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All or Nothing (Together #3)
All or Nothing (Together #3)
Felice Stevens | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All or Nothing (Together #3) by Felice Stevens
All or Nothing is the third book in the Together series, and we focus on Gideon's business partner, Rico. Now, Rico is a hard person to pin down, but Adam keeps on trying. For reasons of his own, Rico doesn't get involved with anyone. He scratches an itch occasionally, but that's it. The reasons for that become clear, and you will sympathise with him as he continues to hide part of who he is. Adam is out, both at home and at work, and although he had some rocky moments, it's all good now. Adam and Rico get together for a night, but can it ever be more?

Where to start? I love Felice Stevens' books, they are all heartfelt, with an amazing storyline that pulls you in and refuses to let go until you've finished the story. This isn't a book with a good guy and a bad guy. This is a book where you are rooting for both of them, where you understand the issues, and your heart breaks for both of them whilst you continue to cheer them on and hope for the best. Gideon and Jonah's story also continues, and I'm pleased to report that all is good for them.

Adam and Rico are a couple of guys that will keep your interest. The 'bedroom' scenes are hot, but it is more than that. It is the connection they have, how they are there for each other when others might not bother, and how they just don't give up. All or Nothing will pull on your heartstrings as you desperately turn the pages to find out what happens next.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the pacing was smooth. This is a long book, but it never drags. With characters old and new, and an intriguing story, I have no hesitation in highly recommending this book and series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Pitch Dark in Books

Sep 15, 2017  
Pitch Dark
Pitch Dark
A.M. Wilson, Alex Grayson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pitch Dark by A. M. Wilson and Alex Grayson
Pitch Dark is exactly that... dark! It comes with trigger warnings, and the authors even say to contact them before you read if you have any questions. Don't take this lightly!

Niko was best friends with Aislin, and was the only one who didn't believe she had run away. At only fifteen-years-old though, Niko had a hard time getting anyone to believe him, and so Aislin was never found. He never stopped looking for his North though, and even became a police officer so he could carry on. What happens next is twisted and full of red herrings, guaranteed to keep you guessing until the end.

This book is written from different perspectives - Niko's, Lelu's, and sometimes, the big bad. Trust me when I say that it doesn't matter which perspective it is from, it's got some very grim parts in it. Niko is a bit over the top with his anger issues, although you have to see that to appreciate how he softens towards Doe. There was one particular point when my fingers curled, due to how well written a scene was. It turned my stomach, but it was excellent.

Like I said before, there are twists and turns, plus red herrings all thrown at you. You will think that you know who it is, and then you will doubt yourself. I had it right all along, and yet I was still surprised by the ending. At one point, I even convinced myself that a different character hadn't been shot and killed, and it was him doing it - all because the authors said that he wasn't identified due to him not having a face!

Pitch Dark is excellently written and is seamless between the two authors. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disturbed my reading flow. This story was dark and horrible, but it also had hope, and a glimmer of light. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with o requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Court of Frost and Starlight: Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Frost and Starlight: Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
More time with beloved characters (2 more)
Got to find out more about side character backstories
The development of Feyre's sisters and their post-Cauldron struggles felt realistic and honest
No real point or feeling to the plot (4 more)
3/4 of the way through the book, still not sure what the point is
The sudden decision to write from multiple perspectives in this book (as opposed to just Feyre's) felt cheap
It's a Christmas story that was released May 1st, which was a strange publishing choice
After all the excitement in the precious book, the pace of this one was too slow
Not as exciting as previous installments
I wanted to love this book as much as I loved the third book in the series, but it just wasn't as good. It felt as though the author was maybe forced to publish the next installment of the series even though she didn't have a fully fleshed-out story yet.

While I enjoyed learning the characters' backstories, I was not a fan of how the author switched character perspectives each chapter. It was tedious to keep up with at times, and felt like a forced way to introduce the backstories. In the last installment, the backstories we heard were drawn out by plot and circumstance, which helped drive the story as we learned relevant info at relevant times. In this book it felt as though the revealing of character info was gratuitous, almost an excuse to avoid developing an actual plot.

Speaking of plot, the story was slow (in part because of continually switching between so many character perspectives during the same stretches of time), and because for most of the book nothing important or exciting happens.

The cover art was gorgeous. The dust jacket is absolutely beautiful. But, this is largely a Christmas or winter solstice story, and might have been more aptly published in late fall or closer to the holiday season, rather than the beginning of May.

I would still love to see more books in this series, but only if future installments see a return to the action and intrigue of the first 3 stories.
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The world that the writing team of Norton and Lackey crafts is quite fascinating in its detail and description. The timeline and history of this world seems to place it sort of after the end of our present world, as a kind of post-apocalypse in which first the dragons found and then the elves, with the latter taking over and enslaving the remaining humans. I found the passage of time to be bothersome at times, since the authors seem to almost skip over the climaxes in favor of just relaying the information through the memories of the characters after the fact. More than once, I wished the writers could have written out this passage of time so that I can actually experience it as it happens.
The characters were all well-developed and unique, as the size of the book allowed the writers to spend lots of time focusing on a single character, even if his or her purpose seemed to end rather abruptly with death, such as Shana's mother, Serina Daeth. Normally, I have no trouble picking characters that I favored over the others, but with this book, no character seemed to jump out at me as so much better than the others, even the main character Shana, who seemed to lack in maturity as much as a pre-teen, with how she behaves around some of the other characters.
There were several over-arching themes in the book, such as the need for change, the call for justice, and how every rule has exceptions. Shana especially seemed to find the latter annoying as she continually found that what she was taught about elves, humans, or dragons was not always true. Even though the legend of the Elvenbane is merely a tall tale crafted by the dragons to stir up trouble with the elves and humans, Shana falls into the role by accident simply because of a dragon's kindness. Ironically, her up-bringing gives her the perfect personality for playing that role, as the main goal of this book was to put her in the perfect position to fill this role for the next book in the series, Elvenblood (Halfblood Chronicles).
Eight Hundred Grapes
Eight Hundred Grapes
Laura Dave | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I feel torn about the rating for this book, which probably truly clocks in at 3.5 stars. For a decent part of this novel, I felt slightly annoyed with its protagonist, Georgia. Georgia returns to her parents' home in disgrace a few days before her wedding, after finding out her fiance has been keeping a crazy secret from her.

Her parents' home is a vineyard in California, where Georgia grew up with her older twin brothers, Finn and Bobby. She expects to find the comfort she always experienced as a kid (but also ran away from - she's very clear that she left the vineyard for a life as a more glamorous lawyer). But upon arriving home, she finds that no one is really happy -- not her parents, not Bobby and his wife, and not Finn.Yet, she finds herself longing for life at the vineyard more and more, even as everything is falling apart around her. Hmm.

There are several plotlines in this novel that, when combined, all seem a little ludicrous. Georgia's fiance Ben's secret involves a movie star. The crazy issues between the brothers. The problems and arrangement between her parents. What happens with the vineyard. Even the ending. One or two of the storylines, perhaps, I would have found more believable. All together, it is a bit much. Add in Georgia's constant vacillating (I'm getting married! I'm not! I am!), and it gets to be a bit old.

However, I have to cut Georgia some slack, as I realize, despite the lawyerly job and upcoming wedding, she's young, and she has had quite a shock. She eventually grew on me a bit as the storyline progressed and she herself grew up a bit. And, as silly and as "neat" (as in, neatly tied up) the ending was, it warmed my heart a bit and made me end the book on a good note.

Still, I think I may pick up a Michael Jordan biography next. I'm a little tired of flighty thirty-somethings! Time for a clever, genius, and sometimes angry athlete for a change of pace.
The Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption (2012)
The Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption (2012)
2012 | Action
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Victor Webster sells the fights (5 more)
Ron Perlman is never a bad thing.
Neither is Temura Morrison.
Billy Zane is comically evil
Krystal Vee and Selina Lo pull off their reason for being here - hot chicks kicking ass.
Nice scenery and sets
Victor Webster fails to sell being The Rock, even aside from skin ton (2 more)
The story and lore are all over the place, not helped by the setting
The Warriors of the book announcing themselves just felt silly and contrived
Muddies the franchise and lore
The longer this goes the more damage this franchise does to itself. Let's review what we've seen so far:
-The Mummy Returns: At the end of his life, the Scorpion King leads an army to take over and subjugate the world, aided by Anubis, which proves that the Egyptian gods are, you know, gods.
-The Scorpion King: Mathayus is ostensibly the last living Akkadian, and leads a revolt against an evil king who....wants to take over and subjugate the world. Some tragic irony there, knowing where he ends up.
-The Scorpion King II: Rise of a Warrior: There's a whole kingdom of Akkadians, and Mathayus leads a revolt against the general who killed both his father and the rightful King, usurping the throne. Given that just a decade or two later the entire race has been wiped out, maybe putting the rightful heir back on the throne didn't end well?
Which brings us to this movie, featuring numerous human characters with the names of the Egyptian pantheon (maybe named in homage to their gods, but it feels like the idea is that these men will be mistaken for God's by myth and legend) and doubles down on the "conquest is evil" theme. Mathayus has lost his queen and kingdom from the first film to plague, reduced to being a mercenary again. The action primarily happens in Egypt and.... Cambodia? Vietnam? Thailand? Somewhere around there, with little explanation of how the characters go that distance. This just makes the whole thing more inconsistent and convoluted. I shudder to think about the damage the next one will do....
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018)
2018 | Animation, Comedy
After having spent the first two films focused on the common story of Dracula with a comedic spin and family focused story line. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation introduces the tale of Van Helsing and his family who have spent ages trying to exterminate Dracula and all the monsters of the world.


After centuries of running the Hotel Transylvania and escaping extinction, Drac (Adam Sandler), his daughter Mavis (Selena Gomez), and crew of oddball and lovable friends and family embark on their first vacation aboard a monstrous filled cruise ship headed for the lost city of Atlantis by way of the Bermuda Triangle. Feeling lonely, ready to find love again, Drac ends up ‘zinging’ with the human cruise director, Ericka (Kathryn Hahn). As you may recall from the first installment, to ‘zing’ only happens once in a monster’s life when two individuals first meet eyes, they find their true love and in that moment are meant to spend the rest of their lives together. Attempting to keep their rendezvous and connection a secret from Mavis, Drac decides to recruit his loyal subjects to help him distract his daughter. As the ship starts narrowing in on the Las Vegas-esque lost city of Atlantis, Mavis grows very suspicious of what her father is up to. She decides to start tracking his every move and realizes their vacation is not all it’s cracked up to be.


From the imaginative mind of Director Genndy Tartokovsky. HT3 is dazzling animated film that brings all the laughs, and humor that one can expect when Adam Sandler and his motley crew of usual suspects are involved. When you involve such talent as Steven Duscemi, Adam Sandberg, Fran Drescher, Molly Shannon, Kevin James, and Mel Brooks to helm the character voices, it’s guaranteed to be a fun filled ride that will keep you laughing from one moment to the next. A wise cracking, witty summer treat that teaches the importance of seeing past our differences and accepting people/monster’s for who they are and realize we’re not so different to begin with.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Sufferborn in Books

Jan 27, 2020  
J.C. Hartcarver | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sufferborn is the story of elves and humans, how they live, and what happens when their worlds overlap. We start off in the past where Orinleah has just given birth and Daghahen is found by his brother. We learn Orinleah gives the boy a name that is banned from most of the tribes, Dorhen, meaning 'stranger'. Apparently, it means his life will not be long but be very arduous. Why she names him this isn't exactly clear as she seems so happy about it.

The pacing of this book is overall very slow. There are moments when it picks up but then it slows down again. This is good in the majority of the cases as there is always a lot going on, so it gives you time to grasp the situation as well as learning more about the characters. I would say that personally I would have found chapter headings to be helpful, just so I could find out who was talking and when, but that's probably just me.

And there are a LOT of characters too! The main ones end up being Daghahen, Dorhen, and Kalea, but trust me when I say there is a whole caboodle of characters there that will draw your attention. In fact, even in the last few chapters, you are introduced to new characters to take into book two with you.

With the slow pace and the amount of characters, it comes as no surprise this is a long book, typical of Fantasy. I wouldn't call it a Fantasy Romance as I felt the romance between Dorhen and Kalea actually wasn't that important. I mean, obviously it is or Kalea wouldn't have gone looking for him, but on the whole, there is so much more to the story than "just" romance. I would call it Dark Fantasy as there is plenty of violence and the threat of rape and/or rape scenes.

It ends on a cliffhanger so fair warning and I haven't found anything online to say when the next book is available. If Dark Fantasy ticks your box then I would recommend it.


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