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Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Wildwing in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wildwing by Emily Whitman
Genre: YA, romance, time travel, historical fiction
ISBN: 9780061724527
Published: September 21st 2010 by Greenwillow Books

Rating: 5

Addy isn't satisfied in her world, with her life, with the mean girls from school always telling her that she's worthless. She wants to be free, be respected, not have to work for her food every night. She knows she's better than what she's been given… and she's determined to find it. So when she stumbles into a time machine that brings her back to the time of castles and lords and falconers, and she is mistaken for a rich lady betrothed to marry the king, she believes she has found exactly what she wants to do.

But she didn't count on falling in love with a falconer, a nobody. If only she hadn't gone along with the lie, she'd be herself, a nobody too, and Will could be hers.

Addy must decide what she wants, and what is more important, and then fight to get home. But in the process she might lose the people she loves.

Wildwing drew me in from the first line and held me captive until the last words. A poor sweet lovable main character who isn't being treated fairly, she makes every girl understand her pain. Her insecurities are ours. She is one of the more relatable female protagonists I've read this year.

One thing I really liked about the story was Addy and Will's relationship. It wasn't based on pure physical attraction—although I'm adding Will to my list of literary crushes—they spent time together, they learned, they talked, they argued. It wasn't a shallow empty relationship, which is why it hurt so much in the end, and why the resolution was so sweet.

The plot started off so simple, and got more complex with every page. Addy's little schemes and ideas didn't always go through, and she had to improvise. It kept my heart pounding and my mind curious. The writing was very good, though nothing extraordinary. The characters were quickly developed, some became my friends and some were despicable.

This was more than a love story with a time machine; it was a beautiful enchanting story about a young girl who finds out for herself what is important, how to sacrifice, and how to truly fight for what she loves.

All in all I adored this story and recommend it to anyone ages 12+. No sex or language.

This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Night Owl Reviews. Do not copy without permission.

Original review here:
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is a woman with many complications as we meet her just as she is leaving her engagement ring and fiancé behind to head off to a new future. We do not know what promoted this move other than an argument, but Michelle is unmoved by his plea-laden phone calls and opts to ignore them and move ahead with her life.

Things take an unexpected turn when Michelle is involved in a car crash and awakens chained to the wall in a concrete room. Her savior Howard (John Goodman) explains that he saved her life and that they are safe 40 feet below the surface following an unexpected attack which has made the world outside the bunker deadly.

This is the premise of “10 Cloverfield Lane” which teams Producer J.J. Abrams and Director Dan Trachternberg as they craft a film that is unsettling and at times hard to define.

Michelle believes that Howard is not telling her the entire truth and his flashes of anger over trivial things causes her and fellow guest Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), to fear that things are not what they seem and that they are in serious danger.

This is where the film really becomes unsettling as Howard is shown as sympathetic and sensitive yet at times terrifyingly volatile and unstable. There are numerous things that can be inferred or deduced from what they discover, but many aspects of Howard are left for the viewers to figure out for themselves as there is much truth in what he says, but there are also several omissions and misdirection.

As the tensions mount, the film plays out as taught characters piece filled with tension that keeps you guessing what is coming next.

The film does take a Hollywood style turn towards where FX and some unexpected and to some, impractical outcomes and plotlines are introduced, but it is always compelling and does keep you asking what is coming next.

The film has some interesting loose threads that do hint that a sequel could be an option should they elect to do so down the road.

Goodman and the cast are very strong and they are able to hold your attention without having to rely on fancy visuals and other tricks.

For now, the film is a tense and compelling film that aside from taking the Hollywood way out at the end is one of the more pleasant and entertaining surprises of 2016.
The Purge: Election Year (2016)
The Purge: Election Year (2016)
2016 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Sen Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell) was the only member of her family to survive the Purge as a youth. Years later she runs on the platform of ending the Purge and exposing the various factors and rationale in its implementation and continuance. She and many others see the Purge as nothing more than a way for the powers that be and the wealthy to stay in power at the expense of the poor and people of color. As the Purge approaches, the American people are being torn as to the direction that their nation should take. The New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) see the threat that Sen. Roan poses and seek out to use the annual purge as a way to rid themselves of her and those that seek to change the system that they have put into place.

Purge: Election Year is not about mindless killing as those who are unfamiliar with the series would assume. The films are a mirror being held back on American Society to make us think about what we would do in similar situations if faced with them. The horror of the film is not in the shocking scenes, violence, or gore. What we can find to be truly scary is that many people only need to be given the option of financial gain or the removal of any repercussions in order to engage in such nefarious activity. The Purge: Election Year allows us to live vicariously through the trauma presented on-screen and the ability to leave at any time that we feel too uncomfortable with what is being presented. The films, especially this third iteration demonstrates to its audience what class warfare looks like and what happens when the populace is truly deceived by its media and politicians. It is a true dystopian reality that some people might welcome for all the wrong reasons.

The action of the film is inventive. The plot is on par with what you would expect for an action-horror film. It is the touch of reality and characters that are not limited to two dimensions that truly allows the film to create a deeper connection with the audience so they find themselves rooting for the “good guys” to not just win, but to survive the night. Viewers and fans of action, horror, political drama, and suspense will all be satisfied with The Purge: Election Year. Fans new and old of this franchise will leave theaters hoping for this to become a lasting franchise that has fresh ideas and storylines each time.
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Social Networking
8.9 (123 Ratings)
App Rating
Looks good, easy to use, rate/review almost anything, nice pro/con section to reviews, if something hasn't been reviewed, add it and be the first to review it and recommend to others, giveaways... (0 more)
Back button, little to no reviews on certain things, giveaways bit infrequent and daily missions random instead of similar interests (0 more)
Smashbomb Review
Smashbomb is a pretty cool social media app for entertainment recommendations. What do I mean? Well, you can rate and review all kinds of things like movies, tv shows, books and more; as well as discover things through recommendations too. You can also recommend stuff to your friends and follow each other to see what stuff they've recently reviewed. Find out what they love or what they hate, or what they really felt about a certain movie/tv show, etc.. You can even join "Orbs" which are groups where you can talk with other members about different topics related to recommendations. You earn points for adding reviews and rating things and even earn different badges for contributing that show off your status in the community. There's even a system of points called Kudos points that you earn for adding reviews and ratings and the more you earn the more you can give to friends and followers. These points are used to enter giveaways where you can win all kinds of prizes from Funko Pops, DVDs, table top games and even video games.

So in conclusion, I think this app is pretty awesome. I've been using it now for a couple of weeks and have really been enjoying it. It's pretty fun adding reviews for movies and shows I've seen, earning points towards winning awards and also giving points to other people writing reviews helping them get more points to win stuff too. And the best is just finding something cool that you haven't heard about before like a movie or tv show you were thinking about watching but weren't sure about. Because there's nothing that sucks like staring at the menu screen at Netflix/Hulu/Prime etc... and not knowing what to watch and just staring at that screen for 15 mins. Especially with things like fake reviews and trolls out there and paid reviews that hype up a movie that you wind up spending good money on seeing in theaters only to feel like you were robbed. It's a cool place to get some good opinions and if you get your friends to join or add in the fun then you will be able to see and share your reviews, ratings with each other and actually know who they're coming from.

Dave Bautista recommended La La Land (2016) in Movies (curated)

La La Land (2016)
La La Land (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama, Musical

"Just for sh–s and giggles, I want to pick a recent one, but you just never know until years go by whether movies stand up. You love them at first, and you love them the first five times, but 10 years down the line, will you still not be able to switch the channel if this film comes on? I don’t know, but I’m going to pick one, my favorite film of last year. I’m going to say La La Land. I recently worked with Adam Siegel, who was one of the producers. I worked with him on a film called Hotel Artemis, and we have had this conversation, and he asked me what I loved about it. This was the first time I really pinpointed it. I didn’t go when it first came out, because I just didn’t have any interest — musical, just not my thing, I just don’t. So I didn’t really want to go see it. Then it was re-released after the Golden Globes, and I was like, “I’ve got to go see what the hype is all about.” I went and saw it, and I sat in the theater by myself, thinking, “This is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time.” What it was, was that it made me feel like Hollywood was romantic again. I don’t feel that when I go out there. What I feel like now is that it’s a town full of people who want to be on reality shows. It made me feel like old Hollywood. It just made me feel romantic, like this is what I love about films. There was just something very romantic about that film, and just I love it. Then the music is incredible. What I really, really love about it is it’s just completely unpredictable, because up until the very end of that film, I had no idea how it was going to end, and I love that. That is so hard to do nowadays, just to keep people guessing right up to the last two minutes of the film. Like, it’s almost impossible. They did it, and not only did it, but in a magical, exciting way. I just love that movie. And some of the shots, I mean, just technically, some of the shots were amazing. Like, I still don’t know how the hell they did that shot in the pool. When I saw it, I couldn’t believe it, and I just thought and thought and thought, and was trying to figure out how the hell they shot that."


Darren (1599 KP) rated Quatermass and the Pit (1967) in Movies

Oct 2, 2019 (Updated Oct 24, 2019)  
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
1967 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Dr Mathew Roney is one of the team that is set to investigate the discovery, he takes and scientific approach to everything working with the historian to put the pieces together. Professor Bernard Quatermass brings the historical point of view to the table, wanting to study the discovery and using previous historical discoveries to help figure out the truth. Colonel Breen brings the military point of view often looking to use the quick answer over the smart answer. Barbara Judd is a reporter that is trying to put together a story for the public who believe this is an unexploded bomb.

Performances – The performances from the whole cast is great throughout, we believe the scientific figures, the military ones and the reporter looking for a story. the four main stars of the film know how to make the most of their scenes where their character needs to be the larger focus.

Story – The story follows an object being discovered in London while digger to make the underground larger, we follow how the investigation to learn what this could be from different perspectives which shows how this would be handled in real life. We do have twists which comes from the discoveries going on, but for the most part this keeps things simple, with an air of mystery about what could be happening around the object.

Horror/Mystery/Sci-Fi – The horror surrounding this movie comes from what could come from the object, it could bring horrific consequences, this plays into the mystery as we are left with the mystery behind what could be behind it. The sci-fi side of the film comes from the explanation to what could be behind the object and the potential of space being involved.

Settings – The film is set in London and the underground, this is always a tight compact location which will add to suspense and horror in anything.

Special Effects – This film was released in the 1960s, the special effects for the time were great, while we might look down on them now, it showed us just what was capable for the time.

Scene of the Movie – The final act which we are built up to nicely.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The fact they just look like grasshoppers and no one says this.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the best hammer horror mystery sci-fi horror films out there, it keeps you guessing before letting everything out in the final act instead of giving away too much too early.


Overall: Must watch Hammer Horror
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Mackenzi Lee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alright, so, I am now going to rant about my wonderful little gay babies (and one ace baby too). Keep scrolling if you're not interested.

Alright, so, first: MONTY WILL YOU PICK UP A DAMN HINT WHAT THE FUCK MONTY WHAT IS THIS SHIT. My little boi Percy is out there, trying to get you to love him, but NOOO Percy could never love the wonderfully fucked up Monty, CAN HE? My babies cannot pick up hints, at all. Like, it's not even funny. However, they have managed to pick up both girls and guys. Like, running naked in The Palace Versailles? Damn Monty, hardcore.

Now, the true hero: Felicity. What a wonderful girl, skilled in practically everything. She. Was. Incredible. I love her so much. Also, her sass in this book is just- WOW. Our homegirl is amazing.

In technical terms, I really, really like this book. I mean, gay historical romances? This is some gourmet shit! All the characters were great, and there was plenty of development, and I just- this was just so incredible. I don't think I've read anything funnier. No, this book was great and ya'll can fight me on it, mmkay? Thanks.

Dutch (59 KP) rated The Ice Lands in Books

Feb 20, 2019  
The Ice Lands
The Ice Lands
Steinar Bragi, Neil Lang | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great character development (3 more)
Good group dynamic
Good use of flashbacks to flesh out the characters
Great location
Pacing may be too slow for somei (0 more)
Baby it's cold outside
I had heard about The Ice Lands a while back but forgot all about it until I came across it in my local Waterstones. The story follows a group of friends who are taking a camping trip into Icelands volcanic hinterlands to escape from the busy city and to try and reconnect with each other. A crash forces them to abandon their jeep and seek refuge in the house of an increasingly mysterious elderly couple. The bulk of the story deals with the fracturing dynamic of the group as old tensions rise to the fore and petty squabbles break out amongst them as they find their every attempt at escape blocked.
What secrets are the old couple hiding?, why are they seemingly afraid of the night?, what is the story behind the abandoned village nearby? and who (or what) has been slaughtering animals near the old couples house?.
I really recommend this to anyone with a love of horror and the patience to let a story develop at a slower pace and the translation to English has been very well handled as well.
The Gift Of Christmas Past
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a long time fan of Cindy Woodsmall, I was excited to see what she what co wrote with her DIL. It was a book that I wouldn't be used to by her, as she's a wonderful Amish fiction novelist, and this is a contemporary novel. But, I was pleasantly surprised with this collaboration by these wonderful ladies!

I am a person who sometimes, unintentionally, holds on to the past and that can hinder me with my here and now. That's what this book is like. Hanging on to the past, and not being able to full move on or forgive. Hadley and Monroe are beautifully chiseled and have been through so much in their lives. My heart truly ached for their early years. But, both Cindy and Erin pieced together a beautiful story of hope, forgiveness and tenderness and gave readers an unforgettable Christmas story.

This is definitely worthy of 4 stars and keeping on the shelf! Both ladies are talented and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this collaboration. I highly recommend this Christmas read to all and look forward to more of these great stories! Well done, ladies!

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Predator (2018)
The Predator (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror
Some action and the comedy (0 more)
The tone, the storyline, the ending...lots!! (0 more)
What da the hell are you??
This movie is a mess! It doesn't know what it is which is unfortunate as it could have been really good - if it wasn't a predator film!!...let's start with what's good. It looks excellent and the action sequences are done well. The acting and comedy are also good BUT there in lies its downfall. This film is a comedy at heart and genuinely made me laugh a few times but the tone is wrong. This is a predator film! It's about massive alien hunters coming to kill us not ridiculous 'predator dogs' and 'your mumma' jokes. Now yes the original had the occasional 'pussy' joke BUT that was rare and was to show the connection between this 'family' of soldiers which then makes their eventual deaths more impactful. Here the jokes don't let up and what's annoying is (as I said) they're quite funny they just doesn't suit the tone of whst this film should be AND what a predator film should be. Finally this film has one of the worst final scenes and finally dialogue lines in cinema history - just awful!! Watch this for for a few laughs but DO NOT expect a predator film.