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Southern Today (21 KP) rated Fangirl in Books

Nov 7, 2017  
Rainbow Rowell | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (46 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I love this book. I have been trying to read it since it came out, and finally got it at a library. Yay!

For some reason, I thought that, in this book, Cath (the main character) would meet her favorite character in real life. She does not. But what Rowell does do is describe a girl who has some very real life social issues. Some of which I can relate to.

I absolutely love Levi. He is wonderful. I still don’t have a very clear picture of him in my head and I think that might be a good thing. This is a book that I don’t think I want to see in theaters. If we did, I would probably have mixed feelings. We could never see into Cath’s life so clearly.

That’s all I have to say here. I loved this book. Look at my portfolio for a review to come!
Old Loves Die Hard ( Mac Faraday Mystery #2)
Old Loves Die Hard ( Mac Faraday Mystery #2)
Lauren Carr | 2011 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Old Love, Die Hard is done well. You get to meet up with Mac’s Ex Wife. The mystery starts once she is in town. There are two murders once Mac takes his ex-wife to this penthouse in Spencer Inn.
Did Mac do the murders? Did his ex-wife go and killed her lover? There is not much going on. Who is behind all the murders. We meet or at least learn about his two children. Who would murder Mac two children mother?

Lauren Carr is one talented writer. She brings you along to find out who the killer is. One thing I love about her mysteries is that you never know who the murderer is? I have read a few of her books already and reviewed a few of them. You are welcome to read my reviews that are part of this audio book palooza. My reviews are Cancelled Vows, A Fine Year for Murder, Killer in the Band, The Murders at Astaire Castle, Candidate for Murder, 3 Days to Forever, Kill and Run. We do see what Mac is up to and we also got David O'Callaghan in being the chief of police. Lauren Carr series are all interconnected which is cool. You can read them as stand alone as well.

Luke (278 KP) rated La La Land (2016) in Movies

Jul 21, 2017  
La La Land (2016)
La La Land (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
Emma Stone (0 more)
The Songs Are Very Good (1 more)
It Can't Decide What Kind Of Film It Wants To Be
The People Handing Out Awards & Praise For This Film Are In La La Land
As a man that loves musicals, I do not love this. There are amazing musicals such as Les Mis which is breath taking in everyway, then theres disappointments like this.
Its a shame becuase i love emma stone, any film she does automatically drags it up to a better standard. However the style of singing at parts was not her best, she has a beautiful voice when she sings, slow talk singing doesnt work best for her.
When me and my wife first saw the trailer we said "Deffinatly not watching that it looks like a mess" but after all the awards we thought we would give it a go.
The best way to summarise would be to describe the cinema, There a lot of people of all different ages. I look around near the end and i can see people putting there jackets on wanting to leave, as soon as it ends a older man stands up and turns to his wife and says "What a crock of S*%&"... I laughed quite hard that he said it that loud we heard it across the room, but that was the feel of the room

Tayla (27 KP) rated Red Rising in Books

Jun 19, 2018  
Red Rising
Red Rising
Pierce Brown | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
Futuristic Story (2 more)
Strong Characters
Good Momentum
How do you get power when you are born to less?
How do you get power when you are born to less? You take it. I love Pierce Brown's story of Darrow, a low red, rising above his color to infiltrate the golds to start an uprising. Red Rising is one of my favorite books. Even though the setting is on Mars it is still relevant to our society today. Some people are born more privileged than others and at times it take a miracle to overcome those obstacles. This book reminds us to fight for not only what we want, but for what is right.

This book has good momentum throughout. At no point was I bored by the story. The ending really builds for the second book, gently encouraging you to continue with the story. I've both read and listened to this book and recommend each. Listening after reading, allowed me to really paint a clearer picture of Mars in my mind and develop more love for the series.

I recommend this book to those who like The Hunger Games or Divergent. Additionally, if you are a fan of the movie Gattaca (1997), this will be right in your wheelhouse! The similarities are striking!
Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Children
8.3 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
OMG, I almost didn't want this book to end it was that good. I love reading books like this, books that take you away from your life and really emerge you in someone else's. It made me happy and sad and angry all at once. And in the end, I felt satisfied that Madeline finally was able to truly experience and enjoy life.

In regards to her mom, I just want to say without giving too much away, I don't know what it feels to lose both your husband and your son in one sitting and still have to go on living to raise your daughter. I can only imagine how difficult it was for her to pick up the pieces of her life and keep going. And even though I think what she did was wrong, as Madeline said, love makes you do crazy things. And fear of losing those we love can sometimes drive us to madness.
I anticipated that this book, like most psychology books designed for the General Public, would involve summarizing a lot of research I already knew in the way that was interesting and possibly related to my life. What I didn't expect was Renee's voice and passion to reach through the pages and make me feel how beauty sickness has affected me and others on a deeper level. I was sickened by the negative way women talk about and view their own bodies. I related to the shame people felt about their body’s and the focus on appearance over health. I was inspired by the interventions that helped people improve their body image.

The book is told through a mixture of psychology research and stories told by real women. The mix of facts and anecdotes was perfect. You got the knowledge and science behind beauty sickness. But you also heard the voices of women tell their own tales in a very human and relatable way.

What is absolutely terrifying and shows how beauty sick our culture really is, is that while reading this book, I often felt like I should be engaging in the negative behaviors that were discussed. For example, hearing about how people use special software to edit their photos before posting on social media made me consider doing that before posting my next photos!

But this book also changed the way I think of myself and my body in a positive way. I thought I knew about the negative effects of the media on body image, especially as a psychologist myself. I was unprepared for how little I actually knew, especially when it came to misconceptions about our bodies and how we treat them. I read the chapter on shame and started crying, because I related to so much of it. I didn't realize that I was trying to motivate myself to lose weight by shaming myself into feeling bad about my weight and what I was eating until I read this book. Beauty Sick has changed the way I think about myself and given me new strategies for cultivating a positive self-image and loving my body.

I loved that the section on what we can do about beauty sickness was so extensive. It really opened my eyes to how I think about and treat my body as well as what I can do differently to improve my self-image. I've always hated exercising. I never realized that the reason I hated it was probably because I always thought the point was to lose weight. Exercising felt like a punishment to me- something I had to do so I could shave off a few pounds. I never thought about viewing through a "look what I can do!" lens or to think about what I might have fun doing instead of what I *should* be doing.

I read this book ravenously- staying up late to read just one more chapter and sneaking pages in at work to devour its content. I needed to hear both how beauty sick our culture is and what I can do about it. I think every woman would personally benefit from reading this book. I hope its message becomes widespread and that we can make positive changes in our culture to decrease beauty sickness. In the meantime, we can make changes in our own lives and in the lives of the women we love by reading this book and applying it to ourselves and the people we love.