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Second Twin (Legend of Rhyme, #4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

With the twins, Ariana and Asher, lost in the past, and Teagan suddenly thrust into the magical realm of Coraira, the <i>Legend of Rhyme</i> series becomes even more dangerous and exciting. <i>Second Twin</i> is the fourth book of Jaime Lee Mann’s fantasy series for middle grade children (i.e. 8-13 year olds). Containing most of the key characters that readers are already familiar with, a new, sinister individual is introduced to shake the story up even more.

<i>Second Twin</i> is made up of two or three storylines that twist around each other to result in one explosive conclusion. Teagan discovers immediately that she is destined to become a mermaid and an apprentice to Starla, the ruler of the sea. Without giving Teagan a chance to get used to her new tail, Starla involves her in trying to help locate and return the twins to their correct timeline. The twins, however, are in even more peril than being in the wrong time zone. Tricked by the new, malicious character, something evil happens to Asher, leaving him once again separated from his sister Ariana. Whilst all this is going on, the reader is given insight to Elora’s – a previous antagonist – past, learning how she came to be so evil; in contrast Teagan is also learning something new; the truth about her parentage.

There is not as much detail about Teagan as some readers may be hoping for. She was the title character of the previous novel, however in this book she becomes more of a secondary character. Teagan’s transition from young girl to mermaid happens far to quickly to be appreciated. An entire book could have been devoted to this event, instead it happens in a handful of paragraphs. Nevertheless, Second Twin is filled with so many exhilarating twists and turns that it hardly matters when some aspects are not described at length.

Throughout this book the theme of twins crops up again and again. The unique relationship between twins is emphasized as a special bond, but also as a way to wield evil power. Readers will not be able to trust their preconceived judgments about the good and wickedness of key characters, causing all to question everything they believe.

<i>Second Twin</i> is the most action packed book of the series so far. With no need for introductions to characters and settings, there is more opportunity to develop the plot and fill in gaps in the history of the story, until concluding on yet another cliffhanger. Fans of the series will not be disappointed with the latest developments, although you may not be pleased to know you are in for a wait for the fifth book, Blood and Stars, to find out what happens next.
Fearless (Somerton Security #3)
Fearless (Somerton Security #3)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2018 | Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
far darker than the others, but equally brilliant!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, and I thank Ms Dyer for that!

This is book three in the Somerton Security series and I would strongly recommend that you read books one, Defenseless and book two, Relentless before you read this one. There is some of an on-going story arc, and I don't think you'll get the full benefit of THIS book, if you don't. And,I mean, both are five star reads too!

We haven't met Will or Cooper before, but we know of Will. He is Georgia's brother and we thought him long dead. Cooper is a sniper, and they have talked before, Will and Coop, long intimate conversations, but never got round to meeting. When Coop's life is threatened by her actions on orders, she needs Will to find the answers and clear her name. She just needs to free Will from his captivity.

I loved this one, too!

It's far darker than the other two, because some of Will's torture is described, in detail, as it happens and as memories surfacing, but it's needed. You NEED to know what happened to Will, while he was held all that time, because it has some baring on what happens later in the book. Quite graphic, but absolutely necessary.

Will and Coop's history is all phone calls and texts, but I loved that the full picture isn't immediately clear. You're left guessing at the clues and I love being kept on my toes.

I loved that Coop could SEE Will, you know, under all that dirt and grime and all those scars. She could see the man he was, will be again, even if Will couldn't. Loved that Will knew he had to let Coop go, if he was going to keep her and LOVED how he pulled her back!! I was like, way to go man!!

Parker and Georgia, and Ethan and Natalia all pop up, if only towards the end but it was nice that they did.

There is a character here who has piqued my interest, particularly after what he says to Coop and Will when the sh*t hits the fan, and more importantly, it was the WAY he said it. Makes me think that HIS story could be next, and he isn't quite the bad guy he portrays here. Maybe he is, but I think there is a teeny tiny soft spot in his heart for a certain doctor who is missing.

Please keep these coming!!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Deadly Truths (Kiss Her Goodbye #3)
Deadly Truths (Kiss Her Goodbye #3)
Rebecca Royce | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
42 of 250
Deadly Truths ( Kiss her Goodbye book 3)
By Rebecca Royce

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

I'm Everly Marrs.

Eighteen months ago the Letters took me to force my father's hand and turned my world upside down. A few months after that, a man named Ben took me from them and I went through hell before I saw them again and they turned my heart inside out. In fast moments I'll never get over, I killed my father and walked away from everything--the Alliance, the Letters, my heart.

Before D, W, T, K and J, I had plans. I was going to help people. After, I barely recognize myself, but I went through the motions, and I finished school. I had a job that paid under the table. I avoided electronic monitoring and I knew how to take care of myself. I was going off the grid. I was going to be safe and disappear.

Then one of my Letters walked into a sounds like a joke yet its anything but funny. Once again, I'm plunged back into their world, only they aren't taking me this time. No one is.

No, this time I know what it means to be Everly Marrs and what happens next is going to happen my way.

Yes!! Everly gets her happy ever after!! She worked hard for it and finally took control of her life. Love Rebeccas books and although sad to see this end it’s great to have a complete story that is compact and holds a punch! Brilliant RH series
Exile (The Society #5)
Exile (The Society #5)
Mason Sabre | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
146 of 250
Exile ( The Society book 5)
By Mason Sabre

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

What happens when prophecy comes knocking on your door?

The next heart-pounding instalment in Mason Sabre's Paranormal and Urban Fantasy, Society Series, Stephen Davies has been sentenced to death ...

Everyone knows that being exiled is as good as a death sentence. Even worse when you are the son of the Alpha ...

Former ruler of his own domain and warrior for his father's pack, Stephen Davies is one of the fiercest tiger shifters the Other world has ever known. A legend in his own right, he has earned both the respect of his own kind, and the fear of the Humans.
In Exile, however, all is different ...

Stephen has barely arrived in this God forsaken place when the bus he is on is stopped and attacked by a creature he has never seen before. She's there to rescue him, but her actions cast Stephen into an unravelling new world. Not only does he find himself in unexpected places with the strangest people, but his tiger seems to think he has found the one true thing he has been looking for ...

A mate.

The only problem is that someone is hunting Stephen, and they don't care who they hurt to get to him.

Nice little catch up with Stephen and finally discovering his powers. Love the new characters and the children are intriguing I wonder what daddy alpha would have made him do especially half human ones! I’m really enjoying this series and this one didn’t disappoint.
Crystal Blade (Paladins of Crystal #2)
Crystal Blade (Paladins of Crystal #2)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
CRYSTAL BLADE is the second book in the Paladins of Crystal series, and I recommend you read this following Book One as the story continues on from there. It is NOT a standalone.

Are you ready? Then hold onto your hats, because this book will take you on a wild and bumpy ride. Oh, man. Crystal is up against everything in this book, apart from the Buff Lords, that is. They are still being honourable and keeping their distance, even if they don't want to. More becomes clear about this bunch too, which I loved. But back to Crystal. I love her attitude. It's as simple as that. She is stubborn, knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to fight for it - quite literally, as it happens.

So many excellent characters in here help to move the story along, as well as either help or hinder Crystal. I love learning more about them as the story progresses. It certainly drew me in once again.

That ending though! Gah, I think the author is trying to kill me!!! I mean, seriously!!! Apart from desperately wanting Crystal Reflection which is the next book in the series, it has left me wanting to go back and reread book one. You know, just because. And if that isn't the sign of a good book and an amazing author, I don't know what is.

Absolutely and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 25, 2023
Tryin&#039; To Sleep In the Bed You Made
Tryin' To Sleep In the Bed You Made
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tryin' to Sleep in the Bed You Made is a story of three friends. It traverses their lives from childhood to adults. And we get to see all the fun, joy, and pain that goes along with it.

Pat, Gail, Marcus, and Freddie are inseparable. They are classmates and best friends. One day when Freddie finds a gun and decides to share it with the rest of the group, the most tragic thing happens. This changes the lives of the other three forever. Pat is taken from her mother and temporarily put into foster care until Gail and her family take her in. Marcus, who was Freddie's brother feels he has to fulfill Freddie's life dreams instead of pursuing his own.

As they graduate high school and spread their wings to find new things, they are torn in different directions and their friendship is never the same.

I love reading books about friendship. Friendship lost and found. It makes me feel good on the inside and that is exactly how this book made me feel. It made me laugh and it made me cry, but overall, it made me want to call all of my friends and rekindle what we once had.

The DeBerry/Grant team are great writers. This is the second book I have read by them and I can't wait to read the next.
Wait - is this the end of Merchant Princes series? But what happens NEXT?! I want MORE! Stross! You can't do this to me!

Anyway, my one and only complaint about this book is that it's been too long since I read the other five, and that isn't Stross' fault. Or maybe it is, in a backwards sense, but only in that it takes longer for him to write than for me to read. If I'd stuck to my guns about not starting any series until it was finished, I'd be fine, but then I'd hardly have anything at all to read, would I? It's just that this particular series is full of intricate plotting and many characters, and I really could have used some sort of serious online reference for this world.

Some plot threads were tied up, and a few new ones were introduced. I'll could understand this book as a resting point for Stross, but not a stopping point! While most series would have lost my interest after six books, this one hasn't. He really is that good.

That said, some of the post-9/11 mania is a little dated, and it is good to be past that. I imagine he's glad to be done writing it, too. I wish our society were completely done with the erosion of civil rights caused by it, too.
Riptide (Boys of Summer)
Riptide (Boys of Summer)
Jordan Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Riptide (Boys of Summer) by Jordan Ford
Jace - or Bass as he is known throughout most of this book - is a thrill-seeker. He is the ultimate paradox - a bad boy who doesn't actually try to be bad, and has a heart. He makes stupid decisions based on hurt feelings. His story is completely understandable and heartbreaking with how he feels. Ms. Ford has done a magnificent job of bringing him to life, to make his quandary completely relate-able.

And that's the thing with this book. As a reader, I got it. I could see where Bass was coming from, and why he behaved the way he did. Would I make the same decisions? No, but then I'm not a sixteen-year-old boy with the same experiences as him.

With no editing or grammatical errors that jolted me, I thoroughly enjoyed this novella, and can't wait to see what happens when he goes to Ryder Bay and meets up with SnapDragon.

As a standalone, this is a great read. As a prequel to the next Ryder Bay story, it's fantastic! Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Divided Paths (Afterlife #4)
Divided Paths (Afterlife #4)
Katrina Cope | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although the fourth book in the Afterlife series released, this serves as the back story to both Zacharius and to events in the related Supernatural Evolvement series. This can also be read as a stand alone or as an introduction to both series.

Zacharius is an angel used to fighting demons and protecting his friend Archangel Michael from danger. When Michael gives him an important mission he doesn't expect it to be protecting a young girl living on a remote farm. However he soon discovers that the girl may indeed be as special as Michael suspects.

This is a great read from cover to cover. After the jaded and somewhat embittered version of Zacharius in the earlier books, it is good to see him not only fully fit but a suitable angelic hero. This story answers a few of the questions left over from the two series it touches upon and further expands the world of angels, demons, witches and shape changers that Cope has managed to conjure.

The story isn't complex but that just allows the characters to stand out, particularly Zacharius and Ava for obvious reasons, but also the other players in the cast.

As usual with any of Cope's stories the only disappointment is getting to the last page and having to wait to see what happens next.
The Orphanage of Gods
The Orphanage of Gods
Helena Coggan | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is an absolute tour de force, and powerhouse of descriptive language.

The book is gripping from the start, it is fast moving, and keeps you guessing as to what will happen next. I haven't picked up a book this quickly in a while, and finished it faster than most.

However, so much happens throughout the book, and it builds and builds towards the ending that it almost felt like a bit too much happened, and I wasn't entirely sure where it would end. I feel like it could have been stretched out over two books, so we as an audience could have had more time to relish the story and appreciate the characters.
Please don't get me wrong though, I savoured every minute of it, and the ending was suitable and satiated my needs.

As I mentioned, the descriptive language was different to a great many books I've read, but it didn't feel forced or jarring, as some do when it feels like they threw a thesaurus at their writing, just to mix it up a bit.
The writers age did leak through a few times, but I am an older reader, and think this is perfectly suited to the YA audience.

Highly recommend, it is a fantastic read, and the only let down is that there wasn't more of it!