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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
It took me over a month to get around to seeing this last night at the cinema. Not because I didn’t want to see the end of the new trilogy and say goodbye to it in style, but because I feared it just wouldn’t be very good. Put simply, it isn’t very good. Some parts, in fact, are downright awful. But it isn’t terrible either. I can’t say I hated it – I had fun; I enjoyed it for what it was, and some small moments in isolation were very well done indeed. However…

The first thing that struck me was the pace and editing style, which seemed at last to fully embrace a Disney theme park ethos of let’s get to it and keep it moving. No notion of setting mood and re-establishing character, but rather a sense of we have a lot to fit in here so let’s get it out of the way as quickly as possible. It didn’t feel to me like it was allowed to sit at any point and just be brooding, or meaningful in any way. Which may work for the short attention spans of your average 9 year old, but for older fans who have literally waited 42 years to see an ending, it felt rushed, trivial and far too flippant.

The spectacle was very much there still. The landscape of alien worlds, creatures, droids and other necessary weirdness is all there in spades! It just feels like you would need to go back and press the pause button to see it all. And before we know what is happening (or why), Palpatine is back in business and everyone is looking for some lame GPS green triangle thingy. Forget almost everything in the story that has led to this point, this is an adventure that exists in a vacuum of space, and you either shrug and go with it, or get very annoyed. I chose the shrug.

Before we really settle into what is going on, we start to see the power of The Force flowing through Rey in ways it has never done before… she can heal, she virtually flies, and she can even teleport objects to a different physical place at will. She has become more like Neo from The Matrix than anything Skywalker. More like a Marvel superhero than anything grounded in an ancient mysticism that acts subtly at moments of great need. What that does is immediately lower the stakes, because if anything is possible, and therefore probable, there is no threat of failure. And if this movie lacks anything essential it is threat.

That said, the reanimation of Emperor Palpatine was nicely creepy, at least in a visual and vocal sense. And the journey of the excellent Adam Driver as Ben Solo / Kylo Ren remained the most interesting and satisfying thing about the whole reboot. I found myself just wanting to focus on him more and more, and felt frustrated when, typically, his key progression moments were over too soon or given away too cheaply from a dramatic context.

I have mixed feelings also about the level of mirroring and call-backs to moments from previous films. Some really worked, but many fell flat. It began to feel like a greatest hits checklist, which, of course, was a criticism of JJ Abrams’ directing style in The Force Awakens, too. He has been so much more concerned with giving fans sugary little treats, as opposed to cooking up a satisfying meal that nourishes in it’s own right – indicative of a 21st century audience that often demands its pudding before it has finished its greens.

Look, I enjoy a nostalgia trip as much as the next uber-geek, but I do also like my fantasy sci-fi to be based on an idea of weight and gravitas. Eschew that aspect and the climax is going to fall a little flat… which, I think it did. Our empathy for Rey, and in fact all of the new gang, is simply not as strong as it should have been. Daisy Ridley does a decent job, and I don’t blame her at all – I have no problem with any of the supporting cast either, but what a shame too many of them almost fade away into mere scene dressing by the end.

Very telling then, that my favourite bit by far was a 15 minute giggling fit brought on by that one, already infamous detail, when tiny weirdo Babu Frik completely misses the mood of the room and screeches his “Hey Heeeeeey!” Only to pop up again later with an equally hilarious repeat. Probably the funniest moment in any Star Wars film, bar none. Worth the ticket price alone, and I am still having regular flashbacks that leave me in fits of laughter!

So, that’s it is it? Over and done with? Well, they certainly wrapped it up in a bow, coming full circle in fairly satisfying style. With just a cheeky hint that the roots of a continuation at some point are buried within shallow reach. No doubt, amateur writers everywhere have already had a pop at what happens next. The Force is balanced, the prophecy fulfilled, but it wouldn’t take much to tip the galaxy back into turmoil, as soon as Disney fancies another few billion in ticket sales.

Personally, I don’t want to be cynical about a franchise that has been a part of me since I was 3 years old, and been such a good friend. However, I am perfectly fine with having it remain as a source for backstories and origin tales. The main saga is over, so let’s leave it alone. Episodes IV – VI will always remain the best; they won’t go anywhere. So any shortcomings can be easily solved… just watch The Empire Strikes Back again, not worrying about anything else, but revelling in just how perfect it is, and how lucky we are that it is there for us.
Full Bodied Murder
Full Bodied Murder
Christine M. Blum | 2017 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Uneven Debut
Annie “Halsey” Hall has moved from New York City to Southern California, buying a house on Rose Avenue just a couple miles south of Santa Monica. She’s excited about her new neighborhood, except for her snooping next-door neighbor, and pleased to have been invited to join the Rose Avenue Wine Club. On her way to her first meeting, Halsey and her puppy, Bardot, stumble into the wrong house and find a dead body in the backyard. Even though Halsey has never met the victim, the police consider her their prime suspect. With the help of her new friends, Halsey begins to investigate. But with everything happening in the neighborhood, will they be able to figure out what really happened in time to clear Halsey?

Even though I don’t drink wine, I decided to give this book a try after meeting the author. I wanted to like it since it is set in Southern California, and I got a kick out of seeing the characters going to places I’m familiar with. However, I found the book was just a bit too unfocused to really work well. I thought there were timeline issues early on until I began to realize that the book takes place over several months. This wasn’t obvious early on, so maybe it helped explain some of the timeline issues I thought I saw. While Halsey is developed as a main character, many of the rest are still fairly flat. They can certainly develop as the series progresses, so I’m not too concerned about that yet. The book has a couple of interesting sub-plots, but they take over at times, and too much happens in them over the course of the book. It would have been better to stretch them out over the course of several books. The mystery plot has a lot going on, but it worked to keep me guessing until the very end. However, one key piece of evidence made me shake my head. It would have made more sense if the book took place over a week instead of many months. There is quite a bit of foul language for a cozy, even compared to some of the cozies and traditional books I read that are pushing the boundaries. Overall, this reads more like an early draft that needed some polish to find the gem inside, because there is certainly a gem here. Since I already have the second book, I might find some time to read it to see if the issues resolve themselves as the series progresses.
A Proclivity to Prurience by Cheryl Butler captures a world full of family drama and unexpected events surrounding the lives of Abbie, her son Eddie, and his friend, Joe. Yet, it is also very evocative; some may even class this as erotica, although, I’d say it’s actually much more than that, in both theme and the way it is written. I just knew I was going to get something different with a book titled “A Proclivity to Prurience.”

From a very early age, Joe has had a thing about his best friend’s mum Abbie. After the loss of his own mother and being removed from his abusive father, Joe goes to live with Eddie under Abbie’s watchful eye. However, as Joe grows older his obsession for Abbie (and not being able to have her) develops into a promiscuous lifestyle and a hatred for long term relationships. So much so, his love life is just a string of one night stands with anyone who will have him. And if they don’t want him? He’ll make damn sure they do… sometimes to the point where he almost forces them. He’s a game player and proud of it.

Years later, Abbie and Joe finally get it together one night, and Joe is seriously contemplating settling down with her, but it is not a happy beginning for them. That same night, there’s a fatality which turns both their lives around in a blink of an eye and to Joe’s horror, Abbie ups and leaves. For Joe, Abbie’s “mistreatment” of him is not something he can handle well. He’s always been the one to end relationships before they even start, not the other way around! Plus this is Abbie; the woman he’s been obsessing about all these years. How could she do this to him?

This book is full of characters living their lives as they think they know best, and of course, mistakes are made, and plenty of drama unfolds along the way. I felt sorry for Joe, and his inability to hold down relationships. There were even times I didn’t like his character much, but thanks to Cheryl Butler’s articulate writing style – the discoveries I found as her characters revealed their backstories through their thoughts and feelings – provided a deeper insight to better understand why some characters behaved how they did.

That said, it was a compelling, and passionate story with intriguing characters and an ending that was left open for more to come. I cannot wait to see what happens next because it’s clearly not finished yet. An intelligent and provocative read.
Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
D. Ellis Overttun | 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following on from the events in Universe: Awakening, the first book in the series (which you need to read before this one), this picks up events on Arkos after some time has passed. Minister Odessa is still concerned about the findings of the DEUS probes, and when there is an astronomical anomaly and a disaster on the planet itself she realises that she needs her most trusted allies to determine the threat that is posed. Meanwhile there is a change at the head of the lower-status Gendu, both in terms of politics and religion, which aren't universally popular. Society may be under threat from within and without.

This is a long book, but like the first one it covers a lot of ground. There is a far more investigation of the Gendu, their politics and their religion. The succession of Darius as head of the Gendu, and the rise of a greedy and flawed priest in the religious sect provide the backbone of the story. The Celesti are frustrated by only being allowed to observe and not interfere, but are focused on exploring the anomaly. Odessa also starts a related project to enhance some of the indigenous apes.

This is not a book that can be read in isolation. As the middle of a trilogy it answers few questions from the first book and raises many that are due to be resolved in the final installment. It is clear that everything is converging, momentum carrying people and events along as much they are exerting their own control. The author has constructed a world where the plot is driven from a number of different directions and this ensures that each chapter has something to add.

The writing is very confident. Overttun has really found his voice as an author and uses it to show the reader all of his creation. From the clinical efficiency of Odessa's experiments to the dirt and grime of the seedier areas of Gendu society, the narrative weaves its way inexorably onwards. The prose is lean and efficient, lending impetus to the story. The exploits of the already known characters will entertain as they are old friends, the new characters are all interesting and nuanced.

This is building to be a fabulous epic trilogy, epic in depth, breadth and scale. It isn't science fiction, it isn't a political thriller, it isn't a philosophical treatise. It is all these and more. I really cannot wait to see what happens next. Stunning.
Have you ever opened a package and immediately felt giddy over the book that popped out? Well, I will be honest that is how I felt about this book. The cover pulls you in, the weight and feel of the paper further builds up the hopes in your mind, and then to cap it all off, the description is intriguing! Did I mention I got a hardcover edition? 

  Bryan Litfin is a new to me author with a very great writing style. He pulls you in with vivid characters, drama, battles, and dreams. I loved the period and setting, and I am so thankful for the research Bryan Litfin put into making this book believable and accurate. The characters were pretty realistic, and they chose believable courses of action. Although at times I marveled at their courage! The Religious aspects of the book were spot on for the period (but more on that in a bit), and I truly felt like I was back in time facing off against the lions with the characters. Both Flavia and Rex captured me from the first page, and I enjoyed getting to go on their journey (But I am curious to see what happens to them next).

  On the religious aspect. I usually only review Christian Fiction. This is not your normal overtly Christian Fiction. It does not mention God in the sense of having a personal deep abiding relationship with him. He is thought of more as a deity and mostly mentioned in passing. He is not the focus of this story, as most people expect from Christian Fiction. Yet to clarify it is not primarily listed as Christian Fiction, but Ancient, Historical, Romance with a Christian fiction genre thrown in there. Personally, if this book were to be marketed directly to a non-Christian audience, I could see it doing very well (maybe even having a movie made of it) but directing it towards Christians… I do not think it will go well. Also, because it has sexual connotations throughout the story, as well as taking an odd (period correct though) stance on women.

Overall, I give it 2 out of 5 stars for the great research, interesting story plot, and vivid characters. But I would NOT recommend it to anyone who is not sure of their faith, has problems with reading sexual references, or an impressionable audience. I would also recommend the publisher Revell not label it as Christian Fiction.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
    Mindful Eating Hypnosis

    Mindful Eating Hypnosis

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The Brothers Grimsby (2016)
The Brothers Grimsby (2016)
2016 | Comedy
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It's grim in England (apparently)
It’s probably accurate to say that Sacha Baron Cohen’s sense of humour is a little like marmite, it’s a love or hate kind of affair. Offering up characters like Borat and Bruno to the unsuspecting public has proved beneficial to him over the years; with the outlandish antics of those personalities drawing in massive audiences.

His latest offering, English football hooligan Nobby Butcher, promises to be one of his most controversial roles to date, but does the corresponding film, simply titled Grimsby, push the boundaries a little too far?

Cohen’s beer-drinking, benefit-swindling character stars alongside his long-lost brother Sebastian, played by an incredibly wasted Mark Strong. It just so happens that Seb is a secret agent, on the run after an incident at a global health event. What ensues is a formulaic Cohen comedy that utilises every orifice known to the human body – this is definitely low-brow humour.

After getting over the truly horrific portrayal of life up north, and the appalling representation of a town that is no-where near as bad as is reflected, Grimsby is actually a reasonably funny spy caper – not in the league of last year’s Spy – but certainly better than say Johnny English: Reborn or to some extent, Get Smart.

A talented cast bolsters Cohen and Strong with Nobby’s girlfriend Dawn, played by Rebel Wilson, providing some of the film’s funniest moments, despite her lack of screen time.

Elsewhere, Penelope Cruz’s role is a wasted opportunity and she suffers the same fate here as she did in Zoolander 2. Isla Fisher, Ricky Tomlinson and Johnny Vegas are unfortunately all underused as Clash of the Titans director Louis Leterrier focuses on the main pair.

Leterrier’s work on big blockbusters also helps move Grimsby through its ridiculously swift run time. At less than 90 minutes, the story is stretched to the brink, though there are some clever scenes, including a brilliantly choreographed chase through tight urban streets at the beginning.

Unfortunately, the gags miss their targets more than they hit. Your individual views on toilet humour will ultimately decide whether or not Grimsby is funny and some of the comedic elements intermittently cross the line, an ill-timed HIV joke being one of them.

It’s fair to say you’ll be cringing one minute, and roaring with embarrassed laughter the next.

Nevertheless, Cohen has promised time and time again that he has no time for personal opinions on his films and with each new character; he continues to deliver on that promise. Whether or not his target audience is getting tired is another story completely.

Overall, Grimsby is a movie that is unapologetic with what it is trying to achieve. From homophobic comments, casual racism and a grim depiction of life in Northern England, it’s everything we should despise in modern film-making. However, there’s just something about Cohen’s brazen attitude that keeps us coming back for more.

If you’re reading this Sacha, don’t visit Grimsby for a while, there’s a bounty on your head.
Never Let You Go
Never Let You Go
Chevy Stevens | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lindsey Nash has not had the easiest of lives.

She escaped in the dark one night with her six-year-old daughter, Sophie, and just a few of their possessions. They were running from Andrew, Lindsey's drunken, abusive, and possessive husband. Lindsey knew that it was only a matter of time before Andrew killed her, leaving Sophie without her mom. But the night the two disappear, something else happens: a drunken Andrew gets behind the wheel, crashes his vehicle, and kills another woman. The accident puts him in prison for 10 years, giving Lindsey a small sense of freedom, but it's short-lived. Before she knows it, he's out, and headed for the town where Lindsey and Sophie have started over. Strange things start happen, and Lindsey is terrified for her life again--and Sophie's. Andrew claims prison has changed him, but Lindsey can't believe it. How will she and her daughter ever be safe?

This is my fourth Stevens book, and I know by now that she will keep you up late, frantically turning the pages, wondering what will happen. Of the ones I've read, I still think That Night is my favorite, but this one was quite an enjoyable and fast-paced read as well. I blew through it on vacation in about 24 hours, and it had a chilling creepiness to it that made me feel like I should be looking over my shoulder or continually pulling the curtains shut.

First, let's just put out there, as with most of Stevens' books, a big warning for abuse triggers. Please make that known to anyone who might be affected by such a storyline.

One of the best things about this novel was the way Stevens slowly unfurled bits of the plot, making you go "wow" each time something was revealed. The book is divided into three parts, and the first one switches between the present and the past, showcasing some of Lindsey and Andrew's abusive marriage. It's very effective. In the later parts, we hear from both Lindsey and Sophie, who is now a nearly grown teenager. Again, it's a compelling storytelling tool and allows Stevens to work the unreliable narrator angle. Is Lindsey just imagining all this? Can we trust her? Has she just brainwashed Sophie against her father?

The novel sets up a series of suspects, and I admit that I guessed "who did it" before page 100, but I still enjoyed the book immensely. It took me longer to work out why, and I was quite engrossed in the characters. I liked both Lindsey and Sophie, though I didn't love them or feel particularly attached to either, but I so enjoyed the mechanics of the story and what was going to come next that I was completely engaged nonetheless. The novel is very chilling, very eerie, and written so vividly that you can quite imagine many of its more frightening and suspenseful scenes. I can easily see it being made into a movie where I would be peeking tensely through my sleeves.
The Phantom Forest
Liz Kerin | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>The author/publisher provided a free copy of the book for review purposes - thank you! Receiving a review copy does not guarantee a positive review and therefore do not affect the opinion or content of the review.</i></b>

So when I sat down to write my review for <em>The Phantom Forest</em>, all I wanted to write is this:
  <li>Protect this character</li>
  <li>Seriously, protect this character</li>
  <li>Take them away from Liz Kerin; it's the only way to protect them</li>
But uh, that doesn't work as a review (maybe one day). Anyways.

<em style="background-color: initial; font-size: 24px; letter-spacing: 1px;"><strong>The Phantom</strong></em><strong style="background-color: initial; font-size: 24px; letter-spacing: 1px;"><em> Forest</em> is haunting.</strong>
Kerin's debut is <em>creepy</em>, everyone. The world here is atmospheric and brings a chill or two, even when the story isn't in the Underworld. In a world ruled by the Coalition where one practicing their belief in gods or superstition results in death, General Simeon overlooks a village with tight control. He keeps the people under his authority by taking a religious ritual where only criminals are sacrifices to one where anyone can be chosen.

I wanted General Simeon to choke on sharp pineapples while reading.

Since her father died, Seycia lives in hiding with her younger brother Miko in the village. It's not long before General Simeon makes her a target and she becomes the next village sacrifice, sending her to the Underworld where she joins forces with Haben.

<h2><strong>Interesting Characters Arcs</strong></h2>
I find myself most invested in Haben's story and wanted to keep reading to find out what happens to Seycia and him as they journey across the Underworld. While <em>The Phantom Forest</em> has a multitude of POVs, most are from Seycia, Haben and Miko.

The story seems to focus on one character with the others sitting in the backseat, undergoing the most development. However, I do feel this is only the beginning, and there is more to come for both Seycia and Miko. Their story seems to stand in the back of the room, but they'll likely develop in future books. I want to see what Kerin has in store even if I only want to protect Haben.

<h2><strong>There are slow moments in <em>The Phantom Forest</em></strong></h2>
Kerin builds a world and plot that captures my attention from early in the novel. However, there are moments where I felt the scenes were maybe irrelevant and unnecessary. While it was a rough patch to go through, it was well worth it. I wanted to see to the end of the story, and I had a lot of questions that won my curiosity. By the end of <em>The Phantom Forest</em>, I still have plenty of questions, but I'm sure there will be answers eventually.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>