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Run With It (MacAteer Brothers, #1)
Run With It (MacAteer Brothers, #1)
ML Nystrom | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better read for me from this author!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This NEW series from Nystrom is a spin off from the Dragon Runners series. You don't need to have read THOSE books for this one to make sense, indeed, I've only read book one and half of book 2. I didn't much care for those books, and I have no idea why.
This one, however, is a whole nother story!
I really REALLY enjoyed this! I was surprised I enjoyed it so much, since I didn't care for the Dragon Runners, and I cannot tell you why, either!
Bev has her say in the first person, and Connor in the third. Different, but quirky and I liked it! Wasn't sure Connor would get a voice, but he does.
The chemistry builds for these two, right from the start, but its way WAY late in the book that they finally get any time together, what with Connor's work, and Bev's kids and dealing with a shitty ex and his new partner. I liked that it took time for them to come together. They do bandy about the L word early, to themselves at least and I didn't like that very much but it didn't spoil my reading.
Connor's builder family are in one of the Dragon Runners books, as they rebuild the Clubhouse/Bar (I forget which, and I didn't read Connor's sister's book, Stud, book 2) There is quite a lot of hints to the tension between Connor and some of his siblings, but the ones who turn up here are close to Connor. Bev's family are almost non-existent!
I had to laugh at Bev's friend, signing her up for a dating app, cos been there, done that and got the bloody t-shirt! I felt for Bev, on those dates, I really did!
I really cannot tell you why the Dragon Runners didn't work for me, and this one did, but I really don't care. I hope I can read the future books about these brothers, I have a feeling they will be fun to read about.
4 very VERY good stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
1967 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"I associate this album with a specific moment in my life. We never had a TV until I was about 16, so we would only hear about stuff like The Simpsons and Neighbours from friends. They seemed exotic and distant. But this one time I did see an episode of Neighbours in which one of the main characters got hit by a car, and it really fucked me up! I'd never seen anything like it before. And so, as I was driving home, my mum had Sgt. Pepper's on in the car and I was listening to 'A Day In The Life', and I was looking at a certain spot in the road, and I heard the line, which goes ""he blew his mind out in a car"", and it all suddenly came together. I imagined a car crash and I imagined this spot on the road and I imagined what I'd just seen with this song. And I think that is the first time that I genuinely understood the concept of death. I was probably only about five. That's the thing about The Beatles, you can get it into you from zero up. I never forgot that feeling of being petrified and understanding death for the first time. And the music did that to me. It wasn't Neighbours or the road, it was the fact that somehow that song had transported me and helped me to understand a real emotion. He [Lennon] had been dead about five years at that point. Children love The Beatles, and they love Queen, because there is something about those bands that is so colourful and fun and they create such a world. And the Sgt. Pepper's world is so easy to visualise, you can literally hear the crowd and the characters and the colours, the carnival air. It's all just magical. I've always enjoyed the fact that my band doesn't sound the same from song to song, and I think we get that from The Beatles. The Beatles were every type of band for ten years, and then they were nothing, which is probably why they are the most famous band in the world."

Negro Prison Blues and Songs by Alan Lomax
Negro Prison Blues and Songs by Alan Lomax
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first heard Alan Lomax's work while I was at university. I did music with visual art and film, but luckily at that time, it was just before this tutor left that had run it for 25 years, and he was quite old school but great because it was still fairly shambolic as a course and there was some good soulful stuff. Alan Lomax did lots and lots of field recordings around America and archived folk, blues and negro music and porchstep music. This particular album is when he went to Mississippi and Louisiana state penitentiaries and documented the prisoners as they were working in cotton fields. They've got music in their blood and that's what came through, I think. It's just absolute badass, amazing rhythms and there's a sort of sex to the music - they're singing about [sings] "be my woman and I'll be your man!", because they're obviously randy as hell and stuck in a fucking prison and working under really difficult conditions in the heat. There are different tracks where you can hear a load of axes and chains, and they would sing along to the axes hitting the stone, choirs of beautiful voices of men. 'Old Alabama's a really good one and 'Rosie' and what's so interesting is that I would listen to that and instantly there'd be a spider diagram going out. PJ Harvey on To Bring You My Love's 'Goodnight', she just stands there with a stick and hits it and there's a guy doing slide guitar. Moby, embarrassingly, sampled loads of it for free. Nick Cave and loads of artists I've loved, you just see bits of it in their music, it's that deep, dark, gothic soul, blues music. This is the raw, concentrated, original bit. There's a kind of spiritual rawness to it, they're spiritual songs about missing love and family. "I'll spend the rest of my days in these four stone walls." The fact that this mad white guy from somewhere decided to go and capture all of these voices - I know there are a lot of rights issues surrounding Alan Lomax, but I think just in terms of being an archivist, I think a lot of that stuff would've been completely lost, so it's great."

Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1)
Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
so much with the warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have to say, I think that Ms McIntyre's MM books are coming on in leaps and bounds! They've all been good but they get better and better!

I try really hard NOT to read other people's reviews before I read a book: I got burned once and will never do it again. I will, however, read them before I write mine. Mostly to see if what they thought and if I thought the same. The general consensus for this book is this:

It's a really sweet book, with most wanting to punch Linc in the face a time or two. And I have to say, I feel exactly the same!

Linc is self-sabotaging his life. He loved his wife, he really did, but dealing with a 6-year-old, his job and his grief is pulling him under. He's a bad bet in anyone's book, he thinks. Nate, on the other hand, thinks he's no good cos he won't settle. But he WANTS to settle, just not for the sake of it, you know? They really are polar opposites, but so well suited!

Linc grew on me, though, and I really did wanna wrap him up in cotton wool a time or two! He needed a hug!

The book deals with grief, Linc lost his wife in child birth. It is handled sensitively, making the point that there is no time line for your grief, it's up to you when you want to move on. Living in a small town is difficult at the best of times, but in this matter? making Linc want to run away. And it's that fact the most that he should have conveyed to Nate, once they decided they were a thing. That he wanted to run, but NOT from Nate.

It's an emotional read, a steamy read and a well-handled difficult read. It's full of the warm and fuzzies and is too stinking cute and I loved it!

Linc's friends, Nico and Jer, need a story, please, Ms McIntyre! I'll grovel if need be!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
amazing cast of characters (0 more)
Unsettling. Troubling. Heart-breaking.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Thirteen Reasons Why is a heart-wrenching story of young tragedy and all of the ways a girl's death could have been prevented.

When I first read this book, I was 18 years old, and feeling exactly like how Hannah was feeling: depressed and alone. I could hardly get out of bed and drag myself to school, often times wishing I was dead. Despite constantly being around people, I didn't feel loved. I didn't feel like people really wanted me around. So, when I first read this book, I absolutely loved it because I felt exactly how she felt.

After being discontented with the series Netflix released in 2017, I decided to revisit this book, with the criticisms the Internet had given the show and book in mind. Those criticisms didn't make me hate the book or the concept, it just simply opened my mind to how harmful it may be, and it also helped me focus on the true intent of the book: to show people how their actions affect others.

I will agree that this book glamorizes suicide. It does. If you look at the surface of the premise, it basically reads as: "Girl kills herself and makes the tapes to get revenge on those who've hurt her and contributed to her pain. So, if you want to get back at your bullies, kill yourself and blame it on them." There's a lot of finger pointing happening in the book, even beyond the surface, but like I said, the intent of the book is to show people how their actions affect others, and it does. While it's not as explicit, since it was limited to Clay's point of view, there are little hints that show how the other characters, the other people on the tape, are affected. A character (Alex, I think?) was being pushed against a locker, Tyler's window was a target for people throwing rocks, Marcus going out and watching others target Tyler.

Clay Jensen is an incredibly realistic character, and Jay Asher's done a great job of writing his and Hannah's voice. Clay's the perfect in-between character because that's where he stands in school. Unpopular, but still known, he's welcomed at parties, yet he doesn't always go to them. A "nerdy" type but not entirely stuck with that label. What I love most about this book was Clay's part on the tapes, and how even Hannah claims he doesn't deserve this, that he doesn't belong on the list. But he's on it because she needs to tell the story fully.

When it comes to the potential of a Clay/Hannah romance, the most realistic quote is: "What if you weren't the person I hoped you were?" That particular quote resonated with me because I'm sure we've all felt the same at one point or another. We've all had these crushes for someone we don't know, and so we absorb the little information (most likely rumors) that float around about them, and hope that they're the person we come to think they are. I'm guilty of doing this, which made the Clay and Hannah relationship more painful. Because she wasn't like that, and he never got the chance.

There was something about the ending that got me. How Clay picked up on all of Skye's signs, and so after the tapes, he calls her name and he (from what we can presume) acts kindly toward her. He wants to be there for her so the same thing that happened to Hannah wouldn't happen to her. He feels hopeful that maybe he can help Skye, which is nice.

Overall, I did enjoy my revisit of this book. Jay Asher has created some of the most interesting characters, from Clay and Hannah, to Skye, Jessica, Justin, Sherry, Marcus, and Courtney. A lot of their actions are realistic, which is what is haunting about the book. I hate reading those criticisms talking about what they (the critics) would've done, because you don't know! You're not sure! While I do wish Hannah hadn't actually committed suicide, that there had been a plot twist, this book certainly resonated with me because I know exactly how Hannah felt. I may not have been bullied to such an extent, but the exhaustion, the desperate need to let go, I felt that.

P.s. Please don't say that this book or the Netflix series helped you to realize that you need to be nice to people. If you needed a book or a series to realize that, I hope you get the help you need.
The Astonishing Color of After
The Astonishing Color of After
Emily X.R. Pan | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
FEELS!!!!!!!! ALL THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!! The Astonishing Color of After brought to light feelings for me that I didn’t know I was feeling. I cried tears I didn’t know I needed to cry. This book resonated with me in ways I’ve never experience before while reading. This book rebroke my heart but it also healed it in ways I couldn’t heal myself.
Let me start at the beginning… Leigh’s mother commits suicide. Her mom’s name is Dorothy and goes by Dory for short. While my mom didn’t commit suicide, she did die unexpectedly in August of 2016. I know, I know you’re thinking what does this have to do with the book but just put your patient pants on. My mom’s name was Doria, and she went by Dory. While Leigh was lucky enough to be the one that didn’t find her mom, I wasn’t lucky enough to have the same luxury. I could relate to how Leigh was feeling on so many levels. So much so, it felt like the author had interviewed me and then written the book based on that interview. Leigh feels like she is to blame partly for her mother’s death. She feels like if she would have only done x better, if only she’d been in y place at z time she would have been able to save her mom. I know because I had these same thoughts and still do until this day. After reading this book and realizing there just wasn’t anything I could have done to change the outcome of what was destined to happen. But just because my mom isn’t physically here anymore doesn’t mean she’s gone forever. I still see her in myself every time I look in the mirror. She is always with me.
The magical realism aspect of this book brought the journey and the imagery to life for me. I could picture this big beautiful red bird soaring around Leigh. The more I read of this book the more I found myself looking to the sky to see what is out there for me, and then I realized that looking to the sky is something that I’ve done since the day my mom died. I find myself looking around at the clouds and the sky seeing if there is a trace of her looking down on me. Now my favorite time to look to the sky is at night and I imagine her as one of the stars looming overhead keeping an eye on me.
The characters in this book are so real. Leigh, her grandparents, her dad, and Axel. Though, I must admit I feel as though the story could have been just as good without Axel. Sometimes he just seemed to crowd the story and take away from what was happening. I think my most favorite character was Feng, and all the she represents. I absolutely loved this aspect of the book. I also loved Ghost Month as this was something I had never heard of before and it and it reminds me of one of my other favorite holidays El Dia de los Muertos. I loved learning about the Taiwanese culture.
The way the author wove this story together through her words brought the magic and the storytelling to life. Her writing style worked extremely well for the subject of this story and I can’t wait to see what she is going to write in the future. The only aspect of this story that just didn’t mesh for me was all the colors sprinkled throughout the story. Honestly though, that is such a minute detail that it’s barely worth mentioning.
As you can see this story hit me very close to home, and I am so incredibly grateful to the author for writing it. It rebroke my heart and then helped to heal that same broken heart.
Now, on to the important bits… Suicide… If you are ever in a position where you feel that you just absolutely can’t go on do me one solid. Pause. Pick up your phone, and text HELP to 741741. This is the number for the Crisis Text Line. You will be connected to one of their trained Crisis Counselors. I am a trained Crisis Counselor on the CTL and I can guarantee you that you are not alone in how you’re feeling. Ask for help, we’re here to listen, we’re trained to help you. You are not alone. Just remember 741741 and HELP. That’s all it takes and someone will be there for you.
The Toll (Arc of a Scythe, #3)
The Toll (Arc of a Scythe, #3)
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Scythe</a>; - ★★★★★
#2 <a href="">Thunderhead</a>; - ★★★★★
#3 <a href="">The Toll</a> - ★★★★★

<img src=""/>;

And here is my review of The Toll. We have reached the end of the series, guys.

It’s been three years since Rowan and Citra disappeared; since Scythe Goddard came into power; since the Thunderhead closed itself off to everyone but Grayson Tolliver.

In this pulse-pounding conclusion to New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman’s Arc of a Scythe trilogy, constitutions are tested and old friends are brought back from the dead.

I don’t know how to even start this review, because I have so many emotions still! I am so in love with this series. With this finale. I am also so sad that the journey ends here and I have to part ways, re-visiting these books but never reading new ones. 

A wonderful world, where death is no more, and two scythe apprentices, with the willpower to be great - they stuck to me, and they grew on me, and they did capture my heart. 

<b><i>Rowan - a hero never understood.</i></b>

Fighting for the good in a bad way. Himself against the world, not afraid to give his life for the people he cares about. I salute you, Scythe Lucifer!

<b><i>Citra - a woman born to be a leader.</i></b>

A powerful force that moves the Earth she walks upon. A compassion and kindness mixed with the force of unfairness. Ready to stand up when no one else does and not afraid to do things differently. I salute you, Scythe Anastasia. 

And to all the rest of the characters, and believe me, there are so many that are just as important, I also bow to you. For fighting for what you believe in, for being better humans than most and for helping a person in need. You will never be forgotten. 

<b><i>Neal Shusterman, the hero of this book.</i></b>

The creator of wonderful worlds. I bow to you and I thank you for giving me a world worth remembering. For creating the Thunderhead to lead us into the future, and for giving us a glimpse of possibilities and opportunities of the “what might be”. I have endless love for your writing and will continue to be excited and read every new book you write. 

I have noticed, when I really love a book and want to shout about it to everyone I know, it is quite hard to do so without spilling any spoilers. How do you write a review of mentioning all the things you loved, without ruining the story for someone else?

<b><i>Let’s try it this way:</i></b>

Guys, have a look at my review of Scythe, the first book in the series. Then read the book. Then read my review of Thunderhead. Read that book as well. And then come here, read this blurb, finish the series and find me either here, or on Instagram and Twitter, so I can tell you all the spoilers! :)

No, honestly, if you love science-fiction with a twist of fantasy and dystopia, this will be a book you will cherish forever. 

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    -------------- What this app will do for me ? -------------- It will scan barcodes (read "other...

The Banker&#039;s Wife
The Banker's Wife
Cristina Alger | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, exciting, tense novel
Annabel Lerner feels isolated in Geneva: she's not like the other bankers' wives, and she rarely sees her husband Matthew anymore. They moved to Geneva for a fresh start--and yes, to take advantage of the salary Matthew's private banking job at Swiss United offered. But Annabel never realized how stressed Matthew would be or how often he'd travel. And then, suddenly, he's gone: his private plane simply falling off the radar over the French Alps. Before she can even understand what's happening, Annabel is left to deal with the aftermath, including a trail of secrets and the powerful men at Swiss United who don't want them exposed. Meanwhile, Marina Tourneau is a reporter for The Press. Her mentor, Duncan Carr, has been chasing a story involving Morty Reiss, whose hedge fund was one of the largest Ponzi scams of all time. Supposedly, before he could get caught, Morty committed suicide. But Duncan and Marina believe Marty faked his death and Duncan has become obsessed with proving it--to the detriment of his health, his reputation, and his career. But Marina is also engaged to Grant Ellis, whose wealthy father, James, is about to run for President. The plan is for Marina to stop writing and stand by her man. But when she suddenly realizes she's on the trail of the story of her career, what will she do?

Well, this turned out to be a gem of a novel. When I first started reading it, I was a little worried that I wouldn't see what the fuss was all about, but things quickly picked up, and I was hooked. One of the best things about this novel is that it's an old-style thriller--it reminded me of old-school Grisham or Stieg Larsson. It even throws shade at the glutton of Girl books and their (annoying) unreliable narrators, which I love. This is a mystery for folks who love real stories without any fuss or distraction and with strong characters--all of which combine to leave you befuddled and anxious as everything slowly unfurls.

Alger takes us into the complicated and dark world of Swiss banking, where we are introduced to a lot of real bad guys who have no morals. You can't trust them, you know they are bad, and you know your heroes and heroines are in true danger. Rarely do I think this while reading a book (because, face it, the book is always better), but I really think this book would *actually* make a great movie. It's exciting and tense, and the way things are slowly revealed would make for a very effective film.

But, anyway, it's a wonderful novel. You quickly get sucked into Annabel and Marina's worlds--the majority of the story is told from their points of view. There's a decent amount of ancillary characters to keep track of, but it's certainly manageable. The best is not knowing who to trust, what to believe, or how things went down. There's that Girl with a Dragon Tattoo-reporting vibe that I love: the pleasure of solving a case. The story is set in 2015 but is completely timely, yet utterly timeless in its essence of greed, money, and fear--and what people do in the name of all three. I just loved the old-fashioned thrill of it, the long list of suspects, the excitement of trying to work out who did what.

Overall, this is just a great novel. The plot is excellent--tense, exciting, and expertly woven together. The characters are strong, but it's really the story that's the standout here. It truly reminds you of mysteries and thrillers of old (I sound ancient here, but whatever). Don't let the banking theme scare you off: this is a fabulous read, and if you're a mystery or thriller fan, I think you'll really enjoy this one. 4+ stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
2021 | Action, Adventure
Great Cast & Acting (2 more)
Superb CGI & Special Effects
Excellent Plot and Story
Some characters and places weren't given enough time and felt underutilized or under developed. (0 more)
Filled With Glorious Purpose, and Lived Up To The Hype
During the events of Marvel's Endgame, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) escaped using the Tesseract when the Avengers went back in time. Many fans wondered what happened to this "alternate" Loki, as the Loki in the present timeline met his demise at the hands of Thanos. This "Loki" is captured by the TVA (Time Variance Authority), a mysterious bureaucratic organization that monitors the timeline and exists outside of time and space itself. He's put on trial before Judge Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) where he is found guilty for his crimes against the "sacred timeline" and sentenced to be "pruned". However, Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson) enters the picture and Loki is given a choice to help fix the timeline and stop a great threat or face being erased from existence for being a "time variant". He agrees to help Mobius hunt down another Loki variant who has killed several TVA agents and has become a serious problem for the TVA.

So usually going into a movie or show with high expectations is a guarantee to be disappointed but I'm so glad this show wasn't a disappointment. First off, I was super excited for this highly anticipated series since Marvel was finally going to answer the question of "What happened to the "other" Loki?". The third Disney Plus series to be released after Wandavision, and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Loki brings us more of Tom Hiddleston and the fan favorite character Loki. Loki was a really great show that I enjoyed every episode of. There was so much that it did right. It had great actors like Owen Wilson and Gugu Mbatha-Raw and acting with great performances by Tom Hiddleston and Sophia Di Martino who had really good chemistry. It had awesome special effects and CGI throughout the whole show from the incredible views of the TVA and Lamentis-1, to the animated character Miss Minutes, to the amazing intro of the final episode. It also had an excellent plot and story that kept the show going at a good pace, with a nice mystery that kept you intrigued and hooked with a twist at the end of every episode. It also had movie quality cinematography you expect from a big budget blockbuster and definitely felt like this could have just as easily been on the big screen in theaters as it was on Disney plus. The first episode starts off with Loki finding out who and what the TVA are and what they want with him. Which is to help them hunt down a Loki variant. It feels like there was a lot of attention to the plot and detail of the storytelling, although a lot of it was building up what was to come, I think it did a superb job of setting the vibe and feel of the series and the storyline from the first episode on. I really liked Owen Wilson and his character agent Mobius, he came off as serious but funny in a aloof kind of way. Kind of reminded me of a teacher who is nice until you start giving them trouble and they have think of some way to deal with you. There was a really good mix of humor and emotion and action as well, although some episodes were more action heavy than others. The music and score were very fitting of the MCU but with a clear influence of Loki's personality in it as well as the mystery and grandness of the plot and story. So without giving away any spoilers in this section I give this series a 8/10 and my "Must See Seal of Approval". I know this review is super late to the party but if you're late too and haven't seen this show you need to definitely check it out.