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KatieLouCreate (162 KP) rated Matilda in Books

Jun 13, 2018  
Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl | 2016 | Children
9.2 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Sweet Little Book
I've just finished reading this as part of my Bucket List on Books to Read on my blog. You can check out more about that here:

I promised myself to not only read something of Roald Dahl, but to read Matilda. I loved watching the film as a child and it was Madilta's love for books and reading that made me want to pick up books and read too. And I have found no greater happiness than reading and discovering new books.

Because of this, it is hard for me to dislike the book the film was inspired by. I wanted to read the books to see if and how they differ from the film. The answer? The are pretty similar. There are only a few differences that I don't really mind.

The story is a beautiful story for children, well written, with lovely pictures and definitions to help the developing mind.

Unfortunately, I did hype myself up for reading this book. Because I loved the film so much, I wanted to love the book just as much, if not more. Alas, this is there I failed. Although I enjoyed reading the book, it did not wholly meet my expectations. There was just something missing. I think it might have been the ending. It felt a little rushed and under-developed. But that is just my opinion.

Overall, I enjoyed reading the book. A nice quick little read that is great for all ages.
The Boy Next Door (2015)
The Boy Next Door (2015)
2015 | Mystery
4.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The theme of the dangerous person living next door as well as forbidden attraction and desires are no stranger to Hollywood as they are themes that have powered some of the most intense and erotic dramas in recent memory.

The latest offering from Hollywood has Jennifer Lopez as Claire, a woman who is newly divorced and falls for her new neighbor played by Ryan Guzman.

At first the relationship is exciting for Claire but things take a turn for the worse and Claire soon learns that her new neighbor is not what he first appeared to be and is a very dangerous and manipulative individual.

You would think with a premise such as this and a decent cast that this would at least be a passable thriller but instead it is about as lifeless and formulaic a film as they come.

The film was completely predictable aside form one brief moment at the end of the film that was mildly unexpected, but other than that I found myself whispering to my husband throughout the movie what was going to happen next, and it did.

Supporting actors John Corbett, playing Lopez’ (estranged) husband, and Ian Nelson as their teenage son, did a passable job given the material they were working with but deserved much better.

Ryan Guzman who plays 19-year-old neighbor Noah, manages to play the creepy psycho part pretty well, but the material was as I said previously; so very predictable.


I wish I could offer more than 1 star out of 5, but I can’t for the film which is a shame as the audience and the cast deserved so much more with this premise.
Turbo Kid (2015)
Turbo Kid (2015)
2015 | Action
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Extremely Unique
You've never seen anything like it. It was a mashup of everything I loved, both as a kid and as an adult. Set in the post-apocalyptic year of 1997, a teenager becomes a superhero to save his girlfriend from the clutches of an evil villain.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
While it may not grab you immediately, Turbo Kid's beginning succeeds in establishing the world you'll be living in for the rest of the film. This world never left the 80's. Survivors get around on mostly bikes and use old-school technology like walkmen.

My interest was really piqued when I saw three heads on pikes out in the middle of the wasteland. What did those men do to deserve that? Who put them there? The only way to really find out is to watch more. On we go...

Characters: 9

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
The visuals are extremely weird, but in a unique, good way. It's original in every way imaginable. A number of shots give you a nostalgic feel. Other shots panning the landscape leave you with a barren, hopeless feeling. So sad what their world has become, yet what an era to be stuck in!

There is violence. A lot of it. A surprising amount in fact. Heads roll, guts spew in brilliant fashion. Think Tarantino in a Mad Max type of setting. It's jarring to look at, but very entertaining and effective. If you are squeamish in anyway, you may find yourself averting your eyes. At one point, my wife actually had to leave the room.

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10
As far as action/adventure films go, this stands out as being extremely original. It was as if they took a number of films I had seen before and jumbled them all into one finished product. The action pops on screen and the adventure portions move the story along in swift fashion.

Memorability: 9

Pace: 10
The film never gets boring at any point. Between the crazy vibe that latches on to you with the help of an awesome soundtrack and the steady play of action, you're always engaged. I also appreciated that the film never took itself too seriously as the action is broken up by a few hilarious moments that keeps the film from getting too dark.

Plot: 8
While the plot may seem pretty straightforward at first, there are a couple twists that keep things interesting. Overall the story is a strong foundation and is intriguing enough to make you care about the action.

Resolution: 3

Overall: 86
Fun, enjoyable film. And AVAILABLE ON NETFLIX! Check it out tonight. If you're a fan of action and the 80's, you will have a blast.
Mine Forever
Mine Forever
J.S. Scott | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What do you do when the love of your life is almost kidnapped by druggies? You do everything you can to convince her to come home with you, of course. Which is exactly what Simon does with Kara. But even with Kara reluctantly living with Simon again, things aren’t perfect. Kara won’t accept anything less than a relationship and Simon is still trying to figure out how to be in one. Can Simon put his past behind him so he can finally have happiness with Kara?

Like Mine for Tonight and Mine for Now, Mine Forever is a fantastic erotic romance. I like it even better than the second one because aside from getting Kara to move in with Simon again,the under-developed druggie plot has all but disappeared. and Kara is showing that she’s not willing to take any crap from Simon, even refusing sex until he opened up to her about his past. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of hot sex scenes that can make you blush, but Kara still needs Simon to open up.

And Simon, despite being an alpha male, is still awkward and endearing. 15479193670_d73f1ff314_mIt’s really obvious that he has no idea what to do in a relationship, to the point of absurdity. I mean, you have to be living under a rock not to know that flowers and chocolates are basic gifts for Valentine’s Day. As much as I like an awkward love interest, I really didn’t like how Simon handled Valentine’s Day. Getting help from his female employees is good and so is being nervous and wanting to make things right with Kara, but buying an entire carload of Valentine’s Day merchandise? That was a little to ridiculous for me. First of all, it’s unrealistic. Nervous binge-shopping and being a billionaire don’t go hand in hand. Binge-shopping leads to a broke hoarder real quick, I don’t care how high your salary is. Second of all, does he even know Kara? She’s hardly a material girl. Why would a large quantity of material goods make her happy? But Simon does express his love with gifts, so I guess that does fit.

We finally learn how Simon got his scars in this book. The suspense had actually been killing me to find out and the reason did not disappoint. Honestly, I’d have relationship problems too if I went through the same thing. And now that he’s opened up to Kara he can finally begin healing for real.

This book is one of my favorites of the series, right up there with the first one. You can’t find it by itself anymore. You’ll have to buy the entire Billionaire’s Obsession series. But if you like contemporary romance that flirts with the erotica genre, then you’ll like this series.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story of love, that all consuming kind that never runs smooth, Pound of Flesh is a book that everyone needs on their bookshelf. Carter and Kat seem to be polar opposites, him a convicted felon, her a woman from the posh part of town, but when fate intervenes there's no stopping the force of their love.

Let me just start by saying this: WOW. I could just leave this review there, because that is just what I feel about this book. I've sat for a long time trying to figure out how to put into words just how amazing this reading experience was. That's not even me gushing, this is me, honest to goodness, being totally speechless at how amazing this tale was.

I'll start with the characters - Carter and Kat, and of course, the extended family and friends of theirs. Kat is a teacher, a woman with a sad past, but it's made her such a strong individual. She's captivating to read, you just want to find out what makes her tick, heal her pain and help her find her purpose. Carter, well, let's just say him and I have had a few snuggles together! He's a diamond in the rough as my Grandad would say, a gentleman who has just been dealt some very rough cards to play and did the best he could. He's an absolute pleasure to try and unravel, capturing your whole attention when he's in the scene and just so darned awesome. He has firmly secured his place in my top Book Boyfriends list. Joking aside, the characters are all brilliant. They weave together into a cohesive little bunch that are all developed, well thought out and interesting to read.

Weaving excellent characters isn't the only thing Jackson is good at doing. The plot and pace of this novel was extraordinary. There were so many twists and turns, ups and downs that you really did feel like you had been on an emotional rollercoaster. I laughed, cried, winced at stupid choices, gasped at revelations and a whole host of other emotions as well. I got hot under the collar during the brilliantly written sex scenes (Carter is a man who knows what he's doing!) and still I felt the tenderness of the moment. Everything in this book was balanced just the way I like it, it was, quite simply, perfect for me.

And that said, I shall cease waxing lyrical about this brilliant book. Jackson has made a stunning addition to the Indie community and I am sure she will continue to flourish in her craft. This book could not come with any higher recommendation from me, in fact, I was telling friends to buy it when I hadn't even reached the half way mark, I just knew it was that good. Just one word of warning readers, make sure your schedule is clear and you have tissues ready, because once you start you really cannot put this book down. A stellar novel, and one I am certain I will read again before too long, all that is left to say is congratulations Sophie Jackson, you wrote a bloody good book and should be very proud of yourself! Thank you for sharing Kat and Carter, and I am waiting on tenterhooks for more from this fabulous lady!

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Crime
If you have any interest in checking out F9:THE FAST SAGA, then you have seen at least 1 (if not more) of the other 9 films in this series - and you pretty much know what to expect.

And this film delivers on that expectation - no more, no less.

Director Justin Lin - a veteran of these films - knows what needs to happen in this series. So we get fast cars, macho men, kick-ass women, super villains and over-the-top stunts and situations. All brought to us with a wink and a shrug. Unapologetic about the absurdities that we are viewing (not to spoil, but I don’t think magnets really work the way they work in this film) and “upping the ante” at every turn.

This film largely delivers…if not spectacularly. The action sequences (which is really why we watch these films) are “good enough”. Nothing really new here, but I caught myself cackling at the events on the screen from time to time.

The “family” is back together and Vin Diesel & Michelle Rodriguez are the pseudo Mom and Dad of this ragtag group of heroes that include the smart one (Game Of Thrones’ Nathalie Emanuel) and the wise guys (Chris “Ludicrous” Bridges and Tyrese Gibson) - who know exactly what type of film they are making and what their roles in this film are as well as the “emotional center”, Jordana Brewster. All of these deliver their wooden lines with gritty resolve while clenching their jaws during their close-ups during the action scenes.

There also is a boatload of cameos from veterans of previous Fast and Furious films from the likes of Kurt Russell, Helen Mirren, Lucas Black, Shea Wigham and Charlize Theron as well as brief appearances by “newcomers” like Michael Rooker and Cardi B. They all join in on the fun at the appropriate level and look like they are having a good time.

The biggest disappointment for me was John Cena as the main villain in this piece. He just wasn’t “villainous” enough and came off pretty generic and “meh” - never a good thing for a bad guy in these types of films.

Oh…and there is a “surprise return” by a presumably thought dead character, that is no surprise at all, since his face is shown prominently in the advertisements for this film. I won’t spoil it for you here, but he does bring some needed energy to this film. Which leads me to speculate that Gal Gadot will probably show up in the next film (her character was killed off many Fast and Furious films ago when she started becoming a SuperStar).

Ultimately, what is missing from F9 is some “fun energy”. Something that…oh…a good villain…or someone like…Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would bring. But, alas, “The Rock” and Vin Diesel did not get along in their previous outings together, so we will need to limp along with what we have.

Which is what the 10th film in this Universe ultimately does - limp along just good enough to be enjoyable, but not more than that, which makes F9 neither Fast nor Furious.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
What She Saw
What She Saw
Wendy Clarke | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow burn, debut novel
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

In What She Saw by Wendy Clarke, you meet Leona, a loving and extremely protective mother of teenaged Beth. They do everything together, absolutely everything. They seem to be perfect and have the perfect life. Of course, things are not always what they seem. Leona and Beth both have secrets which they keep from each other and from everyone else. The question asked is, "how far will a mother go to keep her child safe?"

What She Saw is a slow burn which I had difficulty getting into. However, since I did, I could not put it down. I was a Psychology major and am a sucker for when a character meeting with a psychologist partly reveals the story.

The story uses flashbacks and the present. It starts slow but is suspenseful and well-written.

According to Goodreads, Clarke has published over three hundred short stories published in national women's magazines, and this is her debut novel. As of 6/13/19, it has a rating of 4.25 out of 5. Most of the ratings are 5 stars, and none are 1 star. For a debut novel, that is quite impressive.

I am looking forward to reading more by Wendy Clarke.

This review was published on on 6/15/19.
Poirot: Hallowe'en Party
Poirot: Hallowe'en Party
Agatha Christie | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Drowned in the Apple Bobbing Tub
Poirot is called to a small British village after a tragedy at a Hallowe’en party takes place. Someone used the tub that the guests had bobbed for apples in to drown Joyce, a thirteen year old girl who was helping with the event. Earlier in the evening, she had bragged that she had witnessed a murder, however the residents of the village didn’t take her seriously since she was always embellishing if not outright lying about things. If that wasn’t the motive, what happened to her?

Yes, I picked this particular book to read this year because of the upcoming movie “inspired” by it. I suspect the movie will be vastly different, but we will see. The book originally came out in 1969, and you can tell with some of the theories that Poirot hears about what happened. It was interesting to see how society was thinking about some of these issues back then. My biggest issue was the victim’s age, it’s just not something I’m used to. However, I was drawn into the story, interested in finding out exactly what happened. The characters could have been a little sharper, but they did help make me care about the story. I was on the right track, but didn’t have everything pieced together when we reached the climax, which was pretty thrilling. It’s easy to see why this is a lesser-known book from Agatha Christie, but it is definitely enjoyable.