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Ultimate Turn On by The Music Machine
Ultimate Turn On by The Music Machine
2006 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Trouble by The Music Machine

(0 Ratings)


"For me, this is the best guitar fuzz sound on record; it’s absolutely brilliant. I’ve been trying to get that sound and I’ve never got close, I’ve no idea what it is, apparently The Music Machine made their own pedals. They’re well-known to people who are into garage, psych-y stuff and I discovered them via Nuggets or Rubble compilation, or something like that. It’s strange, I love that song - I’m not hugely keen on the vocal but it doesn’t really matter to me on this song, it suits its purpose. It’s like the opposite of The Zombies’ Colin Blunstone’s voice. It’s not sweet and melodic, it’s gritty and punky and not my usual sort of thing but it screams attitude to me. It’s the sleaziest thing I’ve ever heard and it’s very, very inspiring for production. It’s the whole groove of it, the whole thing, but it all comes back to that guitar fuzz sound. With bands like The Beatles there’s so many books that go into the recording techniques, but not so with The Music Machine. Personally, I’ve learnt that the problem with fuzz tones is that, for example, people say you can get the fuzz sound from The Rolling Stones’ ‘Satisfaction’ by buying a Maestro Fuzz-Tone pedal, but I’ve seen countless demo’s of them and it sounds nothing like it, because it all depends on all the elements, like whether the guitar went straight into the board or if it was played through a broken speaker, or any number of things. There’s no way of knowing for sure. Maybe it’s because it was the ‘60s. Things weren’t documented but I still do it now, I get a sound and I won’t make notes on it because it’s like, “Why would I sit there and make notes on exactly what I did?”, so it becomes kind of lost and when people ask, “How did you get that sound?”, I don’t remember. Maybe it’s something that’s meant to happen - almost like you’re not meant to know, for ‘Trouble’ maybe it was the sound of the leather gloves they wore. The Music Machine had a very strange look, I think the singer wore a single leather glove and the rest of them wore roll necks and medallions."

The Good Sister
The Good Sister
Sally Hepworth | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A predictable yet oddly thrilling read
Fern and Rose are extremely close sisters and incredibly dependent on one other. Rose has always been the responsible one and Fern, with her sensory-processing issues, the one people look at a bit oddly. Their mother was abusive, scarring Rose, who saw through to her true nature. Fern, who always looks to the good side of people, remembers her more fondly. But Rose has always protected her sister, especially since, as children, Fern did something horrible. Rose has faithfully kept her sister's secret, even though both girls wonder if it made Fern a terrible person. Now Rose and her husband are having trouble conceiving. Fern realizes she could finally do something for Rose: give her a child. However, Rose worries that Fern could make some disastrous choices if pregnant, just as she did so many years ago.

"Most people think of me as Fern's protector. But the truth is, in her own funny way, she's always been mine."

This is an excellent book in terms of the page-turner element. I was madly flipping the pages. It is especially remarkable because the story was actually fairly predictable. I kept waiting for some big twist, but I felt the plot was pretty well telegraphed from the beginning.

What kept me spellbound was the characters, particularly Fern. There was just something about her--you couldn't help but become attached. The cast here is small: the sisters, Rose's husband, Fern's acquaintance Wally, but they are quite well-drawn. Hepworth does a fantastic job with the two sisters, both depicting their childhood and then their current state, as Fern becomes determined to do something for Rose, her long-time protector, and Rose struggles with what Fern's choice means.

It's best to go into this one blind. To me, the story felt pretty straightforward and nothing really surprising happened, but it was still well-written and exciting. Yes, I would have loved a great twist or two to push this thriller from good into great territory. I still think it's worth a read, though, especially if you don't read a ton of mysteries and are more likely to be surprised. The relationship and dynamic between Fern and Rose is really worth a read by itself. 3 stars.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
This was another screening that needed a second viewing because of challenging people, so now I've seen it in 2D and 3D. I'm seeing more films in 3D recently that actually work, I'm still not quite convinced by it but I'm certainly not annoyed by it.

The pre-"hype" for this was very mixed. I had been looking forward to the film for a long time but when the first trailer dropped I was disappointed and underwhelmed, it was however nice to see that others were having the opposite reaction to me. Perhaps I had just built it up too much in my head beforehand.

As we eeked closer the vibe became decidedly negative around it, and for the most part I avoided articles and rants as I just don't see the point in speculating so wildly about something that hasn't been seen. That climaxed again when the preview screening was interrupted by a fire alarm, and then when the internet seemed to go nuts over the fact the review embargo was so late. (It's not like embargos are unusual, I don't see how you can draw conclusions from release and embargo being on the same day... this seems entirely logical. *deep breath*)

Something I would like to query is the fact that someone decided it was sensible to put a reaction video of three of the stars seeing the Dark Phoenix trailer in 4DX. It's a little bit of fun, but frustrating if you've been trying to avoid trailers and spoilers before seeing the film.

Wow... waffle... to the film!

The team take on a mission to space when a shuttle loses control and is in the path of what appears to be solar flares. The mission seems successful until they realise there's still a crew member trapped. With the shuttle disintegrating the only ones who can safely make it are Jean and Nightcrawler. As Jean holds the shuttle in place Nightcrawler rescues the last man from the wreckage but when he returns for her she's already encountered the strange space energy.

Somehow despite the destruction of the shuttle Jean survives floating in space, Nightcrawler brings her back to the X-Jet and the whole team return to Earth as heroes. Jean wasn't left unchanged by her encounter though, she's changing, and as her mind begins to open the danger starts to grow.

Almost all of the characters in Dark Phoenix go through some sort of change. Jean comes face to face with her past and a power that is even more difficult to control than her own. Professor Xavier is less of a friend in his current persona than he's ever been before, and in this moment may not be the leader the X-Men need. Certainly by the end of the film each character has grown in some way. I'm not sure I was a fan of the changes in Professor Xavier, they were necessary in some respects but in the context of the rest of the series are a bit of a shock and out of the blue.

Thankfully some things don't change, and Quicksilver is still very funny, the occasional laugh was needed in what was quite a serious film.

Very briefly I want to talk about the effects. There's obviously a lot of them but I didn't spot anything that was outright terrible. (There's one moment in Cerebro, but that's more to do with how they choose to depict Cerebral's general imagery than anything.) My real standout moment is Jean's hair when she is embracing Dark Phoenix. We are given the floating underwater swirling effect that we should have seen in Aquaman.

It's been a while since I've seen all of the other films, although I did rewatch Last Stand and Apocalypse in the run up to this. There were a few moments where I saw flashes of Last Stand in Dark Phoenix which I thought was a nice touch.

I'm not sure there's a lot of point dwelling much on the acting for the main cast, it's consistent and what you'd expect for the franchise. Nicholas Hoult was able to bring a slightly bigger performance and he's probably one of the only regulars that had the ability to do that with his story.

Our villains were led by Jessica Chastain as Vuk. Vuk as a character and most of her group in general are actually quite bland. As emotionless aliens there's little to either love or hate. Had they been slightly more human than drone-like then they might have had a bigger impact. The only moment where I saw some good acting was when Vuk is with Jean near the very end and a look comes across her face and I thought, "oooh, acting!"

I wasn't entirely sure what was happening with Raven. She seemed to be a bundle of contradictions and got a terrible hand when it came to the script. I did want to slap her at one point, there was no need for what she did! NO NEED!

[Random thought: If Raven's scales/skin ripples when she transforms then how does she manage to do that when she's wearing an X-Suit? And also, why does she bother changing to her human look when she's in the mansion?]

The actions sequences were very good, the train scene felt like it had been crafted perfectly. Possibly a little too organised, but overall the entire scene came together. I particularly liked the choice of music when it coincided with Storm's piece, wonderfully atmospheric. (A pun? Perhaps.)

If there's anything I've taken from this it's that Dark Phoenix annoyed me less than Endgame did. It's not epic, but then I've never felt like the franchise has ever been that high on the scale. I'm reasonably happy with where it's left the sequence and what the future of the franchise might hold. I honestly don't think it deserves the hate that it's been getting.

What you should do

I think that you should go and see it, the action is good and a nice diversion for a couple of hours.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd always want a superpower, but my choice changes more than Raven does.
2018 | Adult, Humor, Party Game
Sometimes you just identify with something so strongly that you have to respond to the call for action. Such was the case when I was contacted about reviewing Composure. Here’s what hooked me, “We started as just a couple buddies that didn’t think Cards Against Humanity was that funny.” If you know me or my game tastes, you would know that CAH is my ultimate least favorite game of all time. It’s just gross for the sake of being gross. Not a fan at all. So when we were sent Composure, I was hailing it to the group as the CAH-killer. Is it?

In Composure, the name of the game is keeping your composure while discussing subjects that may toe the line of offensive to some people. If you can answer difficult questions with a straight face, you may score VPs in the form of poker chips (included). If not, no chips. In fact, you pay chips to the pot when you laugh or get upset or just break composure.

To setup, deal each player 10 cards and 10 poker chips. You are now ready to play.

To start a round, everyone antes up a chip to the pot. When it is your turn to be the Dealer, you will choose a card from your hand and challenge another player to answer the question or scenario on your chosen card. Try to match up your card with the player you know with whom it will strike a chord and watch the devastation unfold. If anyone breaks composure, pay the pot. If you can answer without breaking composure, the Dealer awards you with chip(s). That’s the game. We just played until we got through our entire hands, but you can house rule end times/rounds.

Components. This game consists of a ton of cards and a ton of poker chips. Mine also came with a glamorous sheer sparkly bag into which I put the chips after playing. The cards are all fine quality, and the chips are standard white plastic poker chips. There really is no “art” to be had aside from the publisher’s logo on the cards and chip stickers. Nobody purchases CAH for the art, so nobody will purchase Composure for the art.

I think it must be me. I think because I toe the line of offensiveness on the daily that people with whom I play games come to expect that I will say something off-color or very dangerously close to offensive. Therefore, when I have played this game, the offensiveness was somewhat eschewed simply by my presence at the table. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly inclusive and I love all people, but I’ll probably say something stupid that I expect to be hilarious, but comes across as a little (or a whole ton) harsh and uncaring. That said, my game-mates are immune to this type of carrying on and so the game came across a little flat for us. This is NOT a knock on the game. I think it’s a case of game to gamer mismatch.

So here’s what I think. Composure IS a replacement for CAH for me. But then again, so is 52 Card Pickup. Now, while I do not own CAH, my brother Bryan does and that fills a niche for his collection. I did not have any offensive card games in my collection, so this will suit my needs in that area quite nicely. I don’t like the rudeness of CAH, but I get the same taste from this game without the punishment of having to play the former.

If you are looking for something that comes in an aggressive green color to knock off that disgusting big black box, then this is your game. If I were to house rule some stuff, I would have a discard and replace mechanic so that I can load my hand with group-appropriate cards and not be stuck with stinkers. That said, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a sturdy 6 / 12. If you’re like me, ditch the crap and get yourself a real slightly-offensive card game.
Crossing the Touchline (Auckland Med. #2)
Crossing the Touchline (Auckland Med. #2)
Jay Hogan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
freaking loved this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

*Edited to add the review for the AUDIO version.*

Gary Furlong narrates.

Now, I gotta say this. After listening to audio books for a good while now, I've noticed an influx of NON-American narrators. And I LOVE that, I really do. But Furlong narrates this book in the New Zealand accent, quite correctly, since that is where Reuben and Cam are from, and it just takes a little getting used to! This is the first I've listen to of his work, and I have to say, he NAILS this one!

Furlong gets over every single feeling, emotion, internal wrangling these guys have, and it's painful listening, it really is. It was difficult reading, but hearing it?? Oh Lord I wanted to wrap them both up and look after them so bad! And Reuben's dad?? He headed for another punching!

The emotions in the guy's voices, especially since this is first person, is amazing, and I had to stop what I was doing a time or two, to just LISTEN, you know? To hear the heartbreak pouring out for them, the rage, the passion, and finally, all that love.

I did have a little chuckle though. Michael (from book one, First Impressions, pops up. Michael is American, and it took me a little while to figure out why he sounded all kinds of wrong. It's because of that! His American accent, in the midst of all these New Zealand ones was odd, is all.

I loved this book when I read it, and listening to it?? Loved it more!

5 stars for the narration, my wish list just got a whole lot longer with Mr Furlong's books on it!

*Original Review*

Stealing the tagline from the official blurb, because it is just the perfect tagline I have ever come across!

What if your dream will cost you the man who's stolen your heart?
Reuben Taylor has a choice to make. Cameron Wano is that choice.

I'm struggling to say what I want to about this book, because I FREAKING loved it! So if this review runs away with the fairies, I apologise. I shall try to make a coherent sentence or two!

Reuben is so far in the closet, it's pitch black in his life. His brother is an alcoholic, trying to look after a small child, and his father is (in my humble opinion) an utter douchbag of a man. One kiss with Cameron and Reuben is scared. Scared of what could be, but also, scared of what could NEVER be.

Cam is well aware of his status with the rugby team his brother plays for. He is out and PROUD and loud about it. But becoming Reuben's friend is far more important than the possibility of losing Reuben altogether. When things spiral downwards, and passion between the two men spins out of control, Reuben has to make the one choice he never wanted to: his rugby career, or Cameron.

So, I make no bones that I am not a fan of first person books, especially if they are multi point of view. This book is written as such. But both Reuben and Cam have such distinct voices, it took me a while to actually figure out this was a first person book! So well done to Ms Hogan for that one.

I read this book in one sitting. It's not a short book, some three hundred pages. But I started it at 7pm, and did not stop til I ran out of book.

And I went through the whole gamut of human emotion and then some! I tell ya, this book has funny spots, dark spots, scary spots, sexy bits (so much with the sexy bits!) and points along the way that garnered so much rage out of me, had Reuben's father been around, that man would be flat on his back! You can't blame Reuben's brother for what he is doing to Reuben, because he really is not coping and not getting the correct help he and his son need, but I did want to punch him a time or two, too.

But it's not just Reuben who has such extreme's of emotions. Cam does too. He did all the "in the closet thing" and swore never to again. Which is why he decides Reuben needs him to be his friend. But Cam's emotions run away with him, and he can't stop the avalanche of feelings he gets every time he touches Reuben, even if it's just a brush past, or something. He didn't have the difficult upbringing Reuben did, his family love him just as he is, but he can understand why Reuben is hiding. It HURTS Cam, but he gets it.

But ultimately, it isn't something Reuben or Cam does that outs them, someone else does that. And the fall out?? Well, let's just say, I was very surprised about that! In a good way!

There is a wedding in this book, that Cam and Reuben attend (not together!): Michael and Josh work with Cam at the hospital. Cam says some things about these two guys that make me want to go back and read THEIR book, First Impressions. It's a stand alone to this one, but my interest is piqued and I will go back, at some point, and read. THAT book is Ms Hogan's first, that I can see. And THIS one, her second.

I'm a-gonna be following this one, I reckon!

5 emotional, gut wrenching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Louise (64 KP) rated No Virgin in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
No Virgin
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my first Anne Cassidy book that I have read and to say I enjoyed it would be the incorrect terminology to use for this book due to the subject matter.I would have to say I appreciated it. I appreciated the sensitivity in which this book was written and how well the characters feelings were depicted.

Stacey Woods is seventeen and has been raped – this is her account of what happens and how she tries to come to terms with it. Her best friend Patrice has encouraged her to write everything down on paper with no holding back and then to decide how she wants to deal with it.

This book is quite short at only 195 pages but Cassidy definitely gets her message across and will definitely be an impactful read for teenagers.

Stacey as a character was really well done, she is 17 doesn’t have too many friends, her family life is very dysfunctional, she is naive and also has her sights set on her chosen career, all of this made her feel very realistic and relatable.

However, she did make some stupid decisions and put herself into some vunerable situations due to her naivety.

Patrice, Stacey’s best friend was a really good character,she urged her friend to talk about the incident at least write it down and then decide what to do. She also researched helplines for her. She was just reliable and everything you would want in a friend.

Harry (I just thought of Harry Styles the whole way through idky) but he was just a little too creepy. He has the gift of the gab and has obviously picked girls up before and knows how to manipulate them.

There are rape and sex scenes in the book but it’s not gratuitous as needed for her full account and were not too graphic but still difficult to read.

The way Stacey was manipulated by her attacker was very cleverly done, she was made to feel like it was her fault and that no-one would believe her as she put herself in the situation and also in terms of the aftermath of the incident

As I said previously Cassidy did a great job in depicting Stacey’s emotions such as blame,shame and guilt.

I definitely recommend reading this to put yourself in Stacey’s shoes and to not make the same mistakes as she did.

I rated this 3.5 out of 5 stars
A Court of Wings and Ruin
A Court of Wings and Ruin
Sarah J. Maas | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (113 Ratings)
Book Rating
My review: "Okay, so I have some major mixed feelings about this lovely book. If you read my reviews for A Court of Thorns and Roses and A Court of Mist and Fury, then you’ll know that I loved both; especially ACoMaF. For some reason though, I had a hard time getting through this book.

Don’t get me wrong, I did like it. But let me explain some things I did not like. The beginning was slow and honestly, I was a bit bored. Eventually it picked up, but if I hadn’t been so invested in the series, I might have stopped reading. (And I’m glad I continued, btw) Though the pace picked up, I still found myself forcing myself to push through the story. That’s my biggest reason for maybe, kinda, just a little bit- not liking it. The end also seemed a bit rushed. Maybe that’s just me. But I felt like maybe there should be… MORE.

In the first book, I was very much into Tamlin and Feyre. The second book I was drooling over Rhys and totally shipped him and Feyre. Yes, they have a couple steamy scenes in this book, but it didn’t do much for me like the previous book. This time, I was hooked on Cassian. I don’t know what it was, but he stole the show for me. I also thought Lucien and Elaine were super cute, despite things being so strained. But really, can I just have Rhys and Cassian for myself? Please, please, please." Read my entire review here:
A Distant Melody  (Wings of Glory, #1)
A Distant Melody (Wings of Glory, #1)
Sarah Sundin | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Religion
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sarah Sundin has a new fan---me!!! I absolutely adored this book. It was humorous, romantic, sad, and filled with God through out the whole story. It even has a bit of a suspenseful twist to it, making this a book that immediately pulled me in.

I did not want to put this book done for anything! I wanted to turn page after page until I got the very last one to find out what happened to Allie, Baxter and the lovable Walt Novak! Although, I must say, I was not fond of Baxter. He wasn't charming at all! But Allie and Walt and their friends, they all captured my heart, and helped to over look the not so charming Baxter! I really loved the WWII era that Sundin used to create this story. I love WWII movies, so I knew this book wouldn't disappoint. I loved how Sundin was very detailed with the descriptions in this book.

Along with the wonderful characters that I mentioned above, Sarah Sundin also adds a wonderful, strong message of being honest. She shows that honesty is the most important factor in a friendship, or a romance for that matter! Between that message and God, this was a beautifully written, 5 star historical novel that will be permenantly on my shelf as the start of a great series collection! It has something for everyone, so grab a copy today, sit back and get ready for an adverturous flight back in time--you'll be glad you did! I can't wait for Wings of Glory #2--A Memory Between Us, due out September 2010!
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Cyborg (3 more)
Steppenwolf is great!
Action was great
Story was good
Horrendous special effects. Cyborg looks terrible. (1 more)
Dialogue was iffy
Was surprised by this one. It's good!
I have to admit. Most time I avoid reviews of movies, because quite frankly, they may affect my feelings towards a film. However, I heard only bad things about Justice League & was totally going to skip it, considering what I did hear about it & my disappointment with the recent string of superhero films. So, when a friend of mine said it was actually good, I gave it a shot. I'm happy I did.

The film is very good. Not great, but when put up against Wonder Woman, Black Panther & Superman v Batman, it shines.

The chemistry between the actors is great. They really come across as a team, unlike the Avengers. The new guys are great! Flash is funny, as he should be. Aquaman is a badass, because if he wasn't, he'd be boring "Superfriends" Aquaman. And Cyborg, well...Cyborg let's just say, is a great character & acted well, but special effects that bring his body to life aren't so...special. He looks out of place, like a cartoon put against a real background. When he moves his head, it floats around on his neck. It's not just one time, but every time. And the end battle takes place in a CGI town that looks worse than the first season of Beast Wars:Transformers.

But I can overlook that, because besides the flaws, we got a fun film to watch. And stay after the credits. You won't be disappointed.
The Travelling Cat Chronicles
The Travelling Cat Chronicles
Philip Gabriel, Hiro Arikawa | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
Simple and Beatuful
When I received an email about this book, I knew I had to read it. I took a chance and requested a copy and I was lucky enough to get a physical Advanced Reader Copy of this book. The cover is absolutely adorable and there's just something special about reading the physical book. I knew from the description that this book would be right up my alley and it was exactly as I expected. It was beautiful, simple, and heart wrenching at moments.

This book follows the cat Nana and his owner Satoru throughout their lives. The simplistic narrative just adds to the story. Nana is able to capture the moment without bogging it down with complexity. Each chapter brings new characters into the story that reminded me of my childhood. They were relatable and realistic. It's always refreshing to read realistic characters which is why this book resounded with me.

What I loved the most about this book is the simplistic nature. It reminded me of the simplicity of Parnassus on Wheels. It was beautiful in its simplicity. Even with the simplicity of the story, Hiro Arikawa was able to truly capture the moments in the stories and it made me feel for Satoru & Nana. I was an emotional wreck at moments. I was frustrated with Nana at times, heartbroken for him too. I am not ashamed to admit that I cried at moments. Honestly, if a book can evoke an emotional response in me, it means that the author did their job and did their job well.

If you're on the fence about this book, I highly suggest you read it.