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Rule of Thirds
Rule of Thirds
Aidan Wayne | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
some darker moments, but brilliant!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.
 I have to admit, when I read the blurb for this book, I had no idea what AI meant, it did not click. Once it's made clear, very early on?? Well, now it made total sense!
 Jason is suffering from PTSD and Chase and Shade are his AI companions to help with that. But not only Jason suffers, Shade does too and its left to Chase to keep everyone together.
 Very quickly, you lose the fact that Chase and Shade are, for want of a better word, robots. They feel as much as humans do, they want all the same things. The fact that we lose that, is a testament to the skill of the author, it really is.
 Just as Jason suffers from his torture, Shade suffers from the modifications made to him against his wishes. Shade may NEVER fully recover, but being around Jason, broken though he is, begins to bring Shade out of his trauma, just as Shade and Chase bring Jason out of his.
 I have a soft spot for 3 way relationship, especially if they are hot and heavy. This book is NOT hot and heavy. This book is not about that. this book is EMOTIONALLY heavy, for all three men. You feel for both Shade and Jason every time something sets them off, something triggers for them. And you feel for Chase, trying to keep them all together. And you feel it, right here in your heart when Jason finally begins to let Chase and Shade in.
 There has been a huge amount of research into PTSD for this book. You can't get the depth of felling and emotion across without a massive amount of work. Very VERY well done, Aidan Wayne!
 I haven't read anything by Wayne before, but the author is on my hit list now!
 5 stars
 **same worded review will appear elsewhere**
    Splash and Bubbles

    Splash and Bubbles

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Sealed with a Curse
Sealed with a Curse
Morgan Sheppard | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
beautifully written retell
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I love the books that are steamier and smexier and sometimes more violent. This book is neither, and I loved that fact that it wasn't!

I can't write a blurby bit, so not gonna bother, but I might rave a bit!

Selene is an old soul, I think, that she can, even when faced with the escalation of the bullying from the princes, NOT want them punished in the way they are. She wanted them to LEARN from it, yes, but not to the extent it was.

I loved that the Gods these people prayed to heard them, and stepped in. Loved that they had a voice too, even it was briefly! The bickering between the Sisters was wonderful to read.

Like it said, it's not steamy, there is the bullying in the beginning though, of Selene by the eldest brothers. It does get physical. Be mindful of that if you have triggers.

There is, though, MUCH love here. Selene loves her swans (as did I!) and the people around the castle. And in time, she does come to love Conway. Who, I thought, was a bit hedgey about why he came to the castle, and i thought there was more to him that there was, but it turns out I was reading between none-existent lines there!

It's full of description, in depth descriptions of people, places, flowers, even ribbons! I loved reading those. I could picture them, you know?

I loved all the supporting characters around the castle. I want to know what's got up a certain someone's behind, though, that was never made clear!

What I loved most though, was the interpretation of this tale. I never heard of this tale before, and at the end of this book, there is a bit about various versions and how they differ. I read that, and I loved that little bit of extra info.

There is also a bit that says we might hear from the brothers again, and I really want that! It would be nice to get into their heads, especially the eldest two, NOW rather than before. To see where they are at, and what they thought of their former selves.

All in all, a wonderful read, that kept me up way past my bedtime. I loved it, I really did. Bar Disjointed Lives, this is my favourite read by this author.

5 full and shiny, moon-touched stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Machine, Metal, Magic (Mind % Machine #1)
Machine, Metal, Magic (Mind % Machine #1)
Hanna Dare | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really REALLY good
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jaime runs, after the facility he and his kind were housed in, was attacked and everyone else killed. He can talk to the computers that run everything. He thinks this is not a gift, but a curse. He finds himself taken prisoner by a starship crew, carrying a cargo that needs delivering. Rylan is his jailer. But Rylan is keeping secrets from his crew, just as much as they keep secrets from him.

Sci-fi is growing on me, it really is!

Sometimes, sci-fi can be a little overwhelming, with all the technology and what-not, but not so here. I loved how it was explained how Jaime talks to the computers, to the ship, and to Rylan's artificial arm. Love how they play with that one ?

Loved how we don't get what Rylan is up to,not all in one go, and loved how I did not see what was in the cargo coming at me, never in a million years! I had an idea, but that was way off base!

I wrote four stars at the top of the page, but honestly?? Can't find a single thing to fault it!

 First in the series Mind + Machine, and I hope I get to read more. Also first I've read of Ms dare, so hope that it's not the last. I loved how she spins her tale, how you don't get it all in one go, just in dribs and drabs, a little at a time. Meant I can keep up!

so, because I can't fault it....

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
2019 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
Bit of disappointment
I guess it's true what they say that when you get to the top the only way is down, and sadly it appears as though this is also true for Game of Thrones. Whilst Thrones hasn't fallen quite to the bottom, this final series proves to be a bit of a disappointment.

The first two episodes start off well, slow but full of detail and some great character based scenes that are exactly what you'd expect from GoT. The problem is that the remainder of the episodes feel very very rushed, which considering this series has been 2 years in the making, is a bit of a concern. There are some plot 'oddities' - not really holes but just moments of why the 'F' did they do that? Admittedly there are some brilliant moments too but I think sadly these are sometimes outweighed by the oddities. This series is meant to wrap everything up and provide some much needed satisfaction to the viewers. But the issue is that it doesn't seem like the writers have been paying too much attention to what the viewers wanted. There are some characters and storylines that are wrapped up well, others that are rather underwhelming either way and some that had me screaming at the screen in anger and frustration.

It seems that despite the mostly feature length episodes, these still weren't long enough and from episode 3 onwards the whole thing just feels totally rushed and lacking in the detail I've grown to expect. The final episode does at least provide some satisfaction, but for me it wasn't good enough to right some of the earlier issues.

While this isn't a bad series, it isn't great either and I came away feeling severely underwhelmed.
Amish Christmas Memories
Amish Christmas Memories
Vannetta Chapman | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Religion
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A young man seems to be watching a young woman walking down his street or lane. When she is wabbling or weaving across the road and then falls. He springs into action. What happens to her. She has no coat on or hat?

How did she get to where she is? Caleb is worried about her once she falls into the snow. When she wakes up does not know how she got where is? All she remembers is Caleb holding her to him. He does take her to his parent home. They welcome her and try and help her. Who is she? The only thing that she has that tell anything about her is that of a book. Her name is in the book. Well her first name.

Things are hard for her and she want to remember? It will take some time, in the meantime, she gets to know Caleb and his family. As they get to know her. Will Caleb learn change is good as well as bad? Rachel seems to want to get Caleb to understand her. Will they find love together? It seems that Rachel really wants her memories back. Will she get them for Christmas?

Vannetta Chapman does a sweet and wonderfully good job of pulling you along for the journey. She takes your heart for a ride. Will they receive what they need and will god provide where they are to belong. Vannetta seems to be able to bring new illnesses through the eyes of Amish. This book about love but also learning to deal with amnesia. We can sometimes forget that our brains and Amish family deal with the same kind of injuries as everyone else. Will Caleb and Rachel both get what they need?
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
The newest installment of The Hunger Games series brings us to District 13 after Katniss Everdeen has been rescued from the Games and whisked off to supposed safety.

The movie is huge and sweeping and grabs the viewer from the very start.

Unlike the first two films, it could conceivably stand alone, and the viewer would ‘get it’ without having read the books.

I read all 3 books back to back in 15 hours, back before the first movie was released. The Mockingjay – Part 1 makes me want to go re-read the books all over again.

All the main characters are back; Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen, Liam Hemsworth as Gail Hawthorne, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark, Woody Harrelson as Haymitch, Elizabeth Banks as Effie, Philip Seymour Hoffman as Plutarch,
and Donald Sutherland as President Snow. Mockingjay introduces Julianne Moore as President Coin.

A lot of the movie is based on Katniss watching screens to see what is going on in the capital, but there are enough outside action scenes throughout the film to ensure you don’t just feel like you’re watching a film of someone watching tv.

I didn’t, and don’t think anyone in the theatre had any teary eyed moments like I did in the first two films. This movie was less emotionally heart wrenching, and had much more of a ‘rally the troops’ feel, but that’s what the goal was. I certainly was rooting for Katniss in the action scenes and at several points in the film I jumped in my seat.

I didn’t really ‘like’ the ending scene, but understand why it was ended there. Mockingjay part 1 completely builds suspense for what will be Mockingjay 2, and again, drives me to want to re-read the books.

I would give this movie 4.75 out of 5 stars.
Black (The Silver #2)
Black (The Silver #2)
Cheree Alsop | 2011 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Black is the second book in the Silver series and this time the focus is on Jet. He was stolen from his family at a very young age and given to the Woman, who only wanted him for deathmatches. There was no love, care, or attention in Jet's life from that moment. All that changes when Jaze rescues him and takes him in. It doesn't all suddenly become sunshine and roses though and THAT is what made this book so good!

Jet has issues, he really does, and let's face it, you would do too if you'd gone through what he did. He proves he is intelligent by teaching himself English, Spanish, and lip-reading. He shows compassion by not killing someone until he realises that it just doesn't work that way and understands the pact made by the other wolves. My heart broke for him in so many ways and yet I was proud of him too. He didn't stop trying and would do anything to protect those he called his own.

This was incredibly written and I read it in one sitting. I was literally unable to stop reading until I knew all was good in Jet's world. The world-building just gets better as it becomes clearer with each book. The characters grow and change, becoming 'more'. I loved hearing about Jaze and Nikki and I hope we continue hearing about past couples as the series progresses.

A darker fantastic young adult paranormal that I absolutely recommend! The only thing I don't know is what happened to Shadow's Curse. I'm presuming he's dead but I really wish he wasn't!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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