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ClareR (5589 KP) rated Ravensong in Books

Jan 26, 2024  
TJ Klune | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m developing a serious TJ Klune addiction, and I’m ok with that.

This Bennett pack, though! They’re not just putting themselves through the emotional wringer - what about me?!

I loved reading Gordo’s story - his trauma, sadness, abandonment issues - and how he’s found again.

All of these books have been a joy so far (and I’ve already read the next in the series). What I particularly like, is how I’m drawn in to this book, and how I become so invested in their lives. Look, I know it’s a story about a werewolf pack, but at no point does it seem to be “just” a werewolf book. There are so many parallels that can be drawn to real people’s lives (especially that of found family). And that’s why I love them.

And werewolves. Of course.
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror
8.2 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great British cast (3 more)
Black/dark humour throughout
Great one liners
One of the last films I remember to use makeup, costumes, and what looks like actual sausages for special effects and gore.
There is no Spoon
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is just one of those films from my youth that will never look back on with anything but pure joy.

The plot has already been laid out here, the reasons to watch this movie aren't really based around storyline. It's more that a group of "everyman" type British soldiers are thrust into a bat sh*t crazy situation, fighting off seven foot werewolves inside an abandoned farmhouse in the Scottish highlands. Comedy is of course going to come with that.

If the premise doesn't grab you, come for Liam Cunningham (AKA Ser Davos Seaworth) playing a bad guy, it's such a brilliant thing to see his range. If that doesn't do it, come to hear Sean Pertwee say "We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch."

The jokes and quotables are thick and fast, the makeup and costumes of the werewolves is still analogue, and the work put into them must have been immense. They are genuinely menacing, and it's nice to remind yourself that not everything needs to be computer generated to have impact.

As a last point, Id like to point out that besides the great cast, the comedy, and the quotes, this isn't really jump scare, or torture p*rn, it's just an old fashioned run and gun, action comedy horror. It also ends in a way I just haven't seen before, with the use of photographs in a particular "action shot" kind of way, set up during the movie. Excellent.

- Rob
I received an ebook copy via JGBS Review Library in exchange for an honest review. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are unbiased and my own.

I love reading books about werewolves and this one reeled me in right from the start as the story is well written and the characters are outstanding. I will add that there were moments when I found Marjorie and her friends to be completely immature but not enough to stop me from reading though I did roll my eyes quite a few times.

The author has added the right combination of drama, romance and secrets that leaves you wanting more and I will definitely be reading more of her books. My only gripe is that there seems to be something off about the cover.
Walker ( Matefinder: Next Generation 2)
Leia Stone | 2023
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
166 of 235
Walker ( Matefinder: Next Generation 2)
By Leia Stone

With humans and werewolves on the brink of war, Anya finds herself right in the middle. When she has a terrifying vision, which her Shaman mentor says will come to pass, she stops at nothing to try and save everyone. Armed with new responsibilities, Anya is stalked by the Skin Walker who wants nothing more than to see her dead. But when her mate, Gavin, starts acting weird and closes down their mate bond, she’s afraid she will lose everything.

Really enjoyed this I thought it was a fitting end to a series I absolutely love! I did burst out laughing at a line in chapter 4 I think it was which wouldn’t have mat normally but it is 3am 😆.
Really enjoyed this book and series.
Skinwalkers (2007)
Skinwalkers (2007)
2007 | Action, Horror, Mystery
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Skinwalkers starts as Varek (Behr) leads the hunt for a young boy for his werewolf pack, joined by Sonja (Malthe) he learns the location of Timothy (Knight) which takes him to small town to collect him.

Varek didn’t count on Timothy being under the watch of another prepared werewolf pack led by Jonas (Koteas) and his daughter-in-law Rachel (Mitra) who wasn’t ready to learn the truth that on Tim’s 13th birthday everything changes in the battle.


Thoughts on Skinwalkers


Characters – Varek is the leader of the werewolf pack that wants Timothy dead to stop the event he will cause, he hunts calmly through the film knowing how to get ahead of his enemies, though he is unaware of his connection to the child. Jonas has been protecting his nephew for years now, knowing what he means to the species, he has built the team his truss around him to make sure he is safe. Rachel is the mother of Timothy, she thinks he is just a normal kid and that she lives in a normal town, he must learn fast how to cope in this world filled with werewolves and protect her son. Sonja is the deadliest fighter on Varek side of the war, she enjoys hurting people and we see her take pleasure in this.

Performances – Jason Behr as the conflicted werewolf is good to watch, he shines on the bad boy side of this story, though when he must show the other side of the emotions we see him struggle at times. Elias Koteas is strong for his role which is one that we often see him in. Rhona Mitra does well in the reluctant heroes being the strong need to learn to battle mother figure in the film. everyone else in the film is fine without needing to be anything special, they fit their roles well to help the story flow.

Story – The story here follows two warring werewolf packs that know the importance of a child for both their existences, so basically something we have seen before only with a modern style to it. The fact the story does feel like an introduction to a much big world building idea is promising and while it isn’t the film’s fault we didn’t see the next chapter, it does show us how story telling can think ahead of time. If we are being honest this is a by the book storyline, it doesn’t bring us anything new to the werewolf mythology it just tries to keep it in the modern world.

Action/Fantasy/Horror – The action sequences are mixed bag because we have shoot-out which are routine and lack the peril for certain characters, while the fights show the effects that two werewolves fighting would have on each other. The fantasy world of werewolves living among humans is nicely done, showing two sides to them, though the horror does seem weak because we never feel terrified by what we are seeing.

Settings – The film uses the settings in a mix of quality and generic, the small town gets the big surprise with everyone being part of the protection, then we hit the road and its nothing we haven’t seen before.

Special Effects – The effects for the werewolves and wounds look nice, its just most are hidden from the full effect of the shock.

Scene of the Movie – Town stand off.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – There are a few blink and you miss it moments.

Final Thoughts –This is a by the book werewolf film, it has good moments, it has forgettable moments and ends up feeling like the pilot for a television show.


Overall: The werewolf genre done safely.
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<updated review in 2019>

I read the graphic novel version when I accidentally purchased the Dresden Files Omnibus from Comixology, thinking it contained new stories (it doesn't: it contains 'Storm Front', this ('Fool Moon') and the short story 'A Restoration of Faith'). While it's been a few years since I last read the actual novel, from what I remember, the graphic novel sticks pretty close to the original source material. I still have trouble as seeing Harry Dresden as any other than Nicolas Cage from the film 'The Sorceror's Apprentice', though ...

<original review>

Second entry in Jim Butcher's Dresden files series, building upon and expanding the world first introduced in "Storm Front", and in which Harry Dresden - Chaicago's only professional wizard in the phone book - ends up involved in a case to do with Werewolves (of which there are more types than your classical bi-morph).
Initiation (The Warrior #1)
Initiation (The Warrior #1)
Rebecca Royce | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
96 of 200
Initiation ( The Warriors book 1)
By Rebecca Royce

Keep your friends close...and your enemies closer.
Rachel Clancy has had to learn the hard way that you can't always trust who you know.

Born with a specific set of genes that lets her fight monsters, Rachel has trained her entire life to kill vampires and werewolves. Unprepared for the level of deception and betrayal she faces as she journeys Upwards to battle her enemies, it's not long before Rachel finds herself on a quest that will alter the lives of everyone she knows.

Including Rachel's...

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would! I found it a bit rushed in places but overall a really good concept! YA are hot and miss lately but I do like Rebecca Royces writing style! This is just another good book from her!
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Patricia Briggs | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silence Fallen is #10 in the Mercy Briggs series, and honestly, they've started to get a bit boring. Mercy gets into trouble. Mercy gets into SPECIAL trouble that werewolves would have a hard time with, but she's special because she's a coyote shifter, and her abilities give her an edge over the pure strength of werewolves! Mercy antagonizes enemies, escapes, finds her way home. Gets revenge. That's basically the plot of almost every one of these books. I generally like them, but this one in particular fell short. Maybe it's because I haven't read them in a while, but it just lacked the urgency of some of her other adventures.

One thing that really bothered me was the big bad vampire in the beginning - who was creepy as ALL get out - turned out to not be that bad, I guess? They let themselves get used by him to fulfill a plot and weren't mad about it? I would have expected Mercy's pack to take the dude down, no matter the consequences, but that wasn't what they decided to do.

And then, very frustratingly, they revealed something in the last ten pages or so that made me go re-read EVERY SCENE with a certain character and yep, there was no foreshadowing of that AT ALL. And there should have been. That's something the reader should be able to guess, because the viewpoint character knows about it. And it's absolutely not hinted at. So that's frustrating, and changes the meaning of several scenes.

So I'm very meh on this one. I don't know if I'll continue this series. Sometimes series just overdo their lifespan. This should have been wrapped up and moved on to other characters some time ago. The second series in this world, Alpha and Omega, is still pretty good. But maybe it's time to set Mercy aside. Do a series focused on the fae, or the vampires or something.

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5589 KP) Jan 16, 2019

I haven’t read this or the one before it yet. I’m really hoping it doesn’t go the way of the Sookie Stackhouse series (I loved that up until about the last 3 or 4 books). I’m going to have to try and work it in to my reading schedule and catch up!

Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon #1)
Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon #1)
S.M. Reine | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon #1) by S.M. Reine
Yet another book about werewolves (but no vampires to be seen of yet!) but this one is very good. It holds your interest from the beginning and takes you on a journey with the main character as she progresses through each New and Full Moon to become closer to being a fully-fledged werewolf. The "history" into the werewolf that is given is very well written and done in such a way that you don't feel like it is just something that needed to be done! There is a slight spark of romance in this but nothing that goes beyond the boundaries of Young Adult!

The pace of this book is continuous, not jerky, and the characters are well-written. Very few grammatical or editorial errors so it was a pleasure to read and I already have the second one to start.


* Verified Purchase ~ January 2013 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really had to take my time with this book. Maybe it was my new iPad, maybe it was the fact that I wanted to forever experience this book. This novel was quite unique. I have never read anything like this before. It was a paranormal romance and didn't have vampires, werewolves, zombies... etc. The magic in the novel was well done and I found myself completely entertained.

David Levithan and Andrea Cremer definitely know how to make you keep guessing. It was interesting to see how their minds worked to create this novel. David Levithan is my favorite author so I will continue to pick up his books. I might have to add one of Andrea's novels onto my to-read list. All in all, I enjoyed this novel. If you're a fan of paranormal young adult, I suggest that you read it. Especially if you're tired of the vampire/werewolf paranormal take over.