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Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Soma in Video Games

Jul 13, 2018  
2015 | Horror
Interesting concept and story (3 more)
Good length
Creepy atmosphere
Amazing world
Bad AI (2 more)
Awkward acting and diologue
Slow parts
Great game, a few flaws
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is a great game, I loved it but there were a few flaws that knocked the rating down sadly.

First off the concept, story and world were by far the best parts of the game. It lasted me around 10 hours and I wanted to keep coming back to it.

The idea to transfer consciousness to robot has fascinated me for a long time. It's not new, it's been talked about for a long time and this game shows it in a very interesting way.

Basically you have a brain scan. Your creating a digital copy of yourself and that is being transferred into the robot. So it doesn't matter if it's 1 year or 100 years later you will have the brain scan and then wake up in a robot because this version of you is from that moment the brain scan took place (stay with me haha) which means the original "you" could have gone on to live 50 more years for all we know.

It's intriguing but also a scary thought because it does beg the question, is this version actually you? It's a copy so surely it's not you conscious?

So obviously we meet our protagonist, Simon who is suffering a brain injury and goes for a brain scan. He doesnt know what the brain scan is intended for so he is immediately woken up in the far future and feeling very confused and this could have been a very interesting story about him descending into madness and insanity as he begins to realise what he has now become. However this falls flat and when he does find out the truth he is quickly accepting and calm about it all. It wasn't very believable and could have done so much more with it.

There is a 2nd character you meet, Catherine who turns out to be a machine who then gets transfer into your omnitool so you assume will be a constant companion and will talk to you constantly as you walk about. However this is not the case as she only talks when plugged into a console which was too few for my liking. Her acting and diologue also felt too emotionless and wooden which could have been intentional and gradually made her out to be obsessive and manipulative and this would have further showed that if they had her talking as you walked about. But again this was not the case, the game is predictable which was disappointing. The ending was predictable despite a few twists but I still liked it.

The AI was very confusing. I didn't understand what the rules were. Was it attracted to light, movement or sound? It was very unpredictable but thankfully the developer updated the game to add a safe mode which keeps everything the same, and still keeps the creepiness but removes the ability for enemies to harm you which did make the game more enjoyable. Plus trophies still unlock on that mode for those completionests.

Overall game was too good to not play thanks to story and the concept behind it. I loved learning about the world through recordings and terminal. I'd love to learn more in a sequel or prequel but with different characters and location. The atmosphere felt creepy and clostophobic at times. But gameplay was generic. Walk to here, open this door, use this terminal.

I do recommend anyone playing it but the lack of collectibles and multiple endings doesn't give good replayability.
Official Secrets (2019)
Official Secrets (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama, Thriller
Should this tense, dramatic thriller remain a Secret?
I was lucky enough to be invited to an advanced screening of this film, ahead of it's general release.

"Official Secrets (2019)" is a tense and clever thriller based on real events that occurred during the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003. Keira Knightley plays Katherine Gun, a British spy-turned-whistleblower who worked for GCHQ at the time. She leaked confidential information to the press, exposing illegal activities at the highest levels of government intended to falsely justify the invasion of Iraq. Backed by a high-calibre support cast, which includes Matt Smith and Ralph Fiennes, this film serves to show you the true story of what happened during this shadowy and questionable chapter in our history.

The film uses actual news footage from the time to great effect, making you feel as if you're watching a biographical documentary on the History Channel. Knightley is captivating as the Robin Hood-esque lead, delivering a truly believable and heartfelt performance throughout. It wasn't until the credits began to roll and they showed you footage of the real Katherine Gun from news reels at the time that you realise just how good Knightley's performance really was. From the way she dressed to the tone in which she spoke and the small mannerisms of her personality, it was a very, very good portrayal.

As with most films like this, I imagine certain events and aspects of the story were dramatised or exaggerated for the purposes of cinema, but at no point did it ever feel like it. Any changes to real events were subtle enough that you couldn't spot them without detailed knowledge of what really happened at the time - something, it turns out, very few people actually had.

Matt Smith is both charming and uncompromising as the stubborn reporter who champions Gun's crusade for the truth, giving her support and a platform to get her message out to the world. Similarly, Ralph Fiennes looks right at home as the lawyer who defends her in the public eye.

I admit that certain aspects and legalities within the plot felt, at times, a little far-fetched, but honestly, the film did such a good job of telling this story, I'm inclined to think that's still how things actually happened.

Spoilers aren't as much of an issue for films like this, as you already know the outcome. But this film isn't about the destination, it's about the journey. It shines a spotlight on the down-and-dirty world of global politics, as well as how difficult it can sometimes be to choose to do the right thing.

The film moves along at a slow yet perfect pace. It doesn't look or feel like a Hollywood movie, which I think is a very good thing. Instead, it feels like a BBC drama, similar to Line of Duty or Luther or Spooks, and that's exactly the kind of approach this film needed to work.

I went into this admittedly understanding very little of what went on back in 2003. I was much younger and wasn't interested in geopolitics, or even the news in general. But seeing this film piqued my interest, and after a few hours of Googling the events depicted in the film, I'm even more in awe of just how well made this was. Kudos to everyone involved.

My only criticism, if I had to give one, would be the number of times people had to say "Official Secrets Act"... I get that's what the film is about, but it seemed like every character had a quota for the number of times they had to mention it! But that's just nit-picking for nit-picking's sake. This truly is a cracking film. One of the gems of the year that's not to be missed!

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated The Hustle (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
The Hustle (2019)
The Hustle (2019)
2019 | Comedy
I love Anne Hathaway. I love Rebel Wilson. I love Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. I did not love this.

Penny is a small-time con artist who decides to head to Europe to change things up a bit. Josephine is at the top of the con artist charts and is living very comfortably in Europe making a mint off the wealthy gentlemen who cross her path. When Penny stumbles onto her train she realises that the crass American could bring too much attention so she sets about sabotaging her plans. Penny is more resourceful than she seems though and soon makes her way back into Josephine's life.

I did laugh at a couple of points, but it really wasn't the bright and bubbly comedy I'd been hoping for. There are some definite hangovers that they've kept in that stick out in a modern film. The opening titles and some of the music are very reminiscent of older comedic movies and honestly seemed like a bad choice. You're remaking something, go the whole hog or don't bother.

Hathaway & Wilson do work well together as a comedy duo. The training montage was quite possibly the best bit and I enjoyed the teacher/student dynamic that they had. Beyond this though the film seemed to lack genuine comedy and instead relied on pratfalls. I don't know if it's just that it doesn't feel right that these two were doing this humour or that this humour doesn't have the same standing in films as it used to, but it left me disappointed.

Anne Hathaway is a stunning trickster with the accent of a stereotypical aristocrat. Listening to that in the trailers annoyed me, the film was no better. Admittedly it does change throughout to accommodate the con but it rears it's ugly head enough times to make you remember it.

Rebel Wilson was... Rebel Wilson, I'm not sure she had any other setting, and I don't think that matters for this. It's the perfect part for her and she actually does get some moments of seriousness to deal with. I think this was the perfect bit of casting.

I wish I could remember Dirty Rotten Scoundrels to see how much they kept but it has been a very long time since I watched it. Even without that memory I can tell you it isn't a fitting tribute to it, or to the genre sadly.

What you should do

At some point it'll stream and if there's nothing else to do it might be worth watching. I'm not sure you need to go out of your way to find it.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'll take some of the poise and agility that Josephine has, please and thank you.
Battlefield Earth (2000)
Battlefield Earth (2000)
2000 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Ight Imma Head Out
When an alien species takes over Earth, the humans finally decide to rise up and fight back. Watching Battlefield Earth is like taking a shit that just doesn’t want to come out. It’s frustrating, it’s messy, and it only serves to screw up your day. In fact, this movie is so painful that I am forcing myself to watch it until I finish this review. Man, you should see how fast I’m typing right now.

Acting: 3
Less than two minutes in, the movie has one of those bloodcurdling “NO!” screams after main character Jonnie Goodboy Tyler (Barry Pepper) finds out someone close to him has died. That’s when I remember saying to myself: “What the hell did I just get myself into? I gotta sit through the rest of this?” You would think, “Well, it’s only uphill from here.” You, madam or sir, would be wrong. From John Travolta and Forest Whitaker’s painful performances as aliens to the rest of this horrid cast, I can’t really decide who did the worst job. I gave them a 3 because, well, I’m assuming they showed up on set everyday.

Beginning: 0

Cinematography/Visuals: 3
Fast forward to four minutes after the “scream”. You see a bunch of cavemen (ish) beating up a prop from a broken down minigolf fun center. You see this happening with weird cut shots and slow motion, all while focusing on the anger and intent of the cavemen who see it as a threat. It is quite possibly one of the dumbest scenes I have seen in film. It angers me even now just thinking about it.

Conflict: 6

Entertainment Value: 0

Memorability: 0
The only thing I need to remember is this movie is garbage and to run if someone ever mentions watching it. There is nothing about this movie I will ever treasure.

Pace: 2
Let me watch paint dry and see if I’m not more entertained. My wife captured a caterpillar in a jar recently because she thinks it may become a butterfly. I’m pretty sure it’s dying because it only moves an inch every few hours. That inch outpaces the speed at which this movie drags along. Give me the DMV. Give me the longest wait at any Disneyworld ride. Give me the lines for the 2008 voting stations. I will take any of these things over Battlefield Earth.

Plot: 0

Resolution: 1
Ended just like it began: As a failed movie with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Overall: 17
I usually don’t judge people on tastes. We’re all different and we all like different things. But if you enjoyed this movie in any shape or fashion and you profess to be my friend, please lose my number. The passion with which I hate this movie has no end.
Persona 5
Persona 5
2016 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Characters (4 more)
Game Mechanics
Loading Screens/Menus
The Game RPG Die hards have been waiting for
The first thing I can think of to say is WOW. Fans of this franchise have been waiting for a very long time for this entry in the Shin Megami Tensei universe. I, as a long time fan SMT, absolutely adore this game.

To really play this game and to get the full grasp of this game expect to put at least 150 hours into the initial game play. Persona 5 does have a new game plus which opens up other options and avenues for players to choose. Seriously though, my first play through was 153 hours. Plan to spend a lot of time in this universe.

That being sad, don't be scared! The game is visually stunning and the story line is unique and highly involved. You have character relationships, jobs, and side missions.

There is a heavy time management quality to this game. You make the choices to work, hang out, or go to the dungeon. The best way to state what Persona 5 is this: Time Management + Dating Simulator + Dungeon Crawler.

As the story progresses, so do the relationships you choose to grow. The main character will make a relationship with people the represent the major arcana tarot cards (so, 20+ relationships to juggle!) From there you get missions to save people from themselves. Some of these are accomplished in the major dungeons (7 overall), while the rest are in the peoples dungeon.

I love every aspect of this game. I had high hopes going into it and ATLUS did not disappoint.
High Cotton (Bucklin Family Reunion #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been quite sometime since I read a Debby Mayne novel, and I must tell you that I so glad to be brought back to her talented work. When I read the blurb of High Cotton, I knew it was one that I needed to pull me out of my book funk, and that's just what it did! To me, that says a a lot about the book and the person writing it.

Being southern born and bred, and loving anything that has to do with drinking sweet tea from a mason jar( I mean, really? How perfect is that cover!?), I really related to Shay. Her character was quirky, loving and I really enjoyed walking beside her in this story, watching how she handled things. Life isn't always easy in a family of people that you love but drive you absolutely, utterly wonky, but Shay.......she really gave me a lot to think about with my own life.

This book is worthy of so much more than just 4.5 stars. It deserves to be sitting on a shelf, to be read again and again. If you are looking for a book that is at times laugh-out-loud, dysfunctional and altogether, down right inspirational. Friends, family and old memories come together to create a novel that is both emotionally moving, and utterly heartwarming. Praise goes to Debby Mayne for her trademark writing style and bringing me back to the love her books! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
Wanted it to be Better
In the midst of a zombie outbreak, a special military agency is studying a select group of kids who can manage to control when they "turn". When their base falls to zombies, a small group escapes, including a little girl zombie by the name of Melanie (Sennia Nanua). The group must rely on each other to survive the threats waiting for them at every turn.

The Girl With All the Gifts grabs you with intrigue right from the start as you ask yourself why the kids are guarded so heavily. You quickly come to find out the reason. The film is action-packed, loaded with excellent thrilling scenes that keep you engaged. The scenes can be extremely tense in moments like one scene where the group has to walk quietly through a herd of zombies without being detected. It's definitely an original spin on a zombie film as it centers around the little girl Melanie who's innocent, but also a monster of sorts.

So with all these positive things to say, why didn't I ultimately like the film? The ending absolutely killed it for me. Not only did I not see the value in the resolution, I thought it didn't really match Melanie's character. Based on everything we knew about her up to that point, why make that move? Wasn't on board, not by a long shot.

I thought The Girl With All the Gifts had great potential and achieved it in some spots, but feel just short of being what it should have been. I give it a 65.
A story filled with intrigue, smugglers, ventriloquist, spies, romance, heartbreak, and a traitor. Travel back in time to 1808 in The Innkeepers Daughter.

This story has so many moving parts that you just want to keep reading to figure out WHAT IS GOING ON??? Also, there were several times our hero needed a good purse whomping. I absolutely LOVED this story. The romantic tension between Alex and Johanna...*whew*...And the climax of that tension in their kiss(es)...Make sure you keep a fainting couch nearby...and possible smelling salts.

The common thread throughout this story is all about giving over the control of our lives to God. It is easy to SAY that we trust God to see us through things...And yet we can still be found trying to fix all the little things that go wrong on our own...Trying to make it all our own power. Instead of trusting for a door to open from God...we pry open the cellar door into destruction and chaos and say, "LOOK! I found a way!!! It isn't a GOOD way...but I did it ALL ON MY OWN!" Michelle Griep addresses the need to trust in our Lord so well. And it really rings true.

If you love a good romance that is clean and passionate, sprinkled with mystery and intrigue, this is definitely a book that you will enjoy!

I received a complimentary copy of The Innkeeper's Daughter from the publishers through Celebrate Lit. I was not required to write an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.