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Hart Broken (Cale & Mickey #1)
Hart Broken (Cale & Mickey #1)
Annie Arcane | 2017 | Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hart Broken (Cale & Mickey #1) oh where do I start with this amazingly different love story.
This is one book I was really looking forward to devouring and then to realise it's part of a series, well it just made my day.
So Hart Broken is the tale of Mickey Hart and Cale Windermere, it begins when Cale rescues an inebriated Mickey one night and after the encounter, he falls fast.
Mickey herself is a screwed up mess, but she really does like her wickedly handsome knight who just happens to be in a wheelchair.
Hart Broken follows these two lovers as they traverse the rocky road to a HEA.
So I really loved this book it certainly helped that our two main characters were exceptionally likeable and yummy.
So to give my take on these two, let's start with Cale, I adored his sense of humour and lopsided smile, it was super cute and adorable how he thought of Mickey "This Girl"
I loved how capable Cale was and that he didn't wallow in what if's, just takes his hand in life and gets on with it.
I also adored the peek we got of his vulnerable side, the glimpse into his head showcased his inner insecurities, whatever the face he put on to the outside world. It humanised Cale to the reader.
Also, his relationship with his parents and brother show such an appealing picture looking in.
Now, Mickey, she's a bit of a flake, an enchanting one, a bit all over the place, but she does mean well. Mickeys past and her enormous mountain of baggage is definitely impacting her here and now.
So Hart Broken starts by lulling you into a false sense of security, everything's puppies and roses Mickey and Cale are all loved up then wham Mickey self-sabotages herself, Lots of Baggage from Mickey sigh.
The rest of this novel traverses the path and obstacles these two lovers have to overcome to fully connect again.
I really enjoyed the way this was written the dialogue had a punchy feel to it that was easy to immerse yourself in.
If I had to find a criticism of Hart Broken it would be the sex, I would have liked to know more about the mechanics of the act, I was actually and still am a bit confused as to the how.
I know that Cale took something to enable him, but then it mentioned he could feel nothing below the waist, so was this just for Mickey's benefits?
mmm, Some clarity on this would be much appreciated.
I actually won an E-Copy of Hart Broken in a Facebook giveaway so glad I did As I really enjoyed this and am so looking forward to reading the next instalment, its definitely on my HUGE TBR pile.
So would I recommend this, of course, it's a hot sexy read whats not to love.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Children
8.3 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pleasantly Surprised
Contains spoilers, click to show
I read quite a bit. Young Adult is a genre that is really hit or miss with me. I wasn't expecting to have a very strong feeling for this book, but I was wrong, and pleasantly surprised. I initially read this, because I'm very much a "must read the book before watching the movie" person. I picked it up because it had been sitting on my "too read" shelf for far too long. I breezed through it because it wasn't a tough read, and it kept me hooked throughout.

The big shock came to me in it's unpredictable predictability. That sounds insane, so let me explain. As soon as you meet Madeline, you learn that she's been locked in her controlled environment most of her life because she has a rare disease called SCID. She gives the basic layout of her diagnosis, life of isolation, and the cute boy next door. She soon begins to question everything.
This is the point of the book, very early on, where I begin to think "Mom probably has Munchausen by Proxy," which is the mental disorder where, for lack of fancy medical knowledge and terms, your make your child or other person close to you sick on purpose to gain sympathy, or because you honestly convince yourself they are sick.

As I read a little more, and Maddy meets, and subsequently falls in love with Olly, I start to realize that I may be jumping to conclusions too soon. After all, this is a young adult novel, not a Gillian Flynn mystery.

When we come to the part of the great escape, Madeline's awakening, her most dangerous adventure, out of the controlled world she knows, I am not surprised to see her get very sick, and have to go to the hospital where she comes close to death.

She hits a period of depression, realizes that she can't see Olly anymore, and breaks his, and her own heart. BUT WAIT! She receives a letter from her doctor in Hawaii who tells her she doesn't have SCID, and her world comes crashing down.

She has to confront her mother, and decide what steps to take to finally start a life that was stolen from her.

I was pleasantly surprised to be tricked out of thinking I guessed the plot, and then thrown for a curve when I was right all along. Aside from that gem, this book did a great job of displaying an outsider's view on domestic violence, and her influencing Olly to have his mom leave. It wasn't your run of the mill teen love story. It showed the bitter betrayal that sometimes happens at the hands of the people who are supposed to love and protect you the most. It showed different mental conditions in different lights. It could've gone into more detail, but just shedding some light in a world where having a sick brain is so taboo is a tremendous feat.

This book was executed simply, and done very well. I am glad I finally read it, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quick, yet emotional read.
Broken Ceiling (2018)
Broken Ceiling (2018)
2018 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A critique of toxic workplace culture
We’ve all had to endure conference calls at work, and we all know how boring they can be. When I realised that Broken Ceiling takes place almost entirely within a conference call, I was worried that they wouldn’t be able to keep my attention for a full hour and a half. However, I’m pleased to say I was wrong!

Broken Ceiling is Adam Davis’ first feature film, following office assistant Angela as she deals with workplace discrimination based on both her gender and race. She is surrounded by white men and gets pushed to the side, despite the hard work she puts in every day. The film throws us straight into the middle of the action, right when the company is dealing with their biggest and most important deal to date. It is during this deal when all of the drama unfolds.

Karan Kendrick completely shines in the leading role, bringing Angela and her struggles to life on screen. I was captivated by her raw and honest performance throughout. She has reached breaking point, and does the unthinkable in order to make her colleagues finally listen to her. She has the power throughout most of this film, as she skilfully puts everyone in their place. Kendrick is a joy to watch and I was absolutely on her character’s side, rooting for her the whole time.

The cast is very small, only featuring four key characters. I enjoyed every performance in Broken Ceiling because of the way they reflected very familiar personalities. These kinds of characters exist in real life business, and contribute to the toxic environment. Regen Wilson is the power-hungry, short-tempered CEO Ken Wolfe, who constantly berates and yells at his staff whilst putting on a cheerful facade for his clients. He makes difficult decisions easily, and seems to lack compassion for those around him.

Beside him on the call are Rane Jameson and Torran Kitts as rival salesmen Tyler and Garrett, who are riddled with their own personal flaws. They are entitled and deceitful, both wanting the most praise and recognition whilst simultaneously ignoring Angela. The dynamic between these characters is often fast paced and intense, thanks to Davis’ great script.

The cast and script are a match made in heaven, delivering memorable lines of dialogue and many twists and turns to keep the audience engaged and wondering what happens next. Whilst, admittedly, it may be a little far-fetched in places, it makes for a great piece of drama that draws on real life issues to raise an important critique of corporate life.

Overall I thought Broken Ceiling was a strong debut film with an important message about modern workplace culture. Despite a few sound and camerawork issues, I thought it was a well made and crafted film, especially for a feature length independent film. The pacing is right, the script is captivating, and the performances are strong. It’s a film that I urge you to experience for yourself and let Angela’s voice finally be heard.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Wolf Road in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
The Wolf Road
Beth Lewis | 2016
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 Stars

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Any lie can turn into the truth if you believe it long enough.” <i>The Wolf Road</i> is the debut literary thriller by British author Beth Lewis. The post-apocalyptic world is not a very safe place to be, especially for a seven year old during a fierce and dangerous storm. Lost in the woods, a young girl comes across a man who, after naming her Elka, gives her a place to stay for the next ten years of her life. During this time he teaches her how to trap animals, use hunting knives and move silently between the trees – all the vital things needed to survive in the wild. For a long time Elka views this man as a father figure, but on discovering that her beloved Daddy is a serial killer, she realizes she has been living a life of lies.

Desperate to get away from the horrifying realization, Elka runs off deep into the forest with only a hunting knife and the clothes on her back. With nowhere to go, she decides to try and find her birth parents, but although she can easily survive in the wild, she is completely unprepared for the human world. With a childlike innocence, Elka finds herself in trouble on numerous occasions, only feeling at ease once she is back in the woods living the life of wolves. However she soon realizes that she will never be safe no matter how far she travels – not until that murderer is dead himself.

Once you get used to Elka’s colourful dialect, the gripping narrative pulls us into a world with danger around every corner. Elka’s revelation at the beginning of the book seems like a small issue compared with all the trouble she finds herself in later on. The reader will sympathize with Elka as she discovers the evils of man, and admire her strength as well as the development of a conscience after meeting and making her first ever friend. But whilst Elka learns how to walk amongst humans, there is a foreboding sense of doom as evilness keeps her within its sights.

<i>The Wolf Road</i> is a great post-apocalyptic story with a strong protagonist. At times it takes on a similar theme to a western novel, with guns, gold mining, and violence; but it is essentially a thriller built up of lies that are gradually unpicked. There is no psychological element to the book, thus nothing to try and work out for yourself. You simply need to read and discover what happens. As a result this book is the kind you will either love or hate. Some people may find it disturbing or gruesome, whereas others may find it exciting and enjoy reading about the unique main character.

Personally I think <i>The Wolf Road</i> is a great, original piece of work, and it only loses stars because I found a few parts a bit too grisly. Beth Lewis writes well and it cannot have been easy to keep the dialect up for the entire novel. This is an author who definitely has promise for the future.
You Only Live Twice (1967)
You Only Live Twice (1967)
1967 | Action, Mystery
Characters – James Bond has been gaining a lot of heat from his missions, now he must fake his own death to go underground. His latest mission takes him to Japan where he must uncover the truth about mission rockets, he is the same womaniser we know this being his biggest weakness, however we do learn how skilled he is when he can jump into any vehicle and know how to operate it and handle himself in any fight. Aki is the Bond girl here, she helps him around Tokyo meeting his connections and turning up just in time to rescue him from danger. Kissy is the fake wife that James must take while searching the island, could easily be considered one of the Bond girls in the movie. Blofeld is the cat stroking leader of SPECTRE Bond suspects he is involved and this will be the first meeting between the two.

Performances – Sean Connery is still good in this role, we continues to make this role the iconic on we all know and remember. Donald Pleasence in his role becomes the most iconic of all the Bond villains which is what we need this far into the franchise. When it comes to the Bond girls we get the beautiful women that don’t get too much to do other than to look great next to Bond.

Story – The story here follow James Bond on his latest mission after faking his death which takes him into battle against SPECTRE once again, by having a returning villainous threat is good for this franchise because we don’t need to keep establishing a new villain which does take time for any film, with the returning villain we can focus on Bond and just how difficult it is to keep his identity secret from the threats to the world. the story does follow the usual movements as we follow Bond meet allies, defeat enemies and save the world from potential world war three. This is one story that is the one I always remember with the final battle which happens to be my favourite for the whole franchise.

Action/Adventure – The action is mostly Bond battle enemies, be in hand to hand, helicopter to make shift helicopter, right down to the mass final battle which is one of the biggest in the franchise. The adventure does take Bond across the world again to Japan on his latest mission.

Settings – The film uses the settings well, we always see Bond in new locations and this takes him to Japan, the amount of small islands there helps add mystery to everything which is all we want as fans of the franchise.

Scene of the Movie – Base battle.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – She is sexiful, like this is a word.

Final Thoughts – This is easily one of my favourite Bond films, it is one I grew up watching the most, it does have flaws but we can’t help that, otherwise this is one you can enjoy and gets better as we go along.


Overall: One of the most fun Bond films.

Olivia Munn recommended Forrest Gump (1994) in Movies (curated)

Forrest Gump (1994)
Forrest Gump (1994)
1994 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"Forrest Gump. That is the longest movie ever, but I will watch it as Forrest is learning how to walk, when his braces fall off of him; when he’s like, going through the swampy puddles of Vietnam; when he’s like, ping-ponging through China. I could watch that movie on Netflix or throw on a DVD, but I’ll end up sitting eight hours, watching it through commercials. I’m sitting there, like, “This is a lot, but I can’t leave. Forrest Gump is on!” “Yeah, you can watch it any time that you want.” “I know, but I’m gonna sit here through these commercials and watch Forrest Gump.” It is like the longest movie ever and becomes the longest movie ever when you sit there through commercials, but I’ll sit there through every stage of Forrest’s life. I will be there. It kind of feels like it needs no explanation because it’s Forrest Gump. I mean, there are so many stories in one, and it’s just so beautiful. You have a man who lives his life with only love and loyalty, loyalty for the ones he loves, and that’s what drives him. It’s so beautiful to watch how that all unfolds. That part at the end when he goes and he sees Jenny after all that time, back there towards the end, and then he’s this little boy and he’s like, “Is he smart or is he…” She’s like, “No, he’s really smart.” Then he goes and sits down next to him — which is a little, tiny Haley Joel Osment — but then they’re both watching the cartoons, and then they both turn their head and tilt it, and it’s just… It’s such a beautiful story, because at the end, you know, Jenny’s finally kind of gone through a life and exorcised all of her demons. She goes through this whole thing in her life, where she has this little boy, and only through love and wanting to take care of her child does she get her life together and reach back out to Forrest. It’s so beautiful at the end. She finally is there, but they don’t get much time together because she’s sick. Then at the end he’s got his little boy with him, and it’s just such a beautiful… It’s such a beautiful movie, and story, and you really feel like you’re with him through all these different stages of his life. The one thing that never changes is his heart. He never gets jaded like the rest of us. The rest of us in the world, we get jaded, we get hardened. Not “we,” but there’s a lot of people who go through the world and feel like they’ve been hurt, they’ve been betrayed, they’ve been beaten down, and so they’re allowed to live life angry, and you just have to give them a big old pass on being upset and angry, but that’s just the story we tell ourselves. S— happens to everybody, and a lot of s— happened to Forrest, but his heart never changed. I think that’s a beautiful story and something we can all take with us."

Eden Summer
Eden Summer
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I keep falling behind on wiring my reviews, sorry! I really need to get back on track. I finished this on Tuesday I think? I really enjoyed it, although it isn't quite worthy of five stars.

I'm going to put in a trigger warning as there are mentions of substance abuse, physical abuse, death, adoption and suicide.

Jess's best friend has gone missing. Through interviews with the police and Jess's personal recollections, we begin to build up a picture of Eden's life before her disappearance. Her sister had recently been killed in a car accident, and her seemingly perfect relationship with Liam was more complicated than anyone realised. Bit by bit, Jess - and we - begin to piece things together and discover where Eden has gone.

The girls are only young - 15 I think? - and very much have the all-consuming passion that young teens feel. As in, every little issue feels huge, and things feel far more serious than they might to an older person. I remember feeling this way. I think it was portrayed so accurately, the way fighting with your best friend feels like the end of the world and a family argument overwhelms you with guilt. It was a bit annoying in some ways, though; no fault of the author, of course, I just get a bit annoyed at kids taking things too seriously. I look back at myself and think how stupid it was to get so caught up in such little issues. So the things that Jess gets so worked up over just seemed a bit trivial to me, like she was exaggerating too much. But as I said, this creates the teenage voice really well in my opinion.

The things that both these girls have gone through are massive, though - Jess was attacked and Eden's sister killed. That's pretty hard for a young girl to deal with, and these are not the problems I'm saying are trivial. These are hugely important and emotional issues and I think it's great to talk about. I love books with these real, albeit sad, events. I think it is so good to discuss all the feelings and situations that follow, and also emphasise how it is not the end of the world if something bad happens. life will continue. Eden says how she feels her sister's death becoming more distant, more bearable, and how she doesn't want that to happen. She feels guilty, as if she's forgetting her and moving on. This is so important. She also thinks about killing herself due to guilt - which I won't ruin too much - but then realises how she shouldn't take life for granted. Her sister would've given anything to be alive still, and she shouldn't be throwing that away.

It was a really good read and I found myself wondering what was going to be revealed next. It was wel written and perfectly captured the young voice of Jess. If I read this when I was younger, I think I would've adored it. I would've understood it and connected to Jess more than I did now I'm older. 4 stars, definitely worth a read.
Investigation 13 (2019)
Investigation 13 (2019)
2019 |
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Layla Parrish is the owner of the asylum, she will welcome the guests in to investigate, give the warnings and the history to the building. Melanie is the leader of the team, she has put in the requests for the investigation, brings the team together and is the one trying to prove the most for her class. Jerod is the other lead on front of the cameras in the investigation and like the rest of the team, we are getting Ernie and Nate who are the generic cameraman, while Terry is the one operating the remote cameras.

Performances – Stephanie Hernandez in the leading role of the investigation team is fine, which is going to be said for the whole cast, nobody does anything standout and most just struggle to make the true impact needed to make us understand the fear they are going through. Meg Foster does give us the creepy landlady performance, which is mostly explaining what has happened before in the asylum.

Story – The story here follows a group of paranormal investigators that are looking into an abandon asylum in an attempt to redeem their own reputation after the last investigation went wrong. Well, where do we start with this one, for the most part this is everything we have seen in any and all paranormal investigation in an asylum movie, we get next to nothing original in this story, mainly because it is a location and story that has been done way too much before. We get the routine, set up the cameras, walk around a lot, watch the cameras, hear noises, before something big happens after one of the team goes missing. While this story does have an element which does come off original, it is the fact we have to get through the usual material to get here. We do get animation used to fill the back story, which is strange to watch at times, though it does give us the unsettling feeling the live action side lacks.

Horror – The horror side of this film does rely on how you react to people trying to investigate an abandon asylum, it isn’t something we haven’t seen before when it comes to the horror though.

Settings – The film is set in the asylum which is filled with the rooms we would expect to see, it does only have one way in and out, which does leave us wondering why they would agree to investigate a place without knowing the escape.

Special Effects – The effects are limited, we don’t need to many, with a lot of the scene that do involve the animation, which covers up any effects needed.

Scene of the Movie – The animation spices up the generic story.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – We don’t get much new for the paranormal investigation side of the film.

Final Thoughts – This is a by the book paranormal investigation in an asylum movie, with the exception of the animation filling in the history of the asylum, we are given nothing new to type of movie.

Overall: By the book paranormal investigation movie.

Hadley (567 KP) rated Ghost Story in Books

May 14, 2019  
Ghost Story
Ghost Story
Peter Straub | 1989 | Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great story line (1 more)
Great characters
Too many secondary characters (0 more)
Don Wanderley is a writer who happens to meet a supernatural being, and this meeting causes his life to be turned upside down in the novel 'Ghost Story.' Wanderley's brother and uncle both die of strange circumstances, leading him to seek how their deaths came to be. What Wanderley finds is that they were both infatuated with two women: Alma Mobley and Ann- Veronica Moore; Mobley just so happens to be Don's ex-fiance'.

Even if it seems so, Wanderley is not the main character of this book, instead, we meet four older gentlemen who have been friends the majority of their lives: John, Lewis, Ricky and Sears. The four have created what they like to call 'the Chowder Society,' where they meet up in suit and tie at one of their houses to tell ghost stories. Sears tells one ghost story that will haunt them the rest of the book about his time as a teacher in a rural town known as Elmira: "Well, one of the most dreadful things in my life happened to me there, or it didn't happen and I imagined it all, but anyhow it scared the pants off me and eventually made it impossible for me to stay on. This is the worst story I know, and I've kept it locked up in my mind for fifty years."

After that story, strange things begin to happen in Milburn; a farmer named Elmer Scales, reports that his sheep have been slaughtered by having their throats slit and completely drained of blood, but there are no footprints nor blood stains where the sheep were killed: " 'Their throats were cut,' Elmer said to his wife. 'What did I tell you? Some crazyman's been out here. And -' his voice rose ' - a crazyman who can fly, because he didn't leave no prints.' "

When the reader finds out that the four life long friends have a dark secret that has seem to come back to haunt them, we witness them being killed off by a supernatural force, one by one. This story brings not only a great cast of characters and amazing story telling, but also twist and turns that are not seen from a mile away, like most paranormal thrillers have today.

The supernatural force readers are introduced to is a shape shifter, who takes on forms from a werewolf to a vampire " When he took off the dark glasses his eyes shone a uniform golden yellow. " But the book is not lacking on ghosts, either : "Then she saw a figure moving around out there and Nettie, who understood more than even her sister credited, fearfully watched it approach the house and barn. She uttered a few choked sounds, but knew that Rea would never hear them. The figure came nearer, hauntingly familiar. Nettie was afraid it was the boy from town Rea talked about - that wild boy in a rage that Rea had named him to police. She trembled, watching the figure come nearer across the field, imagining what life would be like if the boy did anything to Rea; and then squawked in terror and nearly tipped over the wheelchair. The man walking toward the barn was her brother Stringer, wearing the brown shirt he'd had on the day he died: it was covered with blood, just as it had been when they'd put him on the table and wrapped him in blankets, but his arms were whole."

The entire story takes place in the town of Milburn, with a few scenes outside of it, but because of this, there are so many secondary characters introduced that the reader may find themselves back tracking through the book just to remember who all of them are. On top of that, a lot of the characters are so much alike, that description can't even help tell who is who. Even our four main characters have similar descriptions, other than girth, that it takes a couple of chapters for readers to put a face to a name. Only some secondary characters become important enough to remember near the end of the book, this including a teenager named Peter.

'Ghost Story' is among the few paranormal books that can stand on it's own. There are scenes of hallucination that out-do those of the top paranormal writers of today. One of the most memorable scenes is with the character Lewis: "Lewis moved back and forth on the floorboards, willing his friends to return with the farmer's car. He did not want to look at the covered shape on the bed; he went to the window. Through the greasepaper he could see only vague orange light.. He glanced back at the sheet. 'Linda, ' he said miserably. " - the scene quickly changes - "He stood in a metal room, with gray metal walls. One light bulb hung from the ceiling. His wife lay under a sheet on a metal table. Lewis leaned over her body and sobbed. 'I won't bury you in the pond,' he said. 'I'll take you into the rose garden.' He touched his wife's lifeless fingers under the sheet and felt them twitch. He recoiled. "

When the ghost story is finally revealed from the main characters' past, pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together. To not give away too much, here is a portion of that story: " 'She said she was lonely,' Ricky said. 'Said she was sick of this damned town and all the hypocrites in it. She wanted to drink and she wanted to dance, and she didn't care who was shocked. Said this dead little town and all its dead little people could go to hell as far as she was concerned. And if we were men and not little boys, we'd damn the town too.' "

While our main characters are being killed off one by one, the town of Milburn is going through an odd blizzard that seems to put everyone on edge: " People settled down in front of the television and ate pizzas from the freezer and prayed that the power lines would stay up; they avoided one another. If you looked outside and saw your next-door neighbor fighting up his lawn to get to his front door, he looked unearthly, transformed by stress into a wild ragged frontier version of himself: you knew he'd damage anyone who threatened to touch his dwindling store of food. He'd been touched by that savage music you had tried to escape, and if he looked through your Thermopane picture window and saw you his eyes were barely human."

Although 'Ghost Story' was published in 1979, it still has a big impact on the way the paranormal genre is written today. Straub not only makes a convincing story line, but he also makes characters that the reader can actually care about. Even when we find out what has been going on in the small town of Milburn, the reader can still feel a very real threat from the supernatural force within it. 'Ghost Story' is by far the best paranormal thriller I have ever read. I highly recommend this book to anyone who believes that the past can come back to haunt you.

For more reviews by me, please check out my blog at

Hadley (567 KP) May 14, 2019

Since my reviews seem to get cut off, you can read the whole review and others at