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Anne (15117 KP) rated Ashlords in Books

Nov 4, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks so much to NetGalley and Random House Children's Publishing for letting me read and review this fantastic book.
I've read The Nyxia Triad by Scott Reintgen and knew from reading that series that he was a great writer with wonderful stories. I am so excited I got to read this book and can't wait for the next book after this one because I have questions that need answers.
I'm super curious about some things after reading Ashlords with the characters and their stories, what's going to happen to them and with everything, but I'm also super curious to know about some side stories and characters like Quinn for example.
This is pitched as Red Rising meets The Scorpio Races and while I don't know about Red Rising because I haven't read that yet, I can see the similarities with The Scorpio Races. What I kept thinking and being reminded of when I was reading this are The Scorpio Races as mentioned and The Hunger Games. I kept having lots of memories and flashbacks to things/ideas from The Hunger Games.
It's about three phoenix horse riders - yes phoenix horses! and the riders are skilled in alchemy, which you have to be to know how to create the best horse for riding in The Races. In The Races, you have to defend the ashes of your horse at night, but you aren't allowed to kill only maim, injure or poison the ashes of the horse. There are 11 riders in The Races, but only a few that have something to gain or lose.
The Ashlords follows these few characters and what happens with them during The Races. There's Pippa who is a favorite, one they expect to win and her parents were winners in previous years of The Races, The guy she wants to be with, Bravos, who's all about winning. Then there are the others who I was more interested in, Adrian, the Longhand, from one of the other groups/races of people there that are ruled over by the Ashlords and Imelda Beru, the Alchemist, who's the one who gets in on scholarship and is part of one of the other races that's ruled over by the Ashlords as well so these two characters have more to lose.
It's an emotional and intense ride through the book with the characters and you get to understand a lot by the end of this book that sets it up well and leaves you hanging with wanting to know what will happen next. This is one you need to have on your radar and make sure to read!
White Hot Kiss
White Hot Kiss
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This will be my third book by the author, fourth if we class her writing as J. Lynn, and I've liked all of them so the chance to read anything by her is a big YES PLEASE!

After reading both this and Covenant, I've noticed that she likes to write love triangles into her stories. I don't have a problem with them and gladly cheer on for whichever guy I want the heroine to be with. In this I was Team Roth from early on. Zayne might have been the guy Layla'd been dreaming of for years but he never really seemed to want her in that way (or he was just very good at hiding it) and treated her a lot like a close friend or little sister. Roth on the other hand always seemed to be there when she needed him and he teased and flirted and could kick arse, being what he was: Upper Level Demon.

I feel I have to mention Bambi, too. She was cool! Who wouldn't her watching over you?

I also feel like I have to mention Petr. I'm glad about what happened to him, he wasn't a nice guy so he deserved everything he got.

As for the story, I get Layla's feelings of not really belonging to either side. Being born half demon and half warden, Layla struggles in her attempts to fit in with the people--Warden's--who've raised her. Half the Warden's don't like her presence and want her gone while the other half treat her like family. As for being half demon, she's been tagging them for the past God knows how many years and feels more of a Warden and keeps being told she's a Warden. But as the story progresses, she begins to question everything she's ever known and the people around her.

The more I read of the book, the more I fell in love with Roth. He was amazing and just for that last 10% or so this is getting five stars from me. I cried; tears silently falling down my cheeks more or less continuously for the time it took me to finish the story. Crikey!

I need to read the next in the series to figure out what happens next with these guys.

If you're a fan of the author then this shouldn't be missed. If you haven't read anything by Jennifer L. Armentrout and like YA paranormal romances then you should really pick up one of her books, they're really good.
Unfaithful: The Deception of Night
Unfaithful: The Deception of Night
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I look back at Unfaithful, all I can think is wow. This book had some unexpected twists and turns, that leave you breathless and riddled with anxiety. It was a nice continuation from the first book with some real anxiety ridden situations. I loved that we got to see more of the others: Ginerva, Simon, and Drake. I loved getting to know these character more. However, I found that not everything as it seems to be. I guess that is to be expected when you are dating an Angel of Death. I also enjoyed learning more about how the Evan and his brothers are created and chosen. There was so much information in this book, that at times it was hard to absorb it all, while continuing the story without pausing to take a moment to think about what you just read.

Let me first discuss Evan. Though we don't see a whole bunch from his point of view this time around, it was definitely nice to learn about his past and how his kind works. Although, I wished we could have had more of him in the book, it was nice to learn more about the others in his family. I think I really enjoyed learning about how he met each member in his family after his death. I also very much enjoyed learning about how each member had an impact on the others. Seeing how he was saved by a Witch, Ginerva, who was with Simon, was amazing to see. I also enjoyed him explaining how the forbidden fruit that Eve ate was the same that gave Evan and his kind the nutrition they needed to stay alive and how without consuming it they would just end up dead, instead of becoming the angels they were destined to become to pay their way into Eden.

Evan had even explained some of his family to Gemma, which helped shed a new light on them. I believe what little information was given, really helped give these characters a better feel. It made you feel sorry or sad for how things had come to be. To even see how close to Gemma that they had grown to be, was a pleasant sight to see. It made the character intertwine together better than before. However, with Drake's crazy antics and the ever threatening danger around the corner, you can't help but wonder what was really going on.

At one point, you are introduces to Eden and the details to describe it left you breathless. I can't help but wonder if my imagination even done it justice. I believe the details were amazing and definitely breathtaking. However, I think even with the details, that I would have loved to see more of it. Though it was very hard to believe such a place could exist, after all it is supposed to be our Heaven, I think I would have definitely needed to see more to be satisfied. This is on of the things in the book that made me want more of it, knowing I may never be able to visit it again.

--This next part is a spoiler so please read at your own risk.--

I have to say that the ending with Evan dying has me extremely upset. I am not sure what happened and even now I am sitting her unsure of what happened. I had cried out in frustration. It was definitely not a satisfying ending. With what Gemma tells Evan as he dies, and what happens with their supposed threat, I can't help but count down the minutes until I can start the next book. This book definitely gave me lots to think about. For example, how nothing is certain in life. There are many things, people and situations that can lead you to the wrong conclusions or paths to take. I feel this book had given so many things to be processed and though about, that people could easily lose themselves in thought, just from the situations, like deception, and ideas of places unseen by us alone.

Overall I would rate this book five stars out of five stars. It was breathtaking, detailed, and kept you in suspense. There were a few very sweet moments that made you long for romance like that in your personal life, but kept everything in the right perspective. I definitely think that I learned that I should live to the fullest, for you never know when death is waiting for you. I think this series has been amazing so far and can't wait to finish it. It definitely makes you want more and with and ending that doesn't answer the important questions, it definitely feels like the cliffhanger at the end of your favorite show to keep you waiting for the next season to figure out what the next thing is going to be.
The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass
Philip Pullman | 1995 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (68 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally reviewed on

Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass will forever be one of my favorite books. I remember reading it when it was first published in 1995 and thinking then I had never read anything like it before, and each subsequent reading (along with the other books in the His Dark Materials series, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) still brings that feeling of wonder. The ideas and themes that Pullman introduces in these books challenged me as a reader then, and still do over 20 years later.

Lyra's story of friendship and loyalty found in the most unlikely places, and opposing and challenging those whose beliefs may be strong but not necessarily in the right, resonated strongly with me right out of high school, and I still think that these are important themes for any young reader to experience, especially told through Lyra's eyes. Her strength of character and resolve in what she believes right creates a fantastic role model for anyone, but especially those, I think, who are trying to find their way in the world and are looking to literature to help them. Of course, Pullman disguises much of this in a fast-paced adventure story filled with political intrigue and suspense around every corner, so it will keep readers both young and old eager to find out what happens next. Not every book deserves the title "unputdownable", but I think this was one of my first experiences with a book that earned that description for me. An alternate universe, witches, daemons, polar bears who talk, and more make this book one of the more unique books you'll read, and Philip Pullman's writing is beautiful and poignant.
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Horror
8.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book centered around a singular event, and the outcome of that event has the potential to change everything that the town of Morganville is about and how it is run. I found the plot of this book to be very unpredictable - which is a good thing - except for the fact that every book always centers around Claire and the choices she makes. The one-liners are as fantastic as always, and I love the introduction of a few new characters, such as Theo and his family, and the ex-Marine Hannah. I also found the introduction of a natural disaster as a major plot point to be refreshing - even though terrifying for the characters - since few books I read seem to work uncontrollable bad weather into the plot. For less than 300 pages, this book packs alot of sub-plots in, with the retribution against Monica, who I'm not convinced has learned from her mistakes yet, managing Mynin's bipolar behavior, and keeping track of what is happening with each of the four main characters/ Glass House residents. All of the possibilities in a town gone anarchic are explored to some degree, although I found that the lines that were used to control the college students to be less-than-believable. I am curious to see what happens to the human factions that were trying to exploit the mini-war by rebeling against the Powers That Be in the next book, Carpe Corpus (Morganville Vampires, Book 6), as well as how Mynin's disease plays out as it affects others en masse. The fact that Claire basically hardly ever goes to class and still manages to makes A's still bugs me, but I'm getting used to it. She has more exciting things to attend to!
Secret Burdens (Stories of Lorst #3)
Secret Burdens (Stories of Lorst #3)
Suzanna J. Linton | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Secret Burdens (Stories of Lorst #3) by Suzanna J. Linton
Secret Burdens is the third book in the Stories of Lorst series, and I was happy to dive back into this world. However, Clara wasn't at her best, and I was left wondering what was going and why - pretty much like everyone else in the book! It didn't take long before I was sucked into the story, with all of its glorious twists and turns that kept my attention, and definitely left me needing to read 'just one more page'.

This is an intricate story, and my admiration for Suzanna J. Linton knew no bounds, as the story effortlessly flowed. How she managed to keep up with the writing, making it easy to read, which still maintaining the mystery, I will never know!

The characters are a delight to return to, and in fact, has left me wanting to return to Clara, just so I can start the series again. With no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, I have no hesitation in recommending this story. Absolutely brilliant, and I can't wait to read more.

If you're wondering why I didn't give it 5-stars when I've been raving so much, it is down to something that happens right at the end. I won't say what, as it would spoil the story. That being said, I can't wait to see where the story is taken next. Read it for yourself, and you'll become hooked on these books too!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11935 KP) rated The Shadow in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Shadow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Shadow is the second book in The Original's Trilogy, and although I haven't read book 1, this in no way impaired my enjoyment of this book. Trina is a witch that has always had trouble with her powers, and now she is literally disappearing. There is a quick synopsis given as part of the story as to what happened in book 1, and the consequences to Trina because of that. Duncan is sent to her by the Vampire Council to kill or kidnap her, depending on what happens to Lilith. Instead, Duncan decides to go with his instincts, and tries to help Trina in every way he can, even before he realises she is his mate. These two both have things in their past that make them act the way they do, so it's all part of the story as to how they work past that, and save the world from Armageddon.

This is an intricate paranormal read, with witches, daemons, Watchers, and even minions! And, no, they're not yellow wearing denim dungarees! Instead, you get an intriguing story where not everything is as black and white as you would assume. The story concludes nicely in this book, whilst providing a satisfactory preview into the next. It is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow.

Although I haven't read book one, I would actually recommend it before reading this one, simply because I feel that you would get a greater appreciation for the characters and their world. Still, saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and definitely recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved, #1)
Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved, #1)
Cate Tiernan | 2010 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another of those books where I've had it for years on my Kindle and just never had the urge to read it. So, yes, this is being used for another challenge on Goodreads. This one is another A-Z challenge but for Paranormal Romances and Urban Fantasy books.

I think one thing that put me off is this books lack of a proper description on Goodreads as seen above. You really do have no idea what it's going to be about. I have done a bit of searching and found a better more evolved description.

I assumed this would be about vampires with the name but it's not. Just people who live a really long time that call themselves Immortals. Nastasya - Nasty to her friends - comes to realise that she's hanging out with a bad crowd after her best friend of hundreds of years breaks a mans back for no reason. She seeks out a fellow Immortal she met about 50 years ago who offered to take her in and spends time at her sanctuary.

Nasty goes from being a careless party girl to someone who actually doesn't mind working and likes being busy. She begins to have proper friends and people who care about her and who she cares about. She feels like she has a purpose in life again.

I'll admit I liked this more than I thought I would. It dragged me in and I was intrigued by how Nasty and a certain blond Viking type Immortal, Reyn, knew each other. It took about 80% of the book to figure it out and then, though they knew they should hate each other, they were still drawn to each other. I am VERY interested in seeing what happens next with this lot.

I cannot wait to continue this series.

Kurt Vile recommended Interstellar Space by John Coltrane in Music (curated)

Interstellar Space by John Coltrane
Interstellar Space by John Coltrane
2020 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Well, that was another one I burned on my way. At first, I was into the earlier John Coltrane, and then when he went into more free jazz, at first I didn't like it as much because I was so into his early tone and the swing and the melody of this more classic jazz, but the next one's more like that. Jesse [Trbovich, bandmate in the Violators] turned me on to it. We got stuck on the way home from an LA show or somewhere, we got dumped off in Phoenix, Arizona, and we had to stay for the night. We knew a really good record store there, Revolver Records, there was just a ton of jazz. I was wanting to stock up so I got Interstellar Space as a recommendation. When I first listened, I was like, [shrugs] yeah, 'cause he's just freaking out, just him and a drummer, Rashied Ali, then I burned it anyway. Usually what happens is that it sounds so good 'cause it's burned from those original vinyls and then you crank it in your headphones and it just sounds unreal, so that's what happened with that one on the way to Joshua Tree. My mind was blown and it's just so open and such raw emotion and so psychedelic without any of the pretensions that 'psychedelic' eventually became - he's just the real thing. It's just wide open and sprawling. 'Lost My Head' for sure has that jazz influence... obviously it's a white man's, with limited skill. The convenience of the key of C, for instance - you play all those sevenths with the same formation all over the place, so that's why the piano's beautiful, but that's got the McCoy Tyner or whatever thing in it."
