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The Predator (2018)
The Predator (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror
I went into this expecting some good action and some decent graphics. I did not expect to find so much comedy. This was a real treat to watch.

There's just something about "seeing" The Predator when he's invisible that really hits the spot. It gets you on the edge of the seat and fills you with just the right sort of anxiety. Had someone tapped me on the shoulder during the first time that happened in the film I probably would have swung for them while wailing like a banshee.

Lots of actors that you'd recognise from other things and everyone has their own little quirk that works well together in the scenes. It didn't feel like any of the talent was underused, which can be an issue with people in bit parts.

Who knew that Predators had a sense of humour too?! I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a severed limb in such an ingenious way before.

One bit that I really enjoyed reminded me of Futurama. You win bonus nerdy points if you spot it too. It had me tittering away.

There are excellent characters. Genuinely can't think of any that I didn't like in some way. Rory is brilliant in this, great acting from Tremblay and he was blessed with some amazing lines. His grasp of reverse psychology had us all laughing. There's also a scene in the military facility where the Predator wakes up and I actually believed the way everyone reacted. So often it's a mass of crazed running in all directions or everyone is running for one door, but this one felt like a perfectly choreographed event. We see incredible friendships and camaraderie that really comes to the forefront in the conclusion of the film.

It seems a bit redundant to be saying this because you'd think people would know... but they don't seem to... Military weapon designers: tactical weapons that are made for covert ops and have LED lights on them are in fact not very tactical. Predators: If you just stopped playing with your prey you could have conquered the Earth years ago.

*exhales slowly* So this 3D thing... I really and truly hate space shots in 3D, especially the ones that are basically just black space and stars. Really difficult to look at. Thankfully that didn't last for too long and was replaced what was quite good effects of the spaceship jumping to Earth. There were also a few shots from the sniper perspective that worked well. The rest of the film I found that it went quite badly from fuzzy to sharp and I couldn't quite tell what was supposed to be the focus. I'd have said that was the screen's 3D rather than the film itself, but it still struck me as odd that it was going between the two. I will put it down to just a bad screening.

What should you do?

You should see this, probably in 2D rather than 3D. It's funny, full of action and just the right amount of nostalgia.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Part of me wants the translation device. Part of me wants the invisibility ball (but not afterwards). Part of me wants that tranq gun. The opinion will change depending on how my day goes.
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Oh my goodness.

I absolutely adored this book! I am a huge sucker for any kind of fairy tale retelling and this one did not disappoint!

Through about the first half of the book, I had this warm, floaty kind of feeling in my chest. The writing actually made me feel like I was in love (or what I assume it to feel like). The way the characters talked to each other and interacted just made me feel so good about this book.

Speaking of the characters, can I say well written? Because, wow! I felt really connected to the characters (especially Feyre's sassy-ness and care for her family). They were very well written and drawn out. I didn't feel like they were flattened or abused in any way, even when they were being beaten up on the pages. There was a great deal of respect that was shown to all of the characters in this book. I really enjoyed the strength that Maas gave to each of her characters. It was as if they had their own way to deal with their weaknesses and strengths. They felt so real! I think what helped with creating this reality was making some of the characters seem super awkward at times. I mean, everyone gets awkward, but the way it was done was to show how the characters really were, not necessarily how the narrator was seeing them.

The plot was amazingly paced. I didn't feel like I was waiting for something exciting to happen because it was always happening. Even down to the smallest of parts in this novel were exciting. But even then, it didn't feel too over the top in excitement. There was a great balance between pacing and excitement (I have said that word too many times in this review, but who cares!)

I didn't feel like there was much missing from this book except for more pages. I didn't want it to end!!

If I could, I would give this a higher rating than a 5 star because it was just that amazing!!

I recommend this to anyone who adores fairy tale retellings, fantasy, fairies, or just a damn good read. Honestly, if you haven't picked this book up, I really recommend that you do. I am kind of kicking myself for not picking up this book sooner!

******Also, spoiler-ish thing ahead:*******

I just want to know, did anyone else guess that riddle when they first read it, because I did. I started yelling and cheering at the end part when she figured it out!!
Farming (2018)
Farming (2018)
2018 | Drama
No Thank You
A young black teenager struggling with his identity joins up with a gang of skinheads. Despite what seems like an intriguing premise, Farming has to be one of the all-time worst movies I’ve ever seen. Since I’m on a streak of reviewing bad movies, might as well keep the train rolling.

Acting: 5
I couldn’t tell up from down, good from bad from these characters and, while that is attributed partly to writing, I think it falls on the poor acting performances as well. With the exception of a couple people here and there, almost everyone dropped the ball in this movie. It was almost as if they were making something they wanted no part of and, as a result, never really gave themselves over to it.

Beginning: 6
The beginning was good enough to get my attention. However, definitely didn’t love it. Like the majority of the movie, it was missing something for me. Little did I know, I was in for even more disappointment…

Characters: 1

Cinematography/Visuals: 0

Conflict: 3

Entertainment Value: 4
After twenty-five minutes of watching, I knew the movie was pretty much headed nowhere. It’s hard to enjoy a movie when you spend the majority of it breaking down and destroying the main character until it’s no longer interesting. It was like watching someone pick at a dead ant. The more I watched, the more I lacked interest.

Memorability: 0
Never have a single solitary desire to see this movie again. The message sucks. The movie sucks. “Forgettable” doesn’t begin to describe it.

Pace: 6
The pace is solid in spots but the story is so painful it negates that things are moving quickly. I wanted this to end so many times and it wouldn’t. It frustrated me to no end.

Plot: 1
An interesting premise spoiled by terrible execution. The movie should have centered on empowerment, yet it lingered too long on the tearing down portion. Eventually that becomes a bane to your audience and hard to stomach.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 36
I did sympathize with the main character’s culture shock in Farming having to go from African culture to British culture. I can imagine it would almost be enough to drive someone crazy and it definitely did a number on him. I would have liked to see his story told in a better fashion with a stronger glimmer of hope. That’s what we watch movies for, right? To hope for something better than the same old mundane shit we deal with on a regular. Farming dropped the ball and I’m damn sad about it.
Heated Beat
Heated Beat
Garrett Leigh | 2016 | Essays
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful books/narration!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted the audio version of this book.

My Mate Jack (book 1)
Don't you just love a friends to lovers book? With lots of misunderstandings and mix-ups along the way? Nothing else, just these two friends, one with a crush on his straight best friend? Made even better by some awesome narration??

This book right here!

Will has been in love with Jack forever, but Jack likes girls and Will doesn't. When Jack asks Will about kissing, then about having sex with men, Will allows Jack to get close. Then Jack goes to Ibiza and Will goes to uni and things are said, done, implied and the fall out is massive.

I want to be a bit picky here, cos, you know, I can, its my review but the only thing that would have made this book any better was if Jack had much more of a say. Apart from the epilogue, Jack doesn't get a say and I wanted him to, I so DESPERATELY wanted him to. I needed to know what was going through HIS mind when he kisses Jack, when they do what they do before they go their ways, and I don't get it. Had he been given a bigger say, I would be raving about this book! Oh, don't get me wrong, I LOVED this as it was but Jack? He would have been the icing on a pretty special cake.

Dan Calley narrates. Mr Calley is fast becoming a favourite. His voice carries a very British accent, and his reading voice is deep and even. His voices are amazing, and he hits the accents to a tee. He gets across all of Will's feelings about Jack. His reactions to what they do, to what comes after and to what he does when Jack fianlly, FINALLY, tells Will what he really wants. Or rather Who.

It's not a very long read/listen (108 pages/3 hours) but it packs a powerful punch. I didn't quite manage to listen to it in one go, cos that darn dayjob got in the way, but I very nearly did.

Apart from not getting enough of Jack, I cannot fault the book nor the narration so...

5 full and shiny stars for the book AND the narration.

~~same worded review will appear elsewhere~

Lucky Man (book 2)
This is book 2 in the Heated Beat series, and while it's not NECESSARY to read/listen to book one, My Mate Jack, I think you SHOULD, cos , you know, I said so! Jack and Will pop up a lot, since Jack lives with Finn, but it's not needed to have their story before this one. But you know, THAT book was a 5 star listen too!

Danny has drooled over Finn on stage for some time. Meeting him, going home with him, gave him the best night of his life. But Finn has a secret and Danny has a stressful job. Can they make it work?

This is a much darker, dirtier, deadly listen than book one, but I loved it just as much, maybe a tad more.

There is powerful and instant chemistry between Finn and Danny, and it carries right through the book. Its hot and steamy, but equally, deeply emotional, for both Finn and Danny. Finn's health issues, and what that meant in his previous relationships, are his primary concern. Danny is dealing with a murderer who has been on a spree across the country.

Danny reaction to Finn's health issues were not what Finn was expecting, but still, Danny struggled with Finn a couple of times, especially when he had an episode (is that the correct term? ) but Danny rode it out, and did his best to understand. Some serious research into Finn's condition has been done for this book, I'm not saying what that is, because spoilers, but the level of research into treatments and how people suffering this condition cope shows here.

I LOVED that this book is set in Nottingham. As a Nottingham gal, I got all the places that were mentioned, and loved that the shortened, locally used names for places like The Queens Medical Centre (big hospital!) are used. Loved the references to local towns, and how far they are away from Nottingham and the correct distances/times are used. Proper made my day!

I did get the murderer all wrong. I had a fairly close to Finn character pegged as the bad guy, but that all went belly up on me, so well played!

Both Finn and Danny have a say here, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad they do! I think this one, especially, would have suffered had we not got them both, so thank you Garrett Leigh, for making my day twice in this book!

Dan Calley narrates again, and again, he knocks it out the park!

His voices for Will and Jack are spot on from book to book, but Danny and Finn's voices are perfect too. He gets over all of Danny's concern about the relationship, given that he isn't out at work. He gets over all of his concern about Finn when he has an episode, and how he deals with the aftermath. Calley gets over all of Finn's insecurities, and what's going on in his brain. I felt for Finn, listening to him have internal conversations with himself about Danny and his feelings for Danny, and where their relationship was going.

Mr Calley NAILS it, he really does.

5 full and shiny stars for the book AND narration

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Right Fit
The Right Fit
Daphne Dubois | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Sport & Leisure
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a nice easy read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I have a particular hatred of using the word NICE to describe a book. But sometimes, it's the only word my brain will use for a book and I can't spit any other word out.

So, this is a NICE book. A GOOD book.

Maxine sees Anthony when she's waiting for a blind date, who turns up but pretends he's not her date. They *literally* dump into each at a night club, when Maxine was dragged out by her sisters for some rebound sex. Anthony is a professional ice hockey player but Maxine doesn't have a clue who he is, so when she assumes he's a mechanic, he runs with it. When She finds out the truth, ALL the truth, can Maxine forgive him? Can she really allow herself to be happy??

This is, from what I can see, the first book by Dubois I've read; indeed, I *think* this is her first novel. And for the most part, I did enjoy it. And I'm stuck with that N word a the back of my throat!

I don't mean this in a negative way, not at all, it's just I can't find any other word that projects my feelings bout this book and you all know, I'm all about sharing my book feelings!

I liked the way the story flowed. We don't get all of Anthony's history in one go, you get hints and clues, and I put them altogether so wrong. You don't get all of Maxine's pain at her break up, the whole story comes in snippets along the way.

Some of the dialogue is amusing, with Anthony's English not quite up to speed yet, but I liked that he flipped between English and French, and his English is portrayed in a way I remember the French students from school speaking.

So, for the most part, I DID enjoy it, but I can't get past the *Nice Book* title.

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for the blog

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Merissa (11981 KP) rated Queen to King Three (Diviner's Game #3) in Books

Feb 12, 2021 (Updated Aug 3, 2023)  
Queen to King Three (Diviner's Game #3)
Queen to King Three (Diviner's Game #3)
Jennifer Cody | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
QUEEN TO KING THREE is the third and final book in this trilogy but NOT, I'm pleased to say, in this world. And what a fitting end it is. Everything that was unclear becomes clear. And all written with emotion!

We already know Robbie's story is heartbreaking, but I had no idea just how bad it really was and how much I hated a character that I didn't meet. Robbie is a strong character and deserves to be seen as such. As for Chanda, aww, bless him. He's a sweetie. He is trying so hard to protect and save lives, even knowing how hard it will make his life. These two certainly belong together, and I love how the small guy comes out on top. 😉

Now, this is the third book in the series, and I don't know of many people that would start with #3, but just in case, please don't! This one runs on the same parallel timeline as the first two, and you really NEED to read those first. This one does give you extra insights, after all, it's told partly from Chanda's perspective.

This book feels longer than the other two, but that may just be because of all the information you are given. It didn't feel too long though. I don't think any words were wasted. The Big Bad is revealed, and I honestly can't say how I feel about that! I didn't see it coming in one way, and yet I did in another. Kudos to Jennifer Cody for providing such a great story with all of its twists and turns.

This is one series that I didn't expect to enjoy as much as I did, with a new-to-me author. I'm glad I took the chance, and I honestly recommend you take it too. Absolutely brilliant.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 12, 2021
The Diary: Book One of Cursed
The Diary: Book One of Cursed
S.L. Weiss | 2019 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this is a first in an upcoming series. Reading it kind of gave me a Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets vibe - that's my favorite book in the series by the way. Anyway, two girls named Ana and Sophie come across a new shop that has opened. It sells crystals, some dresses, and spell books. Ana comes across this blank book, a diary, and decides to purchase it and record everything going on in her life - like most teenage girls want to do. I certainly did, and I still do to an extent.

It seems like everything Ana writes in this diary seems to come true - for instance, wanting her friend to finally stop whining about a boy she likes and asks him out. It's pointed out quite a few times how 'out of character' it was for Sophie to ask a boy out. She describes it as an out of body experience where she was watching herself just simply go up to the the boy and ask him on a date.

In a sense of 'be careful what you wish for' in this case it's, 'be careful what you write.' The diary, however, has a mind of its own and it slowly starts to take over Ana.

Does anybody else hear Smeegal's voice and wishing that Ana would once say, 'My Precious!'? No? Okay, I'm really that nerdy, but I don't care. I wear it like a badge of honor.

I won't lie it say it wasn't a tad but cheesy. Almost like watching some parts of it as a Disney show, at least the ones that include someone falling from a Ferris wheel or getting an allergic reaction. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, because it's not overpowering like the new Disney shows these days are, gag me.

The writing style was simplistic and it's one that I liked. It wasn't told from Ana's point of view, which is surprising because most of the YA novels I've read are told from the main character's point of view. It's not a terrible thing, but it's not always the best. In this book, you get more than just Ana's views which is important to a story like this.

The ending did, of course, leave a cliffhanger and a small excerpt for the next book in the series.

All in all, the book was a quick read for the most part. I like the three main characters of the story and I enjoyed how it was written. Can you imagine finding a diary and it making things you write in it come true? The good will come with bad.
Shaft (2019)
Shaft (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime
Bland, boring and uninteresting
Were you the one clamoring for a sequel to the year 2000 Samuel L. Jackson SHAFT (the sequel to the original 1971 Richard Roundtree SHAFT)? Did you remember there WAS a 2000 version of SHAFT? Do you remember the 1971 SHAFT?

Doesn't matter.

The makers of this film certainly don't remember those films for - besides casting Jackson and Roundtree - there is no similarity to either of these films.

The first SHAFT was a Blacksploitation film starring Roundtree with mucho gunfire and bloodshed and SHAFT 2000 (as I'll call it) is a full on action flick with Jackson as Roundtree's nephew fighting crime. SHAFT 2019 is none of these - the Samuel L. Jackson Shaft is now the SON of Richard Roundtree and partners with his son JJ ,John Shaft, Jr. (played by Jessie T. Usher) to investigate the death of his friend.

Okay...fine. I can forgive the change in tone and the "tweak" (I'm being generous) to the timeline. What I can't forgive is the weak script (why write any good, or interesting, dialogue when we can have all of the characters say Samuel L. Jackson's signature motherf*^#er over and over) by 3 different writers (never a good sign) that were all, clearly, just in it for the paycheck.

Jessie T. Usher (he played Will Smith's son in the also ill-advised sequel to INDEPENDENCE DAY) is a bland lead with no gravitas and no swagger that starts out young and naive and is supposed to develop (under the tutelage of his father) street smarts but, really, just becomes annoying.

Regina Hall (GIRLS TRIP), Titus Welliver (BOSCH), Method Man (!) and Luna Lauren Velez (DEXTER) are all sleepwalking through underwritten roles just counting the minutes until they can take their paychecks to the bank.

At the heart of all of this "missed opportunities" is Director Tim Story (RIDE ALONG) he directs this film like he has someplace else to be, never missing an opportunity to be obvious (for example, JJ's friend - Karim - who's death sparks what passes for a plot in this film - might as well be walking around with a "Dead Man Walking" sign on him). Story's direction is lazy (and that's doing injustice to the word lazy) and obvious with no spark of ingenuity or imagination to be found.

And then there's Samuel L. Jackson as SHAFT. He defines the term "sleepwalking through the picture" looking bored and uninterested throughout and HE'S THE BEST THING IN THE FILM! Thank goodness his charisma and charm ooze out of him without really trying - for he didn't really try here.

Save 2 hours of your life - skip SHAFT - you'll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: C

4 Stars (out of 10) and you can take this to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Sticky For You (The Rhubarb Effect #1)
Sticky For You (The Rhubarb Effect #1)
JP Sayle, Sue Brown | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tim is a live wire and he likes to sing!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Did you ever read a book, and think "What the ever loving heck did I just read??" (only, you know, more sweary words than some review sites will allow!) Well, this is such a book!

Max moves to Valentine Growville with his odd little pride and immediately feels at home. Meeting Tim, his mate, knocked him for six. I mean, Max is an Alpha lion and Tim is. . .well . .Tim is rhubarb. A rhubarb omega. Can they make this work?

It's so much fun, it really is and I laughed a lot, A LOT reading this book and I rarely react out loud when reading, (listening is a whole 'nother matter, though!)

Max is an Alpha of a pride of lions, bulls, llamas and other things that I forget already but they all have a love of rhubarb. Moving to Growville was a necessity, since they got hounded out their last pride. Tim is.. . . excitable! He really is a bit of a live-wire and he likes to sing. Especially once he realises he is Max' mate and Max can hear him in his head. Singing becomes the easiest way to woo Max and I have to admit, I found myself singing along with those songs that Tim sang, but changed some words for to make it fit better for him and Max.

It's steamy . . but in a kinda weird way. The way rhubarb mate is a little offputting, I will admit, but now I know what to expect, I'll be better prepared.

It is a lot of fun, it really is, right up to the point where things go wrong for Tim, but if he had just talked to Max, it could all have been avoided.

And also the point where the real monsters come to town. But that was not explained, and you have to piece the clues already thrown at you to figure out who they are. I'm fairly certain, but with Sayle at the helm, one can never be too sure!

I loved the references to fingerlings!

I love Sayle, you know I do, and I've read some Brown before, with 4 and 5 star reads from her on my shelves. How they came up with this idea, I have no clue, but it really was a fun read! The setting is set nicely for book two, and I see now whay the whole of Max' pride love rhubarb!

Will it win any literary awards? Nope, but I don't care cos I thoruoghly enjoyed it!

4 very funny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Hold It Close (MacAteer Brothers #3)
Hold It Close (MacAteer Brothers #3)
ML Nystrom | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm loving this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the MacAteer Brothers series, and while it's not NECESSARY to read books one, Run With It, and book 2, Ready For It, I personally think you should. It will give you a better feel for these guys, and how they work as a family, and how hard they fall! And, you know, I SAID SO!

Because this series gets better and better with each book, with each brother. Connor was a lot of fun; Owen was dark and brooding; but Garrett is. . broken.

On Christmas Day, Garrett walked out on his relationship, after finally realising that she was killing him; both emotionally and financially. He couldn't take the love/hate thing they had going on anymore. Shipping himself off to stay with Connorto heal, he never expected to fall hard and fast for lady who hires them to renovate her farmhouse into a B&B. Bertie had walked from her marriage when she realised that there wasn't anything there anymore. She needed a clean break, so she packs up and buys the dilapidated farmhouse, moving closer to her sister. And lets just say, there are SPARKS when Garrett meets Bertie! But neither wants a relationship. Can they really work together?

Garrett, I think, is the sweetest of the three brothers we met so far (and although Angus and Patrick turn up here, we don't really get much of them) and I just wanted to wrap him up and look after him, you know?? His ex, she was a nasty piece of work, she really was and she did a number on him that I felt deep in my bones. Going home to his brothers was the only place he needed to be. Connor and Owen were happy to see him, of course, but they were worried that it took time for Garrett to tell his story. I mean we get, in all its gory detail, but the brothers don't get the FULL story till Garrett tells it.

And Bertie?? While she walked for entirely different reasons to Garrett, she is still broken, and needs time to heal. The farmhouse helps, as does being close to her sister. The same sister who tried to fix Bertie up with Owen! (all is forgiven on that front, by the way!)

This one, I think, because of Bertie and Garrett's history, is the most emotionally draining book of the three. It's hard reading, Garrett mostly, and I would recommend you find the time to read the whole book in one go. I did, at stoopid o'clock in the morning, but it's such a brilliant read!

I also think ( in my 'umble opinion) that this is the smexiest of the three. I think because there is a very early connection, and the fact that they fight that connection, when they give in?? Fan yourself, cos it's hawt off the charts!

I did NOT get who was doing what they were doing, not at all. I did NOT see that one coming, so well played there! And Funky Tom from the pub?? That turned a corner I didn't see coming either!

Like I said, we meet the younger set of twins here, identical twins; Patrick and Angus. Given what has been said about these two before, and that they have seperate books, I'm intrigued how those books will play out!

I'm loving this series, but I think Garret and Bertie are my favourite couple so far!

5 full and shiny and so freaking hawt stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**