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To All the Boys I've Loved Before
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
Jenny Han | 2014 | Children
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have never in my life finished a book in one night and I read this entire novel in one sitting. As soon as I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. I love the way it was written, the characters, the plotline is so fresh, unlike anything else, this novel is amazing. I am seriously so shocked.

I think what makes this book so great is how real it is. I remember being 16, Lara Jean's age, and falling in love for the first time and what that felt like and how it kind of creeps up on you and then all at once, it just is there and it's all-consuming and this thing you can't run away from. I felt that in Lara Jean and Peter. I also think the hard part about writing a book as an adult that is about teenagers is that you can lose that feeling. You can forget what it feels like to be that age, to live in those moments, to have those feelings. I don't feel like that with this novel. It feels very real and very true. It's definitely a story that can take place in almost any time, which I really love. Obviously, if it was a pre-cell phone time, texting wouldn't be there, but other than that, it's definitely something that could hold up and I think those are the best stories.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie when I saw it the first time and I'm eager to watch it again and compare it to the book, but I'm even more excited to read the second book in this trilogy and figure out where the story goes next. I've managed this far along without having any spoilers of what happens in the next 2 books and that I'm very proud of.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I think it was beautifully written, it's the perfect ending, or cliffhanger rather, and I think it's a true story about high schoolers and not one that is so far removed, it's hard to relate. I hope the second book keeps me as hooked as this one did.
These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1)
These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1)
Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, I’m sure this might be a surprise for you because I have already reviewed this book. No, you’re not crazy, but after going back and rereading it I decided that I would listen to it again and write a real review, not one where more than half of it is a spoiler.

This book was just as amazing the second time as it was the first time. The characters were as fresh and complicated as I remember and I was even surprised by details I had forgotten about them.

Lilac was as privileged, stubborn and as not-crazy as I remember, but now I can appreciate it even more now that I have read the next two books in the series. Despite being a rich and spoiled debutant she certainly pushes through to her very core to survive, especially in the middle and at the end of the book.

And Tarver, he broke my heart. He was wonderfully written, from the beginning, to the interludes where he is being debriefed (where he was so sarcastic I couldn’t help but appreciate his nerve), and then those events at the end. You’ll know what I mean when you read the book.

The main plot is so beautifully simple and can be summed up into one, single word. Survive. There is a larger story arch for the next two books of the series, but just surviving, that’s what this book is about. Well, that and Lilac and Tarver trying not to kill each other while also trying to get the other to stay alive long enough to reach their goal.

Now, this book is almost entirely starring just Lilac and Tarver. Usually, only two characters together, alone would have caused me to whine about how the author was unimaginative but this works really, really well. Yes, I want other people there because the are stranded on an abandoned planet and I don’t want them to suffer, but their dynamic would have been completely ruined if there was someone else there.

Yes, this is considered a romance book, and it didn’t seem at all out of place. It fell in quite easily and it wasn’t a sudden thing forced upon two people who hated each other from the very start. If anything, these two pushed their feelings aside as the tragic accident pulls them closer together without them even knowing it. I think I lived for the moment these two finally accepted each other and I would not have had it any other way. It all just works so well!

So much goes on, yet so little happens. I mean this in the most amazing way possible. There is no one else to interfere with Lilac and Tarver’s mission of surviving, or working towards a goal other than nature and themselves. And when they get to one of the destinations, and what happens to both of them, well, it was hard. But the next place, it is so much harder. They are so sweet and it just breaks my heart.

I knew what was coming, knew what had to happen for the story to move on, and still, it rocked me and almost brought me to tears again. I knew how this book, and the series, ended, but still I couldn’t help the emotions that refused to stay pushed down. I don’t even have words to explain it in a way that will do it justice and not spoil it at the same time. Please, just read it!
Circle Of Lies (Morecambe Bay Trilogy #2)
Circle Of Lies (Morecambe Bay Trilogy #2)
Paul J. Teague | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shame you have to purchase 3rd book to see what happens (0 more)
This was the second book in the Morecambe Bay trilogy. There were all the character's from the last book and some new ones. Although the story was a continuation of the initial story of Bruce there was also another story but it did include him. In this story Charlotte is a lot more involved and she helps push the story forward. The book went back to the past again which was needed as again it gave the full picture on the current story. Sometimes, again, Charlotte annoyed me as she put herself and others in danger but I understand why she did this. Although there were 2 main stories running it didn't confuse the overall story.
I got into this book a lot quicker than the last one. This may of been because I was in the story as I had gone from one book straight onto the next one so it didn't feel so much like starting a new book.
The book ended on a cliff hanger and it wasn't resolved at all. Therefore I had to buy the second book to get the end of the story. This was slightly frustrating as I prefer to have the choice as to whether I want to purchase the next book. I didn't want to leave the story unfinished and if I had not purchased the third book I would have.
The Timeless One
The Timeless One
James Riley | 2020 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sets the Stage Well for a Climactic Battle
Fort Fitzgerald is home for the first time in months, separated from all the new friends he’s made. He, Rachel, and Jia have one year to re-find Excalibur and train to fight the Timeless One. Meanwhile, Fort also has a baby dragon he not only has to try to hide from his guardians but also from someone who has been sent to find it.

That’s all I am going to tease for fear of spoiling something from this book or previous books. Don’t start here if you are new to the series since there will be spoilers for some of the twists from earlier books in this one. But fans of the series will enjoy it. I found the post-apocalyptic feeling I had reading the previous book wasn’t as strong in this one. The story is engaging with twists and turns, but there was more humor, with I enjoyed. The characters are as sharp as ever, although Fort spends a bit more time here away from the other series regulars. This book walks the fine line between setting up the next (and final in the series) without leaving us disappointed in this part of the saga, and it does it perfectly. There is definitely a climax to this book, but the cliffhangers will leave other fans as anxious as I am to find out what happens to Fort next.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Wolfsong in Books

Aug 26, 2023  
TJ Klune | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this was an interesting one. I went in with a “well, I like werewolf stories, so let’s give this a go”, and finished thinking “ok, you should all probably go and read this now!”

It’s about found family, loyalty, love, grief and healing.

Oxnard (Ox) narrates the story about how he meets a young boy who has moved into the house at the bottom of his remote country lane. They form a close friendship very quickly, and the boy (Joe) gives Ox a small stone Wolf as a gift. The true nature of the gift isn’t clear for a few years, and in that time Ox learns just who and what the Bennett family are. He goes from believing he’s stupid and worthless, to being an important, integral member of the Bennett pack - a family of werewolves.

Something terrible happens, and the family fragments in two: whilst one half (including Joe) go off on an arduous adventure, Ox remains behind to protect who is left along with the Bennett territory.

This does get pretty graphically violent, I’ll warn you now, but it’s in context - and these are wolves!

I was utterly beguiled by this story - and I’m glad that I have the next in the series to head to already! I’d like to know how Ox and Joe are getting on as newly mated wolves - and who we’ll learn more about in the next book, Ravensong (I have my suspicions!).
A Throne For Sisters
A Throne For Sisters
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a fairly good novel that teaches you that lying can bring you more harm than good, even if it buys you a little happiness. It also teaches you that no matter what, you can't escape those who wish to harm you. Even if the people who do so change. The story was the best to help create the intrigue in the story itself, but it did have a lot of errors that left something to be desired. I have to say the characters were pretty interesting, even if their backgrounds, personalities and such were lacking. An example being the sisters. They were given some distinct personality traits and an ability that made you want to know more about them, yet it hinted at their past making you really wish it would be delved into, so you can understand their situation and their different ways of thinking. I can only hope more will be revealed in the rest of the series, though with how the story is going, makes me wonder if it will ever be touched base again.

Though the novel is written in a way that allows the reader to see what each girl is doing on their own, you can't help but want a better way to see this happen. It really makes things confusing, going from one chapter to the next, knowing you will see what one girls doing this chapter and the other girl next chapter, but it can be hard when trying to make a timeline of the story. If the chapter headers would at least give you a time period so you knew exactly what was going on when, it would definitely had helped. I got the gist it was supposed to be each chapter was happening at the last chapter was, but it drove me insane when I found myself thinking that what this girl was doing might be happening after the girl I just finish reading about. I would have loved a better transition.

I also found, though the book had some good conversations, when they got voiced, that their weren't a lot of conversations going on in the book and the details of the scenery didn't make up for this. I am used to being able to see what the characters are thinking in the middle of conversations, but to not have a whole lot of them was very disappointing. It felt as if the conversations were skipped at times, just giving you a basis of what was discussed, when I would have loved to know more. I understand mundane conversations being skipped, but when the two characters are falling in love, it would be nice to have more conversations, details on the different characters actions, etc. However, none of that happened. Just brief sentences about it.

Though, I will probably read the rest of the series, just to figure out what happens next and because I am a little OCD about finishing series I start, I fear it won't stand up to my standards. With that said, I do think this book would be good for teens. It is fast paced, doesn't dwell on some of the finer details someone like I would enjoy, and had a great idea in the story plot. I would rate this book 2 stars out of 5 stars because of how it was written. I would have definitely loved more and hope in the future books, Rice will give us just that and not skimp out on things that may help the story become deeper and much more fulfilling.
Inside Out (Insider, #1)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having not read many dystopian or post-apocalyptic books, I went into this book with fresh eyes. Although the plot and setting are both very interesting, they could have been more clearly described; yet they still are good enough to set the stage for the characters and events. Trella, the main character, is the type who always interests me; she's a loner, doesn't trust easily, is independent, and is "street" smart, so to speak. Yes, she can be slightly abrasive, but only to others in the book, and I found her sympathetic and understandable; even when she was being difficult in one aspect or the other. The book moves at a nice and swift pace, which made it easy to read since I was eager to find out what happens at the end. Even though the book isn't very surprising overall, it's a pretty light-weight book, it's entertaining and well-thought-out; I truly had fun reading INSIDE OUT. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the book could have benefited from having an extra fifty pages to fill it out more. The ending is a little too pat, but not terrible by any means, and it sets the stage for the sequel. I'm anxious to read what that might include, who's involved, and what or who the main antagonist will be the next go-'round. I heartily recommend this if you like sci-fi, dystopian societies, or just a darn good read that's on the lighter side.
Second Chance with a Highlander
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(spoiler alert)
I love historical romance books. To read about a time different than today. Sarah Mitchell delivered that in this book. When you thought it was over she through you a twist you could never guess. I was afraid she would leave me hanging but she delivered and ending I would’ve never dreamed of and I loved it. A lot of people can guess what happens but not with this book. It’s unique and it keeps you in the moment. Great Job!
To get a second chance at anything is a blessing to get a second chance at life is true miracle. That is what Kate received. After going through life hoping to see her next birthday Kate can feel this is the end. She only finds comfort in her dreams where she is loved by a mysterious man.
I loved how the characters are written. Kate is strong minded and she doesn’t take crap and stands up for what she feels is right. Thrust back in time to lands unknown she is wounded and on deaths door again when her dream man is there to save her. She doesn’t bow down to his commands or agree to his every word. She is fierce.
Connor is Scottish and wears a kilt. That’s all that needs to be said. From jump he felt protective of Kate. He showed so much loyalty. He gave up things that other lairds wouldn’t. I could visualize him and his voice. You need a sip of Connor juice you wont regret it.
This book had a lot of meat to it, a lot to digest and think about as the story continues. It flowed well with the transition from the first book, picking up right where it left off at the beginning.
There’s a lot more development of the story, characters, what’s going on - you learn and understand quite a bit more as Everley continues her harrowing journey to reach her goals. Her goals and wishes seem to shift some in this part of the story as well and it brings others goals and stories more to light some.
Things get way more intense here in this book and it left me feeling a lot - so many emotions that I’m not sure what to do with them.
There are so many nods and spins and retellings on fairytale/ folklore stories/ stories I remember from my childhood etc, it’s fun and wild.
Even though this part of the series ended on a happy note, I have conflicting emotions about leaving this part of the story behind and I’m sad about parts of it too. I’m having a slight book hangover here and I’m nervous about what happens next when the end of this series comes out.
If you haven’t read the first in this series, Before the Broken Star then you need to get on that before you read this and get ready for some awesomeness mixed with all the emotions. You don’t want to miss this continuing adventure.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Gone for Gouda in Books

Jan 9, 2023 (Updated Jan 9, 2023)  
Gone for Gouda
Gone for Gouda
Korina Moss | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Preempts Author Event
Willa Bauer is thrilled to be hosting a stop for Phoebe Winston on her tour promoting her new cookbook. The celebrity chef is sure to bring in lots of people to Willa’s new cheese shop. However, when Willa meets Phoebe, she discovers the author is a bit of a diva, with demands that make the event a much harder prospect than Willa bargained for. Then Phoebe is murdered in the house she was renting in the area, with Willa’s employee Archie the last person on the property’s security system. Can Willa figure out what happened?

I enjoyed the first book in the series, but this was even stronger. We meet Phoebe long enough to know what a pain she is before she dies, but then we learn even more, opening up the suspect pool. The climax becomes a race to figure things out, and I was along for the twists that kept coming at that point. I was thrilled that the supporting players got a bigger role this time around. They are fantastic, and I enjoyed spending time with all of them. I grew up in Sonoma County, so I have a special connection with the setting even if I did have to move my mental map of the fictional town where most of the action takes place. This book will leave you hungry for cheese, so the three recipes at the end will be welcome. I’m already anxious to see what happens to Willa and the others in the next in the series.