults who need a fast novella to get out of a reading slump.

*Although I did receive this book for free through Goodreads First Reads, all of my thoughts and opinions are my own.