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Underworld: Evolution (2006)
Underworld: Evolution (2006)
2006 | Action, Horror, Mystery
6.9 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The battle between the Death Dealers (Vampires) and Lychans (Werewolves) continues in Underworld Evolution, the sequel to the smash “Underworld” that detailed the battles between the two horror mainstays. The sequel picks up shortly after the film and deals with Selene (Kate Beckinsale), and Michael (Scott Speedman), on the run after Selene was forced to turn on the Vampires following events at the conclusion of the previous film.

Of course being a Vampire traveling with a Vampire/Werewolves hybrid is not an easy thing, especially when Selene can only move around at night and must seek refuge from daylight. Through a series of flashbacks, we learn that the war between Lychans and Death Dealers began centuries ago, when two brothers each heading one faction of the conflict were drawn to a decisive battle. The losing Lychan brother, William, is imprisoned for all ages in a specially designed tomb, thanks to his brother Marcus’s insistence that he would only help capture him, if he were to remain alive.

Since William is capable of utter destruction, his location is a closely guarded secret for centuries that is until Marcus re-emerges and seeks to locate Selene. Marcus upon emerging from hibernation learns what Selene has done, and is convinced she has betrayed her own kind, unaware of the real reasons behind her actions. In short order, Marcus, Selene, and Michael play a deadly game of cat and mouse with each trying to unlock the mystery of Williams’s location. Marcus wants to exploit the power of William while Selene to protect the world from the evil that William and his followers would represent.

Along the way, there are plenty of battles, odd characters, and romance to keep most viewers entertained, which leads up to an action packed finale, that for me was the high point of the film. The plot has its share of holes but also deals with a series of complexities as it attempts to take the topics of bloodlines, centuries of history, and mythos in a tight 100 minute package. The two leads work well with one another though their do not have the most dynamic chemistry ever seen on screen. For this type of film, it does work as one does not come to a monster film expecting great acting, story, or characterization.

What Underworld Evolution has going for it, are good effects, a few good action moments and a plot, that at times tricky for the casual viewer to follow, more than surpasses the average storyline for the genre. The tight pacing of the film by Director Len Wiseman keeps the film moving a clip that was much brisker than the original and allowed the film to get to the highlights quickly and not be weighed down by fluff.

The finale as I mentioned was the highlight for me, as the buildup to that point was at times, slow, and had me wishing for more. That being said, the final 15 minutes of the film more than saved it, and got more than a few cheers from the audience at my press screening.

While it would be easy to find faults with the film, the important thing to remember is the spirit and intention of the film. They were not out to make classic cinema, they were out to make a fun and entertaining monster film, blemishes and all. In that, Underworld Evolution succeeds.
Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)
Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, Horror
Action (0 more)
Story (2 more)
First 3 minutes
Too much betrayal and backstabbing
Fun to watch, but story could have been better
The start of this movie was a little off putting. I started with a recap of the series so far. These work so much better in TV shows because you most likely have seen the previous episode within two weeks. Movies not so much, I haven't seen any of the Underworld movies in about 2 years, so the recap really didn't help me understand what was going on. I knew the story a bit and that got me through the movie.

After the first 5 minutes it started to make more sense, but the whole plot of the movie really didn't have much too it. Keep everyone one away from Selene's daughter. Which she didn't know where she was anyway.

The rest of the story line really didn't make much sense either, so much un-need betrayal and backstabbing, I feel like vampires just can't get along with each other. At this point we should start seeing them as the bad guys and the werewolves as the good guys. But I am sure that will never happen.

Really the only good part of the movie was the action and fighting. It kept me awake and engaged in the movie.

I see they are making a 6th Underworld Movie, hopefully someone with a good story telling background can pick up the script and make a better story.

If you like Underworld, see it. Just to keep up with what is going on. Otherwise, just watch it for fun without looking to get something out of it.
Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson, #2)
Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson, #2)
Patricia Briggs | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I think I like best about Briggs' style of writing - at least in the Mercy Thompson series - is how in-depth the background information is. Everything and everyone has a history and then some - whether it be political, eventful, magical, biological, etc., Briggs' writes it and Mercy gets to discover it. I find it all intensely fascinating and makes me want to grill the author about all of the details that she has not yet uncovered.
For instance, I would really like to know what it is that makes all of these preternatural men fall for Mercy, first Samuel, then Adam, now Stefan, and I'm half-betting Zee, too. She may be a walker, but there can't be anything in the walker repertiore that resembles an Americanized Aphrodite. The fact that she sorely lacks in female friends, with maybe the exception of Honey, only adds to the image. Don't get me wrong - I love the tension building between the two dominant werewolves, even if Briggs' could stand to devote more plot time to it. Neither can I decide who I like better with Mercy - Adam seems to compliment Mercy's personality very well, but Samuel's interest in children appeals to my mothering instincts. Hopefully, Stefan's relationship with Mercy will be explored more in the next book so that I can form an opinion about him as well. I am also remotely wondering if Adam had some kind of relationship with Marjorie Hanna, Mercy's ghost friend, since she did a drawing of him apparently before she died.
So my overall concensus is fantastic background development, messy relationships, and lots of questions needing answered.
Izombie: Volume 1: Dead to the World
Izombie: Volume 1: Dead to the World
Chris Roberson, Mike Allred | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this because I enjoy the show, but other than the crime solving and brain eating induced images, the two have next to nothing in common. That's not to say that the comic isn't any good, just not quite what I expected.

The comic is set in a small town where Gwendolyn "Gwen" Dylan, the main character (not Olivia "Liv" Moore), has an antiquated job, that makes no sense in this day and age. As if that wasn't different enough, I was certainly surprised by the presence of so many other supernatural creatures (ghosts, were-terriers {not to be confused with werewolves}, and vampires). Although, the explanation of the different types of supernaturals was well thought out and plausible, as plausible as the existence of supernaturals can be.

For all of it's differences, I must say that the resemblance between Gwen and the actress playing Olivia on the show, is spot on. This is really the only thing that kept grounding me to the fact that the two were related as I read.

I think that the biggest hurdle will be the lack of some of my favorite characters from the show, like Ravi and Major. I 'm thinking that Major might have been loosely, and I mean VERY loosely, based on Horatio, but I really hope not and that he (or someone a lot closer to his character) shows up later in the series.

With all of that being said, I will continue to read and hope I can further dissociate the two in order to enjoy the comic more, as it has potential as a very different type of zombie story.
Dog Days (Wolf Winter #1)
Dog Days (Wolf Winter #1)
TA Moore | 2016 | Horror, LGBTQ+, Paranormal
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
struggled with this one!
Danny isn't a full wolf, but classed as a dog, a half breed. Jack is heir to the pack. When they come together in Durham amid the onset of a bitter winter, they have to face the creatures of nightmares, both human and Wolf.

I struggled with which shelves to file this one. It kinda straddles a couple of categories. It's not any sort of romance, at all. The creatures made by the Prophet really are the stuff of nightmares, so I've filed it as horror, werewolves, and male/male, because Jack and Danny to get it on.

I also struggled reading it. Usually, being drip fed hints and clues as to what is happening both above and below The Wall, keeps me on my toes and keeps my fully engaged. But there were not enough of them! I kept having to double back, seeing if I missed something along the way.

The story itself is good, but because of the lack of drip feeding, I have huge gaps in my knowledge of these people and their world.

It does get a bit graphic, when dealing with the Prophet's creations, and these are mostly why I've filed it as horror.

Jack and Danny has history, but that isn't fully explained, and I wanted to know more about what happened.

I loved Ms Moore's Bone To Pick, a unrelated book to this, but this one, not so much. I have Stone The Crows to read next, which is Jack's brother, Gregor's story. Upon writing this review, I'm nearly done with that one. Finding it a much better read!

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

Awakened and Betrayed carries on from the previous book, The Lost and the Chosen, with Vinna on her way to a meeting with the Elders. It does not go well and she is separated from her guys and Lachlan's coven and ends up with Enoch and his. Things get a little complicated as Vinna's magic is assessed by the Elders and they realise how strong she is, if not what she is.

I feel like I should point out a LOT happens in this book. The above happens within the first couple of chapters but it sets in motion a series of events that occur throughout the book. She also meets a pack of werewolves, has a meeting with a certain lamia/vampire, makes friends with some people again, gets some new magic etc. It is filled to the brim with stuff.

I liked this but it didn't quite have the same feel to it as the first. It wasn't as smoothly written and if I'm honest, I'm finding it hard to keep up with who everyone is. As I mentioned in a status update on Goodreads: "She could end up with the biggest harem going because it doesn't matter who she meets, they're always drawn to her."

I don't know if I'll be continuing the series. My Kindle Unlimited runs out in less than two weeks and I have a few other books I want to get through before then. I may eventually come back to it.
Kane (Coven's End, #1)
Kane (Coven's End, #1)
Lia Davis | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up as a freebie a few weeks ago now as a book for my PR/UF A-Z Challenge on Goodreads after struggling to find books with certain letters (I'm still struggling to find J, N, Q, X, Y and Z. Any suggestions much appreciated).

So this one starts with a group of merc's taking down a houseful of wolf shifters and then going to take down a houseful of vampires at the orders of a mystery someone. Then we meet Kane who's in a meeting with the Blood - the ruling council - and his mum, Lilith, as they try and get him to pick a mate so he can take the vampire throne. He doesn't want to mate with just anyone, especially when he's already found his true mate, werewolf princess, Jillian. He goes to investigate the site of the murders and bumps into Jillian, who finds out he is her fated mate and the fun begins.

I wasn't sure with how short this was that the story would progress enough for me but I was pleasantly surprised. We learn quite a lot about the werewolves and the vampires and I grew to like the main four characters though we only see things from Kane and Jillian's POV.

It is a serial with each book named after a different person in their harem and the story continuing throughout so be warned - we don't find out who was behind the killings in this one. I have to admit I am intrigued to find out what happens next with these four and to see who was behind the killings.
A Creepshow Holiday Special (2020)
A Creepshow Holiday Special (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Creepshow delivers the holiday themed goods once again with this Christmas special. Unlike the Halloween Special, this one is fully live action, and instead of being the regular two segments, it's one big 45 minute story.

The first half focuses on a dude attending a support group for people who are shape shifters, keen to find out exactly what he shapeshifts into. The group is filled with a few colourful characters who transform into all sort of things - tortoises, cheetahs, werewolves, boars. It's mostly dialogue but it's pretty fun. Adam Pally and Anna Camp head up the cast, and both seem to be aware just how silly the episode is and both ham up proceedings well enough. IMDb has listed Barbara Crampton, Marilyn Manson, Ali Larter and Keith David among others in the cast, but I'll be fucked if I spotted them anywhere!

The second half is when it gets festive when *SPOILERS* out of nowhere, it's revealed that Santa Claus hunts shapeshifters for a living and employs an army of shopping mall Santas to help him in his fight. Shit gets ridiculous as everyone transforms, Santa turns up in some crazy demon armour with actual robotic claws for hands, blood flies everywhere, scores of Santas are mown down by gunfire - it's so so dumb, but goddam entertaining.

There isn't really any underlying message here. Writer/Director Greg Nicotero just wanted to go all out and schlocky as possible, and I'd say he achieved his goal pretty effectively.

This holiday special is a boat load of fun, and another solid piece of evidence as to why Creepshow is an essential part of horror television. Ho Ho Fucking Ho!