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6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book in Quinn's Rome series, but confusingly the action here takes place chronologically before the first one. The setting for this book is 69AD - the Year of the Four Emperors, so plenty of plotting and back stabbing all round.

Many of the characters in this novel did exist historically. Obviously the further back in time you go, the less information there is generally available about what actually went on, which I suppose is a good thing for the historical novelist! The novel centres around four female cousins; two sisters and their two first cousins to be precise. The sisters really did exist, although more is known about one than the other (this is clear when you have read the book and read the historical note at the end). The cousins are invented to drive the plot along; Lollia starts off almost like a WAG - seemingly a bit empty headed and marrying whoever is in favour that month, but she does develop into a more likeable, rounded character. While Diana is difficult to dislike she is a pretty flat character; she's beautiful and completely obsessed with horses and 'The Reds' chariot racing team - a bit like a football bore today I suppose! The sister-in law, Tullia, is another very one-dimensional character, probably best summed up as 'fishwife'.

Many events are based on historical fact, but there are some bits, like the cousins escaping from Rome, that seems a bit unrealistic.

Overall, I found this quite a quick (for a 400 page novel) and entertaining read, but I suspect that like Quinn's Mistress of Rome, I may well be pushed to remember any plot details in a few months time and I probably wouldn't read it again.
Elect (Eagle Elite, #2)
Elect (Eagle Elite, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

This one seemed more of a mystery than the first. Who was behind the killing? Who was Phoenix scared of? What did he know that made him so scared? Ooh, let the snooping begin.

So we’re back with our beloved characters from the first: Nixon, Trace, Chase, Mo, Tex…Phoenix, and we’re still hip deep in the family business. Only this time it’s worse, much worse. The original Sicilian family is on it’s way over to investigate the death of another leader and it isn’t looking good for anyone.

After Phoenix’s actions in the last one, I cant say I was very warm at his reappearance in this but the more I read the more I began to feel sorry for him. He wasn’t all bad; he’d just been forced to do bad things from an early age, stuff he didn’t want to do and it had begun to be ingrained in him. In the end, he did the right thing and that put him back up with the rest of ‘em for me.

Chase. *sigh* He’s such a great guy and deserves happiness. I loved him in Elite but in this…well, I fell even faster and harder, seeing how he struggles with his feelings while at the same time trying to do the right thing. Nawwwww, he’s lovely. :’)

I was intrigued throughout when more information came out about who the bad guy was and I was eagerly awaiting his demise for the last 20% or so of the book.

It’s hard to write too much without spoiling it. All I’ll say is that the ending has left me wanting more!!

If you read and enjoyed the first, you should totally check this out too.

Debbiereadsbook (1176 KP) rated Bendy in Books

Oct 29, 2023  
Erin M. Leaf | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
far too short!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

So! Jumping straight in, much like the book.

I liked this, a lot, but my overall feeling about this is : too flipping short!! 40 odd pages, 20 minutes, less than the time it takes to drink a cuppa tea, and the whole book takes place in one day.

Ben splits from his girlfriend and his best friend, Josh, gets him to explain why. This leads to a conversation about feelings and then they are having the smexy times!

And that, my dear peeps, is it. Apart from the trip to visit Ben's ex girlfriend and what happens there. Which was kinda hilarious, and very much something I saw coming!

Because it's such a short book, there is very little build up, or character background and I missed that.

I liked that once Ben and Josh realise their feelings for each other, they jump straight in. I liked that they both get a say, even if it flips between them mid chapter. There is a break, but still.

I would also have liked an epilogue, sometime later. Just to catch up with them and how things were going.

First I've read of this author, I'd like to read a longer book, with more to get my teeth into.

Still, I did like it, I did enjoy it, and it passed a short time while the other half watched his bikes going round!

So, I'm flipping between 3 and 4 stars, and because you can't do half stars on some sites, I'm gonna err on the lower side. I just wish it were longer, you know??

3 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Hidden Rooms
Hidden Rooms
Kate Michaelson | 2024 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 very VERY good stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian via BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the author's debut novel, and I reckon she nailed it!

Riley's sister-in-law to be, Beth, is murdered, and her brother Ethan, is the prime suspect. Riley knows he's innocent, and sets about to prove it.

What I particularly liked about this, was being kept on my toes! Until it all came out, I didn't know whether Ethan did it or not!

Beth is keeping secrets, and those secrets cost her, but again, it takes time for things to come out.

Everything does take a time to come out, and I suggest, if like me, you weren't liking the slow pace, KEEP AT IT! It does speed up and move at pace. I am glad I kept with it.

Riley tells a great tale, even with this illness that rocks her through much of the book. I enjoyed her, especially as she is the only voice in the book. I liked the way the illness was dealt with, or not for much of the time!

I think I might not have enjoyed this so much had someone else had a say, which is contrary to my usual "I wanted to hear from everyone" thing, I know, but I really did like Riley.

It's well written, and well delivered. There is just enough suspense, once it kicks off, to keep you fully engaged and invested with this group of people.

As an ARC reader of many years, my primary genre is romance. Once in a while something different will come through and my interest is piqued. I am certainly glad I took this one on, and will absolutely read more by this author as and when.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Only Mr Darcy Will Do
Only Mr Darcy Will Do
Kara Louise | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great retelling, despite the shortfalls
I’m such a sucker for these kinds of books featuring Pride and Prejudice. There are so many different types of retellings and most of them are good. This one has its moments and it was enjoyable to read.

So in this twist, our beloved Mr Bennet dies prematurely and Elizabeth becomes a governess. This was rather interesting, and it does suit Elizabeth rather well - although back then in the day it’s a drop in the society ladder and everyone she knows makes sure she knows it.

So she meets Rosalyn which I thought at first, was an ideal friend for our dear Lizzie. She’s a bit vapid and valley girl type of character. Especially when Mr Darcy is around (can’t blame her, we all love Mr Darcy) but it’s almost to the point where she’s annoying about it. It’s not until the latter half of the novel where Rosalyn does a complete 360 and she becomes a pretty awful person (including her mother).

The plot in this one tries to stay within the main one we’re all familiar with it just diverts the path a bit and comes back to full circle. Which is nice as it tries to stay true to the original story at the same time you just get a different “what if” scenario to enjoy reading. I’d have to say I enjoy reading Hamilton (another cousin of Darcy’s) playing along with Elizabeth. It was playful banter and he sounded like the type of rogue we all love to read and fall for (albeit, foolishly). It was a bit hard to get into at first but it’s worth going through to the end as once Rosalyn does her 360 turn, everything becomes much more interesting.

The only thing I did not enjoy reading is towards the end Darcy does something completely out of character and it just did not sit well with me. He’s not the type to be outspoken even when it comes to be madly in love. Don’t make him something he’s not. It nearly ruined the entire book as it was doing so well staying close to the true nature of the characters only to have him do something he wouldn’t EVER do (nor can you picture him doing so).

Also, the ending just dragged too much for me. We get it. We all know what’s going to happen. We all know what did happen. There’s no need for extra fodder in the last few chapters of the book. It could have just ended with the proposal or wedding and done. Perhaps the last few chapters could have been made into an entirely new idea for another book to be made. It was just so unnecessary.

Overall, it was a good read for those that love Pride and Prejudice “what if” scenarios and fans. I enjoyed it despite those changes in characters that nearly caused me to grind my teeth and yelling out certain expletives.

Becs (244 KP) rated Marrow Charm in Books

Dec 20, 2019  
Marrow Charm
Marrow Charm
Kristin Jacques | 2019 | Dystopia, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark and magical!!
Trigger Warnings: cannibalism, death, murder, gore, slavery, injury, abduction, absent parent(s), death of a parent(s), manipulation, violence

I was honestly surprised that I ended up loving this novel as much as I did. I had extremely high expectations for it and IT. DELIVERED. When I first picked it up, it took a good minute to actually get into the story. But once it clicked into place, I was devouring Marrow Charm with a thirst. It is heart-wrenching, action packed, enemies to lovers (kinda, a girl can dream), dark and oh so magical!

Marrow Charm follows a morally gray heroine, Azzy Brimvine in a world destroyed by magic. The magic plaguing the lands caused humans to retreat underground. But every so often, magical borne plagues will wipe out masses of human cities. These plagues create aberrations by striking those with magic. When Azzy’s brother is infected, she sets out with her mentor to the Above determined to save him. But, the world in the Above is not all gum drops and unicorns. It is plagued with monsters and humans, wild and cunning. Azzy must brave the perils that litter the Above to reach her brother before the Gate is opened.

Marrow Charm is a bit slow in the begin, but as you continue on it does pick up quite quickly. Once you hit that sweet spot though, your attention is gripped to the point where you don’t even want to put the book down because you are just enthralled in the complex world and characters. I would say the book starts picking up a few chapters in. This could also be a me only thing as I was slumping a bit when I started Marrow Charm, and we all know how slumps can ruin a book!

I was enthralled with not only the characters and their stories, but also the world. Kristin’s writing style is eloquent and breathtaking, and they included a couple of different themes throughout the story! Such as, family and friendship. It was really nice to see both of these take place when the main character had such a life of hardship. And don’t get me started on the complexity of the characters and world!

The characters are written in a way that draws the reader to them but they are also realistic in a way where their actions and thoughts are extremely relatable. This was really interesting to experience when reading, as I was not expecting to enjoy the characters as much as I did. The complexity of the world was also something that surprised me! There was no clear “good-side” or “bad-side” and the descriptions of everything was extremely well-done! You can tell that there is a higher, dark presence that is interwoven into the world but what it is, is unknown. Even at the ending of the novel. This was kind of a bummer, as I wanted to know what that presence was. But it also set it up nicely for book two: Skin Curse.

I can’t gush about Marrow Charm enough! It’s seriously one of my top books of the year and I can’t stop recommending it to everyone. If you are a fan of dark tales with fantasy and magical elements but also a hint of realism, then this is the book for you! But be warned, it does read ‘heavy.’ In the end though, the ‘heavy’ presence makes sense.

You can also find this review on my blog:
When You Are Near
When You Are Near
Tracie Peterson | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Writing Style
Those that know me, know I love to read Historical novels, so it will come as no surprise at all that I love this novel. It’s my first Peterson novel in a long time, and I was excited to see what she had in store for her readers with this one. Let me tell, I was taken on a whirl wind ride with this one and I loved every minute of it! Those that know me, also know that I love to be around horses and ride them (though it’s been a while since I’ve ridden one!), so I definitely enjoyed this book for that aspect alone.

I adored Lizzy’s character. She’s beautifully chiseled and I loved that she was a trick rider in this story! I haven’t read a book like this one, about women trick rider’s, so it made Lizzy’s story that much more fun for me. I felt a connection with Lizzy, having lost my mother a few years back, and I dealt with my own pain and struggles much like Lizzy did. Watching her blossom from that pain and struggle, seeing her connection with her horse, seeing how she realized that love is what she truly needs to get through it all, was a fantastic experience!

If you love novels that are beautifully written, filled with rich Historical detail, and filled with characters that come to life, then you need not look any further than Peterson’s new novel. She has tremendous talent and fills her books with hope, understanding and love, along with some powerful messages for her readers. This book is fast paced, and before I knew it, it was over, so I’m highly anxious to get book 2 in this series, as I am not yet done with these trick riders and their stunning horses! Grab this 4 star novel now and see what I’m talking about! You won’t be sorry.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Scrying for Summer (Philadelphia Coven Chronicles #2) by Katherine McIntyre
Scrying for Summer is the second book in the Philadelphia Coven Chronicles, and we meet back up with the little powerhouse known as Jev, and the turncoat with soul, Liam. Brenna and Conor are out of town, and Liam doesn't know where else to turn. His friend is in trouble, with the same organisation Liam is trying to escape from. He asks for Jev's help, not realising the danger he would be asking her to face.

Liam shows a different side to himself in this book, one that Jev finds hard to resist. He is no longer the simple, one dimensional, turncoat she thought he was. Instead, she finds out more about his reasons for what he did, and also asks herself the question about what would she do in the same situation? Once she realises that the answer isn't as easy as she thought, as well as some wise words from Sam the Djinn, her view changes of Liam. He is busy fighting his attraction for Jev. He is a Hunter, and their lives are dangerous. However, no one tells Jev what she can or can't do, and her help with the situation regarding his mom breaks down some of the walls that Liam holds onto so tightly.

Whilst you don't have to read book one to enjoy this one, I would still recommend you do. You will get a much better picture of who Jev and Liam are, plus why they both feel the way they do at the beginning. This was an excellent addition to the series, and Katherine McIntyre continues with her fantastic world and character building. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I was thoroughly engrossed with the story from start to finish. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic #2)
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic #2)
Maya Riley | 2019 | Dystopia, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
98 of 250
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic book2)
By Maya Riley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

What do you do when you find out you’re the thing you fear most?

Seven months ago, the Void Virus was set loose on Earth. The world is now in chaos. The origin of the virus has been unveiled, and mysteries of my past have come to light.

A lot has changed during that time. I started out alone, struggling to survive. Now I had four guys, my sister, and Puppy who all had my back no matter what.

Not only did I gain a strange healing ability, but now Lincoln could create fire. That isn’t the last of the weird things going on, though. On top of that, I discovered I was created in a lab, with the intention to bring about a great change. Those intentions weren’t necessarily good. Now that I’m back on their radar and I know more about what I might be capable of, I have become the thing I fear most, and am left with more questions than ever.

We receive word of some sort of sanctuary for survivors. A place that promises protection for those who seek it. It could be a trap, but it could also be true. We do our best to travel in search of this place, but rotters aren’t the only things standing in our way. Our journey is filled with twists, turns, and straight up chaos.

If there is a safe place for survivors, we won’t stop until we find it.

Together, we will find The Salvaged.

So this was a struggle at first which was annoying as I enjoyed the first book so much, I still like her style of writing and the fact it wasn’t relationship led. Something was missing and it wasn’t till the last few chapters it got exciting. I’m hoping she is just setting the next book up as I was close to give this a 2 star rating. It was one of those books that just plods along not bad but not brilliant either. I’m curious to find out more about the magical side and the powers Blyss is bringing out.