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Ad Astra (2019)
Ad Astra (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Mystery
An atmospheric slow-burner
I usually can't stand films that are slow burners as I just don't have the interest or the patience, but there's something about Ad Astra that really appealed to me.

For starters, it's one of the most realistic sci-fi films I've seen in a long time. It's a straight forward simple plot with no over elaborate schemes or plans, with a stark and immensely realistic view of what space travel would be like. No shiny spaceships or dodgy aliens to be seen. It's dark and gritty, and the ideas in here are so believable - right down to the commercialised Moon base. You spend the entire film expecting something to happen like it does in every other sci-fi, but it never does. Indeed there's a scene halfway through where the crew attend a ship broadcasting a distress call, and what happens is so unlike what you'd expect that it's both genius and downright hilarious. Whilst being a bit slow going in parts, this film doesn't waste any time with useless preamble - you're thrown into the main plot right from the opening scene and it gets straight down to business. It's just a shame that later on it gets a bit bogged down.

The cinematography is mostly fantastic. The music and effects are spot on, although I did think some of the way this was shot made it look a little dated and cheap, and there's rather too many close up shots of Brad Pitt's face. Pitt is very good in this, a step up from the very disappointing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but I did find his voiceover cheesy and grating at times. Still despite it's negatives, this is a very atmospheric and often tense sci-fi, which is strange considering not very much happens. The ending is perhaps a letdown or anticlimax and if they had made this slightly less of a slow-burner, it would be a perfect example and how best to do a proper sci-fi.
The Last Star
The Last Star
Rick Yancey | 2016 | Children
6.8 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
FINALLY Heading for Point of View! (0 more)
Clearly the author ran out of sub-par storyline and just produced utter crap.. (0 more)
It Just Gets Worse...
Contains spoilers, click to show
This has to be the worst of the three... Finally we get headings that tell us which point of view we are reading but that's the only positive of this entire thing. Oh man where do I even start? Seriously it's that terrible. You think this is the last book we are bound to find out why "The Others" have attacked, what they want, or something... but no... nothing you're left to wonder. I think the author tried to give some kind of reasoning but it made about as much sense as a frog in a blender. "They had no answer for Love"... are you f**king kidding me with this s**t?! Ohhhh you're serious...oh dear... The. Worst. Cliche. Ever. Love makes humans what we are, sorry but there's a lot more to it than that... The ending is so unrealistic it hurts, none of that would happen. None. Of. It. *Spoilers* Self absorbed annoying little Cassie would not save the day because downloading tens of thousands of human "memories" would have killed her or at the very least turned her into a vegetable, and if by some impossibility she did survive the pod would not work because seriously you think a bunch of pyscho aliens are going to bargain with a *human* a cockroach species in their minds, the cities would be blown up, humans would be destroyed, Evan Walker would not survive electrocution and Ringer would have miscarried after the beating she recieved, Zombie and the kids would not have survived a *f**king helicopter crash* and Earth as we know it would no longer exist. This trilogy in no way shape or form should have had a fanatically ridiculous "happily ever after" bulls**t ending, but tragically it did... There's quality sci-fi fiction and then there's half-assed "Fifty Shades of the worst writing ever" stories. This whole series was unfortunately the latter... Don't waste your time...or your brain cells...
Only Ever Yours
Only Ever Yours
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not sure what to think about this book.
I didn't like a single thing, I couldn't put it down for a second but I didn't like it: I didn't like the story or the settings, and the characters are horrible.
Then again I don't think this book is meant to be liked.
It disturbs me in a way that I cannot really understand: it disturbs me because it is so cliche that I would like to laugh at it, but in the same time I can see so much of my younger self in those girls that it scares the hell out of me: all the doubts, and the mean best friends, the willing to fit in no matter the costs - even if it means betraying yourself.
This book makes me feel uncomfortable.
At the beginning I didn't like the line that the author put between women and men, like saying "this is all men's fault, they did this, they are the bad guys", and then you meet this men and you realize that they are just scared teenager as well, with a life already decided for them. Maybe this book disturbs me because it just put you in the middle of the story but it does't explain how humanity arrived at that point: how is it possible that people just stopped to have daughters? Why women didn't fight this culture when it was spreading? Why did they accept all of that in the first place?
Maybe again, this is not the point of the book and maybe what it really bothers me about it is the complete lack of hope: there is not a single character that can be considered good (even though no one can be considered the bad guy), not a single character took the right path, they are all absolutely incapable. But worst than that I think is the complete lack of hope for the society, the resignation to a system that cannot be changed, drugs and death as the only way out.
I didn't like this book at all, I wasn't impress by it, I felt offended, angry, sometimes bored.
But I couldn't put it down until the end, and maybe this is why is worth reading it.
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
2018 | Thriller
Check Into the El Royale, You'll Be Glad You Did
BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE is a bloody movie about bloody people doing bloody things at a bloody hotel.

It's also bloody good.

Showing the same original style and panache that I have come to expect from Director/Writer Drew Goddard (THE CABIN IN THE WOODS), BAD TIMES...follows the storytelling device of a Quentin Tarantino flick like PULP FICTION or THE HATEFUL EIGHT in that it follows a seemingly disparate group of people - each with their own story - who's lives intersect.

Goddard's reputation has, obviously, preceded him as on the surface this film looks like a "B" flick filled with gore and violence, but in Goddard's hands - and with some strong acting talent and VERY strong production qualities (the sets, costumes and music help tell the story), this film is elevated to something much more than a "B" flick.

Jeff Bridges (HELL AND HIGH WATER) stars (at least in one storyline) as a mysterious Priest who shows up at the El Royale for some reason - and it's not to change the Bibles in the rooms. He is joined in the lobby at check-in by a lounge singer played by Cynthia Ervino (WIDOWS), vacuum cleaner salesman portrayed by John Hamm (BABY DRIVER) and by a mystery women played by Dakota Johnson (50 SHADES...) - all have secrets to hide and through flashbacks and chance encounters, their stories erupt on each other. And erupt they do when into the mix comes charismatic, mostly shirtless Cult Leader Billy Lee (Chris Hemsworth) and his cult followers.

Goddard orchestrates this group of strong actors well, giving each character/actor moments to shine and play off each other. The dialogue, while not at a Tarantino level, was interesting and intriguing as much as what was NOT said then what WAS said.

But, make no mistake about it, this is an action movie - and action there is. Bodies, bullets and blood start flying as soon as these characters collide at the El Royale and bad times happen, for sure.

But, for me, this was a GOOD TIME AT THE EL ROYALE. If you like Pulp Fiction, Baby Driver, Hell and High Water or John Wick, then you'll like this flick. Check in to the El Royale, you'll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
This book took me entirely by storm! I had a feeling it was going to be good, but to what degree I wasn't sure. This book and its characters took me 100% by surprise. This book is easily on my top 5 best books of 2013.

I've know Ilsa Madden-Mills for several months leading up to the release of her debut novel. She is absolutely an amazing woman! Not only is she a brilliant author, but she is beyond fucking amazing when it comes to supporting her other friends who are authors and bloggers. I knew she had it in her, but I never imagined this... VBT has it all... love, sex, dark troubling past, and a hopeful future. Ilsa writes like a seasoned pro. In no way did I imagine a piece of work of this magnitude coming in the incredibly sexy package that is a debut novel like Very Bad Things.

VBT, has an amazing heroine, a tough as nails love interest, the boy next door, and a horrible past. When you wrap all this up in fishnet stockings, a sassy attitude; you get Very Bad Things.

Nora, is an amazing character that really resonated with me. We didn't share the same past; however, but we did share the need to lash out and do everything on our naughty list. Nora, has been to hell and back and she still held her head high and managed to find her way to the guiding light at the end of her darkness.

That's where Leo comes into play. Leo has his own past and darkness and he doesn't realize that Nora is as much his beacon of hope as he is hers. He fights her advances at every turn and he tries to do the honorable thing and keep his head down and take care of his younger brother. Nora's pull is just too strong.

I won't say much more in the chance that I may give away more than I want to...all I have to say is... who knew being bad could feel so good?!

Check out Very Bad Things and feast your eyes and imagination on what is easily one of the best books of 2013.

You can thank me later...
You should probably thank the author too...

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Fighting with My Family (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
There are certain expectations from this sort of film, just like The Full Monty, Walk Like A Panther and Swimming With Men before it. There's something satisfying about this sort of film that makes it comforting to watch, or at least that's what you hope for going in. Fighting With My Family doesn't disappoint on that front, it's funny, emotional and a nice easy watch.

There was something about the very beginning of the film that didn't sit quite right with the rest of it. It was so brief though that it was easily forgotten, but it did momentarily make me worry.

It's definitely laugh out loud funny, although it might rely a little too much on dick jokes. That being said I did appreciate discovering the phrase "dick me dead and bury me pregnant."

While I know nothing about wrestling it doesn't seem to be an issue going in with no previous knowledge. The film is very much focused on the journey and family dynamic, and on that front it really hits the spot. The emotion around Zak is the strongest throughout. Jack Lowden plays it brilliantly and caused a fair amount, if not all, of my tears that were shed during this viewing.

The supporting cast was entertaining and Lowden was definitely the high point. As much as I love Nick Frost I'm not enjoying his recent trend in characters, I was amused by the full phone conversation with The Rock though.

I wasn't particularly blown away by Florence Pugh in the main role of Paige, she never seems like she's excited about anything that's going on. I didn't feel much emotion around her character and if anything it was just a lot of awkward.

Despite my nit-picking Fighting With My Family is a great little film and it doesn't overstay its welcome on the screen. At 1 hour and 48 minutes it's just the right length, everything is laid out, explained and concluded without any padding, there aren't many films getting that right at the moment.

What you should do

If you're looking for a fun night out then this is well worth looking out for when it's released.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

If someone could just instantly give me some of the agility to do those wrestling moves I'd be one very happy woman.
Doom Asylum (1987)
Doom Asylum (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Horror
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
How insane it is (0 more)
Everything else... especially the dialogue. (0 more)
It's SO BAD... that it's actually quite good.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I honestly don't even know where to start with Doom Asylum. The dialogue is absolutely terrible and will leave you scratching your head (for example, a girl says to her Boyfriend "can I call you Mom?"... what?!), the acting is cringeworthy...I mean, it has to be bad if Kristin Davis (Sex in the City) is the best actor on the set and the Killer is confusing, to say the least.
Lemme tell you about the Plot... A couple get involved in a Car Accident and the woman in the accident subsequently dies, the man in the accident wakes up in the Morgue and, disfigured and in a rage of the untimely loss of his Partner, kills the 2 Morgue Assistants, who seem shockingly cavalier about their gruesome fate. However, it appears this Morgue is in an Asylum... not a Hospital. Why would you take a person injured in a Car crash to an Asylum? Why did they not check his pulse? I still have so many questions. Anyway, the Asylum is shut down, and 10 years later 2 groups of Teens decide to hang out and party there. One group being an all girl Punk band, the other being a small group of Friends... one of whom happens to be the daughter of the Woman who died in the Car accident 10 years before. The Killer sees that she looks just like the late love of his life, and he'll chop through anyone, and everyone, to get to her.
Honestly, this Movie is an acquired taste. Only for the die hard old school Horror fans, and they might even scoff at the idea of this 79 minute atrocity. I definitely left this Movie with an expression of dismay on my face... but something did keep me watching it until the end. I don't honestly know what, all I can say is that it was such a trainwreck that I couldn't look away, but this Movie is so bad that it's actually a little bit good. I will just never watch it again for a few years (hopefully) and will never admit to liking it in public. Only for the Horror fans who like a bit (okay, a lot) of cringe with their Gore.
Club de Esquina by Milton Nascimento
Club de Esquina by Milton Nascimento
1972 | Classical, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember when we first got it I could only see the darkness of it. I couldn't get underneath it where all the light is. I was impermeable to it somehow. And one day, you wonder what happens, why did I not get this? One day the door opened and I received all of its beauty. I could not believe that I had not been able to hear it before. In terms of being a composer, for me Milton Nascimento is on the top shelf. There is such a power in the chord changes. He's got to be the king of those, in my world at least. What I like about music is that it's transformative and it's transporting, and I think he's my favourite transporter of all. You go on such journeys with his songs, and this is difficult to do. He obviously has a gift and also works very hard at it. He's very dedicated to his art. But I've rarely been so transported as when listening to this album, and I don't ask much more of music sometimes than just to be transported. I was not really aware of the lyrical content that much. The sleeve tells you a lot, for sure, about people struggling or just being resigned to certain conditions. I've been to Brazil a couple of times and you see quite a lot of poverty, but a lot of poorer people do own a big TV to watch the football on, and I didn't feel like 'oh my god this is about to explode', like I did in America in certain quarters. In some poor quarters of North America there is such tension, but I didn't feel the same tension in Brazil. It's more mellow even among the poorer classes. I know that it's very divided, with a lot of walls and high security buildings for the richer middle classes, but I felt that the poorer people weren't on the verge of rioting: somehow there was more acceptance. I don't know; obviously there are very complex societal issues, but this album captures a sense of joy and beauty and it's amazing to put that into music. We all have joy: it's inbuilt, and music can help us find that joy, that joi d'vivre."


Gail (4 KP) rated One Hell of a Ride in Books

Jun 4, 2018  
One Hell of a Ride
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One Hell of A Ride by Ju Epraime

Four stars

I love historical romance stories. This one was different but good. Cas has been living as a young lad all her life. Her grandfather thought it would be a good idea sense she loved working on the ranch. It was funny how the author had Joe falling when he thought Cas was a lad. It was a rough time to be a woman and I can see why Cassie preferred to be thought of as a lad. The freedom to just be you and not worry that you won’t be accepted. As a woman she wouldn’t have been able to run her grandfather’s ranches or live alone. Joe was super sweet and handsome. He didn’t want to take advantage of Cassie so he kept away doing what he could to keep the ranch going. They don’t have many men like Joe walking around anymore. If they’re some can they be pointed in my direction lol. The author could've put more detail in the landscape but the book was well written. The characters were a little dry but I somewhat expected that with the time the story was written in. Would’ve like more details about Joe and where he came from and what he really did before visiting the ranch. There were parts that could’ve been left out. Overall the story was a good one.
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1925 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (126 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wiritng style (0 more)
Dull to begin with (0 more)
Not sure what the fuss is about
Just because I rated this book just above average, doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I was expecting this book to be much longer than it is and I must admit that I'm glad it isn't. The first few chapters of the novel were tedious and slightly dull. I can understand the need for them in order to set the scene but it could have been improved on. The story follows Nick Carraway who moved next door to the well known Jay Gatsby. He is known to throw extravagant parties where most of the guests are unsure of what he looks like. It is focalised through Carraway as he develops a friendship with Gatsby and learns more about his life and not just by listening to the rumours. The book gives love, life, secrets, mystery and death. Out of all the books I have read, this is not one I rated highly. Whilst I did feel involved in the story line half way through and didn't want to put it down, there wasn't anything in the beginning that dragged me in. I would recommend for you to read it, purely to say you have done so. However, other than that, I can't see myself picking up this novel again. I may give the movie a go and see how DiCaprio plays his part though!