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Boot Camp (Rock War #2)
Boot Camp (Rock War #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this is the sequel to Rock War by Robert Muchamore, which is the only other novel I've read by this author. I can't say I loved the first book, but I was intrigued to find out what happened next!

Twelve young bands have earned their big break, and are due to spend their summer in Rock War Manor as part of a new TV show. Among these contestants we have Brontobyte, Jet, and Industrial Scale Slaughter - all of whom we met in the previous novel.

The bands are put through vigorous training, before performing live and having to deal with the nosy media. There's also the added issue of tension among some contestants, such as Jay and his ex-band-mates. There are, of course, some more positive relationships going on too.

This book paints a rather realistic picture of life in the media, with all the ups and down that "fame" can bring. Not that I have any actual experience in this matter, of course.

My main problem with these books is how immature they feel. The language isn't simple, but it just somehow feels childish to me. Not to mention how most characters are a few years younger than me, and remind me of my first couple of years at secondary school.

Despite this, the story is pretty good, and I was really rather shocked by the ending. Again, I'm left wanting to know what happens next?

So although I don't love this book, I don't hate it, and I can see how some people could really enjoy it. So I think it deserves 3.5 stars.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Interstellar Angel (Astral Heat #1) in Books

Sep 16, 2021 (Updated Jul 14, 2023)  
Interstellar Angel (Astral Heat #1)
Interstellar Angel (Astral Heat #1)
Laura Navarre | 2021 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
INTERSTELLAR ANGEL is the first book in the Astral Heat series and is a slow-start, slow-burn reverse harem science fiction story.

The prologue starts with a character called Zorin being held in a cell. He escapes (with help) and disappears until the last part of the book, but not before kissing one of our main males senseless. Kaia has run away from home to escape the chains of being a princess - and I mean that literally. Only now she has been caught and things are never going to be the same for her.

There was a lot to this that didn't make sense to me - the whole cyber aspect of it, if I'm honest. I use a computer but I don't know all about the innards, and that's what it felt like. Once I skimmed over those parts, it got better.

There are some very steamy moments in this but, as Kaia says, no penetration. There is also a lot of back and forth, life-mates, mating pheromones, protective instincts, you name it. Overall, it was a good read that I enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

Fair warning though - it does end on a cliffhanger so be prepared to wait to find out what happens next. The next book, Renegade Angel, is due for release in December.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 16, 2021
Switched (Trylle, #1)
Amanda Hocking | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a great book! Ihad previously seen it on Barnes and Noble's website. I had it on my list to purchase for my Nook, but before I got the chance to, I won a copy from First Reads. This book was a quick interesting read.
It was a bit of a Twilight wanna-be as I'd heard & read in some reviews. However I don't believe anything can live up to Twilight so I went into this book with a clear head. It is about a girl who discovers that she is actually a Trylle other words, she is a troll. Yup, I said troll!!! I don't want to give too much away, but my outlook on trolls has changed after reading this book! I really look forward to the next 2 books in the trilogy. I may even have to get the ebooks. I don't know if I can wait for the print versions to hit the shelves!
I am very curious to see what happens.
The Innocent
The Innocent
Harlan Coben | 2005 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book I have read by Harlen Coben. I saw it the library and it looked pretty interesting. Matt Hunter is on his way back to college when the unthinkable happens, he gets in a fight and ends up killing a boy. The story picks up 9 years later. Matt is married to Olivia, he is working as a "paralegal" at his brother's law firm, and is about to be a father. Things couldn't be any better for him right now. Until one day after his wife leaves for a business trip, he gets a strange message from her on his cell phone. Its a picture of another man. The next message is even more startling. His wife in a blonde wig with this man. What does all this mean, why would his wife do this to him. The reality turns out to be a whole lot more than Matt could ever imagine. This book is chock full of twists and turns and strippers and cops and ex-cons and family. A good book I didn't want to put down.
Meg’s latest assignment for Northwest Extreme magazine finds her signing up for a mud run and a training course. Billy, the drill instructor in charge of the training course, is harsh – possibly two harsh. After two weeks, Meg is wondering why she signed up. However, one morning she sneaks out early only to discover Billy’s body. Was someone fed up with his training techniques?

Those coming to the series now might be disappointed. While there are some twists to the murder, it is overshadowed by everything else going on in Meg’s life, including a very intriguing twist in the story of her father’s murder. Fans who already know and love Meg will be intrigued by what happens here and anxiously awaiting the next book. (Cliffhangers, anyone?) The new characters are a bit thin as a result, but Meg and the other regulars more than make up for that as well.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Sick Summer Camp (Something Horrific)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>3 Star Rating</b>

This was a gore-fest! 100% gore-fest! And for was fab!

People bleeding here, people bleeding there, blood for fun, blood for no have some blood! (And maybe an eyeball...I'm feeling generous).

<img src=""; width="300" height="300"/>

I mean seriously, how great was that gore? (Gore-whore right here *waves*)

Then why the 3 stars you ask? Why not 5?

It was too short...waaaaaay too short for any kind of story or character development, too short for any real explanations and it just left me with lots of unanswered questions. Personally, I would love to see this as a full length novel as I want to know what happens next.

That twist was kick-ass by the way!

More character development was definitely needed as there were too many people being introduced and I lost track...sooo who is that person? Oh...but I thought that was her...wait that was him? *confused*

But that gore though...<b>WIN!</b>

Roxanne (13 KP) rated Chimera Book Two in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
Chimera Book Two
Phil Gomm | 2014
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>ARC received from Netgalley</i>

___ <b>3 Star Rating</b> ___

Like the first part this was a very fast paced and action filled read, however, I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first. Although the writing had improved, there were less errors and you were drawn further into the story, it just got way too complicated and messy for me.
It got to the point where I just thought that even the characters don't even know whose side they are on, they just swapped sides continuously, so many times I lost count and everything just started to confuse me. There were new characters being introduced all the time with bizarre names that within a page I had forgotten who they were.
All of those points are a shame as <i>Chimera</i> has <b>great</b> potential!
I thought the way every chapter ended was really good in the way that it held my attention and made me want to know what happens next.
I just hope the 3rd book will be less messy.
For such a short book, this was really, really, good. It had humour, a bit of romance and zombies.

I loved Reagan and Haley's attitude considering it's the end of the world and they are two of the few remaining humans in a world overrunning with zombies. They're always joking and having a laugh with each other.

As for the brothers. I think I loved Hendrix from the moment he was tending to Reagan's wounds and trying not to laugh at her reaction to him seeing her hairy legs (still makes me laugh just thinking about it :P). The other's we haven't really gotten to know yet but they all seem like nice guys.

There are a few wording errors but they're easy to overlook because the story is so gripping.

After being half way through I had to go and hunt out the other 11 episodes on Amazon and saw that the omnibus/boxset of books 1-6 was free as well so I quickly downloaded it and am now eagerly awaiting a time when I can find out what happens next!

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Sunbringer in Books

May 20, 2024  
Hannah Kaner | 2024 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved Sunbringer by Hannah Kaner.
I love the characters.
I love the world they live in.
I love the gods and goddesses of both the large and tiny details of everyday life within this world. I mean, just WHY would they want to get rid of them?!
Ok, ok, I did read the last book, I know the reasons!

There’s a lot more world-building in this novel than the first (until everything REALLY kicks off!), and the three main characters of Inara/ Skediceth (they come as a unit, after all), Elogast and Kissen are separated. And for very good reasons.

We can see the scope of the problem with these gods - or is it a problem with humans as well? I mean, power seems to corrupt both equally.

There are some cracking twists, and the end has left me greedy for more. I’m not one to rush an author (1. They wouldn’t listen; 2. I don’t want to mess up the process anyway!), but I can’t wait to find out what happens next - because it’s going to be BIG!!

Kyera (8 KP) rated Red Rising in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Red Rising
Red Rising
Pierce Brown | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not immediately fall in love with Red Rising. Rather the storyline slowly built over the first third of the book and then I found myself wanting to know what happens next. Darrow’s life as a Red is important to experience so you know what made him the man he is today, but didn’t captivate my attention.

The world that he knows is a lie. He is not the sacrificing pioneer his society led him to believe, but rather little more than a slave. His entire outlook and being is altered so that he may fight his way to the top, and maybe change the Society.

Darrow is filled with love for his people and his family, but does not understand the world at large. He must learn, and quickly, to fit into this new world without losing himself in the process. Each character in the book is unique and contributes differently to the story. Some force Darrow to question his resolve to the cause, others show him a different side of humanity, while a rare few make him wonder if all Golds are bad.

Mustang and Sevro are probably my two favourite supporting characters. Mustang is smart, strategic and caring even though she was not raised to be that way. Her father is the leader on Mars, so she led a sheltered but harsh childhood. Sevro is a strange human, but he grows on you over the novel and his dark humour is infectious.

The most fascinating parts of the book were when he was attending the Institute and proving that he had what it took to become a Peerless Scarred. It was almost a study on the absolute lowest that humanity can sink to, the darkness they can embrace when there are no consequences to their actions and the leaders that can rise despite it. It was disgusting and horrifying at times, but you can’t put it down.

Relationships form and are torn asunder, lies build and fester, and humanity sinks lower. The book was well written and I kept picking it up, needing to know what happened next, despite the darkness. I would recommend it to older young adult/teen readers, or adults, who enjoy science fiction novels.