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Savage Reckoning
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Firstly I’d like to thank Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Alibi for the opportunity to read this in an exchange for an honest review.

<b><i>With a badge pinned to her chest, she didn’t give a shit what the town or God thought of her. She was the law.</b></i>

I was not expecting to love this as much as I do! Honestly, I started the first few pages and thought <b>”oh God, this is going to be bad,”</b> but I persevered because I feel I’ve given up on a lot of reads lately and I’m so glad I continued with it. As soon as we met Step and Kenny talking about anal sex, I knew I was going to love this novel, <i>(that sounds all kinds of wong).</i>

Step and Kenny are closeout kings… in other words they’re hitmen. But they’re not all evil and malicious, they got feelin’s too, <b><i>"Well, now I'm just all kinds of hurt. Neither girls has plied their horny ways on me."</b></i> No but in all seriousness, they’ve got some sort of morals, and these morals are what lead us into the rollercoaster ride of a story this is.

Our MC Dani Savage (ridiculously cheesy cool name) is the only deputy that takes her job seriously around Baptist Flats and so when she hears stories of a bunch of missing girls from in and around her area she can’t let it go and has to do something to console the many broken and distraught mothers. A bit of a fuckup closeout jobs leads Dani to Step and Kenny where they enlist each other's help to get to the bottom of the mystery of the missing girls.

This is by no means a sophisticated, thought provoking novel, it's just pure grit, humour with a couple of inciteful anecdotes, <b><i>"Each woman's got a different 'forget-shit' trigger, Kenny. A man's whole goddamn purpose in life is to figure out that trigger and pull it",</b></i> mashed together to make an excellent, fun and exciting read. Each character, no matter how small or large their role in the story, was developed brilliantly and although there were some obvious parts of the plot it didn’t even matter because you’re having too much fun reading it to care about the fact you can guess what happens next.

Genuinely one of the funniest novels I’ve read in such a long time even if it does deal with some pretty gruesome stuff. Anyone bored of meaningful, eye-opening type thrillers? Well pick this one up as your next book to help loosen you up a bit. I’m definitely going to be on the lookout for more from Kenny and Step!
Mr June (Calendar Men #6)
Mr June (Calendar Men #6)
Rosalind Abel | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Perfect hangover cure!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the Calendar Men series, and I would recommend you read Jan through May before this one, if only to give you a better picture of this photo shoot and what's happened up to now. Not totally necessary though.

Having dumped his boyfriend right after shooting their photo for June, Ilias finds himself on a callout to a fight at a local doctor's office. Meeting Henry makes his heart swell with everything he had been looking for up to this point. There is just a small matter of someone dealing drugs out of Henry's office!

I'm really enjoying this series.

They have, for the most part, (May not included!) just the right amount of loves, drama, sexy time, emotions and the whole gamut of emotions that need to be in a book to make them engaging and enjoyable.

This one did seem a little longer than the rest, but they are all a similar page length.

I loved Ilias and Henry, both separately and together. They really are perfect for each other!

While it's painfully obvious (to me anyway) WHO is doing the dirty on Henry, I liked being proved correct, just as much as I would have liked to have been proven wrong!

I read this in one sitting while suffering from a book AND an alcohol hangover, so despite its longer length, there it will sit!

Great addition to the series. Love to see what happens next with this shoot!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Raiders of the Lost Bark
Raiders of the Lost Bark
Sparkle Abbey | 2016 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Glamping with Dogs…and a Killer
Over the last few months, Mel has been the victim of Addison Rae. Addison is trying to become the premier gourmet pet chef in Laguna Beach, and she is using old letters from Mel’s mother to get Mel to make introductions. Addison’s latest gig is as the chef at a camping trip for dog owners and their pets, and Mel intends to get the letters over the course of the trip. However, before she can, Addison turns up dead. Mel knows she makes a great suspect, but can she find the really killer before her mother’s secret, and her motive, is exposed?

The books in this series are always fun, and this book is no exception. The mystery starts well and moves quickly as we get more suspects and motives to sort through before Mel finally figures things out. The dogs’ antics are always entertaining. The people can tend to be more caricature than full character here, but it works for the series and provides us with some laughs. Mel is real and helps ground things. Mel’s assistant Betty is also along for the ride in this book. She’s a hoot, but we get a bit too much of her here, and I grew tired of some of her antics at times. The brooch that Mel is feuding over with her cousin Caro continues to make things challenging here, and I’m anxious to find out what happens next in that saga. Readers who have pets will be interested in the two recipes at the end of the book. Pack your bags because this is a glamping trip not to miss.
Kane (Coven&#039;s End, #1)
Kane (Coven's End, #1)
Lia Davis | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up as a freebie a few weeks ago now as a book for my PR/UF A-Z Challenge on Goodreads after struggling to find books with certain letters (I'm still struggling to find J, N, Q, X, Y and Z. Any suggestions much appreciated).

So this one starts with a group of merc's taking down a houseful of wolf shifters and then going to take down a houseful of vampires at the orders of a mystery someone. Then we meet Kane who's in a meeting with the Blood - the ruling council - and his mum, Lilith, as they try and get him to pick a mate so he can take the vampire throne. He doesn't want to mate with just anyone, especially when he's already found his true mate, werewolf princess, Jillian. He goes to investigate the site of the murders and bumps into Jillian, who finds out he is her fated mate and the fun begins.

I wasn't sure with how short this was that the story would progress enough for me but I was pleasantly surprised. We learn quite a lot about the werewolves and the vampires and I grew to like the main four characters though we only see things from Kane and Jillian's POV.

It is a serial with each book named after a different person in their harem and the story continuing throughout so be warned - we don't find out who was behind the killings in this one. I have to admit I am intrigued to find out what happens next with these four and to see who was behind the killings.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated The Last Son of Venus by Dion Marc in Books

Jul 4, 2022 (Updated Jul 5, 2023)  
The Last Son of Venus by Dion Marc
The Last Son of Venus by Dion Marc
Dion Marc | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE LAST SON OF VENUS is the first book in a new series. It is hot and dark, and leaves you wanting more!

We start off with a young anxiety-ridden Alex, on his first trip abroad and lost in London. Things start going a bit strange for him and he has no idea what's going on. What's worse is he can't get hold of his parents for their advice. Nikos has been Alex's Guardian for a while now but this is his first interaction with him directly. Add Alex and Nikos, together with Jin - a queer descendant of Hekate, against an evil sect disguising themselves as the church, and you have an action-packed story that will keep you turning the pages.

This is definitely character-led - you get the steadiness of Nikos, the quirkiness of Jin, plus the anxiety of Alex. These characters change as the story progresses. Obviously, the biggest change is Alex, but Jin changes too!

Told from varying perspectives, it allows you to see the inner workings of just what's going on. And, trust me, there's a lot. There are multiple players in this story and not all of them are black and white.

A brilliant start to a new series by a new-to-me author. I absolutely recommend this book, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 22, 2022

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Blood Pact (Youkai Bloodlines #2) in Books

May 7, 2021 (Updated Jul 26, 2023)  
Blood Pact (Youkai Bloodlines #2)
Blood Pact (Youkai Bloodlines #2)
Courtney Maguire | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOOD PACT is the second book in the Youkai Bloodlines series, and we start off with Hiro. He is a geisha, taken in from the street, and now a man of renown because of his voice. When a local thug takes offence at Hiro entertaining a samurai; Hiro's world is torn apart.

This isn't a romance story, per se. It is diving into the world of the mythological, fantastical, and horrible. Hide would do anything for Hiro, apart from showing it! And Hiro has enough heart for both of them. Even Asagi recognises that. Yes, they are in here too, but I don't think life has treated them kindly since last we met. I do so want a HEA for them, back with their maker.

Although this is book two, as Hiro puts it, this is only the beginning. I love where the story is going, plus the character development and supporting cast. You end up with more questions than answers, and it's just perfect for this series. This book is long enough to sink your teeth into (!), and is perfectly paced, giving you action and then a time of rest. Diving into cultural mythology is a bonus for me.

A fantastic addition to the series and absolutely recommended by me. I can't wait to see what happens next.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 7, 2021
What do you do when an ancestor's actions threaten your very existence? You disappear. Emily, or at least that's what her name is now, must begin a quiet, hidden, new life in Maine. It's one of those small towns with a couple of hundred residents, some shops/eating establishments, an unexplained interest to tourists and not much else. The sign must say Greenville, population: a handful of moose.

The beginning just reminds me of home, with the gorgeous trees, lake, the phrase "wicked cool" and Emily's Red Sox cap. The action quickly takes over the plot, as Emily must flee Maine with a man she doesn't know if she can trust.... from a guy who had been following her for years with one goal - to kill her. With her memories gone Emily, or Audra as she finds out, doesn't know who she can trust. Is Luka the one who wants her dead? Or did Rolan lie and he's the real threat?

The unique plot is intriguing and the mystery won't let you put the book down. Danger lurks around every corner and Audra must rediscover what she forced herself to forget, at all costs.

The characters are intriguing and develop over the course of the novel. The Progeny are secretive and with good reason, any knowledge they have of their brethren can be taken upon their deaths. Their minds put countless others at risk unless they keep themselves isolated. While her comrades are decently well described, they don't quite feel like fully realized people. We need to now more of their dreams and fears, history, relationships and motivation.

The "big-bads" are sort of a generic evil villain type that I wished was developed more. What turned him into a zealot? What <i>is</i> his history with Audra's mother? How did he rise in the Court? I know Audra lost her memories, so we're in the dark like her but it just makes the novel feel less realized than it could.

The one relationship that feels authentic is between Audra and Luka. Even though she's not initially sure she can trust him and questions herlself throughout the novel - she still can't imagine going through everything without him/ I'm glad to learn that it isn't one long-running deception. The end of the novel is still completely unexpected in regards to the two of them.

Claudia and Piotrek are so close but he feels like such a mystery. We get to experience some of Claudia's emotions, like her confusion and hurt at being left or her anger about Ivan's death. Piotrek just seems flat in comparison. He's very protective of Claudia and painted a picture once. For all we know, he could have been an artist and it was just one of his many works. Its just as likely that it was the one and only time he attempted to be creative. I wish Piotrek was more develop as I"m very interested to learn more about him.

Audra travels to a number of foreign locations and they are described well enough that you can imagine them beautifully. They may not be the most glamorous villas or rich cities but you want to learn more about them nonetheless.

The book ends with a lot of revelations and so many more questions. Traitors are unmasked. Confessed or accused killers may not have been the murderers after all. Lovers are in peril. And time is running out. I know I can't wait to read the next book and find out what happens.
Cage of Light
Cage of Light
Donnally Miller | 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked most was reality being an illusion and meaning being nothing more than words people attach to things. (0 more)
Those unaware of Donnally Miller’s writing style may be caught off guard by some of the larger leaps in the story. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Cage of Light is another in-depth book by Donnally Miller, author of Devil’s Workshop. This book may be significantly shorter but that does not mean it lacks in any way. It will definitely make you think. How much of this story actually happens and how much of it is the delusions of a mind trying to make sense of the world?

 Henry Dark and his wife, Alice, are two people living their lives as blindly as everyone else. Henry though frequently finds himself questioning what is real and what isn’t. His wife, on the other hand, does not appear to concern herself with such questions. She seems to attempt to live life in the most enjoyable way she can regardless of her reality. Alice is also concerned about Henry’s odd thoughts about life and things he claims to see.

 It all starts with Alice complaining to Henry about their noisy neighbors having parties all the time. Henry takes it upon himself to confront the neighbors about this problem, only to find in the morning the house is vacant and Alice has no clue what Henry is talking about. Alice then convinces Henry to see a therapist by the name of Dr. Gordon who Henry doesn't get along with. The couple then finds themselves on the run after Henry attacks Dr. Gordon, and hiding out at the Lagoon of Lost Loves. It is here that Henry comes across the King of the Trolls. After that, they suddenly find themselves on a cruise ship where things are just as strange, before appearing at home again. Through their entire journey, Henry wonders is reality real? Does anything have any meaning besides what we assign to it?

 What I liked most was reality being an illusion and meaning being nothing more than words people attach to things. These are two concepts that I believe to be difficult to write about, yet Donnally Miller does it wonderfully. The world was also created with the perfect amount of detail to keep it interesting without becoming boring due to over detailing. Those unaware of Donnally Miller’s writing style may be caught off guard by some of the larger leaps in the story. There are times when a character seems to teleport from one area or experience to the next almost at random. Though if the reader pays attention this is well explained.

 This book is completely for adults only. One of the main reasons is because of a descriptive passage about the rape of a main character. Also, the philosophical ideas that this book contains would be lost on a younger audience and many adults may also find it difficult. I rate this book 4 out of 4. This book is a wonderful read even if some of the deeper philosophical stuff is lost on the reader. The reread value of this book is also high as the more often it is read the better it will be understood.