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What could have been interesting, wasn't. What could have been unique, failed. What showed promise, wasn't there. Too bad.

Seeing as this is classified as paranormal romance (instead of what I originally thought was urban fantasy), it might be nice if the main two characters were at least a little likable. Nope, sorry to say, this ain't the case. Ayla is boring, unsympathetic, uninteresting, vapid, gullible, weak-willed, slow on the uptake, need I go on? Malachi is also boring, uninteresting, and slow, but he has the addition of sounding like a robot. Sounds like a winning match, eh? Clearly, these two wooden creatures are made for each other. The secondary characters served their purpose: Mabb, your typical baddie; Garret, Mabb's brother and hopeful usurper, he was almost interesting, but he suffered from the same thing his sister did, cliche; and Keller, who was the only character (or anything really) in the whole book that showed a spark of life.

The pace of the book was plodding. I lost interest every other page if I was lucky. The descriptions are seriously lacking and almost everything is boring, boring, boring. I never quite saw what the purpose of vampires and werewolves served in the book. Maybe they play a bigger role in the next two books, otherwise they're pointless and don't make sense in this world. Speaking of the universe, what the author created, while not altogether original, could have been awesome instead of vague and confusing. A real missed opportunity.

My advice: skip it. Read at your own risk of falling asleep.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Talisman in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
The Talisman
The Talisman
Stephen King, Peter Straub | 1984 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (30 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great read
Whenever I pick up a door stop of a Stephen King novel, I always expect great things as most of his epic novels are fantastically good. And for the most part, The Talisman definitely meets expectations.

It's a great fantasy story filled with all manner of concepts including alternate worlds, werewolves, wizards etc and it does well to blend all of these together into a cohesive story without becoming too convoluted. Jack is an endearing main character and develops well over the course of the story, and all of the other characters too are in their own ways intriguing, even Morgan Sloat as the bad guy. This story really reminds me of The Dark Tower series, which isn't a bad thing as it had a similar quest type theme. My only criticisms are that it seems to drag a little towards the very end, which isn't good for a 700 page book. And also I've never read any Peter Straub, but I could tell reading this the parts that weren't all King, and I think the story might have been worse off for it. When you've read as many of King's books as i have, you can tell his narrative apart and whilst it's still a very good book, I would've been interested to see how this book would've turned out if it had been written by him alone.

That said, I feel like I need to read the sequel now in the hope it's just as good!
Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, #9)
Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, #9)
Charlaine Harris | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
More action (0 more)
Sookie (0 more)
Better than the last!
Contains spoilers, click to show
The vamps have been out for years, and now the weres and shifters have decided to follow the lead of the undead and reveal their existence to the ordinary world. Sookie Stackhouse already knows about them, of course - her brother turns into a panther at the full moon, she's friend to the local were pack, and Sam, her boss at Merlotte's bar, is a shapeshifter.

The great revelation goes well at first - then the horribly mutilated body of a were-panther is found in the parking lot of Merlotte's, and Sookie agrees to use her telepathic talent to track down the murderer. But there is a far greater danger than this killer threatening Bon Temps: a race of unhuman beings, older, more powerful, and far more secretive than the vampires or the werewolves, is preparing for war. And Sookie is an all-too-human pawn in their ages-old battle...

I have struggled with this series lately! Actually I have struggled with Charlaine Harris for a while! But I actually didn't mind this book. It was easier to read than the last few sookie didn't completely annoy the hell out of me. I think her being with Eric makes her less whinny maybe I don't know. I actually shouted out loud poor Sam a few times when will she wake up to him !

I actually got into the story line in this one too poor Jason and poor Crystal even a bitch like her didn't deserve that! Looking forward to hearing more the fairies too!!


Chosen (Werewolf Academy #7)
Chosen (Werewolf Academy #7)
Cheree Alsop | 2015 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you ready for this? Chosen is the last book in the Werewolf Academy series and I can guarantee you will have your heart ripped to shreds.

One thing Ms. Alsop is not afraid of is killing off favourite characters. This has happened before and it hurts every time, you know?! Things are coming to a head and Drogan now has his Demons who seem to be more than a match for Alex.

Do people get hurt in this finale? Yes, they do. Do people die? Oh my god, yes. Will it rip your heart out? Absolutely. Will you enjoy every moment? But, of course!!! I'm going to try to be as vague as possible here but when *** happened, I wondered when *** would, and when it did, I wasn't that surprised. Heartbroken but not surprised.

This book has everything you could ask for. Emotions of every type, heartbreak, sorrow, death, hope, joy, birth, and most of all, a HEA. This is an amazing series that will take you from the first word of book one to the last word of book seven without any problem; each book leaving you wanting more.

I can't believe I've reached the end of both this series and Silver. I love Cheree Alsop's werewolves and I hope to read more about them in the future. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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