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Dana (24 KP) rated Extraordinary Means in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Extraordinary Means
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To be completely honest, I didn't know how I would feel about this book. I am not normally into the contemporary type novels, but hold crap, this one was extraordinary. (See what I did there?)

I was lucky enough to get to meet the author at Yall West this year in Santa Monica. She is very nice and was kind enough to sign my book!! Yay!!!

Not only were the characters well drawn out, they felt very real in the way Robyn wrote them. They were the outcasts who didn't care about being different. They just were who they were and didn't let others control what they thought about themselves.

People will probably compare this to The Fault in Our Stars because both are about sick kids dealing with their disease, but in a way, I liked this book better. It felt more real and honest. I am not saying that I didn't like TFIOS, because I very much enjoyed it. But there is just something about the way this was written made me feel more of a connection to it.

For me, the language of the story felt very organic as well. There weren't too many instances where it felt forced or like it was trying too hard to be more mature than it needed to be. It had a perfect balance for the kind of messages the story was trying to show the audience.

This story talked a lot about the fragility of life and how people shouldn't waste it. No matter what stage you are in at any point in your life, whether it be in high school studying to perfect your SAT scores or sitting in a forest contemplating life and existence, people shouldn't take what they have for granted. I think this was one of the most important messages in this story. To not waste your life studying, but to actually try to live it.

The story went by very quickly, but it was a good kind of quickly. It didn't drag on for too long, but it also didn't rush past important parts of the story. It had very good pacing to it.

I would recommend this to anyone. It doesn't matter if you absolutely love contemporary teen fiction or not, this is just an amazing novel that everyone should read.

I am going to put on one of my favorite quotations from the book now, so if you don't want to read it, stop reading this review now:

"There's a difference between being dead and dying. We're all dying. Some of us die for ninety years, and some of us die for nineteen. But each morning everyone on this planet wakes up one day closer to their death. Everyone. So living and dying are actually different words for the same thing, if you think about it."
The Finisher (Vega Jane #1)
The Finisher (Vega Jane #1)
David Baldacci | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting idea and characters (0 more)
Confusing use of vocabulary, poor ending (0 more)
I'm a fan of Fantasy and Sci-fi and, in a recent conversation with a friend on the subject of reading, they recommended and lent me, the 'Vega Jane' Series.

Book one started with great promise. Vega Jane and the rest of the characters were very well formed and I liked the initial underlining feminist message, running throughout the story.

However, I found many problems with this novel. Firstly, the writing was a major problem for me, particularly the vocabulary that was used by the characters.

Wormwood is supposedly a fictional place, on an unknown planet. So it didn't come to surprise, that the characters used a fictional language.

The problem with that was, when a character used a fictional word, as a reader, you had to hazard a guess at to what the characters were talking about. Also, made up words were used, where they weren't particularly necessary. For example, ''Lights' were 'days' and 'slivers' were 'time'. For me, it wasn't entirely necessary to use alternative words for these things and this vocabulary was being thrown in, to try and make the setting of the story, more interesting. I would have preferred the use of fictitious words for some of the more exotic things, found in the environment of Wormwood.

Also to confuse things even further, more modern words like 'bloke' were used, which gave this weird mish mash, between the modern and the fantasy world, the book took place in. I think what David Baldacci was trying to do, was to make the situation and characters more relatable to its predominately teenage audience. What this combination of language actually did, was to cause me to step out of the world that was being created, rather than being drawn into it.

The plot was generally good. Although, as Vega was learning more about her powers, there were no real explanations as to why she had them. I know this is a series and I suppose that during the course of the novels, there will be more explanation, but I felt like something should have been explained.

Also, Vega inexplicably finds weapons at the exact times she needs them, without any explanation about where they came from. It was as if David Baldacci found Vega in a tight spot, so he decided to drop weapons from the sky. For me, that wasn't logical and was a bit lazy on the writer's part.

I did enjoy the tension which ran through the book and that kept me reading until the very end. I was fully prepared, as I neared the end of book one, to continue reading the rest of the series. However, the last three chapters totally put me off reading the rest of the books, for several reasons.

Firstly, Vega Jane was a strong female character, who had guts and fought to survive. So it was totally out of character, at the end, for her to start worrying about what she looked like and what boys thought of her. To me, that totally contradicted the message that the rest of the book was trying to send.

Also the resolution to the novel, like some of the other elements in this book, seemed to come from no where. I felt totally disappointed at the weak ending.

This novel had interesting promise and a great female protagonist, but it missed the mark entirely for me.

If you like reading fantasy novels, with strong female characters, I wouldn't suggest reading this. Read the 'Hunger Games' Trilogy instead.
Cigarette Teeth
Cigarette Teeth
Maul Allan Hewish | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great writing (1 more)
Amazing descriptions
In this day-and-age, everyone is willing to do anything to get what they want. People leave their morals and values behind at the drop of a hat. Partly, because of this, mental illness is at an all-time high and happiness is at an all-time low.

What if I told you there was a phone number you could call that would give you whatever you wanted...for a simple favor in return? Enter : Cigarette Teeth. The horror novel concerns two different places that exist in our world: the Pleasure Palace, where the Magician resides in an overcast of red light where he helps make peoples' 'dreams' come true, and our reality - - - the world as we've grown to know it.

Our main character, Mike Hadley, can't remember his past or how he ended up working for the Magician, but he's more than happy to do what he's told in Cigarette Teeth. Some things seem familiar to him, like his working partner, Tommy; but if you asked him what he did last night for the Magician, he wouldn't be able to tell you or remember it himself. Harper, a man Hadley meets early on in the story, who is the stereo-typical hardened detective, tells Hadley that he knows that the Pleasure Palace has been the cause of hundreds of disappearances - - - including Harper's own brother and sister- - - and demands that Hadley help him get into the Palace to find them.

Hadley is kidnapped by Harper while people working for the Pleasure Palace begin to come after them, trying to kill them. Unlike Hadley, Harper has done a lot of detective work on the Pleasure Palace and knows much more than he does. For Hadley, a lot of things begin to make sense and no sense at the same time, like people who work for the Pleasure Palace can't die, instead they regenerate in a very gruesome way- - - something he had never seen happen before. Now, being away from the Palace, whenever Hadley falls asleep, memories start to come back to him in the form of dreams; most of them take place in metaphorical places that slowly unwrap his tragic past to the reader.

I often found myself fascinated by the characters Hewish came up with that live in the Pleasure Palace. One being the Zipper Sisters: "Kela and and Lua Von Zipper. Conjoined twins; connected at the hip and zipped into the one gigantic pinched- leather corset. Two heads, two arms, and four legs, all sealed in an ornate, Victorian-style leather dress hemmed with black lace.

Their makeup was corpse-white, their lipstick blood red. Their eyes were shadowed with a weeping pastel green, like something from a carnival sideshow. Their 18th-century dress continued with ruffles and lacy stockings, all the colour of snow. The two pairs of shoes they wore- - - shiny little school shoes, the ones with the clasps over the top- - - completed the look. It gave these sinister twins a suggested air of innocence- - - the filthiest of lies. "

When the pair meet with the Architect of the Pleasure Palace (Horitoshi Li), the story really begins to take off. The information given to them by Li about the Magician is the real start to their journey to stop the Palace and find Harper's missing siblings, as long as they include Li in the plan.

As expected, a friend of Harper's, named Sophie, gets caught up in their journey- - - saving their lives more than once, thanks to her nursing background. Sophie felt like a filler character at first, but in the end, I think she was needed to make the story well-rounded, like her insight of psychology: "'s just interesting. Did you know the second most common dream people have is about their teeth? After the 'being chased' phenomenon that usually coincides with a hallway and a door. Most notable psychologists don't really offer insight on dreams- - - the most popular consensus is that they're nothing more than cerebral static, just garbled images and words that occasionally form to make something that seems to have weight..."

Though I want to say so much more about the novel, it would give away a lot of the surprises that are hidden inside. Hewish's writing is gold; the way he describes scenes is beautifully done, but he did waste some of this talent on places where the characters weren't even there for more than a scene (and nothing really came of it). Also, Harper states one time early in the book that he has killed Hadley before... this is never explained or spoken of again. I think that was a very important part to this story, especially with how things turn out between Harper and Hadley.

There were only a few inconsistencies that are completely able to be looked over and don't ruin the novel. This is master storytelling, and I am looking very forward to more work by Hewish! I would recommend this book to fans of the show "Twin Peaks," and the video game (because I love horror video games) "Evil Within." Highly recommend!
Christmas Mountain
Christmas Mountain
Garrett Leigh | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I blooody loved this book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ok So!

I'm not usually one for Christmas books, I'm really not, but something about the blurb pulled at me, and O>M>G I'm so freaking glad it did!

Rami and Fen work together in HMP Manchester. There is much flirting and then Fen makes a move. But life gets in the way and 18months later, Rami is driving up the mountain to see his sister with his 2-year-old nephew in the car. In a snow storm. Ill-prepared. And his car wrecks. And the Good Lord above sees fits to send an angel by the name of Fen to rescue him and Charlie who goes by the name of Fen.

What this is, right, is a beautifully written second chance at love story, it really is. I read it in one sitting and its 200 odd pages long.

Both Fen and Rami are smitten with each other, and they dance around each other for some time before life gets in the way and things happen and then Fen is gone. Rami never did know why. But finding him on his sister's mountain, is a gift sent at just the right time of year. The problem is, both Fen and Rami are carrying a huge amount of emotional and physical baggage.

It takes time for both men to fully get their stories out, and I really did like being made to wait for the full pictures to become clear. I don't like for everything to be thrown at me in one go.

I also loved being made to wait for Fen and Rami to finally, FINALLY have their moment, you know? I mean its full of emotions and steamy bits, but that's all they are for a long time: bits. But once they commit to each other, their relationship and being together, the steam level doesn't rack up too much, it just takes a slide into something more. Something deeper for these two.

I loved the connection to Rami and his sister, that Fen had and they didn't know. I LOVED the sister and her family!

I loved this book, I really did. I could rant and rave and go on and on and on and on andonandonandonandon.....but I won't cos spoilers do not a good review make.

So! For a Christmas book, with the L word bandied about quite early (something else I'm not a fan of!) I'm a big fan of this book!

5 full and shiny stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​
Chronicles of Crime: 1400
Chronicles of Crime: 1400
2020 | Adventure, Deduction, Medieval, Murder & Mystery
Isn’t that box cover just awesome? I never open a preview with a comment about components, but this one warranted it because the box art is so good. Anyway, it’s Paris in the year, well, 1400 AD, and now some strange things are afoot at le Cercle K.

Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (which I shall shorten to 1400 for the duration of this preview) is an app-assisted campaign, murder-infested, cooperative storytelling game for one to four players. If you are familiar with the original Chronicles of Crime, you already know how to play 1400. However, should ye be of the uninitiated, allow me to set the stage for this incredible gaming experience.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, place the Evidence Board in the middle of the table and the Home Location Board near. Keep all the decks of cards nearby (shuffled or unshuffled, whatever is your liking) as well as the alphabetically-labeled Location Boards. Fire up the Chronicles of Crime app, choose “1400,” and then choose the case you would like to play. The app will walk players through the additional setup steps for the case being played. For this solo preview I played through The Missing Pages case. Also, to be completely upfront I got a 95/110 for a final score, but no big deal.
How do I explain this game succinctly? Well, each of the cases will involve players traveling to different Location Boards and meeting Characters at these locations. Many cases will be involving several Special Items and, new for the 1400 version, Vision Cards that may assist players in putting the case into focus. These Vision Cards do not really give the story away or anything, but are merely a vague framework of possible factors.

By using the app and scanning the QR codes on the boards and cards players will be learning about the case, viewing the scene of the crime(s), inspecting items, chatting up locals for information, and also new for 1400: consulting with the goodest boi dog companion! The dog, Perceval, assists the knight (the players) in cases by sniffing items. A word of caution, though, when you play this game do NOT have Perceval sniff any items until you are completely done with a location because he may drag you to another completely different location right away before you were ready. Not that it happened to me, mind you… okay, it did.

Play will continue not so much in “rounds” but until the players have enough evidence and a good handle on the situation enough to return Home to report to their family members all the details of the crime(s) by scanning answers to their questions about the case. The app then assesses the accuracy of the answers and outputs a score. For reference, though I did receive 95/110 on my first play of 1400 I did only receive a 70/100 on my first runthrough of the original Chronicles of Crime, so playing this style of game several times seems to improve how one plays.
Components. As most items in the box of the game are card or cardboard-based, and all really great quality, I will speak on other component items. Firstly, the art and art style throughout the game is simply stunning. I mean look at that Perceval card! And I already raved about the box cover in my opening statement. This art really speaks to me and it says, “I’m gorgeous.”

The app. I have only great things to say about the app. It’s the same app that you would use for original Chronicles of Crime, and operates the exact same way. For me it has been flawless to use and just a joy to bring technology into the gaming world, even for a game set in the year 1400. I am obviously no purist game enthusiast, as I enjoy these hybrid model games. Once you play with the app you will see how ingenious a system it really is. The app coupled with the nondescript cards and other components in the game make for infinite storytelling possibilities that can only be limited by creativity and time constraints. I love the components in the box AND the marvelous app.

Gameplay for me is also just glorious. I love being able to sit down, setup the game, and let the app tell me what’s going on. So what should I do first? Oh, let’s mosey on down here to this Location Board and drum up some information. Ooh I found an Item! I should bring it back to my Family Location Board and ask my merchant sister about it. Hmm, it’s religious in nature? Okay then, my Monkle (monk uncle) will know something about it. Okay, time to go back to that location and speak with the other person who was in there. OH CRAP, I wasted too much (in game) time and now that other person is gone?! Uh oh, I better stop messing around here…

It’s just amazing, and I love this family of games. I am so stoked to delve more into 1400 and discover more shenanigans happening in Paris. Perceval and I are out to solve all the cases and beg for more. If you are looking for a game that uses a hybrid board game/app model, are a fan of this era in history, or just want to have a really great experience playing a game, I urge you to consider Chronicles of Crime: 1400. It has everything I love in a unique game and I just can’t get enough!
Dragonslayer (Twitterlight #1)
Dragonslayer (Twitterlight #1)
Matthew Lang | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
creeps up on ya, but so bloody good!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Adam, a student, is pulled into a world, a fight, he knows nothing about. A fight involving a sword and a dragon and hero that it seems he is! Faced with four armed beasts, flying lizards, magic and sorcery, fur sprouting lovers, and many more challenging things, Adam must kill the dragon, and return home, or die trying.

I don't know about you, but I read a lot, a LOT, a lot. And much of that reading is within the same genres and I'm happy to be doing all that reading, don't get me wrong. It's just much of the same. And I don't know what I was expecting from this book, but I'm fairly certain I saw the word dragon in the blurb and that did it for me.

This book, right here?? Totally way out of my comfort zone, and it is high fantasy at its very best! I freaking LOVED this book, bar one teeny tiny thing, but I'll come back to that. So bloody good!

Adam is pulled into the twitterlight world, where there is no sun, nor moon, and the world is bathed in this half light. A princess, a warrior, and a child cast out from his people find Adam, and immediately bring him into their quest. And Adam is like " oh, ok, lets get to it then!" He literally just jumps straight in and I loved that he did not question much in the beginning; more so, once he realised that HE was the one meant to kill the dragon, but still, he was mostly " yeah ok!"

Duin, the child cast out from his people but a child no more, creeps into Adam heart, much as he does his bed, and I loved that, while fully aware that such things are not the norm in this twitterlight world, Duin can't keep away from Adam.

I LOVED the twist at the end, I really did not see that one coming!

Which brings me to why I knocked a whole star off, even though I loved this book.


Only Adam gets a voice! And I wanted, no I desperately NEEDED to hear from Duin, I really did! There were to many to mention points along the way that Duin needed to be heard and he wasn't. And that really pissed me off, even though I did LOVE this book! Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a bloody great book, even without Duin's voice, but I WANTED his voice, you know?? It would really have made this a stand out of the year book, for me!

It's billed as Twitterlight book one, but I can't see anything pertaining to future books. I don't know if they will be about Adam and Duin future adventures, or if they will be about other people we have met here. I don't care, I want to read them. This is the first I've read of Matthew Lang, and he is firmly in my crosshairs.

So, ONLY because Duin doesn't get a say

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead: Magnus Chase Series Book 3
Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead: Magnus Chase Series Book 3
Rick Riordan | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Magnus & Alex (5 more)
Big Banana
Chase Space
Pottery Barn
Dragon Dad (3 more)
A Ship Made Out of Zombie Nails (Gross)
Abusive Dads
World Ending? Not again...
Stop the end of the world. Sounds easy enough, right?

How many times are children of the Gods going to have to do this before one of them has the foretold quest to alter it where life as we know it is not in peril?

Magnus Chase and his friends have to stop Loki, ensure Naglfar doesn't sail, and prevent Ragnarok. Oh, also all while fighting giants with pottery, getting Godly blood and spit mead from giants in the hopes it'll help Magnus in an insult contest with Loki, seeing if Granddad Njord's ex-wife will help them out or let them freeze like a pre-made dinner meal supermom prepared for someone else to pop in the oven. Did I mention Floor 19 Crew has to do all these tasks without dying because not being in Hotel Valhalla equals no responding to life in their rooms. No do overs. No second chances. Simply dead. Easy as pie.

To not spoil this for those of you who have yet to read book three I'll end my sum of The Ship of the Dead and continue on with my praise.

Though there is the question of the voices, if this is the last of Magnus Chase then I have to say I'm pleased with our trilogy of the Norse Gods. In Sword of Summer, Hammer of Thor, and now The Ship of the Dead we've had the characters fleshed out. We've seen them grown. We've witness them overcome personal trails and fight through fears (can we say good job Magnus for fighting wolves even though it is clearly a phobia?). This has proved even those waiting for their day of judgement for centuries can change who they are and accept things even if they are not okay with them.

Somehow in 400 pages that pasts of Halfborn, Mallory, and T.J. were laid out to be part of the main plot, but also show development of the characters and how their own lessons would help on the quest. We were actually able to learn how far they have come from who they were before they died, after death, and who they are now. It was even written how to show they are still learning their lessons and have things to overcome now, which is perfectly okay as long as they stay strong and levelheaded.

The daughters/son of Loki had to overcome their own fears of being good enough despite what poison their fathers have caused them to believe. Even Hearthstone has to return to face the curse over his family one more time. Even Magnus has a realization he has wroth and even if some may not see it, he does and so do his friends.

The Ship of the Dead seems to be about looking at your fears and flaws, realizing they are there, and having to make the choice what you will do about them. Will you allow them to take over your life? Or will you work to be a better person? Are you going to let one moment in the past ruin your future? Or will you take the lesson and forgive yourself, forgive someone else, and live the best life you can? Will you let a parents shortcomings decide how you live? Or will you choose to look beyond their views and become a better person than they are?

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Keep Her Safe in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Keep Her Safe
Keep Her Safe
Sophie Hannah | 2017 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cara Burrows runs away from her family--who live in England no less--to an Arizona spa. She leaves her phone with the rental car company and, exhausted by her travels, checks into her room, only to find it occupied by a man and a teenage girl. It's obviously a mistake by the front desk, but after hearing another guest's ramblings, Cara starts to wonder if the girl she saw is murder victim Melody Chapa. Melody Chapa is incredibly famous in the U.S.--her trial garnered intense attention--and her parents are serving life sentences for her murder. Suddenly, Cara finds herself caught up in a whirlwind series of events, unsure of whom to trust. Did she really see Melody? And if so, what is going on at this spa?

The plot of this novel is pretty preposterous, so be prepared to suspend a bit of disbelief. Once you do that, <i>it's really quite enjoyable and a total whirlwind ride,</i> as you cling to Cara and try to figure things out with her. You first have to get past the fact that the woman has decided to come all the way to Arizona from the UK for her spa trip, spending, she claims, one third of her family's savings to do so. And, you'll learn, all over a insane misunderstanding/lack of communication with her family that will make you want to shake the entire clan. Good grief! However, I digress. Because, really, their lack of communication certainly works in our favor, because <i>this book may be crazy, but it's fun crazy and a wonderful sort of escape. </i>

<i>I found this to be a fascinating type of thriller.</i> I flew through the pages, constantly wondering how all the various pieces fit together. Hannah kept the entire thing going, unfurling great little twists and turns every so often to keep you hooked. It's intricately plotted and really quite well-done, even if it's all a little insane. I suspected a couple of portions, but was still really impressed at how everything went together. Cara is an interesting character--she's just bumbling and sympathetic enough that you can somehow believe that she'd stumble into a major murder mystery while on a spa holiday. Her supporting cast of characters is wide and varied: spa guests; various detectives and the FBI; those involved with Melody's case; and even a crime TV show host with a flair for the dramatic. Somehow Hannah weaves them all together successfully, for which you have to give her bonus points.

All in all, this was a slightly unbelievable novel, but compulsively readable with a thrilling mystery plot that completely hooks you. The characters all work together somehow and the novel is just a fun escape. Throw in a creepy ending that leaves you going "What?!" and this is definitely worth a read. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!) in return for unbiased review; it is available in the U.S. everywhere as of 09/19/2017.

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Call of the Jersey Devil
Call of the Jersey Devil
Aurelio Voltaire | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant humour (2 more)
Written by one of my favourite Gothic musicians, Aurelio Voltaire
Hilarious, Gruesome and a brilliantly written
Aurelio Voltaire has always been brilliantly funny and witty in his work. His music is something I'd recommend listening to if you haven't already, don't let the Goth genre allow your mine to judge before you listen to it, because I promise you, it's not what you expect.

This book of his, is as brilliantly written as his lyrics, and Voltaire knows how to write a gruesome, horrifying adventure that includes friendship, family curses, Himself (as the washed up Goth singer), the undead, and of course legendary beast known as The Jersey Devil. Voltaire was born and raised in New Jersey and he did not enjoy his years as a young Goth (though he didn't know he fit into a stereotype back then) as people ridiculed him, and the other kids bullied him. He has a son called 'Bomb New Jersey' and I believe he references these thoughts in other areas of his work as well.

Back to the book however, the tale begins by telling us how the Jersey Devil was banished from this realm on earth and then it jumps to present day. The first chapter is exciting and gripping, the next chapter is brilliant and hilarious, and includes a dildo lightsaber fight....yes you read that right. The mall rats are best friends, but they argue with one another a lot, and this is how the book gets your attention. You keep reading to see how their relationships evolve, and how they band together to help one another survive the hellish nightmare that unfolds in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.

The detail in this book is written to give you gruesome images, of the grotesque undead, the large stature of the Jersey Devil, and the unearthly noise it makes.

I have met Aurelio Voltaire twice at Whitby Goth Weekend, and on the second time, I had the honour of being on stage with him, and a handful of other audience members, in order to be his Hellish choir that night, and it was incredible. I have my copy of the book signed and that makes it even more valuable to me. It's a great read, and I highly recommend to any fan of horror, and macabre.

365Flicks (235 KP) rated Tri (2016) in Movies

Nov 20, 2019  
Tri (2016)
Tri (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An Inspirational Piece Showing Us that Even in The Face of Adversity, Who are We to not Achieve Greatness??
After having recently watched and reviewed the great Sports Documentary Ice Guardians (See previous posts). When Tri dropped into my lap it felt like the right time to give it a go and boy am I glad I did…

Where do I start with Tri?? Okay. First off this is not so much a documentary as it is a scripted carefully and accurately portrayed story of a Triathletes journey from start to finish. On paper you have to wonder what is there to keep you in this flick, well I am here to tell you fine people, A LOT.

We open the movie with Natalie played by Award Winning Actress Jensen Jacobs. Natalie is an Ultrasound Technician and after an appointment with a cancer suffering patient she is Inspired to sign up for a Triathlon. We find she is met by some hesitance from her friends and family as Natalie has trouble finishing just about everything she stajensen-jacobs-bike-300x157rts. The difference here though is that she signs up with a cast of great characters who all have there own inspiring stories to tell. Natalie is introduced to a world she was not prepared for and must look deep inside herself to get to the end of this journey.

Of course while this is primarily Natalie’s story we have a colorful set of team members for her to rely on. Each member of this team bringing a depth to this movie that… I wont lie to you… not only surprised me at points by moved me at others. This movie starts out as one thing and hits you with a one two punch of Sentiment and Inspiration. Leaving you wondering “who am I to feel sorry for myself? When people can show this kind of strength.”

I am not going to delve any further into this plot wise, because I really want you guys to support this movie and give it your attention. In my humble opinion I can honestly say that I believe this movie should be seen. Not only is this a well made and carefully told story but the acting talent on display is on point and its truly no wonder this movie is a hit with the critics and winning a boat load of awards.